CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

One more chapter after this, and then while Mac and Michelle are away, we will have some fun with the other kids.:)


Michelle was sleeping again, when Mack walked back in with Eric. Her dad was deep in thought, looking out over Miami

"How's she doing now, Peter? Has she said anything?" asked Mack.

"No... she smiled a little, and squeezed my hand. We're all waiting on the therapists."

"Oh... okay. Daddy... do you need anything?"

Shaking his head no, he continued to stare.

"Excuse me, we're looking for Michelle Taylor?"

Smiling at the therapist, Peter allowed her to sit by Michelle.

"Which therapist are you?" asked Mack.

"I"m her speech therapist, if she needs one. For right now, I need to see if she can swallow, so we can get her started on eating again. Can you help me prop her up with the pillows, please?"

Walking over, Mac raised his daughter in an upright position, then climbing in behind her, sitting her between his legs, while her head rested on his shoulder.

"I love you, baby girl. I'll be your pillow." he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, daddy." she choked out.

"That's perfect. She's sitting straight up. After a series of swallowing exercises and repeating the process several times, Michelle's swallowing and throat seemed to be free of obstruction. Writing down some notes, she asked everyone to leave the room.

"Mr.Taylor... you to please."

"No. I'm staying. My daughter needs me."

"Michelle... do you want your father to stay?"

"Yes... she whispered. He can stay."

"Michelle... you can talk?

Hearing in the barest of whispers... "Yes... I can talk."

The therapist was very impressed.

"Are you scared to talk too your parents, about why you did this? Is that why you don't want to talk?"

"Yes... she whispered. I don't want to be a failure in their eyes."

Hearing his daughters words, Mac softly cried into his baby's hair. Squeezing her tighter.

"I'm sorry you felt like that, sweetheart. I'm sorry if that's how we made you feel."

"You didn't daddy. Honest... it's just what my mind thought. Everything was so confusing to me. But it was never you daddy. Or mom."

Pulling her even tighter in his arms, they cried together while continuing to whisper words of hope, healing, and love.

"Aww... do you know what Michelle? I don't think your parents would ever concider you a failure. Every one slips, it just reminds us that we are all human, and none of us are perfect. You were a student who took too much on at once. No one is going to be ashamed of you, for that."

Getting up the therapist said...

"I'll let the doctor know to start you on regular foods. Your physio therapist should be in shortly."

Walking out, she stopped to talk too the rest of the family.

"She's fine to be on solids. She said she was thirsty, if you'd like to get her something to drink, that's fine. Just make sure it's in a small sips. We don't want her starting out with to much. She can also talk. The reason she isn't doing so, is because she thinks she disappointed you all, and she's ashamed."

"Thank you for all your help. Take care."

"You too, Mrs.Taylor."

Once the speech therapist left, Stella said...

"We need to figure out an approach, to helping her talk.

Walking back into the room, they watched as she was talking to Peter and her dad.

Peter was still holding Michelle's hand.

"Are you going to talk to me beautiful? I've missed you, alot."

"I've missed you too," she whispered through her tears.
Leaning up towards her lips, he softly kissed her, while taking his fingertips wiped at her tears. Trying to sit back in the chair, Michelle wouldn't let him go. She was holding him so tightly, almost as if making sure, he didn't disappear.

"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I never meant to hurt you,Peter."

"I'm never going to leave you ,Michelle. I promise you, we will face this together with your family. I'll be right beside you, when you talk to them. Then when you are better, and you can go home. Your father is taking you away for two weeks. Anywhere... you want to go."

"Why would you do that daddy?"

He could see Mac still crying. He knew his daughters pain was to much for him, as he hid his tears in her hair. Answering for him, Peter said..

"He feels that the two of you, need to spend time with each other. He's hurting too. I tend to agree that you need this Michelle., and I promise to be here when you get back. But before that, you're going to need to help your father heal too. He needs your love and understanding, as much as you need his."

Nodding that she understood, she leaned back against her dad, and relaxed.
When the rest of the family came back in, they noticed Mac, wrapped up with his daughter.

"Hi sweeetheart. I've missed you. Can you tell me why, Michelle? I promise not to judge you, love."

"I was just so tired of everything, mom. I was so stressed that you and dad would be angry with me for failing. It started out simple. I was just taking one pill a day. Then as the days went on, I found myself needed more, cause they were no longer working.

Before I knew it, I was spending my grocery money on them. I remember being down to almost fifty dollars daddy. That's when I stole your pills daddy. Cause I knew I couldn't afford anymore for this month. I'm really sorry, daddy. My only thought was... I needed more to take away he pain.

Then when Peter found me sleeping. We had a small arguement about the pills, after he found them in my pocket. I felt so bad, when Peter said he was sorry for loving me. I miss understood his words, that's when I ran into the bathroom and swallowed them down. I just wanted to end the pain, I was forcing everyone to feel again."

"Oh Michelle... you could never bring us pain. How could you even think that?"

"It was everything mom. All the stress and tiredness, was blocking my mind from keeping up with my thoughts. I just felt like I was disappointing everyone. I just wanted to make everyone happy with my decisions. I guess somewhere in between I forgot about myself. The only thing I could see was your faces when I failed. I'm sorry, so sorry for scaring everyone."

Stella was in tears. So much stress her baby was under. Feeling like she was all alone in the world. Just where had her and Mac gone wrong, to make her ever think that?"

"I want you to listen to me, sweetheart. You are going to pick a place for you and I to have some father, daughter time. Just the two of us, for two whole weeks. We are going to be each others comfort, guide and listener. Together... the two of us will help each other learn that it's okay to live with our hurt ,and feelings of failure. But it's not okay to hold it in, alone, thinking no one can help."

"Why would you need help daddy? Have you felt like a failure too?"
Caressing his daughters face, he said...

"Yeah baby. I've felt like a failure too. Not only as your father, but also as husband, for not standing up for myself, and ending something that should have been ended two years ago. This is why we need each other, Michelle. I know as father and daughter, we can come to terms, deal with our feelings that have been haunting us."

"Okay daddy. Can I think about where?"

"Of course you can, love. I'm sure you are going to be here for a few more days. Once you're released, we can leave."

As Michelle was about to say something else. Her cousins, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles came through the door.

"Hey, hey, hey... we heard our little Michelle was awake," laughed MJ.

Smiling at the piles and piles of stuffies, Michelle cried.

"Hey now... none of that, kiddo. You have nothing to cry about. Just don't ever scare us like that again, okay? No more getting freaky." he winked.

"Whoa... you're still pregnant, Melina? I thought you would have had them by now."

"Soon Michelle. Very soon. Doctor said, it could be any minute. Then you'll have two great nieces too love."

"So... have you decided where you and dad are going to go?" asked MJ.

"I think I've made my decision. I just hope daddy likes it."

"Where is it, sweetheart?"

"Serenity by the Sea, daddy. In the Galiano Islands. It's a beautiful retreat, full of nature with oceanfronts and waterfall gardens. I remember one of my instructors talking about it. She said it's reputation, lives up to its name."

"Okay love. Sounds wonderful. I'll book it tonight, for a weeks time."

"Thanks daddy. This is going to be good for us both."

"I know, baby. I love you."

Smiling, everyone caught up, on what Michelle had missed.
I`m looking foward to the moment when they say goodbye!!
Mac and Stella moment!!
One Week Later... To Serenity by the Sea we go

The night before...

Michelle was back home, packing up her clothes for her trip with her dad. Peter was watching, as she rumaged through her drawers.

"Michelle... I bought you something to wear. This can be worn at night, while you and your dad sit and talk."

Sitting on the bed beside him, she tenderly kissed him.

"Thank you, Peter. Can I open it now?"

"Sure... I'd like that. I know it's your color. It will match your gorgeous eyes beautifully."

Opening the present, Michelle seen a beautiful dark green kimono with a beautiful dragon on the back.

"It's gorgeous, Peter. Thank you."

"You're welcome Michelle. I'm going to miss you, tomorrow."

"But aren't you coming to the Airport with us?"

"I can't love. I have to teach a class in the morning. But you have me for tonight. Then when you get back in two weeks. We will spend as much time as you like together."

Tearing up she whispered...

"I want you to love me Peter. Please say you'll love me before I leave."

Looking into her beautiful green eyes, he laid her back on the bed.

"Are you sure, Michelle? If we do this, this is forever. There's no turning back. Once I love you, and take your gift, it's a binding contract. One you can get out of. For love is forever, not fly by night."

"I always wanted to be a bride. So take me my husband to be."

Peter could see the seriousness in her eyes. He could see how much she had understood his words. There was nothing more he could ever ask for, then the gift she was about to give him this night.

Tenderly caressing her face, he leaned down and passinately kissed her. Softly at first, with just the tip of his tongue, then deeper as she accepted and raised herself for more. Becoming lost now, in the shadows of her darkened room, as his fingers slid across her delicate skin leaving shivers on her flesh, along the way.

With tenderness and care, he undid her buttons one by one, kissing her exposed skin along they way. Turning her head to the side, she quietly moaned out. Peter could feel her body already accepting what he was doing to her. He could hear her soft cries of passion, as he continued to touch, and burn her in endless pleasures.

So lost Michelle was now. So far into this new world of sensual love and knowledge. With each stroke of his kiss everywhere, she could feel her soul build, build beyond anything she ever thought was possible. Then as he whispered....

"This is our moment Michelle... this is the begining of our forever."

With the words said, he touched her heart completely, feeling only a second of pain, then all that was left behind, was the beauty of their dance. A dance that would forever be given to years of romance, passion, and love.

Later that night, Michelle woke to tenderness. Hearing her cry, he whispered...

"You okay sweetheart?"

"Mhm... I don't want to leave you tomorrow Peter. I love you."

Hey... look at me Michelle. Don't you ever think for one minute that I won't be missing you, cause I will. But like I promised, as soon as you get back, we start our life together. I'll be at the Airport with your mom the day of your return."

Kissing her passionately again, he tenderly touched her as she hissed. Ignoring her pain, she allowed Peter to take it all away with his five beautiful words. "I love you Michelle, forever."

At the Airport, Mac pulled his wife aside. Looking into her misted eyes, he said...

"I know we haven't spoken for almost two weeks. But I need you to know that I love you, Stella. I've always loved you, never stopped, never will stop. So many nights I wanted to come home, take you in my arms, and love you with all the love and passion we once shared. But that isn't possible anymore. Not until you can honestly decide what you want, and need."

Caressing her face, Stella closed her eyes as Mac thumbed her tears. Then gripping his hand within her hair, he pulled her towards him, whispered against her lips... "I love you Stella, always." Then crushing his lips to hers, he tasted her tears as they poured into him, letting him know that if nothing else, she was going to miss him.

Breaking their kiss, Stella could barely whisper back... "I love you too, Mac."

Walking away he didn't look back, as he took his daughter by the hand and walked with her down the terminal.
One of the best chapters!
That Smacked moment broke my heart, please make them stay together!!
Over at the Delko's girls place, they were getting ready for their party. They had invited a group of friends over. Sara was the only one, who wasn't sure, this was a good idea.

"Sharon... I'm not really liking this idea. I mean... you know how these parties work. One friend tells another friend, and another, until we have an apartment full of guests, and one angry property manager, not to mention tenants."

"Oh would you stop. Nothing is going to go wrong. I told our friends not to tell anyone else. That it was just a small group of us."

"If you say so. I guess you forget watching Sixteen Candles then, with Molly Ringwald. Remember Jake had that party that was only suppose to be a few. He ended up with tons of people, who killed his house. I'm telling you, this is a bad idea."

Hearing the door open, Sara seen Shannon and Jake come through it, loaded down with food.

"Help us here, Sara. These are heavy."

Taking some of the bags, she placed them on the table.

"Shannon... Sharon won't listen. So maybe you will. This is a bad idea, right?"

"Are you kidding. Sara... we haven't housed a party yet. It's our turn. You don't want us to be called freeloaders, do you. We have to give back."

"Fine... but I'm telling you. If we get kicked out of here, and have to move back home with mom and dad. I'll never talk to either one of you again. Cause I like my freedom, and I ain't going back home."


Gray and Lindsay were still apartment hunting. They had less then two weeks to find a home. Nearing the next set of apartments, Lindsay felt ill.

"Linds... are you okay, honey?"

"Just a little dizzy, can we sit for a minute?"

"Of course. Let me grab you some water."

Pruchasing a bottle of water, Gray opened it for her. Swallowing it down, she felt it rush back up, as it spewed all over Gray's shoes.

"God... I'm sorry Gray. I think we should go home."

Helping her to the car, he passed her a plastic bag incase she felt ill again.

"Do you think you caught the flu?"

"I don't know Gray. I just haven't been feeling well. Mostly the mornings, but sometimes late afternoon too."

"Lindsay... could we be pregnant? I mean you have all the symptoms."

Looking into Gray's eyes she thought about it.

"I don't know. I guess we could be. I don't know?"

"Okay, come on baby. Let's get you home."

When they arrived back at Lindsay's, Gray talked to Nat.

"Um... Natalia... we think we might be pregnant."

Not thinking right, cause she was busy with Kat, she said...

"Oh that's wonderful, congrats."

Gray laughed.

"No Nat... stop for a minute and listen. I think Lindsay may be pregnant."

That did it. Nat froze in the middle of Kat's flower girl dress, she was hemming.

"Oh my... are you sure?"

"Not yet. But while we were searching for our apartment, she felt nauseous, and then she threw up on my shoes."

"Oh... umm...hmm... okay. I have an extra kit upstairs. How about we go find out?"

Grabbing her kit, she walked back into Lindsay's room.

"Hi Linds, how you feeling?"

"Terrible mom. Like if I move, I'm going to be sick again."

"Okay, but you need to move once more. I need you to do this test."

Getting up, she felt the rush of nausea hit her again. Making her way to the washroom, she opened the kit, and took out the stick. Placing it aside, she walked back out and climbed into Gray's arms.

"How long does it take mom?"

"Not long, it should be done."

Walking into the bathroom, Nat wanted to look at it really bad. But she knew this was her daughters and Gray's moment.

"Okay love, here you go. If it's a plus sign, you're pregnant."

Turning it over, Lindsay seen the dark blue plus sign. Then looking up at Gray, she said...

"Hi daddy."

"Are you serious? We're pregnant. Oh... thank you. Thank you Lindsay. I love you. Our child. This is amazing, I need to tell mom and dad. Now we really need to find a place to live."

"Calm down Gray. One step at a time."

"Sorry Nat. I tend to get a little excited."

Laughing... Nat headed downstairs to tell Danny, that his little girl was going to be a mom
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