CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Over at Lindsay's, her and Gray were looking for an apartment. This week-end was their wedding. It was just going to be family, and close friends. They just wanted something very small and quiet.

Searching through the paper, Gray came across a flat right across from the Delko girls. Heading out to see if it was still available, Danny stopped them.

"Where are you kids off too?"

"To see an apartment, daddy. In the same building as the Delko girls."

"Oh yeah. What's this gonna be, party time. You know you have exams, and tons of homework, right?"

"Stop it daddy. I'm going to be twenty one in a few weeks. I'm an adult."

"Don't remind me. All I have left is my little KitKat."

"Listen dad. I seen mom doing laundry. Why don't you go get her, drag her upstairs, and love her till she's with child again."

Laughing wickedly, Danny took off downstairs.


Maddy and Adam were at the flat talking to the building manager, they paid one years rent as their wedding gift, to Gray and Lindsay.

"Think they'll be happy with their gift?"

"I know they will, Adam. It's so hard to believe our boy is getting married. Just think, soon we will be grandparents."

Adam didn't want to think that far ahead. He was still young.

"What's the matter, Adam? You look ill."

"Hm...umm... no... no I'm... err... I'm fine."

"Wait a minute. You don't want to be a grandparent, do you? You feel you're to young, right?"

"Noo.. no Maddy. It's just...err... you know."

"No. I don't know, she laughed. Come on grandpa, let's get you home."

Watching Adam's expression again, she laughed. His face was creased with frown marks, as they continued to walk.

When they arrived at Adam's school, he was waiting for them.

"Hey mommy... daddy. Can we go out for dinner tonight? Pleeeeeeeeeeease. Toby said there is a new restaurant on the beach. Can we go?"

"Not tonight, Adam. I have alot of invitations to prepare and get out, for your brothers wedding."

"Aww... how bout you daddy? can't you take me?"

Looking at his wife, he could see her say no.

"Not tonight, son. How about on the weekend. Would you like that?"

"Fiiiiiiine... I guess that will do. Can we at least pick up ice cream?"

"That my son. We can do."

Walking from the school, the Ross's headed home.

When Gray and Lindsay arrived at the flat, they ran into Shannon and Jake.

"Hey... what are you guys doing here?"

"Hi Shannon, we came to look at the flat."

"You two are thinking of moving in here?"

"We hope so. We have to live somewhere after we are married, right?"

"Awesome. This is great. It's like all our generations are coming back together."

"Yeah... I never thought of it that way. I guess you're right. Anyway... we'll see you later."

Knocking on the building managers door, he answered.

"Yes. Can I help you?"

"We came to see the flat that is for rent. We are interested in seeing it."

"I'm sorry. It's already been taken."

"But we just called less then two hours ago. You said it was available."

"A couple came in and paid a years rent on the flat. I'm sorry. If you leave me your name. I can call you when another becomes available."

"Sure... thanks."

Walking away, Gray wondered who would have purchsed the flat so quickly.
Back at her apartment. Michelle had fallen asleep. Looking over at the time, she seen it was 1am.

"Shoot... this isn't good."

Looking over at her books, she seen the piles of homework left unfinished.

Wiping her hands across her face, she softly cried. All the stress of College, reports, theory's, were pushing her to the edge. She could feel herself begin to crack. Reaching in her purse, she took out a pill and swallowed it. Seeing the container almost empty, she knew she would have to get more from Larry.

She honestly wasn't sure why she decided to be a Psychiatrist, maybe it was the fact she liked looking into the human mind. Or maybe it was a need to help someone understand their pain, hurt, or suffering. All she knew, was that she had to push herself. She had to do it for Michelle. For if she failed, then she would not only disappoint her mom and dad, but herself too.

Thinking back to the day she had told them about what she wanted to be. They had praised her, were so excited for her. They had taken out loans against the house, cars, and even cashed in bonds to help her pay for tuition. All this they had done for her, how could she disappoint them? She couldn't."

Sighing deep, Michelle got up, showered, dressed into tight back jeans, and white spaghetti strap shirt with a black jacket over top. Then heading out she decided to grab a drink. Walking along the street, she thought back...

Six months ago...

"Hey Michelle. I thought you were studying all weekend?"

"I was Paula... but I fell asleep. Now I can't seem to focus. It's getting more difficult to even stay awake. Do those pills come in a stronger dose, Larry?"

"No, they don't Michelle. Try these. They are stronger, but have a different effect. They will keep your mind alert, but watch when you come down. They cause severe depression. So don't take more then one every four hours, okay?"

And that was how it started six months ago. Now... now Michelle couldn't live without them. She ate them like candy. Sometimes in doses of two, just to keep herself awake. But when she came down from them, she came down hard.

Walking into the bar, she seen Larry sitting with Paula. Beside them was her Psych Professor. Peter Roberts. He had beach blonde hair, deep blue eyes, strong, muscled body from working out. His fingers were long, and slim. the type of fingers that could send you soaring to new levels of excitment. Professor or no professor, Michelle burned for his touch. Had burned to cross that line, between student and teacher.

She knew she was more then ready to experience making love. Problem was... she was picky. She had had a total of four boyfriends. None of which she fancied to sleep with. For there was no chemistry there. Maybe she was just waiting for the right guy. All she did know at that precise moment, is that her professor was hot, and she was getting more tempting as she approached him.

Even Caroline had said... "you have changed so much Michelle. I thought for sure you would be the good girl, being grandfathers daughter. For you had all those Taylor values to live up too. Yet... you are now the complete opposite. I can imagine papa's face, if he knew you were addicted to amphetamines. He'd freak."

Wiping away her thoughts, she walked over to them.

"Hey Michelle, have a seat. How's the homework going?"

"Not good. I fell asleep. Four papers due on monday, and not one is done. Can I talk to you for a minute Larry?"

Walking out into the hall, he said...

"Did you need a refill, Michelle?"

"Yeah... please, Larry."

Pulling out half, of the two hundred dollars her mom and dad gave her food, she passed it to Larry, as he passed her the pills.

"Just be really careful Michelle. I can tell you are coming down hard each time they wear off. You need to manage them better. That is the deal we had. If you are getting to reliant on them, I'll have to stop them.

Especially for a student, who comes from a family of detectives. Understand?"

"Of course I do. Don't worry, I know how to deal. Anyway... I should get back and finish those papers. I'll see you."

Her Professor watched her walk away. Wondering to himself... why she seemed so lonely. She reminded him, of his wife he lost two years ago. So fragile, scared, alone.

Calling her back...

"Hey Michelle... did you need help with your paper for my class?"

"Um... sure. Can you do that?"

"Of course. I'm your Psych professor."

Getting up, he followed Michelle out of the bar.
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When they arrived at her apartment, she opened her door, and flopped on the couch.

As Peter watched her, he seen frustration, anger, and worry. Sitting down beside her, he took her chin within his fingers.

"Michelle... you are burning yourself out. You've lost weight, you haven't slept, one minute you are fine, next you are crying. If I'm not mistaken, you are heading for a breakdown, and if I'm also not mistaken you are on something."

"I'm fine, Professor. Honest. It's all this work that is getting to me. I'm finding it so hard to keep caught up. I don't have a social life, I haven't had a boyfriend in six months. I'm lonely and just want someone to love me. Is that to much too ask?"

Peter had to admit he was falling for his student. Which wasn't a good thing. Never had he had a student pour her soul onto him, like Michelle was doing. Not since his, Moreen. She was like this fragile glass he once held. Beautiful, vibrant, full of color. Until the day he dropped it, and it shattered into a million pieces.

"I want you to listen too me carefully, Michelle. I know you are on pep pills, please don't deny it."

Sighing, she said nothing.

First thing we need to do, is get you off those pills. I don't think they are working, because you are to depressed. Once we get you off them, you and I will work out a schedule for extra time. It can be off the clock, and done here. It's very important we get you back to where you were, six months ago."

"Why do you care? You're my professor. Why pretend to care? Or do you get enjoyment out of watching your students destroy themselves?"

"Michelle... I can tell the students who need just that little extra help to get by an exam, or a paper that's due. You are the only student that comes in to that bar late evenings. This tells me, you are addicted already. That's something I never want to see, from any of my students."

"Fine... I need to go too the washroom."

Walking into the washroom, she took out the pills and switched them with her asprin. No way in hell, was she giving them back. She needed them. After refilling the vile with asprin, she walked back out and sat down.

"Can I have the pills, Michelle?"

"Sure. Here you go. I'm really... I'm sorry I'm so stressed."

"It's okay. I'm going to help you get through this. Now let's start the first paper."

When Michelle and Peter had finished. It was 4am. Feeling the pill wear off she had taken earlier, she excused herself. Walking into the bathroom, she swallowed another one. When she came back out, her professor was sleeping.

Watching his chest rise and fall, she could feel her body respond. Walking over beside him, she softly kissed his lips, as he opened his eyes, he seen Michelle smiling at him.

"I want you to love me. I need to feel you touch me."

Peter knew she was one hell of a temptation. She was beatiful, sweet, and full of innocence. But he also knew, he was crossing a huge line with his degree. Never had any of his students had this pull over him. She was like an addiction to his peace of mind. Never had he thought himself to be in love with her, but damn it, he was. Just how the hell, did it happen so fast?

"Listen Michelle, I think I should go. It's best for the both of us. At least till you are out of my class. Professor, student relationships are frowned upon."

"Then I'll transfer my class. If that is what it takes to get you to touch me, I'll drop your class."

"But then I would never see your smiling face in the morning, Michelle. You try and rest. We'll talk more tomorrow."

Nearing the door, he could here her softly crying, and damn... if it wasn't breaking his already swollen heart. Turning to face her, he opened his arms.

"Why do I get the feeling, we are both heading down a road full of bumps?"

"I don't know Peter. But whatever bumps we face. We face them together. Our relationship, is our secret. No one will ever know."

Peter hoped to hell, she was right. But deep down... down in his heart. He knew they would both pay for their student, teacher, relationship. Cause Michelle was just begining her downward spiral, towards her addiction breakdown.
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