CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Wow... I hope he checks the pill bottle and realizes they're not what he asked her for.

How much older is he than her?

This is a great storyline though. Love how he tried to fight his feelings, but her crying pulled him back in.
Peter is 30 years. he'll play a very important role in Michelle's life. He also has a past that will be brought out later why he was so intent on helping Michelle heal. Later in the series, he will become her husband. If they can both survive the events that take place.

Late that evening, Stella woke to a cold bed. Getting up, she seen the light on in the den. Walking in, she noticed Mac was watching their home movies of little Michelle.

"Mac... is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure love."

Sitting down beside her husband, she found him shivering.

"What is it Mac. You're scaring me."

"I don't know love. Michelle has been on my mind. I had a terrible dream that she was falling apart before our eyes, and their was nothing we could do. By the time we got to her, she was already gone. Even when I tried to reach for her, she'd disappear further, out of our reach. It was so scary Stel. It's a feeling that I can't shake."

Stella took her husband into her arms.

"Why don't we call her in the morning, Mac. Maybe we can get her to come home for the night. We haven't asked her yet. Maybe this is a good time to. Especially, if it will help you know she's okay."

Getting up, Stella took Mac by the hand.

"Come on my handsome husband. Let's see what we can do, to distract you. Even if only for a while."

Clicking off the television, they walked upstairs. Nearing the room, Stella dropped her wrap, and walked towards the bed. Sitting on her knees, she pointed her finger towards her husband. Telling him without words to come too her.

Pulling off his bottoms, he joined her in their bed. Raining little kisses across her shoulder, he felt her head fall back.

"Always so beautiful, Stella. Always so giving, so passionate to our love."

Laying her down upon their bed, he entwined their hands, as he softly, tenderly danced within her. Taking them both back into their beautiful world of tender, sweet, love.

Back at Michelle's flat, Peter was still holding her in his arms. Lifting her head from his shoulder, she looked into his handsome blue eyes. Then leaning in, he softly, passionately, kissed her. Deeper now, as their tongues danced and dualed, while their hands linked, and held.

Tenderly breaking the kiss, he continued to rain little kisses along her cheek, ear, and neck.

"I have to go Michelle. It's not a good idea for me to stay. As much as I would like too, it's not going to happen tonight."

"I understand that. But couldn't you just stay till I fall asleep? Please... I don't want to be alone."

Walking with her to her room, he climbed into her bed.

"I'll be right back, I need to change."

While she was in the washroom in her room, he had to use the one off the kitchen. Looking around her bathroom while he released himself, he noticed the asprin. Taking a couple out for his headache that was brewing, he looked at it, and noticed the "z".

Reaching for the ones in his pocket, he checked them. Sighing deep, he realized she had switched the vile of uppers, for asprin. He now knew, he had two choices. He could confront her again, and help her deal. Or he could ignore her problem all together, and move on. He didn't need this kind of baggage, again.

Telling himself the decision was to leave, he walked out and found her smiling at him with wet tears still on her lids. Sitting on the bed he said...

"I'm sorry Michelle. I thought we could make it work. But we can't."

"Why? I thought you had feelings for me? How can you change your mind?"

"You lied to me Michelle. In my relationships I expect one hundred percent honesty, both ways. This is also the type of road, I swore, I'd never go down again. "

Michelle thought to herself...

Again? Had Peter been here before? Was she forcing him to face something that was buried in his past? Letting the subject drop, she said...

"I know that Peter. But how did I lie to you?"

"You gave me asprin instead of the uppers, Michelle. This tells me you are very addicted, and that's something I don't need in my life, ever again. I offered to help you, but how can I, when you can't help yourself."

Bringing fresh tears to her eyes, she said...

"Fine... go, get out. I don't need you. Just leave me alone."

Getting up, he left her crying onto her sheets. Opening her front door, he couldn't do it. He just couldn't walk out of her life and leave.

Cursing himself for having a conscience, he quietly locked her door and laid down on the couch, thinking back to that evil night, that changed his life forever.
:( I hope she faces up to it soon. I know it isn't easy. Why'd she get addicted anyway? PS I also hope Mac and the others can be there for her.
It's all in Post#23. Stress from her difficult classes. Not being able to keep up. Or stay awake. so she turned to pep pills.:)

Wiping her hands across her face, she softly cried. All the stress of College, reports, theory's, were pushing her to the edge. She could feel herself begin to crack. Reaching in her purse, she took out a pill and swallowed it. Seeing the container almost empty, she knew she would have to get more from Larry.

She honestly wasn't sure why she decided to be a Psychiatrist, maybe it was the fact she liked looking into the human mind. Or maybe it was a need to help someone understand their pain, hurt, or suffering. All she knew, was that she had to push herself. She had to do it for Michelle. For if she failed, then she would not only disappoint her mom and dad, but herself too.

Thinking back to the day she had told them about what she wanted to be. They had praised her, were so excited for her. They had taken out loans against the house, cars, and even cashed in bonds to help her pay for tuition. All this they had done for her, how could she disappoint them? She couldn't."

Sighing deep, Michelle got up, showered, dressed into tight back jeans, and white spaghetti strap shirt with a black jacket over top. Then heading out she decided to grab a drink. Walking along the street, she thought back...

Six months ago...

"Hey Michelle. I thought you were studying all weekend?"

"I was Paula... but I fell asleep. Now I can't seem to focus. It's getting more difficult to even stay awake. Do those pills come in a stronger dose, Larry?"

"No, they don't Michelle. Try these. They are stronger, but have a different effect. They will keep your mind alert, but watch when you come down. They cause severe depression. So don't take more then one every four hours, okay?"

And that was how it started six months ago. Now... now Michelle couldn't live without them. She ate them like candy. Sometimes in doses of two, just to keep herself awake. But when she came down from them, she came down hard.
Over at Tristan's, Sharon had waken with a sensual hunger. Crying out softly, she realized she had erotically dreamed of making love. Looking over at Trist, she found him on his back, still sound alseep. Watching in fevered passion, as her eyes wandered downward.

Feeling her cheeks and body heat, she leaned over him, and placed a soft, sweet, whispered kiss across his tummy. Watching as his skin fleshed from her touch, she traced little circles, waking him.

"Shhhhharon...." as he wrapped her hands around her hair.

Pulling her carefully up towards him, he seen the aching need within in her eyes. He could tell she had dreamed again. How many nights now, had she waken with this hunger? Making it all the harder for him to keep saying no.

"Please Tristan..." she whispered with tears floating in her eyes.

Rolling her in his arms, he softly, tenderly touched her lips. While his hand, caressed down her arm, her leg, rolling up her nightgown with delicacy and care. Watching as her eyes softly closed, as he lifted it over her head, and allowed it pool on the floor.

"I can love you with every fingetip caress, every soft tender kiss. But I will not love you as a bride until you are my wife. You need to understand that, Sharon. I know you're soul is aching to be loved, as is mine. But think of our wedding night. Think of the beautiful night we will share as husband and wife."

Passionately kissing her anew. he took her back into their world of sensual play.

The following morning...

After her shower, Stella called her daughter.


"Hey Michelle. How you doing love?"

Trying to get herself together, she noticed she was alone. Thinking back to last night, she remembered Peter had been angry with her, and left.

Looking around for her pills she couldn't find them.

"Listen mom, I need to call you back, okay?"

After hanging up the phone, she walked out to the living room and found Peter sound asleep. Smiling to herself, she thought how nice it was he didn't leave. Not wanting to wake him, she noticed her pills in his jacket pocket.

Feeling the craving begin, she knew her body needed one. Trying to reach over, she wasn't tall enough.

"God... please..." she cried, as she felt the shakes and shivers, take her over.

Running into the bedroom, she dressed, grabbed her purse, and left the flat quietly. When she returned twenty minutes later, he was still sound asleep. Heading back into her room, she took two pills, and hid the rest. Then grabbing a shower, she felt the energy hit.

Turning off the taps, she dried, dressed and started breakfast. So much energy as she ran around and cleaned. Once she had everything done and ready, she called back her mom, before waking Peter.

"Hi mom, sorry about earlier. so what's going on?"

"Your father and I, were hoping you could come and stay with us tonight. We've been missing you."

Michelle sighed. She wasn't really up for visiting tonight.

"Um... sure mom. I'll be over around five, is that okay?"

"That's wonderful sweetheart. We'll see you then."

"Sure... oh and mom? Would it be alright if I brought a friend with me. Just for dinner?"

"Sure sweetheart. That's great. We'll see you soon. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, she woke Peter.

"Peter... Peter, wake up. I've made us breakfast."

Slowly opening his eyes, he noticed how damn gorgeous and fresh she was. He could smell her scented shampoo that remained on her hair. Then he noticed her eyes. The tiredness, the heaviness that hid behind the face.

"What... is something wrong?"

Michelle could feel her heart race. Did he know, could he tell she was high?"

"You are so tired, Michelle. I'm really worried about you. I have a friend I'd like you to see. She's wonderful. I think it would help you cope better, with your addiction."

"Would you stop Peter. I'm going to be fine. I've been without the pills all night. I'm not shaking, or sweating. I'm not begging or pleading for something. The only help I need is you. I don't want any other help. Now let's eat, and then you can grab a shower. Or we can grab a shower," she winked.

Pulling him up from the sofa, she lead him to the kitchen.

"Listen Peter. My mother invited me over for dinner, I'd like you to come with me."

Smiling at Michelle, he took her hand.

"Not this time, Michelle. We've started a very special friendship. Hopefully in a few months, we can become a couple. Until then... I think it's best for us to keep this to ourselves."

"I know. I guess I was just hoping that you'd come. But I understand."

"I'll tell you what. If you decide not to stay at your parents for the night. Call me, and I'll come pick you up, and bring you to my place."

"Okay... sounds like a wonderful idea."

"Good. On that note. I'm going to grab my shower, alone... he laughed. Then head out."

Once Peter was ready to leave, he checked to make sure the pills were still with him. Then kissing Michelle passionately, he left for home.
Yeah...why doesn't she just face what's wrong? I'm not asking meanly, just trying to understand why she can't face her problems. Wanna understand her mind better.

And I don't know why i miss so many things, it aggrivates me a lot.

Hey when are you going to do more of the dark side fics? I loved those.
Yeah...why doesn't she just face what's wrong?
People with drug addiction, refuse to admit they have a problem. She doesn't see it. Give the storyline time to finish Melly. We are just getting started with it. As we go along, questions you and everyone have will be answered.

I know you get frustrated. Try reading a little slower, sometimes it may help you find what you might have missed. :);) If not, I'll always explain it. :)

Just be patient:p there is a method to my evilness:devil:

As for the darkside fics. There is one up there. It's Mac/Stella. but skip page four. For its a scene with Mac/Gillian. As for the one with Nick/Cath, give me time to finish the Mac/Stella one first:lol::lol: Always in a hurry:lol:


When the morning light shone through Devon's apartment, Sara woke. Watching Devon sleep, left her with a feeling of wanting to explore his body. Pulling back the sheet, she giggled as his flesh bumped up from the cool air.

Taking her fingertip, she traced it along his neck, his shoulder, and across his chest, listening as he moaned out a sound. Continuing her quest, he grabbed her hand, and flattened it against his waist.

"Forget it, Sara... some things are to be left to the imagination, till our wedding day."

"Oh for crying out loud. You sound like Tristan. Why do we have too wait? This is silliness, why can't you just love me now?"

"No... that would ruin our little adventure into marriage together."

"Oh bloody hell. Whatever."

Trying to get up from the bed, he pulled her back down onto his chest.

"Where you going, my little fowl mouthed flower?"

"To get a shower, and you can't come, unless you are going to love me."

Storming into the bathroom, he waited till he heard the water running. Then getting up out of bed, he changed into his speedo's and decided to see just how ready, she really was.

Quietly opening the bathroom door, he knew when he climbed in she would do one of two things. She would either welcome him, or she would scream and reach for a towel. he already knew it would be the second.

Climbing in behind her, he tried not to look at her beautiful shape, and as he touched her shoulder, she screamed, grabbed the towel, and wrapped it right around herself.

"Oh yeah Sara, my sweet love. You are more then ready to make love," he howled.

"Ooo... I hate you, get out."

Climbing out, he laughed as he said... "Sara my love, you are truly gorgeous under all those clothes."


Michelle pulled up into her parents driveway. Reaching in her purse, she took out two more pills and chugged them back with water. Waiting for them to take effect, she then checked herself in the mirror. Seeing her tired eyes, she applied more concealer before going in.

Opening her parents door, she walked in, as Hero and Beauty attacked her with licks.

"Hi there. Hi there... little puppies. Miss me?"

"Yes... yes I have... my little Michelle."

"Daddy... running into her fathers arms, she held him tight. I've missed you too, daddy."

Feeling his daughter against him, he noticed she had lost weight.

"Sweetheart, are you losing weight? You're eating okay, aren't you? You're not sick or anything?"

"Calm down, daddy. I'm perfectly healthy. Just overtired from all the work. Plus I've been studying alot for exams. So where's mom?" she asked... to change the subject.

"She's in the kitchen. Hero, Beauty, stop that. Hey... get down."

Turning to face the coat rack, she noticed the dogs were trying to get into her purse.

"What do you have in there, love? They are going crazy?"

"Hm... I don't know daddy. Maybe something I picked up when I was out. I'll put it up higher."

Once Michelle had placed her purse safely out of reach. They walked into the kitchen to see her mom.

"No there is my beautiful girl. How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm good mom. You look great. Almost radiant. Which tells me, you and daddy are still up to your naughty exercises," she winked.

"You just never mind. Let's have a good look at you."

Twirling for her mom, Michelle felt the room spin for all of two seconds.

"You okay, love. You've gone pale?"

"I'm fine mom. I just haven't been sleeping well. I have exams coming up, and have been studying alot. I just finished four papers last night. so I didn't get to bed till early this morning."

"Aww... well you sit down, love. We have your favorite meal cooking. So are you going to stay the night?"

"I don't think so mom. I actually have a friend picking me up. We are going to spend a quiet evening at his home."

"His? Oh my. Our little Michelle has a boyfriend?"

"No mom. He's more a friend right now. We're not sure where our friendship will take us yet. Though he's very nice, sweet, and very good looking."

"Well... he sounds wonderful."

Sitting down to dinner, Michelle couldn't eat. Forcing herself to take a couple bites, she waited till her parents weren't looking. Then tossed most of it under the table, to the dogs.

"Did you have enough love? Or would you like more?"

"Mm... no thanks mom, this was perfect.

"Ready for dessert love? We made your peach cobbler."

After swallowing down a piece, she excused herself and went to the washroom. As she locked the door, she noticed her dads medication sitting on the sink. Reading it, she could feel her mind crave. How could she have forgotten he'd be on amphetamines. He'd have to be for his headaches caused by his brain injury.

Opening the vile, she took out a handful and shoved them into her pocket. She highly doubted he would notice. For he had several. Plus this would help save her some money this week. With not having to buy them.

Taking a couple, she swallowed them back with water. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt guilty. God is this what her life had come down too?

Taking her fathers medication? Spending grocery money on uppers. She knew Caroline would be asking what happened to the grocery money, just what was she going to say? I spent it on my habit?"

"Sweetheart... are you okay in there?"

"Um... yeah. I'll be right out mom. Washing the tears from her face, she walked out"

Opening the door, she headed into the den. Sitting on her fathers lap, she curled herself under his still thick neck.

"I love you daddy," feeling her eyes weld up with tears, she forced them back.

"Michelle... what's the matter?"

"It's nothing daddy. Just overworked. I sometimes wish I could back to being a little girl. Cause I know my life right now is such a mess."

Mac was confused, as was Stella. She wasn't making sense.

"I want you to listen to me, Michelle. If you are finding your classes are to stressful for you, then drop them. You don't have to be a Psych. There are a million other choices you can make. It's not to late, love."

Kissing her dads cheek, she got up, dried her eyes and walked towards the patio door.

"I'm going to get going guys. Thanks for dinner. I love you both, alot."
Giving them a kiss on the cheek, and a hug. She left in tears.

"Now you tell me that there is nothing wrong with our little girl, Stella. Her eyes are shadowed, her weight has dropped, and she's depressed."

With tears in her own eyes, she couldn't. For she had seen it too.

When Michelle arrived at home, she forgot all about calling Peter. Dropping all her clothes to the ground, she laid on the couch, and crashed.

Peter's home.

Peter looked at his clock. Seeing it was eleven in the evening. He became a little worried. Michelle had promised to call him either way. Turning on the television, he tried to watch the news. But he couldn't. The only thoughts in his mind at that moment, were Michelle.

Grabbing his jacket, he headed over to her place.
:lol: at Devon. Loved him calling her his fowl mouthed flower. :lol:

:lol: I guess the dogs aren't as retired as they are supposed to be... still sniffing out the drugs.

I hope Michelle gets help before its too late.
Gillian is the one who took Sinclair's place:lol: The one they were thinking of getting together with Mac.:lol:

Ringing the buzzer number to her flat, he got no answer. Continuing to buzz it, one of the tenants came out.

"What the hell are you doing? I'm right next door to the flat you are buzzing. Did you ever think no one is home?"

"I'm a little concerned about my friend. She was ill earlier, I just want to make sure she's okay."

"Then go check. Just stop ringing the damn buzzer."

Nearing the door, Peter could hear nothing but silence. Turning the knob, he found it unlocked. Walking in the first thing he seen was Michelle sprawled across the couch, bare. Trying to hold back his thoughts, he took a blanket and covered her.

"Damn you Michelle, just what the hell am I going to do with you?"

Caressing her hair, he kissed her cheek.

Sitting in the chair,he watched her sleep.

Thinking back to his Moreen, he could remember the first day they had met. It was during a seminar he was giving at the Hospital. She was the only nurse who had decided to listen in on it.

Sitting amongst a room full of doctors, he had to smile at her. For she was not only beautiful, but also taking notes. Once the seminar had ended, he invited her out for coffee. It was a month after that they decided to try living together. Everything was going beautifully. They shared secrets, same tastes in foods. Never did they tire of each other.

It wasn't until about two years into their marriage, that he realized she had a drug problem. Her moods would change at the drop of a hat, her anger would increase to violence. She would cry, laugh, scream, and cry again, as the need to redose hit her.

Working at the Hospital didn't help the situation any. It had gotten to the point where she was taking the patients medications. Or swipping from the drug cart as it went by. Finally getting caught, they had fired her.

Knowing the Hospital needed to avoid a scandal, they said nothing.

Always Peter felt if they had, his Moreen may still be alive. What was they called it? Early prevention. But instead, they just kicked her to the street. Banning her from the premises.

Hearing Michelle moan, he snapped out of his thoughts. Watching as her body tremored, he knew she was coming down off something.

Getting up, he searched her clothes first. Reaching into her pocket, he pulled out a handful of pills. Different from the ones she had earlier. But where would she get them? She was only at her parents, wasn't she?

Thinking back, he remembered Michelle mentioning about her fathers brain injury from the explosion. How he was on lifetime amphetamine medication to help keep him balanced and alert. Tossing down her pants, he went to the kitchen, and flushed them down the sink. One way or another, he wouldn't let her fall into the web of addiction, his wife had.

Sitting back down, he watched as her eyes slowly opened.

"Hey... how did you get in here?" she said in a sleepy voice.

Trying to keep his patients in check, he said... "You left your door unlocked. I was worried when you didn't call. So I came to check on you."

"Oh god... I'm sorry Peter. I came in from my mom and dads, and just crashed."

"I'm sure you did Michelle. I'd crash too if I was coming off uppers."

"What? I don't understand. I'm not..."

"Oh for christ sakes, would you stop. Damn it Michelle, why the hell can't you just let someone help you. You have an addiction Michelle, one that is to big, for even me to handle. Look at you, you can't even stop the tremors."

Tossing the blanket off, she stood in a her glory. Leaving Peter to swallow hard. Feeling the draft, she looked down and realized she was bare.

"Oh shit..."

Grabbing up her pants, she slipped them on, along with her shirt, forgetting her bra. Then looking up at Peter, she hissed out...

"Like what you seen, Professor?"

Oh yeah... he liked it alright. He was so angry, so pissed with her, that he couldn't stop the passion from igniting.

Getting up, he walked over wrapped her hair in his hands, crushing his lips to hers. Feeling the fever begin, as his hands seduced her everywhere. Never had she felt such pressure, such sensual, wild caress. She could feel her body snap like a bow, as her soul soared in endless passion through her clothes.

She knew he would be a seductive lover. She could tell by his strong muscled abs, his tight hard mouth, just every part, that could drive a woman to the edge of bliss, without so much as a thought. She could feel her virginal desires being brought up and over what she had read in books.

Regaining his thoughts, Peter realized he must be terrifying her. Had she not said she was a virgin, that was waiting for the right man to come along. One that could handle and show her how passionate making love could be. Yet here he was, losing his mind within her.

Feeling her body vibrate against his, he stopped. Not moving a muscle, he could still feel her shivering. Picking her up, he sat with her on the couch. Holding her, waiting for her body to become pliant.

"I'm so sorry, Michelle. God you are dangerous to my peace of mind. To try and take you like an animal, isn't me at all. You've got me so angry and frustrated. I so badly want to leave you, but I can't. I just can't. I've fallen in love with you. how it happened so quickly, I don't know. All I do know, is I want to hate you, for making me go through this hellish nightmare, again."

Placing tender kisses on her, he held her closer. As close as he could get her to stop the shivers. Michelle was to far gone over the edge to even form a logical thought. She could feel her soul still flamming in desire of wanting and needing more, over the ache of her withdrawl.

Just sitting in silence, Peter heard her whisper...

"Dont' ever be sorry, Peter."

Running from his arms, into the bathroom, she grabbed the amphetamines she had hidden, this time taking one to many. All she knew in that moment, was that she needed the hurt she had caused him and her family, to end.