Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I. Am. A. Loser. I haven't been here all week! Missing three and a half days of classes were not the smartest choice on my part! This is the first time I've even been on a computer all week! Crazy, I know.

I'm in love with all the ficcies! They're making my day! I'm so excited to read them all!

Anyone heard any new spoilers? I'm in need of some spoiling!!! (Heck, I'm in need for anything CSI! I haven't seen it all week! I had to miss our hug last night!)

Totally off topic, but: I have this guy in one of my classes and he looks just like Flack with brown hair and darker eyes. But it's crazy!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I know what you mean about the fics, especially over at ff.net. I hadn't read in a couple of days, and there are something like 40 new ones or updates. It took me quite awhile to get through some, but at least it gave me a D/L fix for now, especially some of the Christmas fluffies. I love my ficcies too, they are helping me get through to the new episodes.

Haven't heard anything new in the way of spoilers. Only new thing is that the new episodes will begin airing on Jan.10,instead of the 17.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey my lovely D/L family! Hi my angsty nieces and my Fluffy Twin (where is you Fluffy Twin?), and all my shippy buddies!! :D I'm totally excited right now, seriously seriously excited!! I'm done with work until after the new year!! (I work at a college and they close for this next week and pay us for it still! :D Yay!) YAY! :lol:

And I'm still on a Fluffy high after last night's eppy...aww D/L fluff, it just makes me SO happy! :D
**Mo sighs happily, giggling to herself as she watches D/L fluff in her smuffy bubble!**
Cliffhanger? Do you mean the fact that we don't know everything about Lindsay even after episode 12? Or is it because of a spoiler and if it is, please put it under a spoiler box so I'll know not to read it? Sorry!!
Yeah Delia hon, I wasn't intending to give away any spoilers! No worries...I was just thinking they left us on a not really sure exactly what's up with Linds and her and Danny still aren't together cliffhanger...that's all! :lol:
NWILL makes so much more sense now. Like the reason she went undercover, and the reason I think she kinda went "haywire" with her emotions of the past.
Yeah Rad hon I totally agree! I like your thought that she felt she wanted to prove that she could still do her work...but I think that like you and Vex said, instead it was what set her off. I think up until then she'd managed to keep it locked away, but having that gun held to her head and that flash grenade going off in her face ripped that wall away...even if it took awhile to come out it reopened all those old fears and memories that she never dealt with and pushed them out where she can't ignore them anymore. I definitely think however the fact that they aren't repressed anymore is actually a really good sign for her and Danny, because now that they're out in the open she will be forced to deal with them and move past them...and as hard or painful that will be, it will be so much better for her and in the end for both of them! And yeah I agree this happening means she will be able to be with Danny, fully be with him! :D
*still squealing* Your remark suddenly reminded me of that 'midseason-something's gonna happen-promise' and it will be OUR #13 so a kiss is not that much to ask for. And you're so right Mo even a small kiss would be SO HOT
Yay for our "mid-season thing"! I really really really hope they have not forgotten about that! **Mo shakes her fist in warning at the PTB!** :D
I. Am. A. Loser.
Awww Smi you are so NOT a loser hon! We have missed ya around here, but you're not a loser! ;) I don't really have any new spoilers either hon...sorry! :( I'll let ya know if I hear of some though! :D And lucky you to have a Flack-look-alike in your class! Lucky you! ;)

**Mo huggles and snuggles all her shippy buddies and then giggling, in a fabulous attempt at restarting our food fight...throws chocolate sauce at everyone and runs out of the thread!** :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Moriel21 said:
…having that gun held to her head and that flash grenade going off in her face ripped that wall away...
NWILL was such a great ep for many reasons. First, it was just plain a good ep by the writers and actors, CSI: NY rocks! :D Second, not just that Danny calls Lindsay “Montana” but the way he says it with his accent.. I wish I knew how to extract sound from video clips so I could make an mp3 or wav out of “Don’t even think about it, Montana” to set as one of the sounds on my computer (okay, to be honest I’d want to do that with a lot of Danny quotes :devil:). Third, Danny and the dog, soo cute! Fourth, the HUG, OMG! *swoons* Fifth, the undercover event broke down Lindsay’s walls, and even though that causes her pain and angst, will allow her to heal. Sixth, Lindsay being in peril allowed Danny to finally admit the feelings he has for her and asked her out! Of course, we all know where that led, but it was a good thing anyhow. :)

**Mo huggles and snuggles all her shippy buddies and then giggling, in a fabulous attempt at restarting our food fight...throws chocolate sauce at everyone and runs out of the thread!** :lol: :lol:
**pretends to be stunned, wipes chocolate sauce off of face** Oh, its on now! :lol: **tosses shredded coconut around to stick to all those covered in chocolate sauce**
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Lol, true, true Mercy hon, there are so very many fabulous reasons to love NWILL! :D
Sixth, Lindsay being in peril allowed Danny to finally admit the feelings he has for her and asked her out! Of course, we all know where that led,
We do indeed know where that led! ;) It led to Linds telling Danny **Mo points to our thread title!** that she likes him ALOT and that they will be together down the road for sure! (I swear that's what she really said! ;) :lol: )

**Coconut huh...nice! Mo giggles and tosses chopped peanuts and marischino cherries at everyone...along with scoops of ice cream...hey we're making shippy sundae's!!** :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Totally off topic, but: I have this guy in one of my classes and he looks just like Flack with brown hair and darker eyes. But it's crazy!
Oh my God! You lucky girl! I wanna meet him! :D
It led to Linds telling Danny **Mo points to our thread title!** that she likes him ALOT
Absolutely. :) I can't wait for a D/L hookup! I'm still squealing and jumping.

To be honest, I think that TPTB might have a complete spontaneous thing. Like Lindsay and Danny would just working in their shared lab (can't forget that they share a lab!!) and he'll just come up to her and kiss her and she'll pull back, breathless. Then she grins and kisses him back! :D

Sounds fantastic! It'll be funny if Flack walks in, raising an eyebrow and D/L back off, almost "caught" by him.

Teehee. It could happen.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

mo I love who you mkae everything angsty, fluffy. It's defenitly cool. It makes me laugh like crazy. I think that Lindsay releasing all of these emotions is certainly a good sign for our M&M's. It'll be easier for them to talk to each other, and Danny will see why she turned him down and what was going on those past months. All this angst can only lead to two things a bit o' fluff, and some more angst of course.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Agreed. :) Lindsay needs to get through everything first, so when she finally hooks up with Danny-- it'll be perfect! And she'll see that he's broken down all her defenses!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

To be honest, I think that TPTB might have a complete spontaneous thing. Like Lindsay and Danny would just working in their shared lab (can't forget that they share a lab!!) and he'll just come up to her and kiss her and she'll pull back, breathless. Then she grins and kisses him back!
Awwww Delia I like that...Alot! ;) I would LOVE to see that, it would make me so very happy! I think it will be something spontaneous too...although I could see it being something where Linds or Danny gets really mad at the other (with her emotions the way they are this could totally happen!) and then they have a big fight, and end up nose-to-nose...eyes blazing, chest's heaving as they breath heavily and suddenly their eye's lock and the anger is gone leaving only the heated passion behind...and then quicker than a wink Danny is kissing her...pushing her against the lab wall and having his way with her! :devil: Aww if only, if only! :D
(Pssst...I like your banner Delia that's SO true! ;) )
mo I love who you mkae everything angsty, fluffy. It's defenitly cool. It makes me laugh like crazy.
Heehee good Rad angsty niece hon, cuz that is totally my goal, to make you grin! :D Yeah though I seem to be doing more of that lately, adding angst in before my fluff...or using angst to make my fluff better! (Hush Lynny wherever you are, I'm still Fluffy! Aud Fluffy Twin back me up here! :lol: ) The angst does make my sweet fluff that much sweeter, but then I've always said that! ;) :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

it would make me so very happy!
:lol: Same goes for the rest of us here... :) I actually think that Lindsay will initiate the first kiss. What about you guys? :D

Pssst...I like your banner Delia that's SO true!
:lol: Thanks, sweetie! Sara, Don, Lindsay, Danny, Mac, Stella, Greg, Sara, Angell, Calleigh, Horatio and Catherine-- AHH! They're most definitely bringing sexy back!! I love yours too. (CatNip is fantastic. Do you like GSR or Sandle or whatever... or Snickers? I'm very Sandle-ish and a bit Snickers to be honest. :) Sorry, but I'm not a GSR fan though.

I can also see Lindsay being comforted by Danny and spilling everything to him once she overcomes it (or once Anna gets back from her maternity leave. :)).
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I actually think that Lindsay will initiate the first kiss. What about you guys?
Ohhhh good question hon, hmmm...I honestly don't know...but I kinda hope Danny initiates it, call me old-fashioned, but I like the idea of the guy being the one to lean in for the kiss at least the first time...after that, fair game! ;) But then again, I can see it being Lindsay just because she told Danny "not right now" and so he's gonna respect her and not push and so if she wants a kiss she'll probably have to lean in and kiss him to show him she's ready now...so yeah I dunno! But either way, as long as they are kissing...I won't care so much who initiates it...cuz they'll be KISSING!! And I'll be squeeing and shrieking up a happy shippy storm! :lol: :lol:

I'm not so much a Sandles or Snickers fan (that's Sara with Greg or Nick right? Sorry just want to make sure I've got the names right!) I don't not like them, but I just don't necessarily ship them ya know. And I gotta say, I am a GSR fan...nothing against anyone who isn't, it's all good...but I like them :D

Alright I'm off to do some early morning Christmas shopping! Hopefully I'll be successful! :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Radical618 said:
All this angst can only lead to two things a bit o' fluff, and some more angst of course.
Either way it means we get D/L, so I am all for it! :D

Moriel21 said:
It led to Linds telling Danny **Mo points to our thread title!** that she likes him ALOT and that they will be together down the road for sure! (I swear that's what she really said! ;) :lol: )
Yeah! That’s what I heard, too! :D :lol:

kissmesweet said:
I actually think that Lindsay will initiate the first kiss.
Moriel21 said:
...but I kinda hope Danny initiates it, call me old-fashioned, but I like the idea of the guy being the one to lean in for the kiss at least the first time...after that, fair game! ;)
Hey, I’ve got a compromise scenario (hee-hee-hee). Mo, I like your whole “pushing her against the lab wall and having his way with her! :devil:” scenario, but I also like Delia’s idea of Lindsay initiating contact since she is the one who backed off. How about we just insert Lindsay saying something like this:

I could see it being something where Linds or Danny gets really mad at the other (with her emotions the way they are this could totally happen!) and then they have a big fight, and end up nose-to-nose...eyes blazing, chest's heaving as they breath heavily and suddenly their eye's lock and the anger is gone leaving only the heated passion behind... and then Lindsay grips his shoulders tightly and says “If you don’t kiss me right now, cowboy, I’ll…” and then quicker than a wink Danny is kissing her...pushing her against the lab wall and having his way with her! :devil:

Ya like that? :devil:

Moriel21 said:
Alright I'm off to do some early morning Christmas shopping! Hopefully I'll be successful! :lol:
You know, I was about to tease you abut not having your shopping done till I realized I don’t either… dangit.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I want Lindsay to kiss Danny first (or to at least indicate that she wants to) as I think realistically if I was Danny after getting stood up and held at arm's length I wouldn't risk my friendship with her by making the first move again. Also I think if she initiates it and shows she's ready then we'll get a healthy dose of fluff before TPTB inevitably turn their relationship back to Angst.

As to how it happens, so many scenarios I would like to see ...... I think I'll cry if it doesn't get written into the show. One of those conversations that you know is leading up to a kiss, they move in ..... and then fade to black. Then the next episode opening it being quite clear that something happened between them but we didn't get to see it. I'd never forgive TPTB.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm all for Lindsay going in for the kiss first as well. It would be an awesome scene since she's the one that pulled away at first. She'd be making up (and out) for lost ground. :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Muzzy, I'm afraid I have to agree with you. I fear that whatever happens between D/L will happen off camera, as did GSR. :( Nobody knew until that last moment that they were in a relationship. In fact, if you hadn't seen that scene on CSI, you'd never know they were together. I'm afraid that may be where we are heading with D/L also. I'd love more, there are alot of good scenarios on here, and in fanfic(my favorites right now involve mistletoe). At least I still believe that this ship will sail, it's just a matter of timing now.
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