I think that Danny will give Lindsay a pair or earrings or a necklace from Tiffany's. I think that'd be really cute. But I think that if it was up to me, Lindsay would be wearing a beautiful red blouse and a green skirt with a ribbon tied over her hair. "Merry Christmas, Danny." She's his present! I can imagine the sheepish smile on his beautiful face!
I KNOW. But I've sprained my ankle and am off on Thursday as its the Athletic Finals but I can't do it as the doctor strongly advised me not to. At least, I can miss the day of school and watch the episode again though!! I'm so thankful that I've hurt my ankle now, so I can stay up a little later on Wednesday to see it!
Rad, did I tell you that I absolutely LOVE your icon?
Okay, I think I've been out of the loop for WAY TOO LONG. Been kinda busy with school and other stuff.
Anyway, how are thee, fellow shippers?
I just read the spoilers, and I must say, I can't wait to see that episode, especially since I haven't really seen much of our girl Lindsay lately.
And I rewatched Raising Shane the other night, and I noticed Danny's back to calling her Montana. I thought it was cute, he's back to being comfortable around her. I guess he really does care about her that he's really willing to wait until she's ready.
I guess that's it for now. Exam week's coming, and I'll probably have more time to drop by during Christmas break (assuming we don't go out of town...to a place with no internet access...oh my lord, how will I survive? @_@)
Hi everyone! Yeah, I'm a newbie to talk.csifiles.com, but I've been reading lots of threads for a while now especially this thread cause I'm a HUGE Danny/Linds, D/L, DL, M&M, Dantana, etc. fan.
I'm absolutely loving all your thoughts about Mr. Messer and Miss Monroe here...esp this christmas gift talking---keeps me so entertained!
I wish I could see Danny (in response to Lindsay asking what he would like for xmas this year) say something like "you" (then he clicks his tongue at her like he did in Ep. 3.2 Not What It looks Like...Was this tongue clicking mentioned/commented on before? TOO cute.)
I wish I could see Danny (in response to Lindsay asking what he would like for xmas this year) say something like "you" (then he clicks his tongue at her like he did in Ep. 3.2 Not What It looks Like...Was this tongue clicking mentioned/commented on before? TOO cute.)
I used to think I was a fluffy, because I love all the cute moments and Danny and Lindsay had in season 2, but now after reading many different fics of Danny and Lindsay, I realize that I am an angsty also! haha. I can't choose, I like every scene with those two in it, though the angsty ones just seem more believable to me.
I'm finding it really hard to watch season 2 episodes now, because that was before they actually admitted their feelings for each other, and before Lindsay's "past resurfaced". Because now every time I watch a fluffy episode with them, I'm just yearning for future episodes to miraculously go back to that, and I know they wont. (I'm really tired..I hope that made sense).
The same thing happened to me with CSI: Las Vegas. I can't watch anything pre season 5, because that is when there is very angsty GSR, and now that its cannon its sort of hard to watch episodes before that. (I feel like I posted these exact words before...or I'm having deja vu...i can't tell )
To be honest, I've never been a fan of GSR, whereas I was a HUGE Grissom/Willows fan. To bad that never happened... but I'm a Sara and Greg fan too. :lol: So, that doesn't really happen to me. But I get your point.
However when it comes down to D/L, anything whether its angsty or fluffy, it's all good to me!
Hi everyone, just have a question because I'm confused about this, but since it's about Wednesday's episode, I will put it in the spoiler box
Does anyone know which case Lindsay is working? There are two different postings from tv guide, one saying she's working the skater case, the other the deaf family case. The former comes from the written tv guide, the latter, from tv guide.com. I'm confused, and wondered if anyone knew which case she really was working before pulling herself off the case.
Sorry the question is so long, but like I said, I'm confused.
im more of an angsty person, but i dont mind the fluff!
Yeah, im really confused about that too. Ive been trying to figure it out but no luck so far. At first i thought she was on the deaf case, but then it said stella was on the iceskating one, and i thought Linds was supposed to open up to her. Maybe theyre doing this just to add more supsense! :lol:
I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question catey1234. We're all confused over in the spoiler thread in the NY forum.
She may start out with Stella on the skater case because Stella is supposed to cover for her when she goes MIA. I believe she's supposed to either reveal her past to Stella instead of Mac but earlier spoilers has her talking to Mac and him telling her that he already knew about her past.
this feeling that she starts off at the crime scene with Mac and then she says that she has to leave and goes MIA. I think Stella is at the skater's crime scene and then has to go find Lindsay. It lookes like Hawkes and Danny have the skater's crime scene, so they probably handle that scene well. I think Stella then goes and finds Lindsay at the lab. I'm probably wrong but I am very confused about the whole thing.
I've updated my Christmas ficcie, you like this one!
yes,csimfan it does seem so far away. what makes me feel so sad is that as soon as it weds, thats the last episode until january 17! and around that time i have midterms...so i doubt ill have time to watch it! ill find a way....
Hi shippy buddies, how's it going in here tonight?! For fun... **Mo passes out warm peanut butter cookies and mugs of Hot cocoa to everyone!** Oh and welcome to all newbies, glad to see y'all here!! :lol:
We totally are Vex! :lol: Yay for us...one big D/L shippy family! Complete with fluffy aunts and mommy's and angsty cousins and nieces...lol, at least we can all agree on our ship! It keeps our family strong...and there is always D/L smex...that keeps everything great! :devil:
Keich!!!**Mo tackles Keich!** Hey hon! How are you? We've missed you around here! Hope things are going well...hope you get to visit more often! That'd be fun! :lol:
However when it comes down to D/L, anything whether its angsty or fluffy, it's all good to me!
Lol, yup I pretty much agree kissme hon, lol...except of course I loves my fluff more! But angst has it's uses...namely bringing about more and better fluff! :lol: :lol:
Yeah it's pretty confusing right now, I can't seem to find which case she is actually working on...one source says one and another says the other...TPTB are being kind of dumb about promoting this ep anyway and this is just another examply of this! I'll see if I can find anything...
Vex you make an excellent point! I could totally see something like that happening...that would be interesting...for sure!
CANNOT wait for this eppy y'all...I am seriously hoping for some good D/L!! I desperately want something...really, really, really want something!
Seriously PTB trust me on this one, just give us shippers the D/L we want and then step away carefully and no one will get hurt!