Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

goodnite_tonite said:
Seriously PTB trust me on this one, just give us shippers the D/L we want and then step away carefully and no one will get hurt!

lol! so true, moriel, so true. we D/L shippers can be very aggressive when we want to be.... :lol:

Oh yeah we can hon! :lol: Let me tell you...! :lol: **Mo sharpens her pitchfork and eyes the PTB out of the corner of her eye....** We are practiced in the ancient art of "Destroy-you-slowly-with-fire-tongs-if-you-don't-give-us-exactly-what-we-want-right-now!" :eek: :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks everyone for trying to answer my question. And everyone is right, Wednesday still seems so far away.
By the way, can you believe we are up to 7 pages in this thread already? We've been busy little chatters! :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh yeah we can hon! Let me tell you...! **Mo sharpens her pitchfork and eyes the PTB out of the corner of her eye....** We are practiced in the ancient art of "Destroy-you-slowly-with-fire-tongs-if-you-don't-give-us-exactly-what-we-want-right-now!"
lol! PTB better give us what we want alright!!:lol:

By the way, can you believe we are up to 7 pages in this thread already? We've been busy little chatters!
i know! i cant believe it!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

*Keich tries to untangle herself from Mo*

Thanks for the warm welcome, Mo! :D

Yes, Wednesday seems so far away. *sighs* Good thing I have this darn projects to keep me busy until then! Woosh!

I noticed a lot of new names in here. Hello you guys! And even though it's kinda late, I'd still want to welcome you aboard the USS D/L! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hi everyone, I’ve missed you :D Haven’t been in here for two days. So many parties in December already; but they help speed time up quite a bit YEAH! :lol:
Knowing what's gonna happen I think makes me more excited for the eppy
That’s why I like spoilers so much too Rad just watching an ep and then guessing when things you’ve seen in the promo’s or read in the spoilers will actually take place.
I don't know if anyone has been over to ff.net lately, but there are some really good D/L christmas stories going on the site
Oh, txs for the reminder catey :) still have to read the ones you’ve suggested and the ones posted here; well maybe tonight…
What will they do for New Year's Eve?
Great question, Aud Since our lovely ship is definitely sailing :cool: I think it’s appropriate if they take a boat out on the river and watch the fireworks over the city from the water; sealed with a kiss on the ship’s bow! :)
Linds should take Danny out to dinner...finally!
That’s a great idea Mo, that would so make his…year…especially the desert :devil:
I'm finding it really hard to watch season 2 episodes now, because that was before they actually admitted their feelings for each other, and before Lindsay's "past resurfaced” . . . (I'm really tired..I hope that made sense).
I think I understand what you mean darx2 :D I’ve watched a season 2 rerun recently and somehow the knowledge we have now took the tension of the D/L scenes a bit.

In pic's (on the 'NY picture thread') we see Stella with Danny and Hawkes at an ice skate rink, but also Stella with Mac in a baby's room :confused: So I'm guessing Stella starts on the figure skater's case with Danny and Hawkes and Mac starts on the family's case with Lindsay. Lindsay then leaves and contacts Stella; after telling her 'secret' :eek: she asks her to leave Danny and Hawkes and assist Mac on the other case. So why does Linds leave, where will she go and most important :D ...does she have contact with Danny? ;)
btw, innocent_guilty and angelheart, welcome! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

What will they do for New Year's Eve?
They'll attend a party at the office and when it's midnight, she'll take him by surprise by kissing him senseless. :) Hmmm-- that's how I wanna spend my New Year's.

I'm so strong, I love myself. I'm not reading the giant spoiler above!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

What will they do for New Year's Eve
Everything I come up with is angsty! haha. I wish i could come up with something fluffy...

I got a question...What senario would take place if Danny and Lindsay were standing in a doorway under the misteltoe going by their current "relationship"? (would she kiss him or not....)

Danny: Ok, Montana. What are the test results?
Lindsay: Well the guys not our murderer....
Danny *looks up, sees the misteltoe and grins*
Lindsay *looks up*: Danny...I....can't.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

...would she kiss him or not...
She seems like a good sport...and it is mistletoe...and Danny...

But when she intends to just give him a quick kiss, the moment their lips meet it will instantly become much more...uhm...intense.... :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I just want to put in my thoughts. I think Lindsay is working the "Deaf Woman" case and asks to leave, then is put on Stella's case, and then tells Stella. Or she doesn't get put on any case but still opens up to stella, since Stella is kind of a "mother figure" in a sense... or just someone who seems really good to open up to.

ust my thoughts though...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

But when she intends to just give him a quick kiss, the moment their lips meet it will instantly become much more...uhm...intense....

haha dutch, i could totally see that happening.. :devil: :lol:
all this confusion about the nxt ep is making me crazy!! i think too, that shes probably on the deaf case. hopefully she will get to talk to danny!!! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I was rereading my tv guide and this is what it says exactly:

The murder of a championship figure staker hits too close to home for Lindsay, whose grisly past begins to resurface in an alarming--and carerr-threatening--way. Also in peril is Mac's romance with Peyton, which takes an unexpected turn after he cracks a deadly home invasion.

That being said....
that her past will have to do with a deaf woman..just a figure skater.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

good point..
Yeah, I read that recently that she was on the Iceskating case instead. Im really confused here!! :confused: :mad: were just gonna have to wait till weds.... :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey shippers! I wub you all! :D

I think the spoilers meant to say that Lindsay leaves the scene of the hearing impaired girl's murder to 'do' Danny at the ice rink. Okay, that's tacky but I'm trying to decipher what's going on as well! ;)

You all are true romantics at heart! But I still say they share a nice, sweet kiss under the misteltoe and then hit the sheets. :lol: :devil:

Welcome all newbies! :) Isn't Daughter's avvie the bestest ever?! :D My Vexxie is so talented I could cry. I love your Christmas ficcie. ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Aud, I loved your 'spoiler'! :D Cracked me up!

Gosh, I've been away from the thread for a couple of days and reading over the posts it seems everyone is dying for Wednesdays ep! **chanting "me too, me too!"**

Since our lovely ship is definitely sailing I think it’s appropriate if they take a boat out on the river and watch the fireworks over the city from the water; sealed with a kiss on the ship’s bow!
Dutch, I totally agree with your New Year's fireworks scenario, especially since it will be cold and they will need to stay really close for warmth. :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

darx2mint4 said:
I was rereading my tv guide and this is what it says exactly
Well the confusion started because TV guide magazine had a different episode description than TV guide.com.

Aud :lol: Your spoiler is the best! :lol: But her wanting to do THAT :devil: can hardly be called a 'secret' ;)

they will need to stay really close for warmth
:devil: *FIREWORKS* :devil:
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