Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Only know I am suddenly afraid that they will use the whole D/L-getting-together as THE end of season cliff hanger.
Oh Dutch I surely surely hope that is not what ends up happening! :eek: I think I would cry! :( Instead they should do that as the "mid-season thing"...and if they HAVE to do a cliffhanger at the end...they should have Danny standing at Linds' door with a ring and he knocks on the door and Linds opens the door and then the screen goes black...now that would be a cliffhanger, but still a good one! :D :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I don't think that we'll have a scene until after she comes back from maternity leave. Then the writers can get more physical action from d/l because of the baby bump. It makes sense.

Mercy also congrats on your 100th post!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Modie sure post the D/L spoilers you know of! Works for me!! I think I know a few, but if you have some for Ep.15 then yeah by all means, do share them, please!!
I'll re-check episode 15. I don't think there are any DL spoilers. I need to check for ep 16 too.

With my ‘mod’s remark’ I was merely referring to the ‘do not just post a link without saying anything on topic’- rule (because that one I did remember).
Sorry about that. :( I guess we all misunderstood. I thought you meant "watch for the mods but I'll post it for you".

I think most U.S. actresses take the usual maternity leave stint unless choose not to. Maternity leave in the U.S. is six weeks on average. I hope that Anna has her little one early in January. That means we might have to wait a while for shippy scenes, but it will be worth it.
Yeah it's 6-8 weeks on average but some people take longer. Having a baby is the one of the greatest things that happens in your life but it is a HUGE adjustment (physically and mentally). Under the FLMA act, you can take up to 13 weeks. I know someone mentioned earlier that some take up to 10 months off..the mother and father!!! Are they getting paid all this time? :confused:

I agree that TPTB will drag things out as long as they can. It is their goal to drive fans crazy to make sure they watch every single episode in the hopes of seeing what they want. So yeah, don't be surprised if something big doesn't happen until the finale.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

And that makes sense. Why should they rush things. I think I said that I little while back. I think it's better if things are a little slower paced, rather than rush rush rush into the relationship. I think TPTB are backing off a bit because of all the pushing together last season, because lets admit it, there was a lot of DL last season...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Unfortunately, Lynn is having computer problems, so she'll be back as soon as they're fixed :(

I wish she could get a D/L ep to comfort her but I guess not :(

I agree about not rushing things too.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:
I've always wondered about Danny's dog tags.
Sorry, but maybe we're just reading into it too much... maybe it's just an accessory!
Or maybe they’re the same ones as my four year old nephew has. They have his name and his parents’ phone number engraved and when he gets lost people can call his mommy :D
dutch, i was checking my email on my cell phone during my work lunch break (i get this thread's alerts emailed) when i read this one, and i started choking/laughing on the coke I was drinking. :lol: my coworkers now officially think i'm nuts (yeah, like that's new ;)) Whether it is for a cause or not, i still gotta say they look good on him, just one of those random things that draws your attention like in this lovely pic

Realistically, I know that we will have to wait for more D/L like y'all have been saying. But a girl can dream right? Just a little D/L before Anna's leave, or some D/L centered conversations? Please?!? :)lol:)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I know, realistically I think y'all are probably right and they'll take it really slow for fear of shoving it down our throats! (which personally I have no problem with that really...as a die hard romantic fluffy who wants the full hour of the Danny and Lindsay show...I'd be cool with some overt D/L!) :D But that said I can understand the taking it slow, as long as like I said before they don't take it so slow that they make it basically disappear only to reappear in a huge way in the finale...give us little bits to show us the ship is alive and well as we KNOW it is and then give us a fabulous scene in the finale...that I could live with! :D

"TV Guide is saying that Lindsay will go back to Montana to testify in the murder of her four friends." Who's hoping we get to see her talk to Danny before this? Me, me, me!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

and if they HAVE to do a cliffhanger at the end...they should have Danny standing at Linds' door with a ring and he knocks on the door and Linds opens the door and then the screen goes black...now that would be a cliffhanger, but still a good one!
Aaah Mo that would be so cruel :eek: and at the same time so wonderful. But I think if that (or something like that) is going to be the season’s cliff hanger it will be one summer that cannot end soon enough :D
Sorry about that. I guess we all misunderstood. I thought you meant "watch for the mods but I'll post it for you"
No problem, 1CSIMfan :); you’re not a mind reader and it did sounded like that.
i started choking/laughing on the coke I was drinking. my coworkers now officially think i'm nuts
Oh, Mercy, I'm sorry, but that’s so funny! Especially when they start asking what’s going on – try explaining that! ;) And thanks for the lovely pic. Not that he needs accessories, but they’re like the icing on the cake :devil:

I agree with most of you, that it’s not a problem if they don’t rush anything D/L related (although I’m not going to complain if they do), but I really hope that – like Mo said- they don’t give us any scenes, hints or whatsoever anymore and then suddenly in the final …ta-da … they’re together. That will s*ck, big time! :(

If that's true and the murders happened (and it did look like that) when she was a teenager, then perhaps recently the case got reopened, which is why Lindsay's reliving the past now :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Like I said before, I'm going to be devastated if we don't get to see the actual moment Danny and Lindsay get together on screen. They've spent so much time building up their relationship I'm going to scream if we get a fade-to-black moment. *sigh*

Anyway, I reckon we're going to get a definitive moment in the Season 3 finale - if not before.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I know what's been posted already, this is what Tvguide.com actually has listed for the Lying Game
A female impersonator who performed at a party in a ritzy hotel is found dead in a men's room stall. He was drowned in the toilet. The investigation reveals the victim confronted a congressman at another hotel event shortly before being murdered. Across town, a man's body is found inside of a city salt truck. Also, Lindsay is asked to testify in a multiple-homicide trial in Montana. She was the only witness to the murders of four of her friends.

All in all, it looks like a very interesting episode.
Oh, by the way, congratulations Mercy on your 100th post.

Edited to add the spoiler code.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

But Danny and Lindsay do not work the same case in Obsession. vegaslights just posted the episode review in the spoiler thread.. But hopefully it will be like season 2 when even if Danny and Lindsay aren't on the same case, they will still share moments in the lab.

Just wondering, how many spoiler free people do we have in this thread? :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I can't believe that we have 14 days till the next episode. TPTB have held out on us for far too long, give us some d/l!

Happy belated birthday Muzzy!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Uggghhh. interesting spoiler there. 14 days 14 days. I want my new eppys so bad... so so bad. Dunno how many of you have read the spoiler about Lindsay, but for those that have, I'm glad TPTB are doing it that way.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Okay, Tv guide.com and Futon Critic have a difference of opinion on the air dates of the episodes. As I previously posted, futon critic has the Lying game airing on Jan.31. Tv guide.com has it listed as Jan.24. So, I don't know which listing to believe.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

catey, just for clarification on my part, i know 3x13 is Obsession, is Lying Game 3x14?
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