Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^^Haha! Thats awesome.

I'm grinning like an idiot now. Guess what day Februrary 14th is??? (Ok, duh its valentines day) but it's also a Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope we get a new episode!!!! But then..I also hope Anna is back from maternity leave...so we can have a good D/L scene..
Hmm now that I think about it, since the next new episode is January 17th..and..ahh there isn't enough time. :(
I went from slaphappy to deadsad in like 40 seconds. :lol:

But don't mind me..I got a new motor scooter and I'm going crazy waiting for it to stop raining outside..
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

darx2mint4 said:
Hmm now that I think about it, since the next new episode is January 17th..and..ahh there isn't enough time. :(
I went from slaphappy to deadsad in like 40 seconds. :lol:

Have heart, darx, last week catey found out that the next new ep is the January 10th!! :D :D The 17th is slated to be a rerun and then another new ep the 24th, if i remember correctly!


Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

You're right, Mercy. Futon Critic now has it listed as Jan.10 for the next new episode, #313 Obsession Unfortunately, they've changed the schedule again, and it's a 2 week delay until episode #314 which is now scheduled for Jan 31. Then it's 5 new episodes in a row. That's unless they change things again.

Great pic, I've got a stupid question about it. Did they really eat the unusual food, or was it food made to look that way? I don't recall if it has been said, or was before my time on the board. Either way, they are braver than me. I couldn't bear to eat it.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. I know I did, gave some great stuff, recieved some wonderful stuff and of course, at too much!

And I love the d/l pictures that were given as presents. Especially the one that has all the hands. I forgot that is was from "Odepius Hex"
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

vexus said:
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. I know I did, gave some great stuff, recieved some wonderful stuff and of course, ate too much!
Lol, vex, I can barely move from being stuffed after my family's traditional roast beef (or as termed in Dr. Suess's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" roast beastie!:lol: )

mercy said:
I am crossing my fingers that someone out of my family/friends took my oh so subtle hints and got me s2 on DVD for Christmas. (I’m sure y’all will hear about it if I do!)
Isn't it pathetic that I am quoting myself? Ha-ha :lol:, but... I did get season 2 on DVD and I can't wait to get home and start watching!! :D (my tolerance for dysfunctional family togetherness is wearing thin so i am hiding out in my parents' computer room till i can make my escape ;)) I hope that everyone is enjoying their holiday!

catey1234 said:
Futon Critic now has it listed as Jan.10 for the next new episode, #313 Obsession Unfortunately, they've changed the schedule again, and it's a 2 week delay until episode #314 which is now scheduled for Jan 31.
Gah! What kind of torture is that?!? :eek: A new eppy and then 2 weeks without? :mad: Haven't we suffered enough? But thanks for the info, catey!

catey1234 said:
Great pic, I've got a stupid question about it. Did they really eat the unusual food, or was it food made to look that way? I don't recall if it has been said, or was before my time on the board. Either way, they are braver than me. I couldn't bear to eat it.
That's a good question, not a stupid one. Gosh I hope it was fake. **shudders in revulsion** ew. Anybody else know? Hmm... I wonder if there is a behind the scenes mention of it on the DVD... :lol: Along the lines of off the wall questions, I've always wondered about Danny's dog tags. As far as I am aware, neither Messer nor his family members ever served in the armed forces, so I wonder what they stand for, like if they are for a special cause such as supporting a cure for cancer or 9/11 or whatnot. Or, if not from Danny's life, from Carmine's. I know Carmine hasn't served but some of his family is actually in law enforcement so maybe its familial. Heck, even if they are just an accessory for Danny or Carmine it's a good look on him (yum)! :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

This Christmas sucks, but at the same time-- it's been great. I've been spending my time with my family. My grandfather and uncle are both hospitalized. :( But they're getting a little better. My grandfather has lung infection(i think that's what it's called) and my uncle has had a stroke. But coming here has cheered me up a little.

Well anyway, I have a mental image of poor Danny sitting by the fireplace and Christmas tree in his ding room, wishing Lindsay was kissing him under the mistletoe... poor him.

I've always wondered about Danny's dog tags.
:lol: Sorry, but maybe we're just reading into it too much... maybe it's just an accessory!

Merry Christmas, guys. This is my pathetic attempt of a present... I just got a picture and put a block of text on it. :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm grinning like an idiot now. Guess what day Februrary 14th is??? (Ok, duh its valentines day) but it's also a Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope we get a new episode!!!! But then..I also hope Anna is back from maternity leave...so we can have a good D/L scene..
Hmm now that I think about it, since the next new episode is January 17th..and..ahh there isn't enough time.
Sorry to burst your bubble (I think you did it yourself though), but don't expect Anna to be back for a Valentine's Day episode. From someone that's had two kids, I can assure you, she will be off at least 6 weeks (if not more). So, even if she did come back in February, it would be too late for a Valentine's Day ep.

It would help if anybody knew when she was due. If she's due the first of the month, the earliest she'd be back would be around the middle of February. More than likely it will be sometime in March which would put her in episodes in April. But it looks like there will be plenty of repeats after February considering we have already had 12 episodes and that only leaves 12 and the season isn't over until the end of May. They're probably gonna hold out for more repeats after sweeps so Anna won't miss a lot of episodes.

I also have a feeling that anything big they do with Danny and Lindsay will be held off until the finale. Considering there still hasn't been a mid-season thing yet which could very well be in episode 13 or 14.

Spoilers for eps 13 & 14 had very little info on Lindsay. If you guys want any DL related spoilers, I can post them when I get them (in spoiler boxes of course). I usually get them fairly early. Right now there's nothing past ep 15.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^Yeah I figured she might take off that much time, but when my mom had me she only took 2 weeks off.

But I think you're right 1CSImfan, TPTB are prob ably planning something big towards the end of the season. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I also have a feeling that anything big they do with Danny and Lindsay will be held off until the finale.
I was just thinking that, since it's not going to be "BOOM, LINDSAY'S BACK. BOOM! They're together." That's pretty tacky. :lol: And I agree with the going away for a while thing... Maternity leaves are pretty long. 4-10 weeks... In Switzerland, it can be up to 10 months (for both the mother and the father.)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday! I know I did!

I wish Anna would be back for the Feb. 14th episode! That would be so awsesome to have D/L on Valentines Day! How cool would that be? Oh well... maybe we could at least have her call him or vise versa.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello all my fabulous shippy D/L buddies! **Mo pops into the thread...hugging her shippy buddies and passing out Christmas fudge and yummy peppermint mochas!** I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did! :D I love all the Christmas piccies y'all...those made me smile when I got back this morning! Yay for that!

Delia hon I'm sorry your Christmas was hard hon...here... **Mo gives Delia a big hug!** I gotta say I had a fabulous Christmas...not to rub it in for any of y'all who didn't! My brother's been dating my best friend and he proposed on Christmas morning!!! And I got to help him plan it and set it up!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOO excited for them!!! :D :D :D :lol: :lol:
hey...valentine's day...february sweeps...that'd be a perfect time for the lindsay to share her past with danny and start the relationship
Shelbers oh yeah, that would be FABULOUS!!! I sure hope they do something around then...I think Anna is due in the beginning of Jan. Modie, so maybe she'll be back around the beginning/middle of Feb. (it is entirely possible that they filmed some D/L scenes before Anna started showing too...I mean it'd require some planning ahead, but it's not unheard of, right?!!) Darx hon I would LOVE to see a V-day D/L eppy ON Valentines Day that would totally make me a VERY happy shipper!! :D :D
Yeah, Mo you do that please. *bribes Mo’s muse with a big bag of Christmas goodies*
I'll try Dutch hon! My brother's proposal definitely got my romantic ideas flowing! :D

Mercy yay for you finally having an avie hon! I likes it!! Very nice! :D
Yikes, to be honest. I see a hell lot of angst coming up with Lindsay's story left onto a cliffhanger and such. Angst, angst, angst and more angst-- hopefully, we'll get some nice FLUFF! Like a hookup or something! C'mon, TPTB!
Yeah I think we're in for plenty of angst too! :p Which is why I am hoping all the more we get that "mid-season thing" and that it is good and fluffy, dang it!! We deserve at least a little fluff to hold us through all this angst we got coming! ;)

Kate? HI HON!!! Haven't seen you around in a long time! Lol, yay for you hanging out in here with us! Cool beans! :D :D

Yeah Modie I think they won't do anything big with D/L until closer to the finale too...and I'd be fine with that as long as they give us some kind of build up to it...none of this "nothing-whatsoever-of-D/l-together-for-8-episodes-and-then-suddenly-in-the-end-they-fall-into-eachothers-arms-declaring-undying-love-stuff"! I mean I wouldn't complain a whole lot ( ;) ) but I would feel a bit gyped ya know...I mean we've been faithful to this ship from the beginning and they should give us more of a realistic build up...heck I'm not asking for a lot here, one conversation as to why she left and what happened in her past and then more of the cute scenes and looks and touches that have built their relationship thus far! None of that is unrealistic, heck the PTB have built it up thus far...especially this season with NWILL, LRC, OH, and then RS...they 've taken us this far...they have to continue and complete this, dang it!!! **Mo takes a calming breath and steps off her soapbox...**

Modie sure post the D/L spoilers you know of! Works for me!! I think I know a few, but if you have some for Ep.15 then yeah by all means, do share them, please!!

Okay y'all! I'm off to clean my house and have more coffee! And then find a way to distract myself for a while...ohhhh...shopping?! Heehee, or writing a lovely D/L ficcie maybe! ;) :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Happy Holidays to all Shippers! :) Mercy got an avvie for Christmas. Yes! And Muzzy is back. I haven't seen you in a while! :)

Mo! :) Hugs! Did you get all the presents your heart desires? :D

I think most U.S. actresses take the usual maternity leave stint unless choose not to. Maternity leave in the U.S. is six weeks on average. I hope that Anna has her little one early in January. That means we might have to wait a while for shippy scenes, but it will be worth it.

As much as I want Lindsay to come back and go directly to Danny and confess her feelings, I think the PTB will be more subtle about it--which is better in the long run for both the characters and the ship. I think they will give Lindsay some time when she comes back to get back to herself and leave the past behind her. Meanwhile, I have a feeling that Danny and Lindsay will build up this great sexual tension while working together. By a couple of episodes after that, they will not have a choice..D/L will have to act on their feelings by falling into each other's arms. ;)

And even if D/L are not together on Valentine's Day, we can pretend they will be. We can make it a group fic writing thing. :lol: ;)

Bonne Annee Shippers! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

MOM! I've missed you! and hello mo!. I think it's better if they keep DL subtle until the opportune moment. If they rush it, there's more chance of it ending sooner, and less time for us to be on the edge of our seats, which we all love so much!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Aud! Heehee, hi hon! *Hugs!* I did get all my heart desired for Christmas, lol! Seriously I got spoiled, it was fabulous! :lol:
As much as I want Lindsay to come back and go directly to Danny and confess her feelings, I think the PTB will be more subtle about it--which is better in the long run for both the characters and the ship. I think they will give Lindsay some time when she comes back to get back to herself and leave the past behind her. Meanwhile, I have a feeling that Danny and Lindsay will build up this great sexual tension while working together. By a couple of episodes after that, they will not have a choice..D/L will have to act on their feelings by falling into each other's arms.
Lol, well okay if it works out that way then I'd be happy! Heehee, who am I kidding I'd be ecstatic! And as far as the sexual tension part...yeah I definitely see that happening, since the air pratically crackles with energy whenever the two are in the same room together, their chemistry really is undeniable!! :D

Ohhh V-day group ficcie...I like that idea, alot hon! Well done! :D

Rad Hi!! How's my angsty niece?! ;) :D Yeah I guess you both are right, subtle is good...just not to subtle that you have to find it with a magnifying glass! Lol! :lol: Subtle but still clear is good I say! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

1CSIMfan said:It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos.
Also, dutch_treat, apparently ^^ you knew that video shouldn't be posted but you corrected the link and posted it anyway. Don't do that again.
There’s a little misunderstanding. I honestly did not know/remember that we are not allowed to link to videos :eek: I see so many links to all kinds of stuff here that it never even crossed my mind that linking to videos is against board rules. If I had known that I obviously would’ve never posted the correct link. With my ‘mod’s remark’ I was merely referring to the ‘do not just post a link without saying anything on topic’- rule (because that one I did remember).

I do, however, apologize for posting that link, since it’s clearly –and for understandable reasons- against the rules, and it will not happen again.

- - -

Well, I’m just back from my last Christmas dinner (in Holland 12/26 is an official holiday too :)) and I really had three wonderful days. I’m sorry though for those of you who had some sad times, but I hope everything will work out for the best.
Futon Critic now has it listed as Jan.10 for the next new episode, #313 Obsession Unfortunately, they've changed the schedule again, and it's a 2 week delay until episode #314 which is now scheduled for Jan 31.
Aaaaah catey :(, that’s not a 2 week delay, that’s a 3 week delay! So only 2 new ep’s in January and that already is my least favourite month of the year :(
I've always wondered about Danny's dog tags.
Sorry, but maybe we're just reading into it too much... maybe it's just an accessory!
Or maybe they’re the same ones as my four year old nephew has. They have his name and his parents’ phone number engraved and when he gets lost people can call his mommy :D :rolleyes:(…too much wine…)
I'll try Dutch hon! My brother's proposal definitely got my romantic ideas flowing!
I can imagine that Mo! Congrats! It must be so great that your best friend is going to be your sister in law as well :). Would be so great if you could use that as an idea in a nice fic.
…I think they will give Lindsay some time when she comes back to get back to herself and leave the past behind her…D/L will have to act on their feelings by falling into each other's arms…
I agree Aud. It would definitely be wise to give her some time to get her act together once she’s back. I think it will look weird if she returns after a while and there’s suddenly no tension whatsoever between them anymore :rolleyes:. And then a nice built up of tension towards the end of the season seems like the best solution. Only know I am suddenly afraid that they will use the whole D/L-getting-together as THE end of season cliff hanger. :eek:

Before I get too pessimistic thinking about the end of the season, I really like the idea of some D/L on Valentine’s Day. Maybe they did shoot some scenes in advance and they can show us a phone call or something. That would be the best! :D

Oh and Mercy congrats on reaching your 100th post! :)
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