Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh oh oh! New shipper, here! (Not a new poster, haha)

Yessssss. I ship Grillows too, so if you'd go to their little board, you'll see some of my posts there! :)

My friend got me obsessed with D/L, so... congratulate her because it's almost impossible to get me to like new things when it comes to CSI romances. LOL XD

So... HI! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^Hi Ted9999_GCR Welcome! *wave*

And yeah for your friend :D It's always nice to meet new shippers.

We all share your obsession, so you're in the right place ;) They're just so addictive!! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

episode#14 (is that on 01/17 or 01/24?)
As far as I know now, episode 14 is still scheduled to air 01/24. It's to be a repeat on Jan 17 now. This is according to Futon Critic, but that could change because they were behind tv guide on the scheduling of the episodes.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey guys!

1 more day till I get out for Christmas. Our office is having a Christmas party tomorrow! Yay!

I'm glad that the next episode is coming sooner than we think. I'm ready! Yeah!

I have my next update, it's a little different, I hope you like it!

The Christmas Chest of Memories
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello, Hello! **Mo giggles and squees already...** NWILL is on right now! Yay...I love it, so much D/L goodness! Great lines..."Don't even think about it Montana!" :D "Spoken like a true romantic!" :lol: And of course Danny concerned "Come on kiddo!"... and of course...of course...our fabulous hug! YAY!!!

Awww it's the part with Danny and the dog right now...and seriously, he and the dog look alike...totally ADORABLE! Heehee, I LOVE it! :D :D
If #13 on 01/10 is TPTB's idea of a very late Christmas present I hope they make #14 (is that on 01/17 or 01/24?) a very, very early Valentine's gift for all of us. And them kissing would be the best Valentine's gift they could give us faithfull shippers *Is squealing now too*
**Mo squees right along with Dutch!!** Awwww I sure hope so hon, really really really hope so! That would make a fabulous start to our year and the second half of the season! Awww man I want them to kiss so very badly...even just a little something...it will be HOT I know it! Hot and yet sweet and just so...YAY! :lol:
I still think/hope the they save the best D/L moments for the end of the season (I'm glad somebody understood my rambling about that Mo), but in the meantime a nice unexpected kiss would be great!
Yeah I'm with ya on that hon ;) ...as long as we get some kind of smaller but good D/L scenes leading up to it...then yeah I'm all for big yummy D/L scenes not being until the end! :D

Oh how I love our ship...it just makes me so happy, even now when we're left with an angsty cliffhanger...it still makes me grin! Especially with fabulous reruns to tide me over! :lol: **Mo does her happy D/L rain dance, a dance that is both a celebration and call to the heavens for more D/L!!** :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

waaaaah *cries* it's good but sad.

D_T yours is nice too :)

Anyone else rewatch NWILL tonight? Even thoujgh I know the scene in last night's LRC comes after it, I still love it :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm watching it...me, me! It's just SO good! There's so much goodness all the way around...great D/L! Linds very early baby if at all...cuz she's svelte and gorgeous and she's in this eppy quite a bit, which fabulous! And of course Danny is freaking gorgeous as always...gah I'm telling ya, that boy is seriously Smex-on-a-stick! :devil: I'd eat him up in a second! :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

MacsGirlMel said:
Anyone else rewatch NWILL tonight? Even thoujgh I know the scene in last night's LRC comes after it, I still love it :)
I taped it and just finished watching it when I got home from work. I love the part where he is walking into the lab with the dog. He keeps looking around like he’s worried he can see his reputation going down the drain. So cute!

Moriel21 said:
..gah I'm telling ya, that boy is seriously Smex-on-a-stick! :devil: I'd eat him up in a second! :devil:
ooohhhh yeah :devil:, no doubt!

It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen the ending clip, I still get all tense when Lindsay walks down the hallway to go into that apartment. And the hug, oh wow! You know how football teams and whatnot have to watch tapes of themselves to see what they did right and what they can improve on? They should stick the writers in a room and make them rewatch this ep over and over again to inspire them to improve the D/L we are (or are not, as it may be) getting now!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen the ending clip, I still get all tense when Lindsay walks down the hallway to go into that apartment. And the hug, oh wow! You know how football teams and whatnot have to watch tapes of themselves to see what they did right and what they can improve on? They should stick the writers in a room and make them rewatch this ep over and over again to inspire them to improve the D/L we are (or are not, as it may be) getting now!
Lol, yeah I'm with ya! I get tense too...and I've seen it a bunch of times, but I'm still like "Wait...Linds...just oh be careful...gah!" Heehee...that's a sign of good writing right there...that it still manages to get you even when you know what's coming! :D
And I TOTALLY agree we should get the writers together in a room and show them this and make them watch it until they realize just how "right" they were with this with ep! :D I want more eppy's like this one...chock full of everything we love...fluffy D/L, Danny hotness, Linds hotness and good cases! That's not that hard, come on! :lol: :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

kissme it's nice to have a fellow highschooler in here, all you of you are absoultly marvelous though, I couldn't wish for better shipping buddies!
Aw! Aren't you sweet? I love you guys too! People on the D/L thread are the nicest people ever!

I'm jealous you're shorter!
:p But even if I was taller, I'll still jump that gorgeous man!

The writers love us, and they love D/L, so it must happen this season.
Yep, but they might pull a GSR and have a very surprising scene like the one where Sara goes "I'm not ready to let go." during the season finale.

They might do that for D/L at the end of season 3. I just hope it won't be too similar to GSR.

Oh how I love our ship...it just makes me so happy, even now when we're left with an angsty cliffhanger...
Cliffhanger? Do you mean the fact that we don't know everything about Lindsay even after episode 12? Or is it because of a spoiler and if it is, please put it under a spoiler box so I'll know not to read it? Sorry!!

Anyway, happy shipping. See you guys later!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

NWILL makes so much more sense now. Like the reason she went undercover, and the reason I think she kinda went "haywire" with her emotions of the past. The girl was going to savce her friend- and Lindsay knows what it feels like to know a friend is in danger. I think her going undercover was kind of a step for her, she needed to know she was okay and could ork without this memoy bothering her. In all honesty- she was a bit wrong. I think between the friend being killed, the other friend being almost killed, and Lindsay herself having a gun held up to her, it all came rushing back through. I don't think that her "crime" ingeneral neccesarily has to do with a guy-relationship, more of a trust thing. Stella commiting to be her friend (even though we know they've all got her back) is an awesome step for Linds. I think that after Lindsay is okay with everything, she'll be ready to comitt to Danny.

And to go along with my little rant, I have this (with small spoilers for "Silent Night" and upcoming eppys) Fixing the Past
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Rad, that's so true! I can see what you mean about NWILL. It was really a trigger for her 'relapse'. And maybe it is not just about trust of other people, but trusting herself since the people around her (whom she loves) keep getting hurt...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Whilst I remember, for all those of you who aren't already members, the LJ community for D/L fans is here and our first ever fanfic challenge has just been put up for all those interested. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

As far as I know now, episode 14 is still scheduled to air 01/24. It's to be a repeat on Jan 17 now
OK! Txs catey :)!
**Mo squees right along with Dutch!!** ... That would make a fabulous start to our year and the second half of the season! Awww man I want them to kiss so very badly...even just a little something...it will be HOT I know it! Hot and yet sweet and just so...YAY!
*still squealing* Your remark suddenly reminded me of that 'midseason-something's gonna happen-promise' and it will be OUR #13 ;) so a kiss is not that much to ask for. And you're so right Mo even a small kiss would be SO HOT :devil:
They should stick the writers in a room and make them rewatch this ep over and over again to inspire them to improve the D/L we are (or are not, as it may be) getting now!
That's a great idea mercy and they better make that room a broom closet to really inspire them into writing something that would be so much appreciated :D
Yep, but they might pull a GSR
I hope not kissme I didn't like the way they handled that. But since that's been done before I can't imagine they do something similar with D/L :p And since the 'let's start the ep with them in bed together' has already been done with Mac and Peyton I hope they don't use that one again either :( (note: nothing against both of these ships, but I just didn't like the way TPTB handled them)

And I totally agree with Rad and mercy. What was revealed in "Silent Night" about Lindsay's past does explain a lot about why she so desparately wanted to help that girl save her friend in NWILL. It will most certainly have brought back some awful memories :(

Oh and final chap is up
Grandma's Angel / Ch.3 - It came upon a midnight clear
Have a box of tissues ready! :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I also think "NWILL" was the "setoff" for Lindsay. After that episode, she let her emotions take over, and that is what "pushed" her away from Danny. For now.

They will get together, I swear! :)

I've brought an update on my ficcie.

An Invitation in my Name
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