Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

mercy said:
Moriel21 said:

Nice emails and letters y'all...I really think we should do something like this when Anna is gone, plus it never hurts to remind the PTB that we really do love our ship! I think they forget that sometimes...how I have no idea, but they do! :p

Exactly! I think mine would go along the lines of:

Dear PTB,

Outstanding show! CSI: NY (which has always been awesome) continues to get better with every episode. Both the writing and the casting on this show are brilliant. Speaking of casting, we want to express our appreciation for Anna Belknap who plays the multi-faceted Lindsay “Montana” Monroe. While the lovely Ms. Belknap is on leave, this will give your talented writers opportunity to compose some steamy scenes (broom closets optional, but strongly encouraged) for Lindsay and Danny Messer. View Anna’s leave as a creative opening to build up to a stellar season for our favorite couple! Keep up the good work!

Give my love to Carmine (and my phone number :devil:),

Megan/aka mercy at Talk CSI

(yes, i am a thesaurus abuser)

CathStokes said:
Well at least we got Not What It Looks Like coming up.

Yep, that one airs Wednesday, but CBS is also replaying LRC the day before NWILL. I’m so excited, they are both episodes I didn’t get to tape (stupid crappy VCR) so I get a second chance! They are two of the best!

Aren't Season 3 ratings the highest they've been? Can we attribute that to D/L? Hands down, yes of course we can! ;) I love the spark of life that the actors have put into these two characters.

My hands are so raised for: D/L meant to be together...how much I'd love to be their good friend in the show! Then I'd be invited to their little get-togethers, dinners, and parties. Heck, maybe even double-date with them! :p How fun!

Lindsay “Montana” Monroe

^^ I like that.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

audacity said:
Danny and Lindsay were just meant to be. Those who agree, raise your hands! :D

me too! me too!

xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
Aren't Season 3 ratings the highest they've been? Can we attribute that to D/L? Hands down, yes of course we can! ;) I love the spark of life that the actors have put into these two characters.

Yes! Anna and Carmine really bring life to their characters! :) This is the season for Danny & Lindsay; their interaction draws people to the show in a few ways, I think. One would be people who watch CSI: NY fairly regularly become addicted due to D/L. Then these lovely D/L shippers go out and spread the addiction by writing fics, forums, and telling friends all about it so that they become addicted. Wait… that is starting to sound a little cult-ish, um… D/L shippers spread fluff. :lol:
There, that sounds better.
O-kay then, I think I need to lay off the caffeine for a while…
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yes, I think I got more hooked on D/L because of all the great fics out there. I keep saying that if TPTB would actually read any of this, they would realize how serious we are about wanting these two together. It's a shame that fanfic writers do a better job of putting these D/L together than the actual paid writers of the show. :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Give my love to Carmine (and my phone number ),
:lol: I should have said that... Grrr. :lol:
Kissme is just so cute...but I likes Delia too!
Awww! Thank you!
Those who agree, raise your hands!
I'm raising both of my hands!! :D
Aren't Season 3 ratings the highest they've been? Can we attribute that to D/L? Hands down, yes of course we can!
Yeah to be honest, TV Guide has mentioned that with the flirtation between mostly Danny and Lindsay, Mac & Peyton (Payless. Blah!!)-- the ratings are higher than they've ever been. As well as the number of viewers!! We're #5 right now! :D It sucks though... I see stars of shows that no one watches everywhere and I barely get to see the NY team! :(

Anyway, I guess the audience likes romance on serious shows to lighten up a bit. :) (Including us! Especially of Messer and Montana!).

Anyway, can you guys come up with names for our couple?
There's already:
DaLicious M&Ms
M&M (Messer & Montana)
Zoo Babies

We need more! I'm sorry I havent got any!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Love that name, there we go....

Adding to the list.

DaLicious M&Ms
M&M (Messer & Montana)
Zoo Babies
Rescued Hearts

Buggy Love?

Country Girl and her City Boy?

What do you guys think? Honestly?

Hey, I always love your stories, vexus! But sorry-- I'm off any major spoilers! :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I love all the names already!
I'm trying for something like CaRWash though....
maybe LaDder?? :lol: Lindsay and Danny do everything right
Yes, I tried..and its not very good. I'm going to look for more name spelling things :D

eta:now that I reread that..it sounds so lame :rolleyes:.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Good evening my lovelies! :D
One week til Christmas! I was hoping to be floating on a nice Fluffy D/L cloud 9 at this point...but I can still float in my bubble and be happy for Christmas with ficcies and shippy clips! :D
BTW: Mac is your father. LOL.
Oh Fluffy Twin I sure hope not...lol, otherwise that is seriously NOT good! Then Lynny's been a very bad girl! ;) :lol:
Mo and sugar type treats = Major fluffiness! LOL. But I be glad that you wubs our ship. The English isn't too good today.
No worries I understand ya, not good English or not... **Mo huggles her Fluffy Twin!** Yup me on sugar equals Major Fluffines!! :lol: :lol:
Danny and Lindsay were just meant to be. Those who agree, raise your hands!
**Mo raises both her arms and waves her hands excitedly in the air!** Oh me, me, me....TOTALLY! :D
that hug must have broken down a big part of her defenses- and B) Why she turned to Stella instead of Danny -if he would be all sweet and caring again her protective shield would be gone completely-.
Yeah Dutch I agree with you. I think Linds had her pain and secrets locked away tight behind a wall she built to keep the pain and memories at bay. And then she meet Danny and slowly but surely he started chipping away at that wall...a little piece at a time until her heart was almost bared to him....and yeah like you said I think that hug broke down the last big chunk of her defenses...leaving only scattered pieces to be blown away in the wind of his love. Again I agree I'd say that's why she didn't go to Danny with her secret, she's still trying to hold back that pain and protect her heart...she's still scared of facing what she saw...and so she thought that by talking to Stella maybe she wouldn't have to get as vulnerable as she'd inevitably be with Danny.
I had so much fun when I read this: "please do not submit any story, plot or character ideas". LOL
They seriously said that? Silly PTB don't they know that's like exactly what we shippers do? Come up with plot lines and story ideas we want to see? That just cracks me up! :lol: :lol:
Awww! Thank you!
You're welcome Kissme/Delia! ;) (How about I call you that from now on?! :lol: )
What about Resuced Hearts as one of their names. I'm sorry but I can't think of anymore.
Awwww Vex, angsty niece, I like that name alot! Good one hon! ;)

Darx mmmmm....more names huh...let's see...I know some people call them Dantana...as for other names...none come to mind immediately! :lol: I'll try to think of more for ya though! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Mo, hey! You can call me Delia or Cordelia or kissmesweet. It's up to you. I really don't mind.

Ooh can I call you Cordy????

You know I don't appreciate the abuse, Twinny, and I really don't remember that pact. Show me it in writing and maybe we've got a deal.

Yeah sure, Twinny try to get outta it now. Whimp.

Guys, don't worry about Anna being underused right now. Since she's pregnant, there's no way she can work the 16+ hour days that her job requires. That's why her scenes in each episode have been brief. I'm sure when she comes back from maternity leave, she'll be back full time and she'll be in lots of scenes just like before.

She'll come back and rock the house.

I think #7 is where you started throwing things at me and sticking gum in my hair. BTW: Mac is your father. LOL. I wub you.

*gasps* What??? No way!!. I demand a test!... geez, Next you'll tell me Nicky's my brother. .. I did not stick gum in your hair..that was Twinny.

*decides to be evil and doesn't raise her hand*

Why are yall doing the name thing?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

She'll come back and rock the house.
Definitely! :D :D
geez, Next you'll tell me Nicky's my brother
Oh no no no...that would just be wrong on so many levels! :lol: ;)
*decides to be evil and doesn't raise her hand*
**Mo smacks Lynny...Raise your hand!** :D
Why are yall doing the name thing?
I think Darx was wondering what other names there are for D/L...that's all! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Adding to the list.
DaLicious M&Ms
M&M (Messer & Montana)
Zoo Babies
Rescued Hearts
Buggy Love?
Country Girl and her City Boy?

Why are yall doing the name thing?
:lol: Not very well! We need more! Please help! Anyname is fine!! I don't even care if you think it sucks!
She'll come back and rock the house.
Hell yeah. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Mo, don't tell Daughter L that I'm giving her a hard time. And. Lynn don't give my Rad a hard time. I'm so proud of my Vexxie. Her Christmas series rocks! Us on sugar treats, MO? Watch out! Bouncy! :lol: :D

Buggy Love! I love it! :)

LOL! For some reason I just want to break out and sing "Surrey With the Fringe on Top." Fluffy Twin joins me while the naughty one that doesn't raise her hand for D/L sticks tongue out at us! :p

Rough Sexers? (If there's not a sexer in the dictionary then there should be. LOL!) :D

We used to talk about the Moaning Brooms around here. What happened to that one? :lol:

How about Walrus lovers?! :devil:

I know it was sad that we didn't get any D/L but in the long run it will be good for D/L. Who knows? If Lindsay would have gone to Danny right now, it might have created angst. We like our fluff! Who wants to join Mo and I there? I still would love some D/L scenes, but hopefully when Lindsay is more at peace with her past, she will turn to Danny. It will be fluffy. ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Still adding it to the list:
Adding to the list.
DaLicious M&Ms
M&M (Messer & Montana)
Zoo Babies
Rescued Hearts
Buggy Love?
Country Girl and her City Boy?
Rough Sexers
Rough Sects
Moaning Brooms
Walrus Lovers

This sucks, I'm sorry! But I had to post it here. I just made it. Took me half an hour... Still didn't come out as well as I thought it would though:

We like our fluff!
That we do! I'm joining you and Mo! :D We do love the fluff!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[


I would do that she pwns all thingy, but I done said Flackie did..so. eh. sorry.

Oh no no no...that would just be wrong on so many levels!

haha, Danny being my brother, would SO pay her back!

**Mo smacks Lynny...Raise your hand!**

*gets smacked* ow... *raises hand* *under her breathe* aunts.

Not very well! We need more! Please help! Anyname is fine!! I don't even care if you think it sucks!

DRoe? I dunno I don't very well on this..

And. Lynn don't give my Rad a hard time.

*looks at Twinny* If I didn't pick on her or give her a hard time, she'd swear I was pissed at her.

That doesn't suck babes, that looks really cute! Great job!
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