Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hi all, I have to make this a quick one :devil: I've read all your posts and there were so many that I haven't got much time left to react.
mercy said:
Gawd, I love all the D/L fanfics y'all have been writing recently! Keeps me surrounded in lovely fluff, as it should be! Hmm, kind to think of it I haven't gotten to read any angst fics in the past few days... you angsties not writing anymore?
I love all the fic's too. But with work, posting here, X-mas stuff, reading fic's, studying, etc. I haven't got much time to spare to write something (I sometimes even wish I hadn't got into writing FF :eek: -but I love it- :)). I've reached some kind of compromise with my muse ;) so I will post 'something' tomorrow.

Anyname is fine!! I don't even care if you think it sucks!
There so many already. But I'll give it a shot: "Broomcloset Abusers" (I know, it sucks :rolleyes:, but that's what you wanted) and that Skyscraper/Wheatfields name Rad mentioned sounds familiar, but I can't recall what it was exactly either.

take over the studio and write a few eppys just for us!
That'd be awesome! I'm with you, Mo!
I'm right behind you guys! Even if it could just be one ep :p It would be so great!

Mo, I'm glad you finally got around to watching the ep, kissme, Great banners, mercy I love the 'locker room' scenario.

Rad I'd say RsRd at first, but I guess no one in your class will pick up on the significance of the D/L scenes in that one, so my second choice would be SoY. And may I just add that I think it's just awesome that you get to watch this IN class?! :cool:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Twinny gets to watch stuff in class? How'd you pull that one off? You bribed the teacher again didn't you? Go with "Stealing Home" or "CoTP" .. they seem better, {whispers, plus on CoTP, you can show them our OT3 :D }

Cordy You make amazing Banners, great job on them all!

Melly Macky is mine.. *looks at Mo* tell her or I'm coming after Flackie, which will lead Modie after Danny, and you don't want that now, do you?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh my gosh! I need to get in here more often! I have two and a half pages to read through! Wow! (I missed three and a half days of classes! I've been doing a bunch of work for the past week!) I've missed y'all!

Pretty pictures! Gosh, they're so adorable!!!

Why are we coming up with new names? Just for fun? or are we changing?!

I'm off to update on the new fanfics! I'm excited!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yea I was thinking either Stealing Home or CotP... thanks for the ideas guys, what would I do without ya'll?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Rad, I like Stealing Home, simply because Sid points out to Lindsay that Danny has a crush on her. I think it's cute that it has to be pointed out to her. Good luck with your choice, you're lucky you get to watch it in class. We never got to do anything like that when I was in school. :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

My teacher is a regular CSI: fan, she only has season 1 on DVD though, so I figured I'd bring in good ol' NY for her to enjoy. I feel young in here, all you guys sound like you're outta school... :eek:

Wrote that Lindsay poem for you guys Alone

From all the DL moments in season 2 a present:

The summer, a glorious time of year. The way the water reflects the sun. The way a tiger looks as it is being used for evidence at the zoo. The way she was teased because she was the new girls from Montana. Back at the lab, if gazing was a new Olympic sport, he might have won. Still it went on this gazing, through the smell of fish even, all that fish! Who could’ve thought a swordfish could’ve killed that guy. It amazes him still. When that bastard came from Miami and Mac sent her away, he figured he’d talk to his Montana, make sure she felt okay. He knew the lab made her sick if she was stuck in there too long, he loved it when she was flustered. Walrus porn. What to say about that. Their heads tilted in unison, they both wished it was them on that bed, rolling and turning as one. Those dolls hung from that ceiling, that teacher having relations with a kid. Who cares? They held hands! It was indeed a perfect fit. She walked down the subway tunnel in that gorgeous dress, he was surprised as ever. He kept that the opera was a favorite of hers, he knew someday he’d need it again. A man was covered in glue, as he lied in the gutter. They went to see “Rough Sects” together. Surely they wanted to actually be demonstrating the name of the band. Well, she did anyway. Bugs have protein, which make your strong, they also lead to good jokes afterwards, and a very cute first date. Upon that building with the water tower, he lifted her up as she promised him drinks and dinner, we all know what he really wanted of course. Bug jokes came up again, she smiled, he smiled, eye sex at it’s greatest. Phone sex turns him on, so does she. He proposed in a football players house. C’mon, how romantic is that! Later on he was in over his head, and she was there for him every step of the way. Stella was in pain, she needed to do something about it, she let it all loose. It ran after her to calm her down. She then put her arm on his shoulder, like it was a regular occurrence. Montana means one thing, she’s not a 49er’s fan. The mermaid reminded her of home. He helped her book that guy, and she was thankful for it. She owed him one. Flack was hurt, so was she, he helped her, made sure she was okay. They helped solve the case, he offered her a ride, and a ride is what she got.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Howdy lovelies! :D I'm in a good mood at the moment...not quite sure why...but really who am I to question it! :lol:
No kidding! Even with all the angst/disappointment spoilers I don’t think could have waited that long, even with a full schedule. Sleep? Who needs sleep?
Lol, yeah hon, so often I think the same thing to myself...but without my sleep I get really really cranky and me cranky is SO not pretty! :p It did take me forever to watch it though...that's for sure! :rolleyes: :lol:
As I’ve said before, the man is sex personified!
Is it just me or does he keep getting hotter?
It is not just you babe! He is seriously SOOO...just...yeah...I... **Mo pictures Danny in her head and loses her train of thought as she starts to swoon and drool at the same time!** :devil: :devil: Seriously want him for Christmas...with just a big red bow under my Christmas tree...yeah baby!! :devil: :devil:
but before leaving Danny pauses and looks over his shoulder back at his Montana and gives her a small encouraging smile which gives her strength. Maybe the world ain’t such a bad place after all (or something corny like that).
Okay Mercy hon you're officially hired as part of our shipper's-who-are-gonna-take-over-CBS-studios-and-write-our-own-eppy's-team! :lol: :lol: I loved your little ending scene, very sweet! :D

Yeah Rad hon, I'd go with Stealing Home I think...good stuff right there! :D Lucky you getting to watch CSI in class...I'd love to have been able to do that! :lol:
*looks at Mo* tell her or I'm coming after Flackie, which will lead Modie after Danny, and you don't want that now, do you?
Hey hey! No need to threaten me Lynny I'm on your side here remember! ;) Now Melly hon, you knows I likes you...but you had darn well better not steal Macky...cuz I do NOT want to lose my Danny...I won't! So don't make us come after you hon! :lol: ;)

Smi! Hi honey! Lol, yeah hang out here more often...we likes you! :D Nope not looking for a new name, just naming them for fun! Darx was curious I think! ;)

I feel young in here, all you guys sound like you're outta school...
I dunno about everyone else hon, but I've been out of school for a little while...not a long time, but a couple years... :lol: But it's all good, young...old...that's the beauty of shipping, doesn't matter how old you are! The love can be shared regardless! :lol: :lol:

Okay y'all...the key for us for the next month is to stay positive, optimistic and happy until we get our eppy's back! So whatever that requires...do it! :lol: For me that's hanging out in my bubble surrounded by fluffy clips and fics! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

But it's all good, young...old...that's the beauty of shipping, doesn't matter how old you are! The love can be shared regardless
No kidding! :lol: I've been married ten years, have three kids(3,5 and 7), and here I am, shipping. I've met a lot of great people on this board, and in my opinion, you all are the best. You were quick to welcome me, and I really feel part of the group. Rad, Mo, Dutch, and many others have helped me so much, when I couldn't figure things out and when I did things wrong. Our ship is great, and so are the people on this board. :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

catey1234 said:
Our ship is great, and so are the people on this board. :D
Ditto! I agree whole heartedly! :D I'd always been a d/l addict but until a few months ago I was new to the whole shipping concept. After finding this thread on accident, I knew where I belonged! It was great to find a place where I'm in such good company!
**MWAH** blows kisses to all fellow d/l shippers

Rad, I love your season 2 summary! It’s like a trip down memory lane.

Thanks for all the lovely fics and fic updates, I love them, keep ‘em coming, we'll get through this break!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Rad hon, I totally forgot to comment on your fabulous Seas. 2 summary...that was FABULOUS hon, FABULOUS!! Lol, it was great honey, great! :D (And apparently I like to repeat my descriptors...lol! :lol: )

Catey, mercy I know I'm sure glad y'all are here with us! I know I was totally welcomed when I first came on here and so I for one am totally glad to spread the love and welcoming that is so natural to our lovely thread! :D

OUr ship is just so great! I loves it and all y'all! We have such a fabulous ship and group of shippers who love it! It makes me happy! :D :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Shipping non-canon ships is fun but shipping canon ships is also great fun as we get to see our ship grow with the show and the suspense every time they're in the same room together ....... and if there's anything we don't like, we can leave it to our imaginations to change anyway!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Kissme, awesome banner-ish thingys!

Cordy You make amazing Banners, great job on them all!
Aww, thanks guys!

and we're adding to the list:
1 & 2- Linds hasnt even arrived yet!
3. Zoo York - yes. Plenty of bantering and gazing.
4. Corporate Warriors - Nope.
5. Young Blood - Nope.
6. Dancing with Fishes - Yep. Some "work" and some more gazing.
7. Manhattan Manhunt - Yep, he was clearly worried about her.
8. Bad Beat - Nope.
9. City of the Dolls - YES. He was holding her hand and then-- awkwardness. and flrting.
10. Jamalot - Nope.
11. Trapped. Nope - but Linds seemed so worried when Danny was trapped in with the dead, crazy guy.
12. Wasted - Nope.
13. Risk - YES. "You clean up nice..." Man, that was so cute!
14. Stuck on YOu - LOADS OF M&Ms. So adorable! Flirting... "Rough Sects"
15. Fare Game - not until the end. The have a very "buggy" firstdate.
16. Cool Hunter - Yep. even though they were on different cases, Danny helped Linds' case by carrying her around to check how deep the footprints were. So cute! I bet though Linds only got him to do it... because well obviously.
17. Necrophilia Americana - He teases her about eating bugs. Not alot of M&Ms since they're on different case.
18. Live or Let Die - flirting & "Does it turn you on?". So... yes.
19. Superman - yep. A sort-of marraige proposal.
20. Run Silent Run Deep - lots of M&Ms. He seemed to be only looking at her when he got pulled off for a while to the office.
21. All Access- he comforted her and she put her arm on his shoulder very naturally.
22. Stealing Home - LOADS OF M&Ms!! Plus Sid's infamous comment. "Danny calls you that (Montana) because he's got a crush on you."
23. Heroes - A bit. Lindsay talks about Danny talking about Aiden.
24. Charge of this Post - lots of D/L. He realizes that it's her file... la dee da. He tells her to check her wound out and then at last, "Still want that ride?" Hmmm... OH SO MANY meanings behind that!!

Season 3:
1. People with Money - nope.
2. Not what it Looks Like - THE HUG, THE gazing. How he didn't want her to go!
3. Love Run Cold - angsty and God, you could totally tell that he wanted her so badly as much as she wanted to cry in his arms and kiss him! "If there's anything you need from me, just let me know."
4. Hung Out to Dry - Nope
5. Oedipus Hex - He helped her to talk to the mother. Goofy smiles and he turned down the Suicide Girl despite that the "old" Danny would have turned her down anyway... but still. :)
6. Open and Shut - nothing, except Lindsay looks at Danny during the beginning.
7. Murder Sings the Blues - nothing
8. Consequences - nothing
9. And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael - nothing, except Danny said "Beautiful" during a scene and it could have meant something to us D/L shippers. Later, they stand together during the interrogation.
10. Sweet Sixteen - nothing, but Danny asks how Linds is doing when she gets bitten by the snake.
11. Raising Shane - Danny comes and helps her with the evidene. :)
12. Silent Night - nothing.

Ahhh-- isn't this cute?

"Well hellol, Ms.Monroe."

I love the look Mac gives them, as if he knows something is up!

Almost as if he's thinking, "Do they need a timeout?"
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

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