Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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hey smi don't worry about it... we all have awesome blonde moments.. :D Oh and you're staying the pet... it's only perfect.. :p

Innocent_Guilty you new here? If so, welcome!

Twin V The preview was really good... there's a link in the spoiler thread if you want to see it. Granted there was no Danny, or Lindsay, or Hawkes, or Stella, the preview looked good. The story lines look fantastic!
I don't know if anyone has been over to ff.net lately, but there are some really good D/L christmas stories going on the site. Of course, there is Vexus fics' but there are a few others to absolutely recommend. It should give everyone a fluff overload, but they are really good. :)
Maybe because we know that it is an important Lindsay episode,
Whereas, I'm all for D/L. I'd like the episode to let Lindsay develope into a more complicated character, whether or not Danny's there.

Is that for certain Rad? Is that mentioned somewhere? These spoilers only hint of a few minutes of the next ep, who knows what more will happen? Well the writers off course; but since it’s still not known who they are we are all guessing as to what may happen
Sorry, but Dutch. Does that belong in the spoiler box at all?
Sorry, but Dutch. Does that belong in the spoiler box at all?
I don't think it needs a spoiler box. There was nothing said that would give anything away.

Somebody was asking about ep 14 and if there were more spoilers. I have this:

The only thing I saw from my spoiler sources was that Lindsay asks Hawkes to make sure Danny gets her letter. Hawkes suggests she tell him she's leaving. She says it's better this way. Hawkes mentions everybody knows how they feel about each other. Lindsay leaves the letter on Danny's desk anyway and walks away. And she does tell Hawkes she'll be back but she doesn't say where she's going.

Keep in mind though that things could change.
*reads spoiler*

WHAT?!!!!!! *goes into cardiac arrest* NOOOO!!!!!!!

I'm heart-broken. :( Is she really gonna to... that 5 letter word that starts with L?

Do you know what's episode 14's name? Is Silent Night next week? Is it number 12, or 13? I'm so lost... :lol: Well... since I have about 6 months til Season 3 premiers, guess it doesn't really matter I'm lost now... :lol:
Good morning all my lovelies!! **Mo dances into our lovely thread...ecstatic to be on her last day of work with a freaking long commute!!** :lol: Happy Friday to all! :D
Sweet! Aunt Mo!
Lol, yup we're related! :lol: YAY! :D Niece Rad, I likes! ;)
Rad, there was really nothing in the preview last night. To look at it, you would not even know that Lindsay will be in next weeks episode.
Seriously?! That so sucks! I haven't seen the promo yet, but now I'm not sure I even want to...I think I'd just get fed up and pissed at the PTB for being dumb! :p

Yeah I do think it's retarded of the PTB to not even put a hint of Linds in the promo, I mean she reveals her secret... and I don't care what they say, they've built this up to be a big enough part of the story that it deserves some promo mention dang it! It made the synopsis so we know it's gonna be in there, so show us something dang it!! :mad:
But in the name of all that is good and right in this world, why is it taking so long for wednesday to get here?!?
Lol, no kidding Mercy! On the one hand this week went by totally fast and on the other hand, it SOOO just needs to be Wed. already, geez!! :lol:
Twinny -- You're like me, we go Spoiler Free for like a few hours and then we just go for it and say forget it. We can't help it, we're angstys.
Lol, I don't think that's just an angsty thing Lynny hon! ;) I do the exact same thing...in fact I just stopped even trying to not read them, I know I will anyway...so what's the point! :lol:
Aunt Mo!! hehe. Are you a proud aunt of angsty!triplets?
Lol, yeah! How ironic is that huh! :lol: Me and Aud, total Fluffy's and all! :lol: It's because they all hang around you, their adopted angsty aunt, that's how that happened! ;) :D
MO, I love that you're my aunt!
Aud is my mom and you're my aunt, the triplets have a family that loves them so!
Lol, Vex you're too cute!! :D Quite glad I'm your aunt hon...and yup, we wubs y'all! Even though you are angsty! ;) :lol:

Smi no worries hon! I have blonde moments all the time...it's all good! :lol: And you'd have to take the pet thing up with Lynny I think she's kind of attatched to you as her pet! :D

Alright y'all...what is it 5 days until our eppy...we can do it, we can make it... **Mo grits her teeth and stares at the clock...is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it.....yeeeeeaaaahh!** :lol: :lol:

Alright distractions...we need some distraction questions or we're gonna go nuts...or I am anyway! :D
Aud where is you Fluffy Twin, we need a good distraction question and you're awesome with those! :lol:

Okay off to work for me...last day, yay! :D

**Mo skips out...loving her fabulous D/L and ignoring the dumb PTB who can't mess with her ship cuz she won't have it!!** :D
I was over on the spoiler thread, and I must say, whatever Lindsay's secret is, I think this is going to be a very interesting episode. Just some of the possibilities of what her secret may involve make me just wish next Wednesday was already here. :(
By the way Mo, love your banner. It's funny! :lol:
Pet said:
Great, and I'm the pet of the family. Awwwe, can I change my role? If not, I don't care.

But aww, we likes you as the pets. :D

Twin!V -- Don't feel so bad, I haven't seen the promo either.

*reads Spoiler and then runs off with Modie's banner* I can't help it, its so cute!

Aunt Mo said:
Lol, I don't think that's just an angsty thing Lynny hon! I do the exact same thing...in fact I just stopped even trying to not read them, I know I will anyway...so what's the point!

I guess thats where we get it from Twinny we get it from Aunt Mo! :lol:

Lol, yeah! How ironic is that huh! Me and Aud, total Fluffy's and all! It's because they all hang around you, their adopted angsty aunt, that's how that happened!

You want to be my mommy don't you?

And you'd have to take the pet thing up with Lynny I think she's kind of attatched to you as her pet!

I wubs her!! *cries*

Catey said:
I was over on the spoiler thread, and I must say, whatever Lindsay's secret is, I think this is going to be a very interesting episode. Just some of the possibilities of what her secret may involve make me just wish next Wednesday was already here.

Its definately going to be an interesting ep, I'll agree on that. I had an idea, but I'm probably wrong on what her secret could be.

I just can't wait to see what the letter actually says, why she's so determinded for him to get that letter.
Hey all! :)

Aud where is you Fluffy Twin, we need a good distraction question and you're awesome with those.

I'm thinking. (Hush Daughter Lynn). :p

How about this:

What will Danny give Lindsay for Christmas? What will Lindsay give Danny for Christmas? What will they do for New Year's Eve? :)

I say that Danny is going to give Lindsay something to go on her 'third finger, left hand.' In return, Lindsay will give Danny lots of sugar or maybe a knitted sweater. :lol: And for once, Danny will make Linds forget her troubled past. ;)

For New Year's, I say they just get naked and enjoy!! :devil:
Mom said:
I'm thinking. (Hush Daughter Lynn).

*gets ready to open mouth and shuts up*

What will Danny give Lindsay for Christmas? What will Lindsay give Danny for Christmas? What will they do for New Year's Eve?

NYE: Plan my birthday party???.. Alright fine, get fireworks.
Christmas: Linds -- uhmmmm a watch or something he's been hinting about?
Danny - umm he'll buy her jewelry or something naughty to use on her later?
Fine, I'll stay the pet. I guess it is pretty fun!

Uhh, I don't know what either of them would get each other for Christmas. But, for New Years Eve I think that they would go to some sort of party with a bunch of friends. I could totally see that.

Lynn, who's in your pic?
Hello my D/L buddies! :D Heehee, I'm bouncing off the walls a bit at the moment...I had my last day of work at my far away job with the commute from hell! No more too much driving for me....YAY!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
By the way Mo, love your banner. It's funny!
Awww thanks Catey hon! Yeah it's pretty fun huh...I likes it! :D It was a moment of brilliance for me! :rolleyes: :lol:
I guess thats where we get it from Twinny we get it from Aunt Mo!
Lol, probably! :lol:
You want to be my mommy don't you?
:lol: :lol: I'm good being your aunti hon! ;) Unless of course you need me to adopt ya, then of course I'll do that, in a heartbeat! :D
What will Danny give Lindsay for Christmas? What will Lindsay give Danny for Christmas? What will they do for New Year's Eve?
Aud! Hi Fluffy honey! :D Ohhh, good question! See I knew you'd come up a good one! ;) Hmmmmm, let's see...
'third finger, left hand.' In return, Lindsay will give Danny lots of sugar
I agree with this! :lol: Although if it wasn't a ring (which of course it should be! :D ) I would love to see him give her some kind of jewelry...I think a simple beautiful necklace would be perfect! Maybe a delicate silver chain with a tiny charm on it...(like an "M" for Montana...and someday Messer! ;) or a tiny charm of the state flower of Montana...) Wouldn't that be so cute! :D And I think Linds should get Danny...hmmm, Linds should take Danny out to dinner...finally! :lol: And then of course give him some sugar later! :devil:
For New Year's, I say they just get naked and enjoy!!
Oh honey I totally agree, 200%!! :devil: :devil:

Smi! Being the pet is a good thing hon...you get petted and huggled alot and you're just so cute! ;) :D
Lynn, who's in your pic?
**Mo answers for Lynny...** :lol: It's Ali Larter, Smi! She's from Heroes right now... :D

Can't wait for our eppy...can't wait, can't wait!

**Mo's gonna go nuts bouncing off the walls way before Wed. gets here!!!**
We're one big happy family!

I see Danny giving her a ring. A nice one. But it doesn't have to be a big one. Just one that has a very special meaning to it.

Part 4 of my Christmas fic is up, this one is different:

Montana vs. the Grinch
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