Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Not a problem goodnite! :D I did the same thing myself, and someone was kind enough to tell me about it so I didn't do it again. That way you don't the mods after you. :D
Hey all! I've missed you all! I'm so pleased with the amount of new fanfics! I've had fun reading all of them!

So, any new spoiilers about next week? I need some D/L! I'm dying over here!

Welcome to all newbies! I'm so glad you're here! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!

Catey, I love your pic! I love it! So adorable.
:lol: glad you all like them.. If ya'll want any, just let me know.

Anyway... getting back on topic, I'll ask a question to spice things up.. an age old question.. What's your #1 (AND ONLY #1) Favorite DL scene? I'll answer after I see a few
Hi smilee! Rad made my avie for me! I love it too. :D
By the way, I can't believe how long we are going to have to wait after episode 12 for a new episode! I thought December was going to be long enough, but 4 whole weeks! :( Those that can write fanfics better be creative, or a whole lot of people are going to go through D/L withdrawal. I depend on fanfic to get me through the week between episodes let alone the four weeks we are going to have to wait. :lol:
Next week's episode is when Lindsay finally reveals her secret to Stella after she disappears from a crime scene involving a young girl.
To answer rad's question, I'm going with when Danny and Lindsay hugged at the end of Not What it Looks Like. She didn't yell for just anybody, she yelled for Danny. And it was the last really good D/L moment, in my opinion. They are starting to come back, but I really thought we were going somewhere with that scene.
Okay, why on Earth do they need a break. Why can't they just run 24/7!.. Yes, I'm getting more impatient by the minute, and if I start that, that means I'll start Fluffy. So somebody give me something angsty to run with!

Pet?? Is that my pet?? Smiliee!!!

Twinny -- Why on Earth are you only giving us one? Cause you know how hard it is to pick ONE?.. For Auda to choose we'll be here all night.
Twinny choosing 1 is all the fun! maybe you should pick one! And I know Aud will be here all night. That's the fun!
My favorite scene is the hug scene "In not what it looks like". The way that he held her was wonderful.

So we won't get to see d/l for a month? Well, we can spend the time talking about them, and writing stories about them.

And normally I right about angst, but I was inspired to write a fluff fic.

And this one is all about Christmas!

Chrstmas in the m&m Winter Wonderland
I say after Auda explains every detail, she'll decide that one too. I bet you. Who wants to bet me?

Twinny Why only one? You see how am I on icons!
My bad my bad... you can do it though, I've got faith in you. My favorite DL scene is probably at the end of Love Run Cold. Yea, it's a bit depressing, but it explains so much about the two.

Got this from the spoiler thread... The murder of a championship figure skater hits too close to home for Lindsay, whose grisly past begins to resurface in an alarming--and career-threatening--way. Also in peril, Mac's romance with Peyton, which takes an unexpected turn after he cracks a deadly home invasion.
My favorite D/L scene was definitely... the hug at Not What it Seems. followed by the angst scene in Love Run Cold... but to be honest, they're all great! Carmine and Anna pull them off perfectly. :) I just look forward to seeing them together!
Hello, hello! Good morning my shippy buddies! :D **Mo sneaks in at work, passing out lattes and coffee cake!** :lol: Only 7 days until our new, hopefully D/L goodness packed, eppy! Yay! I'm still freakishly impatient...but attempting to stay calm! I managed to distract myself by writing a ficcie, but now that it's posted...I'm back to counting the minutes! :lol: :lol:
Especially since I've read in the spoiler thread that the next ep (our #13) will be January 17
Seriously, Dutch?!! :eek: :eek: That's whole month with no D/L!! Gah, that's SOO sad! :( I think I might curl up and sob! :(
Going with your coffee comparison Mo; I am a coffee addict! So the coffee is my angst -it's always there- and the tea is my fluff -only if necessary-
Mmmmmm, well yay for a fellow coffee addict! ;) But it's the opposite for me...coffee is my fluff! :D In case you couldn't tell! :lol:

Smi!! Hi hon! We missed you too! :D
What's your #1 (AND ONLY #1) Favorite DL scene? I'll answer after I see a few
Oh goodness Rad that's a horribly hard question! Wow! :p :lol: Um...goodness! Although I agree with Vex, Catey and y'all others who said our fabulous "HUG" (which I TOTALLY loved! :D TOTALLY!!) I think I'm actually gonna agree with you Rad, I think currently my favorite scene is at the end of "Love Runs Cold"...it's sad and angsty and not so much fluffy like you'd think I'd chose...but it got me right from the start when she's walking down the hall and he calls her "Lindsay Monroe"...and then just the way they look at each other, there is SOOO much feeling and emotion and love in both of their eyes. And then Danny trying desperately to play off the fact that he is love with her, and him fighting to not just get down on his knee and ask her to marry him right there (you know he wanted to! :D ) And then of course her fabulous "Danny, I like you...ALOT!" It was an angsty scene yeah, but the love and feeling it revealed...made it to me ultimately a fabulous shippy scene! They are in love, and that scene made that totally clear to me! :D So there ya go! :lol:
Aud what do you say Fluffy Twin?! :D (Ignore Lynny's teasing ;) ....she wants to hear all about it, even though she teases you about it forever! ;) :lol: )
Why can't they just run 24/7!.. Yes, I'm getting more impatient by the minute, and if I start that, that means I'll start Fluffy.
HA!!! See I knew you were a fluffy deep down! Can't deny it anymore...I see it!! Yay! Aud do you see that! Yay! :D :lol:
Ok I know you guys are going to think I'm crazy but I really love the scene in 'City of Dolls' When he takes her hand and she looks at their hands together. Then he tries to ask her out to grab some food. Is just so cute and I ready like that beginning part of them flirting and finding out whether each other feels the same.

Wow Rad that's one hell of a spoiler. Sounds like its at least going to be a really great Lindsay episode. ;)
Nah that's not crazy CSI Watch! That's a totally cute scene! Early D/L gotta love that! :D Back when they flirted almost every eppy and smiled and touched eachother secretly (sounds slightly guttery! :devil: )...lol...good times, good times! :lol:
"Love Runs Cold"...it's sad and angsty and not so much fluffy like you'd think I'd chose...but it got me right from the start when she's walking down the hall and he calls her "Lindsay Monroe"...and then just the way they look at each other, there is SOOO much feeling and emotion and love in both of their eyes. And then Danny trying desperately to play off the fact that he is love with her

Mo, I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. As much as I love the hug scene, the one in LRC is bursting with additional emotions. The looks on their faces, and Danny stumbling over his words just reaches out and grabs your heart. I took the screencap of him standing in the hall after she walked away and put it on a black background to set as wallpaper (here). Very simple, but it captures the moment.

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