Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello my sweet shippy buddies! Merry Christmas Eve-eve! :lol: Awwww, good times...I loves Christmas! It's my favorite! :D And Christmas presents are awesome...and in light of that, I think the PTB should give us a lovely sweet D/L scene in our next eppy for sure! :D
and then Lindsay grips his shoulders tightly and says “If you don’t kiss me right now, cowboy, I’ll…” and then quicker than a wink Danny is kissing her...pushing her against the lab wall and having his way with her!
Ohhhhh Mercy hon that's a very nice addition to the scene! I like it! ;) Somehow I'm a total fluffy, but I'm a fan of the fluff that results from some kind of angsty-ness to begin with! (I blame my angsty nieces for that one...especially my angsty Lynn! ;) ) But I can't help it...and you know what they say...makeup smex is the sweetest! :devil: :lol:
Muzzy, I'm afraid I have to agree with you. I fear that whatever happens between D/L will happen off camera, as did GSR.
Oh Catey hon I really really hope not! Heads would seriously roll if that happened...PTB be warned! :mad: That said, I honestly don't think they'll play it out that way...in most shows that I've watched, the secondary ship (i.e. the ship between the two non main, main characters) are the ones who we usually get to see getting together and if we're lucky even get married...(Bud & Harriet in JAG!) so maybe it's denial, but either way, I really do think we'll get to see our ship get together and BE together and STAY together! :D :D
Their eyes lock again and the combination of shock, the heat of their earlier argument and not to mention Danny lying on top of her makes Lindsay suddenly pull his face down and kiss him in the middle of the street…”
Okay now I can't decide...lol, that's a fabulous one too Dutch hon! There's just so many very wonderful options for them to kiss, I just want to see them all! :lol: NOW!! ;)
I love the interaction between the two women as I think they really empathise with each other and look out for each other - Lindsay in 'All Access' being worried for Stella. It's lovely to see that friendship played out on screen (stark contrast to Catherine/Sara on CSI).
Yeah Muzzy I definitely agree, I love how Stel and Linds' relationship is developing, I think it's good for Linds' to have a girl friend in the city and I think Stella really does care about her, which is good for Linds. And as much I want Linds to open up to Danny, I think I can see why they had her talk to Stel...a girl needs girlfriends too and I think they were trying to establish that by having her talk to Stella...plus I think Stel is less emotionally involved than Danny is...cuz I think Stella would react more objectivly whereas Danny would be more emotional causing Linds, who's emotions are already right on the edge, be that much more emotional...does that make any sense? So yeah, I like the girls' friendship...but yeah like you said Muzzy I do hope Linds talks to Danny when we get more "in-depth" info on her past. And yeah I would love a scene where she comes and finds him to explain why she had to leave for awhile.

Okay my lovelies...I get the next week off from work, so in all the spare time I will have ;) I might try to write us a lovely New Years ficcie...we'll see what muse says to that, but I'll try! :D Until then...Merry Christmas to all...and to all a Good Night! :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

hey there everyone! Let me be the first to wish you all a Merry Christmas Eve...at...one am on the 24th :lol:

i think that even after lindsay gets back from her "vacation" that danny may still be giving her some space. i want to hope though that he still will be showing her that he cares, and is there for her. how i dont know, little gifts or flowers or something. then eventually she will let him in. and hoping even more that this is on-camera relationship development. (anyone any good at that jedi mind trick thing...hmmm maybe we can hypnotize the writers....) :lol:

hey...valentine's day...february sweeps...that'd be a perfect time for the lindsay to share her past with danny and start the relationship (but then again how long is lindsays hiatus supposed to be?).

and yeah, i like the fact that lindsay confided in stella because, its true, everyone does need a good girlfriend to confide in.

i am anxiously awaiting january 10...new eppy day :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

This is my third M&M video!Hope everyone enjoy it and Merry christmas!!!

Even though it doesn't work, the link has been removed.

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm such a believer in fluff, but I feel like I'm a closet angster
That’s not such a bad thing catey :D The trick is to find the right balance between the two. And even that (at least in my case) depends on what mood I’m in. Just blow a new bubble :)
Oh and if you guys didn't know-- I created a D/L thread of collages and other stuff in the Fan Art forums.
Oh, great hon, thank you! If I can find the time :( to make something nice I’d be sure to post it there.
LOL if we wrote the show, it'd have to be on cable, 'cause there'd be so much :censored:
LOL, MGM. Well maybe instead of us writing the show they can let us write a M-rated spin off movie starring D/L…oh, happy thoughts! :devil:
I might try to write us a lovely New Years ficcie...we'll see what muse says to that, but I'll try!
Yeah, Mo you do that please. *bribes Mo’s muse with a big bag of Christmas goodies* I’ve thought about that, but since I’m in finance I will have two or maybe three very busy weeks ‘closing the books’ so I won’t be able to have any fun! :mad: :(
i want to hope though that he still will be showing her that he cares, and is there for her
Shelbers welcome here too! Of course he still cares; that poor guy is totally in luv! :D
anyone any good at that jedi mind trick thing
*inserts Yoda* “Belong together, these two do!”
how long is lindsays hiatus supposed to be?
Well, Anna is due somewhere in January. She will most likely not be working the last few weeks of her pregnancy and after she’s given birth she will have a six week (is that the standard in America?) maternity leave. So probably she will not be working for two months or so :( (I don’t know how many ep’s they shoot in two months though).
This is my third M&M video!Hope everyone enjoy it and Merry christmas!!!
Oh, oh y0223418 watch out for the mod’s! ;) But it’s a lovely video. Only that link doesn’t work so everybody try this one: Music can make such a difference! And I scared myself :eek: when I noticed that I could tell exactly, just by reading lips, what they were saying in each scene! :rolleyes:

!! Merry Christmas Everyone !!

Edited to remove link to fan made video
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Guys I wish we all wrote the show. It would go from forensics to Danny and Lindsay world in about 30 seconds- the show starting off with a wonderful make out scene, and probably ending that way.

However in between there'd be abngst... what would we have without angst?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Merry Christmas to ME! Lookie – lookie! I finally hit 100 posts, so I get an avvie for Christmas!

Shelbers said:
i am anxiously awaiting january 10...new eppy day :D
Holy cow am I ready for the new ep, too! I am crossing my fingers that someone out of my family/friends took my oh so subtle hints and got me s2 on DVD for Christmas. (I’m sure y’all will hear about it if I do!)

Moriel21 said:
…Christmas presents are awesome...and in light of that, I think the PTB should give us a lovely sweet D/L scene in our next eppy for sure! :D
Oh, I really hope so! :D I still haven’t heard anything about ep 13 yet, but I am always hoping for D/L!

dutch_treat said:
Just blow a new bubble :)!
:lol: That is GREAT shipping advice, dutch! :D

Moriel21 said:
I might try to write us a lovely New Years ficcie...we'll see what muse says to that, but I'll try! :D
Would you, pretty please, with whipped cream and m&ms on top?!?

dutch_treat said:
…And I scared myself :eek: when I noticed that I could tell exactly, just by reading lips, what they were saying in each scene! :rolleyes:
Isn’t that normal? :lol: My friends and family aren’t nearly as into CSI:NY as I am so I always have to keep myself in check if I watch an ep w/them, and not mouth the lines along w/the actors! I have to keep up my real life rep as “the quiet one”; they’d really think I’d lost my mind if they knew I yell/squee at the TV when our show is on. That’s part of why I love this thread and you guys, ‘cause no one thinks I am strange for this addiction!

Depending on how busy or slow this thread gets with holiday celebration, I just wanted to be sure to have a chance to say M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S to all my shipping buddies (and lurkers too, since I used to be one not that long ago ;))! You are appreciated and adored! *MWAH*
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:
I'm such a believer in fluff, but I feel like I'm a closet angster
That’s not such a bad thing catey :D The trick is to find the right balance between the two. And even that (at least in my case) depends on what mood I’m in. Just blow a new bubble :)
Oh and if you guys didn't know-- I created a D/L thread of collages and other stuff in the Fan Art forums.
Oh, great hon, thank you! If I can find the time :( to make something nice I’d be sure to post it there.
LOL if we wrote the show, it'd have to be on cable, 'cause there'd be so much :censored:
LOL, MGM. Well maybe instead of us writing the show they can let us write a M-rated spin off movie starring D/L…oh, happy thoughts! :devil:
I might try to write us a lovely New Years ficcie...we'll see what muse says to that, but I'll try!
Yeah, Mo you do that please. *bribes Mo’s muse with a big bag of Christmas goodies* I’ve thought about that, but since I’m in finance I will have two or maybe three very busy weeks ‘closing the books’ so I won’t be able to have any fun! :mad: :(
i want to hope though that he still will be showing her that he cares, and is there for her
Shelbers welcome here too! Of course he still cares; that poor guy is totally in luv! :D
anyone any good at that jedi mind trick thing
*inserts Yoda* “Belong together, these two do!”
how long is lindsays hiatus supposed to be?
Well, Anna is due somewhere in January. She will most likely not be working the last few weeks of her pregnancy and after she’s given birth she will have a six week (is that the standard in America?) maternity leave. So probably she will not be working for two months or so :( (I don’t know how many ep’s they shoot in two months though).
This is my third M&M video!Hope everyone enjoy it and Merry christmas!!!
Oh, oh y0223418 watch out for the mod’s! ;) But it’s a lovely video. Only that link doesn’t work so everybody try this one: Music can make such a difference! And I scared myself :eek: when I noticed that I could tell exactly, just by reading lips, what they were saying in each scene! :rolleyes:

!! Merry Christmas Everyone !!

Edited to remove link to fan made video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. If you want to let people know about your video, you can either pm them or tell them where it is, like YouTube, but you can't link to it.

Oh, oh y0223418 watch out for the mod’s! But it’s a lovely video. Only that link doesn’t work so everybody try this one:

Also, dutch_treat, apparently ^^ you knew that video shouldn't be posted but you corrected the link and posted it anyway. Don't do that again.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Until then...Merry Christmas to all...and to all a Good Night!
Merry Christmas, guys!! :D
However in between there'd be abngst... what would we have without angst?
Yikes, to be honest. I see a hell lot of angst coming up with Lindsay's story left onto a cliffhanger and such. Angst, angst, angst and more angst-- hopefully, we'll get some nice FLUFF! Like a hookup or something! C'mon, TPTB! We had GSR at the finale, we need D/L for this one too!

Oh and I just came up with this name-thing:
Dorks in Love
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Merry Christmas to my fellow shippers!

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Kissme I love Dorks in Love! Such a good one! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I know I'm not the first to post that, but I feel like you have become my shipping family, and I truly wish you all the best for Christmas. Have a wonderful day, and Merry Christmas!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

And as if the cracker jokes aren't enough .......


"Put your hand up if you think Danny and Lindsay belong together!"

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

*steps out of shadows*
Thats an awesome picture Muzzy_Olorea! Is that hand edited in or was it there originally?

Merry Christmas everyone!!! (and Happy belated Hannukah!)

I can't wait 2 and a half weeks till the next episode :/ I've already watched all of season 2 again (loooong car rides) and I've watched all the season 3 episodes where Danny and Lindsay are working together like a bajillion times..
And I've read like every fanfic imaginable! :D

Oh and I just came up with this name-thing:
Dorks in Love
I love it! It's a thousand times better than LaDder! :lol:

*back to lurking*
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

hello all... yes it is i... the Coroner! So havent gotten to watch NY in like forever... DLicious eps!? Silent night... Raising Shane?? Maybe?? Please make my christmas wish come true!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

darx2mint4 said:
*steps out of shadows*
Thats an awesome picture Muzzy_Olorea! Is that hand edited in or was it there originally?

The hand is in there originally. I was looking through screencaps and I couldn't stop laughing when I came across that one. :lol:
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