Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[
Okay I finally saw the eppy...I know it took me flippin' FOREVER! Lol anyway...I thought I would give y'all basically my stream of consciousness flow that I typed while I watched the eppy...since I know y'all enjoy that so desperately much!
:lol: :lol: So without further ado, here it is!
wow to the opening sequence...oh my word! How sad!!
Hmmmm, okay this is gonna be sad...I can already tell and I'm just to the credits...speaking of credits, they need new ones already! Come on!
New pics would be good already! :lol:
Wow Linds reacted right away, didn't even make it under the tape! Wow...she does emotional really well...I mean we knew that, but the girl could not play poker, everything is right there on her face!
Nice of STel to cover for Linds, but Mac knew something was up you could tell!
Okay Sasha's "help" seriously?! That was horrid!
Danny in that jacket and light blue shirt...HOLY COW!! He is so insanely hot!! :devil: Gah I want him on toast for!!
Okay first reaction to Linds/Stella scene...Stella was way less harsh than I expected and Linds was CLEARLY defensive and fighting like hell to stop herself from crying right then and there. I have to say that was a very well done scene by both women...Linds clearly showed how much she's struggling with, and Stella did a great job of trying to talk to her and the transition to "boss" was actually almost fitting to me...Linds put her off twice, so it was understanding...almost. And you could tell that Linds felt bad about her reaction, cuz right as Stel says her "trying to be your friend" line it panned to Linds and she looked like she was gonna apologize and explain. Gah I'm gonna cry though I know it...just that last shot of Linds where you could tell she wanted to cry...yeah I'm SO gonna lose it!!
Danny is freaking adorable! Gah I want him for very badly!!
How much do you love that Danny cannot stand still, ever...when he's talking to Stel in the hallway, he can't stand's so cute!
I KNEW the daughter was the babies mother...I KNEW it! Man I'm good!!!!
OMG...OMG all that blood and Linds surrounded by it, that said so much without any words....OMG that that is ALL the STUPID PTB showed us...and O.M.G. Linds crying....just yeah...tears from me...totally.
Survivor's guilt and PTSD...totally...gah poor Linds! They SOOOO should have had a scene of her talking to someone after her crying like hard would that have been, geez!!! If that's all they give us...well let's just say I can't even think of a horrid enough punishment to fit that crime! They barely whet our appetites for goodness sake! That's just cruel and unusual punishment right there...
Okay so if I wasn't before I sure am now...I'm so glad they didn't just leave it at Linds' cryptic "Why" line...although they didn't give us a whole lot more...since I wasn't expecting anything else though, that little scene with Stel was so nice! Gah Linds and her face...seriously y'all I think Anna is brilliant in her acting, she had me totally right there with her...practically crying! And I think her "I could use a friend" line was not an "I don't have any other friends" type deal...(so I don't think she was dissing Danny) I took it as her saying to Stel, "I need you to be my friend now and not my boss please"...totally! And Stel calling her kiddo...yeah that will always be a Danny name for her, but again...I gotta say I think it was okay here! I do think Stel should have hugged her instead of just sending her home! Of course best case scenario would have Danny coming in and wrapping his arms around her and holding her! But Linds before she turned and walked away, she was so about to burst into tears!
And I think that ending with Sasha...yeah I don't even have time to do a proper rant on that...just yeah...although I do ADORE the song that played...but it would have been a million times if it had been that song with Linds walking up to Danny and looking at him for a long moment and then him stepping up and taking her into his arms and her starting to cry and him holding her...that would have been perfect.