Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I love all these who-kisses-who first scenarios :D
I could see it being something where Linds or Danny gets really mad at the other … and then they have a big fight, and end up nose-to-nose...eyes blazing, chest's heaving as they breath heavily and suddenly their eye's lock and the anger is gone leaving only the heated passion behind... and then Lindsay grips his shoulders tightly and says “If you don’t kiss me right now, cowboy, I’ll…” and then quicker than a wink Danny is kissing her...pushing her against the lab wall and having his way with her!
Wow Mo , kissme and mercy this little combination is exactly what I would sooo looove to see :) It has everything: Angst, fluff, both of them initiating…just great. And if TPTB would actually consider giving us something like that I wouldn’t even mind if they make the reason for either one of them to be mad at the other very cliché… :rolleyes:

…Speaking of which…(going with yours)I have a kinda similar idea, but this time it is in the middle of a crowd: other CSI’s, cops, civilians, etc.

~They have a big fight and end up nose-to-nose...eyes blazing, chest's heaving as they breath heavily and suddenly their eye's lock. Lindsay looks away first “can we talk about this later, Danny, please? We have a crime scene to investigate and I don’t want to be distracted” He reluctantly agrees. At the scene (on a busy sidewalk) she is still a bit distracted and doesn’t hear the warnings when a car at high speed heads for the sidewalk. Danny is just in time to push her aside and they tumble to the ground. Their eyes lock again and the combination of shock, the heat of their earlier argument and not to mention Danny lying on top of her makes Lindsay suddenly pull his face down and kiss him in the middle of the street…”Thanks for always looking out for me, Cowboy”~ ;)

I’d love to see him come to her rescue and her being very grateful :devil:
something happened between them but we didn't get to see it
I'm afraid that may be where we are heading with D/L also
No, muzzy and catey that would be the worst thing they could do :mad: Why show the built up of all this tension, having them hug and all and then not showing the ‘climax’ :eek: would be strange.
She'd be making up (and out) for lost ground
Yeah, Rad, she deserves that and so do we ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Did anybody have a hard time accessing this site?

I did. :(

And this is going to sound cruel (it's the angsty coming out in me) but I want her to just let it all out in front of Danny. For her to release all the pain and let him be the one she turns to.

*I wished it was not Stella she turned to** :(

I've updated my ficcie!

*Ill only get one more update done because of the holidays*

here it is:

A Christmas Visitor
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yea, the site was down for a bit.

Twin V you are not alone. You've got no idea how badly I wanted Lindsay to let it all out to Danny. If that had been the start to the haitus, imagine the angst we'd have. So much.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Vex, another great chapter. I just love your series.

I also agree with you, I wish it hadn't been Stella she turned to. Too bad they didn't do a follow up at the end of the show, with Danny going to her place, or them talking, I mean anything D/L instead of the endless skating sequence with what's her name.

As for my earlier posting, I'm just pessimistic this week. It's not been a good week for me, and it's translating to here. :( I think it will all turn out in the end, for the good, and we'll get what we want. Someone needs to write another letter to TPTB to get our point across. I need something to amuse me right now, I've lost my Christmas spirit, although I'm trying to recapture it.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:

something happened between them but we didn't get to see it
I'm afraid that may be where we are heading with D/L also
No, muzzy and catey that would be the worst thing they could do :mad: Why show the built up of all this tension, having them hug and all and then not showing the ‘climax’ :eek: would be strange.
I agree with you, dutch. Whereas it is possible that the writers could do something like how they did GSR it would be too weird for them to do that with D/L. I watch all three CSIs but NY is my favorite, so it may just be I didn't catch the micro-details of LV but it seems to me that with GSR it was always more behind the scenes (it was there, but more "alluded" to than "shown") where as with Danny and Lindsay they show us the emotional stages. They don't show us everything (like danny actually asking her out) but the HUG and the hall way scene in LRC makes up for that. Did I make sense with this paragraph or was it tired rambling?

and catey, it is perfectly okay to be pessimistic sometimes as long as in the end you come back to the fluffy side ;) hope your week gets better! **passes over secret stash of m&ms**
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I wish it hadn't been Stella she turned to.
But I think that she didn't because, she wouldn't be able to control herself around Danny. She'd simply lose it and kiss him senseless. (which of course, we hope for to happen...) Besides, running straight to Danny wouldn't mean alot of character developement. It'd show her as sort of weak and our Lindsay is anything but.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Obviously I'm all for as much Danny/Lindsay interaction that we can get but I'm really glad we got those Lindsay/Stella moments too. I think realistically she would feel more comfortable telling Stella than the guy she likes plus Stella kind of forced her to tell her. I love the interaction between the two women as I think they really empathise with each other and look out for each other - Lindsay in 'All Access' being worried for Stella. It's lovely to see that friendship played out on screen (stark contrast to Catherine/Sara on CSI).

What would be nice would be to see Lindsay go to Danny when she feel prepared to talk about it in more depth. I'm hoping that when she comes back from her hiatus we'll have a scene where she explains to Danny why she went away.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I really think Lindsay would be the first one to take a step ahead and give Danny a kiss. Why? I have no idea, but I think it would be her way of telling Danny she's ready for a relationship. Because after their convo in LRC I think he started to back off until she's ready for him. (Which is hopefully soon.)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^ I think you’re right. He will not be the one to take the first step again. It’s all up to her now :)

These are such great discussions.

I too would’ve loved it if she had talked to Danny instead of talking to Stella or perhaps after, but that’s just my shippy needs talking :D

If I look at it more realistic :p I have to agree with kissme and muzzy. It perhaps is even better for their evolving relationship. At this point she needed a friend and nothing more. She could’ve run to Danny, but she is smart enough to know that, that would’ve lead to much more; and right now she has too much on her mind already to be fully committed and give their relationship a fair chance :(

But they could’ve at least shown that he is aware that there’s something really wrong with her by skipping that skating scene catey already mentioned and replacing it by a scene where we see Sid or Stella talk with Danny (no dialogue needed) and his face getting a worried expression –screen blank-credits roll-

I guess we really have to wait and see how things are in the next few ep’s and after she returns :rolleyes:

Did I make sense with this paragraph or was it tired rambling?
You did make sense mercy. They are indeed handling D/L much more different and out in the open than GSR, so I can hardly believe they don’t show us the actual moment they finally hook up :D

And catey I sure hope things are starting to look brighter for you. This is to cheer you up!


You can just feel the love!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for the pic, dutch. :D Keep it up with pictures and fics, and maybe I can make my way back to the fluffy bubble. I feel like I fell out of there. I'm such a believer in fluff, but I feel like I'm a closet angster. :( It's coming through right now.

And, after reading a few of your posts, I'm now of the opinion that Danny will sit back, and let Lindsay take the lead. I think he will wait for her to make the first move now. I don't think he would want to do anything to scare her off, because even if she goes back to Montana and works things out, I think she's still going to be skittish. She basically turned him down, shut him out, and I think Lindsay is going to be unsure of what to say or do regarding Danny. But I think it will all work out, and hopefully one of the scenarios listed by all you eventive people will come to be. God knows that things could lighten up between the two of them. Then maybe, they could get devilish. :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm hoping that when she comes back from her hiatus we'll have a scene where she explains to Danny why she went away.
I'm pretty sure that will happen as nearly all of the writers of CSI: NY have been pushing D/L pretty hard (much to the dismay of lots of other people. Not us though!! :)) and I think that they'll do that


^^ Merry Christmas, guys!

Oh and if you guys didn't know-- I created a D/L thread of collages and other stuff in the Fan Art forums. :) We can post any D/L stuff there too...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Dutch I love your wallpaper, it's very good; I love the stars in the prints, wonderful!

When they do have a relationship, I hope they take things nice and slow. As much as we would want a steamy scene, if they take it slow they have a better chance of making the relationship work. Nice and slow, nice and slow.

*I've got the last installment of my fic*

I won't be able to write tommorrow and it leaves me short of 20 parts, but who cares! they are filled with d/l goodness that we all love :)

here it is:

The Christmas Locket
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:
But they could’ve at least shown that he is aware that there’s something really wrong with her by skipping that skating scene catey already mentioned and replacing it by a scene where we see Sid or Stella talk with Danny (no dialogue needed) and his face getting a worried expression –screen blank-credits roll-
That really would’ve been a meaningful scene, dutch. Who knows, they might be able to work something like that in with the next few eps. I think Danny will give her space until she is ready, but he’s still going to care, and that would demonstrate it without the writers having to go into deep detail.

I love the fics y’all keep cranking out! Keep ‘em coming!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Agreed. I think that they could have Danny looking worried as well. Seems like a really sweet scene! Man, I wish we wrote the show!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

LOL if we wrote the show, it'd have to be on cable, 'cause there'd be so much :censored: :devil:

awww I wish you could go on with that fic forever lol I adore it.

ack kissme your pic isn't showing up for me :(
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