CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

I met your new boyfriend, he's very sexy. So you better wake up, or I'll have to steal him from you, and give you Eric. Cause he's getting old." she giggled.

"I heard that, Mack."

:guffaw:Love that!
Three days Later... Thrusday morning

During the early morning, Andrew came by Michelle's room to remove her tubing. He figured it would be much easier to do it, while she slept in her coma. As he neared the room he seen Mac. Taking a deep breath, he walked inside.

"Morning Mac, I came to remove the tubes from Michelle."

Not saying anything, Mac walked over to the window. Looking out over New York he said...

"When I'm gone with my daughter, you and my wife have two weeks to figure out what you both want. Once you've decided, I don't expect to see you again, either way. I'm not a man to harbor hate, and I understand my wife's need for companionship while I was recovering.

I've watched you two numerous times together by the shore. Laughing, holding hands, but never crossing that line. For that I thank you. But the time has come for all of us to make a choice. I love my wife, so much that I'm willing to let her go, if that's what she wants. I also know you both love each other too. I can see it, feel it.

It's something none of us can deny, or hide. Now please do what you have to do. Then leave my daughter and I in peace."

Andrew knew not to say anything. For there was nothing left to say, at this point. The final words would be spoken in two weeks time, when Michelle and Mac returned from their trip. Turning back to Michelle, Andrew pulled up the tubing, then lubricated her lips. Taking the air mask, he placed it on.

"Okay Mac. Everything looks good, she's resting comfortable. I'll wake her from her coma in four days. Take care."

When Andrew left, Peter came back in, and found Mac with tears in his eyes.

"Mac... is everything okay? Is it Michelle?"

"No. It's not Michelle. She's fine."

"Look Mac, I know we don't each other that well yet. But I do know a triangle when I see one. As much as I don't mean to pry, I'd like to help. Even if it's just to listen."

"I know Peter. There isn't much to tell. My wife seemed to have gotten close to Andrew while I was recovering. Once I was better, they kept their special friendship going. They would meet at the beach every two days. Spend time, with laughing, holdng hands, just talking."

"Do you think they've crossed the line, Mac?"

"No... I know my wife would never do that. The most they've done is kiss. I've caught them once or twice. But you know what the funny thing is? I can't be angry about it. As much as I'd like to be angry, I can't. I love my wife, love her to the point of letting her go, because her happiness is all that matters."

"Why don't I believe you, Mac? You are angry, very angry, hurt, betrayed. Those are all normal feelings. You should be expressing them, not hiding them. It can't be easy to give up someone who you've had so many years with. The only part I will say you are right about. Is that you and your wife do need time apart. She needs time to make that decision of who she wants. It's long overdue Mac."

"I know. That's my fault for accepting it. I guess it took my daughters fall back, to make me realize I was headed for my own."

"That's the first step Mac. To admit that you could feel yourself starting to break. It shows that you're willing to stand up, for what is yours. I truly think this time away with your daughter, will help everyone. So any ideas where you two will be headed?"

"Not yet. I told her she could choose when she wakes."

Peter laughed. "Bad mistake that. You could end up in some foreign country, far off the map."

"You know what, Peter? You are right. But as long as I have my daughter with me. We'll cope."

"I know you will Mac. As will Michelle. Just don't keep her from me too long. Cause I'm willing to fight for her. I won't let something this beautiful, passionate, and sweet pass me by."

Slapping his hand on Peter's back, Mac said... "Welcome to the family. You are going to make a wonderful addition."

Family... something Peter thought he'd never have again.
That was a great chapter. Loved what Mac said to Andrew and what Peter said to Mac. The ending was perfect too. :)
As the week went by, Mac had gotten to know Peter like a book. He now, more then approved of his relationship with his daughter. Even being more mature then his Michelle, made no difference to Mac. For he had an
amazing soul, that would make his baby girls world complete.

Standing at the foot of their daughters bed, they watched as Michelle was woke from her Coma. It had been four hours, and still her eyes not had opened. But according to Andrew, her brain waves were functioning.

So she was awake subconciously, maybe just not ready to face what was waiting for her, when she opened her eyes.

"I'm going to go get us coffee, I'll be back Mac. Peter... would you like one?"

"Sure, thanks Stella."

As Stella left, Mac sat beside his daughter on the bed, and talked to her...

"Hey beautiful, I need you to open your eyes for me. Come on Michelle, it's time to come home to us."

Still not getting a response, he walked to the window, and looked out.

Feeling the touch on his shoulder, he jumped.

"Sorry daddy, didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay, Mack. She's still not awake yet."

"Give her time dad. When she's ready to come home, she will. She's most likely frightened of having to face, what she did. Why don't you come to the lounge with mom, Eric and I. Have your coffee, I'm sure Peter will stay with her."

Mac didn't want to be near his wife, right now. They had been apart all week. Mac spent all his time with his little girl. He just wanted her back, so they could take their trip, and spend time together. Help each other heal together.

"Go ahead Mac. If she wakes, I'll come get you."

Nodding okay, he left the room with his daughter. With silence now filling the room, Peter sat down beside Michelle. Taking her hand he kissed it.

Feeling the light squeeze he looked up and seen her look at him.

"Hi Michelle... welcome back."

Looking into her eyes, he could see the blood in them, from where her veins had ruptured.

"How are you feeling?"

Still not saying anything, Peter became worried. Pressing the call button for the nurse, he then ran out to get Michelle's family.

"She's awake. But she's not talking."

As they ran into the room, they seen Andrew checking her over.
Watching as she gagged, Mac became concerned.

"What's wrong with her?"

"It's okay Mac. She most likely has some charcoal left in her throat, I'll get it suctioned out."

Michelle wished he'd hurry. Her mouth tasted of charcoal, and sand. Her throat was dry and scratchy. Begining to panic, she couldn't breathe.

"Relax Michelle, just deep breaths, nice and easy. Nurse... pass me the air mask."

Slipping the air mask over Michelle's nose and mouth, she began taking deep breaths.

"Just relax, Michelle. You're doing great. Good job. It's just the rawness from the tubes we had in you. Just breathe nice, deep and slow."

Waiting a few minutes for her to become more alert, he checked her blood pressure and pulse.

"Now that we have you awake, I would like you to answer a few questions for me, okay? You can blink once for yes, and twice for no. Ready?"

Blinking once, he smiled. "Good job Michelle. It shows you're understanding my commands. Okay... first question. Do you know who brought you here?"

Blinking once, she looked at Peter.

"That's right, Peter. Question two. Do you remember why, you were brought here?"

Blinking again, she teared up.

"It's okay Michelle. Just a couple more questions, okay? Were you brought here, due to a drug overdose?"

Blinking yes again, she turned her head in shame.

"Alright, good job. I'm going to leave you for a while with your family, okay? I'll be back later with alot of different therapists, like your father had. Do you remember that?"

Blinking once, he smiled. "Great job Michelle. I'll see you in a bit."

Waving to Mac and Stella to follow him outside, he said...

"Her concept of what happened, is good. She seems to remember everything that happened. Most times that's a good thing. Other times it can become a set back. She is going to need alot of help and understanding from you all, as a family. I can't stress how important it is, for you all to seek outside help."

Mac wasn't listening. He was tired of listening to the good doctor.

"The only thing my daughter needs is me. As soon as she is released, I will be taking her away for a while. Whether you, my wife, or your God damn therapists, approve or not."

Walking back into the room, he left Stella standing alone in the hall, with Andrew.
"God Andrew, he's so angry. We've hardly spoken two words for a week. He never leaves here. He always sends Mack for his clothes and other items he needs.

"I know Stella. Maybe it's for the best if he gets away for a while. We all need this. I have to admit... I'm getting a little tired of waiting myself. It's time we all make a choice, over the two weeks Mac is gone with his daughter."

Stella was worried. She wasn't ready to face what was ahead. It had been four years of this back and forth game. Alot of family was going to be hurt either way, when the truth came out. Their children looked to them as the perfect couple. The exception to every rule on how love could survive anything.

Watching Stella's face, Andrew knew she was upset.

"It's going to be alright, Stella. I promise whatever we decide, we will always remain friends."

Taking her into his arms, he held her and kissed her head when Mack and Eric came back. Standing off to the side watching, it didn't take Mack, or Eric long to figure out why dad was leaving with Michelle.

Seeing her daughter watching, she broke out of Andrew's arms.

"Mack... Mack... it's not what you think, sweetheart."

"It's not? It certainly looks that way, mom. How long have you and Andrew been playing house?"

"Mackenzie..." said Eric.

"What? You taking her side? So how long, mom?"

"Listen Macke...."

"You don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. How long, mom?"

"Four years, Mack. But we haven't been sleeping together. We just meet up twice a week by the beach to talk, and spend some quality time together. Yes... we have feelings for each other, yes... we feel love for one another, but we've never acted on it in that way."

"Whether you acted on it or not, isn't the point. Just to have thought about it, is enough. So is this why daddy is leaving?"

"Yes. Your father has known about us for about two years now. He never said anything because he thought in his mind, it was okay for me to have someone special to talk with outside the family.

But it took your sisters breakdown, to help your father realize he doesn't like what Andrew and I share, never has. Now he knows he's made a mistake, he's giving Andrew and I two weeks to decide what we want. When he gets back with Michelle, it will be settled once and for all."

"God mom, I still can't believe this. You and daddy were always the reason for proving to us all, that there is such a thing as a perfect couple. Obviously we were all wrong in assuming that. So where does it leave the rest of us?"

"Sweetheart... you can't compare your relationship with Eric, to ours."

Mack was getting pissed, her mother just wasn't getting that she had done wrong.

"You're right. You know why? Cause I would never even think of loving another. I would never think of touching another, even if it was to hold hands. There are all different kinds of lies. Whether you like it or not... you've both kept one. And as for your doctor Andrew. He should have been man enough to tell daddy."

"Now you listen to me young lady. Your father could have been man enough to tell us he knew too. She whispered, and keep your voice down."

"Why keep my voice down? Are you ashamed? Why would he mom? Why would he tell you. When he loves you so damn much, that he's willing to let you go, just to see you happy. It's just a God damn shame you don't recognize that."

Walking away, she headed back to see her sister.

"Take care of her for me, Eric. Try and help her understand."

"How amI suppose to do that, mom? when I don't understand it myself. I'm sorry, this is one mistake you are going to have too work out with your daughter, and our family."

"I know that Eric. But I just don't want her to misunderstand."

"That's just it mom. She's not misunderstanding anything, you are. She's right. The reason Mac didn't tell you he knew, is because of his love for you. He was being unselfish just to see you happy."

Turning from her and Andrew, he followed his wife into the room.