CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

As Caroline came running in. Looking at her family, she knew they were going to hate her, for what she was about to say.

"Papa... nana... I'm sorry. I knew about Michelle's addiction."

Silence filled the room, as her grandparents stood in shock.

Removing himself from his wife's arms, Mac grabbed her by the arms.

"What did you say? Say it again, Caroline?"

"I said I was sorry. Sorry papa, I knew about Michelle's addiction."

"You knew, and you said nothing. Why? Why would you do that to your aunt?"

"I'm sorry papa. I don't know. I honestly don't know. I guess I didn't want to tell on her. She begged me not too. She told me the stress of the classes were getting to her. She felt she couldn't tell you. Not with the amount of loans you both put out. Always she was afraid of disappointing you both. I honestly didn't know she was that far advanced. I swear papa, I'm sorry."

"Who gave her the drugs? Who gave her the God damn idea?"

"I can't remember papa, umm... I think a girl named Beth. She's in Michelle's Psych class. She introduced Michelle to pep pills."

Mac shook her again, then he released her. As she collapsed in the chair, and cried.

"This day... cannot get any worse. Lies... nothing but lies, run wild in this family. Lies and deceit ... that I've had enough of." Mac hissed, looking towards his wife.

As Mac said that, Andrew walked in. And as he seen Peter, he went for his throat.

"You son of bitch, what the hell are you doing here."

Running over, Mac tossed him off Peter. Slamming him into the wall, Mac said...

"No... just stop. This is not the time."

"You don't understand , Mac."

"I understand more then you know. Now calm down, and tell me about my little girl."

"Fiiiine.... he hissed. It's not good. We managed to pump as much of the Adderall from her stomach, as we could with the charcoal treatment. But during that time we couldn't control her seizures, or her fevers. Her brain hemorhaged causing her to have a severe stroke.

On top of her stroke, she was still having small seizures. Leaving us no choice but to put her into an induced coma. We need to keep her in this state till all the medication has been flooded from her system.

I won't know the outcome of the damage she has done to herself, or her brain, till we wake her. Which won't be for about a week. I've managed to stop the bleeding in her brain for now. If it doesn't start again, her outlook should be fair."

"If she does bleed out, again?"

"Then she'll die. I'm sorry Mac. I wish I had more positive news."

Staring back over at Peter, he felt the anger build again. Attacking him, Eric and Mac pulled him off. Sending Andrew against the wall, locked in a choke hold with Mac.

"I said this is enough, Andrew. You have no right to blame him for what happened to your sister. No right at all. He did everything he could. You need to let the hate go."

"Mac... get your hands off him. You're hurting him. You need to stop this, all of you."

Letting him go, Mac hissed as he said in Andrew's ear...

"Sure, I'll let you go. Go on... take my wife and go. Walk along your beach, do whatever you wish, I'm going to see my daughter."

Mac realized what he had said too late. But he wouldn't take it back. All of it was the truth. There had been to many lies and deceit in their family.

There was still too much hurt, and pain from what was between himself, Stella and Andrew. Mac knew it was his fault. He should have told them from the begining, instead of accepting it, allowing it to go on.

Swearing to himself as he left, he knew once Michelle was on the road to recovery. He was going to take his daughter and leave Miami for a while.
Leaving Stella behind to make her decision on who she wanted. Andrew, or him. A choice she would have to make, while he took his daughter away to heal.

Everyone stared, wondering what was said. This whole day was like a visit from the twilight zone. First Michelle and her drug addiction, then Caroline knowing. Now dad whispering angerly to Andrew, something about taking their mother. No one knew what to say.

Bending down towards Andrew ear, Stella whispered..."God Andrew... he knows. How long, has he known?"
Yeah fix it! And why not wake her sooner? Would the brain bleed more if they did?

I used to take Adderall for ADHD, hated it. None of the stimulants did me any good becuase of the side effects. Ugh.
Yes, it helps reduce the swelling. reduce the metabolic rate of brain tissue, as well as the cerebral blood flow. With these reductions, the blood vessels in the brain narrow, decreasing the amount of volume occupied by the brain, and hence the intracranial pressure. The hope is that, with the swelling relieved, the pressure decreases and some or all brain damage may be averted

As Peter followed Mac, he asked...

"Mac... I need to see her. Would it be okay when you're done if..."

Interrupting he said...

"Of course it is, Peter. I'm sorry you had to hear all that. Give me a few minutes."

Putting his hand on Mac's shoulder this time, he said...

"You take all the time you need, Mac. I'm not going anywhere."

Opening the door, to Michelle's room, Mac heard the machines breathing life into his daughter. Nearing the bed, he couldn't believe how fragile she looked. Her complextion was pure white, her lips were pale, her eyes dark and heavy, like someone had punched her.

She had bruising across her chest, her neck, where they must have had to work around her. Watching the tube down her throat, as it seeped up charcoal and fluid, flushing out her system, as it was sucked into a container.

Her lips were so swollen, almost unrecognizable from the tubes being removed and replaced. Her tongue was swollen outside the tube, from the pressure. His little girl, looked defeated, as the tears flowed from his eyes.
Bending down to her ear, he whispered...

"Hi my little angel. It's daddy. How you feeling baby? I guess if you needed rest, you're getting it now, aren't you love. Though I wish you had of gone about it a different way. I'm sorry I couldn't read between your pain love. It's a fathers job to know, to understand the signs, to protect.... he cried.

I'm sorry I failed you Michelle...

I'm sorry I failed as your father. I'm sorry for not protecting you, from the pain that was eating at you... But I make you a promise now, baby. That when you are better. When you come home to me, you and I will go away for a while. Just the two of us, you know why, baby?"

Stopping for a moment, to swallow back tears, he continued...

"Cause I need to time to think too, baby. I need to try and come to terms with the lies and deceit, I've let go on for so long. So this will be good for us, Michelle. Just you and I far away from Miami. Then when we come back... you have a wonderful new friend waiting for you. I've met him Michelle, and I approve of him, love. He's an amazing man, who is going to bring you years of happiness, as you will him."

Crying upon her pillow, he caressed her hair, just stroking it, while continuing with his tears. Feeling his heart break, from all the pain his daughter had suffered alone. Not trusting in anyone, thinking she had no one to turn to, for understanding. To have too face all that stress alone.

Taking her bruised hand, he kissed her lifeless fingers, then gently placing them back at her side, he kissed her softly on the lips. Whispering his love inside her soul, through her mouth. Leaving his scent within her. So she would know he was there inside her. Loving her, protecting her, helping her heal from the inside.

Getting up, he took one last look. Not wanting to let go of her hand. Not wanting to leave the room with his tears. Peter was watching, he could tell Mac didn't want to leave his daughter. Walking inside, he said...

"You can stay Mac. She needs you. You are more then welcome to listen to my words. I have nothing to hide."

Standing beside his daughter, Mac lowered his head, and tried not to listen.
I´m almost crying!!
Gosh those words were deep, but I think he´s trying to control his anger against Stella!! I'm dying to know what`s next!!!
Hi beautiful angel, how are you feeling now? I know it must be hard for you understand what I'm about to tell you. So if you have any questions when you wake. I promise to answer them. This is a little story for you about how I met Moreen.

About three years ago I fell in love with a beautiful nurse. Her name was Moreen. She had jet black hair, bright brown eyes that danced with silver flecks. Always she would smile. A great big wide, beautiful smile, that spoke of warmth.

I remember meeting her during one of my seminars I held at the Hosptial, for the doctors. She was the only nurse that would show up to listen. So I took her for coffee at the little Cafe. Shortly after that, we fell in love. So much happiness we had, Michelle.

But as we became closer and married, I didn't realize she was hiding a problem. You see... she had an addiction to barbiturates. She would eat them like candy. When she could no longer get enough, she would steal them from patients, or from the perscription cart that went to the different rooms.

A few months later she was caught by a co-worker. Letting the head of the Hospital know, she was quietly fired from her job. You see... they didn't want the scandal of her addiction hitting the papers. So when she came home, she started to slide downwards with her depressed state. I did everything I could to help her. But no matter how hard I tried to get close, she would push me away.

Eventually, I had to go away for some out of town seminars. When I came back, I found her on the floor in our bathroom, she had overdosed. Calling 911, they arrived to late. She died in my arms while convulsing. God Michelle... I had never been so scared in my life. The horror of her face as it tensed. her body as it tremored and shook.

For years I blammed myself. I felt it was my fault for leaving her. I felt if I had of stayed home, I would have been able to save her. After her death, I swore never to put myself in that line of fire again. But then you came along Michelle. I could see you were hurting. I could feel your pain, as you walked into that bar.

It was from that moment on you had me. Had me to protect, and try to help you deal with the pain you were feeling. But even having me beside you wasn't enough. I knew you needed more help then what I could offer you. So I was going to take you to see my friend. The one who would be able to help you heal, fully inside. Starting from your heart.

I'm sorry we never had a chance to see her. If I could turn back the clock, I would have taken you there first. Instead of trying to handle it myself. But what's done is done Michelle. I can't turn back the clock, just like you can't. All we can do now, is move forward Michelle. Just you, and I when you wake.

I'm falling in love you Michelle. How it happened this quickly, I'll never know. Don't want to know. For all that matters now, is you fighting your way home to me. Do you hear me Michelle? You have to come home to my love. I don't want to have too be left alone again. We need each other Michelle, together we can complete and help each other through all our pain we share.

So you fight, Michelle. Just keep fighting your way back to us. Cause I promise you. I will be here when you wake. Right here beside you. I promise Michelle."

Bending down, Peter kissed her burning lips. Then whispering like Mac did into her mouth, he said...

"Now you have not only your father inside you to help you heal, but me too. So hurry home to us Michelle."

Leaning back up, he caressed her hair and turned to Mac.

"Thank you for allowing me to talk with her. It means more then you could understand."

Mac smiled. Little did Peter know, that Mac understood each and every second of his feelings, for his daughter.

"You're welcome. Listen Peter. I'd really like to get to know you better. Maybe you could stay here with us. I won't be going home tonight. I'll be staying with my little girl. So if it's okay with you, we could talk more. I'd really like to understand more about you, and your Moreen."

"I'd like that Mac. I'll be back later then."

Nodding that he understood. Peter headed home to change, before coming back to spend more time with Mac and Michelle.
When Mac walked out, he walked over to his daughter, wrapped her in his arms, and softly cried.

"It's going to be okay, daddy. Michelle is going to pull through."

"I hope so love, I really do. But I'm going to be staying here with her. I won't leave her side, not till she wakes up."

"Okay daddy. I understand that. But what is going on with you and mom?"

"It's just something she needs to work out, alone. All you need to know... is when Michelle is on the road to recovery, I'm taking her away for a while."

"That sounds good, daddy. I'm sure that's what you, mom, and Michelle need."

"No sweetheart. Just Michelle and I. Your mother won't be coming."

Giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek, he walked back towards his daughters room.


Stella was leaning over her daughter, whispering in her ear.

"Hi sweetheart, it's mommy... she cried. I'm so sorry I couldn't recognize your pain. It's my job as your mother to see through you, and I wasn't able too this time. For that I'm sorry, so sorry. But I need you to come home to us Michelle. Home so we can all work together and help you heal inside.

I love you, sweetheart. I need you to fight as hard as you can, too get back. I know I'm saying that alot, but you need to hear me. Your father, siblings and I would be so lost if you left us. You have so much to live for each day. So much love and beauty to share with the world, that has yet to see it, like we do.

I met your new friend. He seems like a wonderful man, Michelle. He's very caring and sweet when it comes to you. Your father and I ,are looking forward to seeing the two of you, build a life together when you wake. So hurry home, love. Home to our waiting arms, and love.

Bending down, Stella kissed her daughter on her cheek. Then stroking her face for a few more minutes, she sat down when Mac walked back in.

"Mac... I think we...."

"No Stella. I'm going to be staying with Michelle till she wakes. She's all that matters in our life right now. It's all about her right now, not us."

Stella nodded her agreement. She knew her daughter didn't need to hear about their demons, when she was battling her own.

"Okay, Mac. I'll be back to see our daughter later."

Kissing his cheek, she left with tears in her eyes.

Sitting back down beside his daughter, he took her hand and kissed each fingertip, letting her know that he was still there with her.

"You know my little girl. When you get better, you will choose the place you'd like to visit. We can go anywhere you'd like. I don't want you worrying about school either. You will be taking the rest of the year off.
Don't worry about the money, that's not important. The only thing important is you."

Hearing the door open, Mac seen Mack and Eric standing there.

"Dad... may I spend some time with my sister?"

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll be right outside."

When Mac was alone with Eric. He informed him that Larry had been arrested for trafficking, along with Beth, who was his accomplice.

"Let me get this straight. Beth was the one who lured the students, to Larry?"

"She was. It seems they've been doing it for four years now. They had quiet a few student clients too. We're still trying to find out who his distributor is, but he won't talk."

"You know if he doesn't, there will be another ready to take his place. The only way to get this to end, is by catching the distributor."

"I know that, dad. We are trying. It's going to take time to break one of them. They are both very smart, and wise to the system."

"Of course they are. I bet they are studying law, right?"

"You're good, dad. Yeah. Both are third year law students."

Shaking his head, Mac sat down in the chair, and thought back to times gone by.
Of course they'd be studying law... just their luck... smart criminals... makes their job harder.

When you say they were trafficking, do you mean drugs or do you mean like human trafficking? Sorry if that's a dumb question; it's late and I'm tired. :lol:
Yes, it was drugs:)

Hey sis, how you feeling? I met your new boyfriend, he's very sexy. So you better wake up, or I'll have to steal him from you, and give you Eric. Cause he's getting old." she giggled.

"I heard that, Mack."

"Go away Eric, this is my time with my baby sister."

Once she was sure they were gone, she took her sisters hand...

You know Michelle. I know you think life has dealt you a rotten hand. But it hasn't honey. It's just you tried to take too much on, all at once. Leaving yourself vulnerable, exposed to stress and overload.

But you can come back from this. Stronger, and more brave then you were before. I just thought you should know that. It has nothing to do with being a Taylor. Don't ever think that. It has to do with what is inside your own heart, your own soul, that builds your path to your future.

Not one of us, is going to think any less of you, never. You could be a goat herder, and we'd still love you. It's just a matter of you learning to trust in yourself again. To rebuild your self esteme where it was before you started College.

I know you can do it, Michelle. And even when you have those days where you feel like everything is crumbling in on you. We are all going to be right here for you, to help you remove those bricks that begin to smother you. It's what family does, Michelle. It's what love from your family does. We are your guidence, your magical charm that will swarm around you. Aligning your soul with our strength, always Michelle. Don't ever forget that.

Anyway... before I bore you to death with my speeches. Daddy tells me he's taking you away with him. you are lucky. You get to have daddy with you for two weeks. All to yourself. But you know what Michelle? I think daddy is really going to need you, as much as you'll need him. For he's having a really tough time right now too.

So going away, is the best thing for both of you. Just hurry home though. Else daddy will leave without you. And we all know that won't be good. For daddy doesn't know his left, from his right anymore, she snorted, as Mac and Eric were listening. then again, either does Eric.

The two of them are like Laural and Hardy. Remember the time they were trying to light the barbeque and daddy almost blew him and Eric across the lawn? God that was funny. This is why you need to take extra care of dad. Cause he's always on the clouds like Eric."

Laughing again, her father came up behind her and wrapped his arms across her. Kissing her hair he asked...

"Did you two have a good sister to sister talk?"

"We did dad. Michelle's going to be fine."

Getting up Mack kissed her sisters forehead.

"I love you little sis. Come home soon. Are you going to be okay, daddy?"

"I"m going to be fine sweetheart. You should get home to the girls and

Eric. Does Don have his kitten?"

"Yeah... and Eric. He offered to keep them both till we got back. If you need anything dad, call okay?"

"I will love. See you soon."

Once everyone was gone, Mac knew he had some alone time with his daughter. Taking off his shoes, he climbed in beside her, being careful of all the tubing. Then carefully placing his arm around her, he held her as close as he could. Just whispering, talking, filling her soul with his warmth and his love.
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