CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Loved this chapter!
Jeff is really sweet!
Hope Sara gest better!!
Shannon having three!!:)
When Tristan and Sharon arrived back at her flat, she curled up on the couch and softly crying.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just me having some weird thoughts."

"What kind of thoughts, Sharon. Talk to me, please."

"I just can't stop wondering, if Shannon is next. I mean... I was raped, left with deep scars on the outside and inside. Sara was scared on the outside and inside, by her psycho fiance. What if Shannon is next? I just can't get the thought out of my mind. It's really scaring me."

Sitting on the couch beside her, he took her into his arms. "Shh... come on sweetheart, nothing is going to happen to Shannon. You need to stop having these thoughts. How about we go out for dinner?"

"No... I'm not really hungry," she said.

Tristan wasn't sure what to do about her fears. Maybe he should take her away for a while. Somewhere where they could come to terms, with what had happened. He knew she was still hurting inside, how could she not be, when she carried the scars deep within her.

"Listen sweetheart, why don't we go away for a while. Let's go to Serenity, your mom and dad said it's a wonderful place, let's give it a try."

"No... I don't want to go away. My sister is due soon, as well as my mom. Plus I don't want to leave Sara, she's going to need help getting through her pain."

"I understand that Sharon. But you need to think about yourself too. You haven't even come to terms with your own assault. How can you help your sister, when you can't even face your own rape?"

Getting up, Sharon walked over to the window. She didn't want to talk about herself. "It's not about me, Tristan. It's about my sister and her pain she suffered. I'm over mine, I had help from my family. You have no right to say haven't dealt with it."

Tristan knew he was going to have to show her. Walking up quietly, he wrapped his hands around her waist, as she cringed. "See that Sharon, you won't even let me touch you without cringing. You need to face your own problem, before you can help your sister."

Turning to face her finace, she leaned her head into his neck. Softly crying, she knew he was right. How could she help anyone, when her own life had been torn from within. "I'm sorry Tristan, I don't mean to cringe on you. It's just every time I'm touched, the horror of that day comes flooding back."

"I know that Sharon, which is why we need this time away. I need time to help you heal. I need to show you how my touch differs, from what you suffered at the hands of my psycho father. We need this Sharon. Waiting till our wedding day, is no longer an option. You need to feel the gentless, and love I carry for you in my heart, else I will never get you to the alter. So I'm going to book the flight, while you call, and let your parents know. Okay?"

Nodding her agreement, Sharon hoped her sisters would both be okay without her for a while.


Lindsay was ready to deliver any day now. She could feel the baby moving into position. The last two days had been like heaven. Grayson was always by her side, never leaving her alone. Talking to his child, while his head would rest on her tummy.

Hearing the knock on the door, she answered it.

"Hey mom, what brings you here?"

"I came to see my daughter, how you feeling, love?"

"Good mom. The baby is getting restless, everything is so amazing, the rippling, the kicking, all of it. Even Grayson spends all night talking to our child, we're both so excited."

"I can see that, Linds. Which is why I brought you this."

Opening the present, Lindsay seen the baby keepsake book.

"Oh... it's beautiful mom, thank you."

Sitting down with her mom, she opened the first page and seen her baby photo on the first page. Under the picture it read... "my mommy as a baby." Underneath hers, was another for Grayson's picture, that said..."my daddy as a baby."

"Aww... thank you, mom. Now I will have to bug mom number two, for a picture of Grayson before the baby is born," she giggled.

"You will. So listen, how about we go out for lunch?"

"Sure, just let me grab my coat."

Heading out the door, little did Lindsay know, she was headed to her baby shower.