Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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The looks on their faces, and Danny stumbling over his words just reaches out and grabs your heart.
I know, don't they though! Seriously this scene totally grabbed me, just like you said! :D
TOTALLY with ya hon! TOTALLY! :lol: As much as love that scene in LRC, I do definitely want more Fluffy moments! Oh please, oh please!!! :D
Me tease Auda?? Wait, yea I do, but come on, we both know she asks for it.

Twinny You drive me crazy with these one thing though, but I'm snaggin Twin!V's answer. :D

Although that dress in Mo's icon.. damn!

career threatening? Hmm must be something bigger then what I thought for it to go there
Ok favourite scene. That's really a tough choice :p I like all the scenes that have already been mentioned.

The HUG because it was just so much more than we could've ever hoped for :D It said everything it needed to without words; just the looks they shared, the sense of relief, the total unawareness of their surroundings :devil:

I liked Danny's attempt to keep his cool in LRC and on the other hand Lindsay's desperation (points at avie) :(, while struggling with her obvious mixed emotions. But I still like it better with the sound turned off. I just think they could've given more effort to writing that dialogue :rolleyes:

And the 'holding hands' and 'make tracks, cowboy!' scenes are classics ;) :lol:

But my #1 still is the scene in RsRd starting where Lindsay finds out that Danny's DNA is on the cigarette butt found near the vic's body and ending with Danny handing his badge to Mac while Lindsay watches from outside. The looks they share are just so intense.

I think for me that's the scene were their relationship became much more than just flirting and teasing. and the moment their eyes meet you know they both suddenly realise that ;)
Daughter said: :)

What's your #1 Favorite D/L scene

That's a hard one:

1. HUG PORN. 2. They like each other scene in LRC. 3. Flooring discussion scene in COtD. 4. Make Tracks Cowboy! 5. The eye smex in Zoo York. 6. "Might ask you to marry me!" 7. Walrus scene in Bad Beat. 8. Rough Sects! 9. "Hello, Ms. Monroe!" 10. The 'look' in RSRD. 11. Eye sex/lip licking in SH. 12. "It's just wheat!" 13. Jewelry scene in Not What it Looks Like. 14. "Don't eat em!" 15. Bug Dinners. 16. "Still want that ride?" 17. He checks out her ass in Youngblood. 18. She checks out his ass in All Access. 19. Phone sex! 20. The 'breakroom' scene.

Of course, there are many more. This only scratches the surface for D/L. Oh and I also need to mention that I loved their first meeting at the zoo. Lindsay looked back at Danny (quite mad at him because he had tricked her into calling Mac 'sir'). I think at the same time she wanted to laugh to because Danny was trying to swat a fly around his face. :lol:

Daughter stated:

What's your #1 (AND ONLY #1) Favorite DL scene?

:eek: :eek: Wait a minute. Only one? In that case--The Hand Holding Scene from City of the Dolls (I heart it too, CSIW8) is my favorite then. :D ;)

The one that changed her name without telling me suggested:

For Auda to choose we'll be here all night.

Yup. :p To [paraphrase] that Lays potato chip ad-- "No one can choose just one!" Maybe? :confused:

Hello to all of my shipper buddies--especially my Fluffy Twin! :)

Dutch, I loved your explanation of the RSRD moment. Priceless. :D
i really cant decide! theyre all so great. but since im an angsty, i have to say the awsome hug! :)

only a week till our next eppy! i cant wait! All the spoilers sound so good! Hopefully episode 12 will have enough D/L to keep us through December, if not, well ,thats what fanfics are for!
Hey Mo! *waves* Hello everyone!

My all time favorite scene was the ending scene in 'Stuck on You' when they're at Cozy's. I just loved it! It was totally adorable. And it seemed like she knew him so well (I mean, she did order his drink for him!) and I thought that was so sweet!
i love that scene too smiliee!
For episode 14, i heard this will be the last ep before anna goes on materinity leave. Apparently at the end of the show, when shes about to leave, she shows a card to Hawkes and tells him to give it to Danny. Hawkes doesnt think its agood idea, and that Linds should at least call before she leaves. Then he says something like "everyone knows how close you two are" or something like that, bt Linds still leaves the card at Danny's desk
*laughs* I told you Auda would pick that, didn't I Twinny?? Didn't I?!?.. and I told you she'd tell us a little story first! ha. How well do I know Auda?!

Hey Auda you know if Twinny's your daughter, that means me and Vex is too. :lol:
I'm so excited for next week! Yay!

I'm still wondering what the letter says!!! What if we never find out? And is she going back to Montana, or just taking an extended leave for a short while? Or don't we have those details yet?
Lynn, did you change your name or am I going crazy? And if so, when?
CathStokes said:
Hey Auda you know if Twinny's your daughter, that means me and Vex is too. :lol:

Mommy! :lol:

Aud,I knew we belong to ya! :)

Hopefully, we'll get to see the preview of next week's episode. One more nre episode till the one month drought! :eek:

I brought a Mistletoe ficlet:

Mistletoe Mayhem
Yes! Angsty!triplets with a fluffy!mommy... who knew? That was good point Twinny excellent pointo.. I need a new eppy desperatly. I don't like the feeling of no new eppy... On the bright side, Lindsay is in a lot fo this eppy. On the MAJOR downside, there's no DL at all. I'ts like murder... :O

And Mom I'm quite proud you narrowed you DL moments to 1... fantastico!
I don't like the feeling of no new eppy...
i couldnt agree more... i feel like im missing something, and im so sad we only have one ep left!

ohwell, the holidays will breeze by, theres always something to do!
Vexus, you did it! You managed to include mistletoe and the broom closet! :lol: Loved your ficlet, it was just perfect. Now, my only question is whether Sheldon will find them in the broom closet. Can't wait for another chapter. :D
Okay, so I guess I'm the proud mother of triplets---angsty ones at that. Rebels! I wub you all.

Vex Daughter, I love your ficcie and will review it as soon as I get a chance! ;) :)

At this point, we know that Lindsay is going to leave the lab for a while. I'm not sure if she will leave New York for Montana or not---but she just might. But whatever she decides to do, she will return. She will tell Hawkes in episode 14 that she will be back. So if she goes to Montana, she won't be gone too long. She will be back in Danny's arms before you know it! :)

Christmas/ DL/broomclosets = Love! :D
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