CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Back at the Taylor's, Mac went to take his medication. Opening the vile, he seen it was almost empty. Thinking back, he could have swore Stella had them refilled today.

"Stel... Stella..."

"What is it, Mac?"

"We had my perscriptions filled today, didn't we?"

"Yeah. I did them this morning, why?"

"I think the Pharmacy may have made a mistake. There are at least fifty or more pills missing."

"Oh my... I'm sorry Mac. I'll give them a call. It happens sometimes."

Picking up the phone, Stella called the Pharmacy. After talking with them, they informed Stella it was possible as they had a new girl working today. Letting Stella know they would have another perscription ready for Mac, she went to pick it up.


Peter was becoming concerned. It had been ten minutes, and Michelle hadn't com out. Getting up, he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Michelle... Michelle... answer me."

Not getting a response, he tried to open the door, but something was blocking it. Seeing the hand fall back, he knew it was Michelle. Pushing as hard he could , he finally got it opened, and seen the empty pill vile on the floor. Remember from yesterday pills, their was at least forty in the bottle. Which meant this bottle must have held the same. All he knew was he needed to let the EMT's know how many when they arrived.

Checking for a pulse, he found it fast and rapid. Then watching in horror, her body tremored. Realizing she was having a seizure, he tried to shove her toothbrush between her mouth, so she wouldn't bite or swallow her tongue. Using his other hand, he flipped up his cell and called 911, realizing that his nightmare from three years ago, was about to be relived.

After hanging up the phone, he bent down to her ear... "Just hold on Michelle, I love you. Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me like Moreen."

Watching her body tremor again, as she went into her second seizure, he knew her brain was slowly dying. Hearing the sirens, he ran and let them in. After they started an I.V saline, and intubated her, they rushed her to the Hospital.


Jessica was waiting for her Donnie to pick her up. They were spending the whole night, and all day tomorrow together. She had waited all week for this. Running around her room, she packed up her suitcase. Stuffing it full of everything she could think of.

Walking into the room, Mack tried not to laugh. You'd think she was going forever. almost every toy was stuffed inside.

"Look mommy, I did it all by myself. Is Donnie here yet?"

"No Jessica. Why do you need all these toys. You have billions of them your Donnie has bought you, plus a billion clothes. There is nothing you need to take, love."

"I know mommy, but sometimes I miss my stuffies. Can't I just take one or two?"

Hearing the doorbell, Jessica ran down the stairs. Opening the door, she jumped into her Donnie's arms.

"Dooooooooooonie... I missed you."

Smothering his face in kisses, she hugged him tight.

Hearing the phone ring, Mack answered it.


"Mackenzie, it's mom. You need to get over to the Hospital, Michelle has overdosed. Her Professor brought her in. Your father and I are heading there now."

"What? Oh my God mom, when did my sister start taking drugs?"

"I don't know love. Just hurry."

"Don... I need you take Eric too. Michelle has OD'd they have her at the Hospital."

Don was shocked. Michelle. Little Michelle that he use to bounce on his knee, addicted to drugs. No...it had to be a mistake.

Rushing from the house, Mack called Eric on the way.
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People can change in a period of time. That was just in a blink. It's like we hardly get to know them anymore when we don't know what's happening behind all their suspicious and visible acts. Some were exposed too much to the social society, too young whereas Michelle was under the influence of drugs. Hmm.. I love Biology and Chemistry. It was a pleasure as we were getting to know more about their life as an adult and their life in colleges, getting ready as a leader in the coming future. Knowing that they are trying to cope up not only with their lives but also with their studies. It might be tough and stressful but they will get used to it through passing of time. Something which caught my attention, not just something, but Michelle's storyline. It was just like yesterday she was a good girl still living with her parents and today, she's a drug addict. It is coherent and digestible. It reminds me of a lot of things though. If she could not even look after herself, mind particularly, how can she look after others as a psychiatrist, treating her own patient who has mental illness.

Peter, her professor, I'm glad that he did not make unfair use of for one's benefit. He considered a course of action carefully before embarking on it, something which cost tons of consequences in the time that still to come. Michelle kept the bottles from him and she does everything just to satisfy and cover her own addiction and needs for the drugs. All the bucks that she spent... Most importantly, before she took all these drugs that harms her, I hope she ever did at least once realize and think about her family. Not about the hope they have on her as a psychiatry but what if anything happens to her which is going to 'cause the family to be more miserable, in sorrow. As an example, if suicide can help to endure all the pains and sufferings, why do those African children who suffer each day from malnutritions caused by protein deficiency, Kwashiorkor? Why don't they just suicide, stabbing each other, or even slamming their own heads and get over with it? 'Cause they have hopes that we could help them. The high aspiration and desire each day, getting more and more stronger. Strains, stress, can be handled in lots of ways. Namely, friends, family and a counselor, certainly drugs are unreliable. They can't walk or talk and entertain/make someone happy. Alternatively, they lead a person to a more depressed mode. She should have talked to someone who could really help her, such as Peter. She loves him yet the word trust is not even there to be existed. Michelle is quite vulnerable. I hope that she will be all right and she will learn to be as resilient like his daddy 'cause this is just a beginning to everything in her life, full of impediments and obstacles, taking time to accept someone helping her to deal with it regardless of when she is down, high, low or in her darkest day/night. I loved and enjoyed greatly in this storyline. :thumbsup:
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It's a good thing Peter was there. I hope Michelle pulls through.

:lol: at jessica stuffing all her toys in her suitcase.
It's going to get worse, before it gets better.:)


"EMT #324 to Miami-Dade General"

"Go ahead 324."

"We have a eighteen year old female on route, she has overdosed on amphetamines. Victim is unresponsive. She has just suffered a third seizure. According to the witness transporting with her, he thinks it could be 40 to 50 pep pills, she had injested, approximatly twenty minutes ago. Blood pressure is 190/110, and rising. fever is 104.2, permission to give patient free flow of saline solution, as our time of arrival is 5 minutes."

"Go ahead, 324. We'll be ready and waiting when you pull in."

When they pulled in, Mac and Stella were already waiting. Watching as they wheeled their baby into the Trauma room, they stopped her Professor.

"Are you the one that found our daughter? Are you?"

"Calm down Stella, don't jump all over him."

"I'm sorry. Please... tell me what happened?"

Just as Peter was about to tell them, MJ and Melina arrived.

"Mom... Andrew is on his way back. He borrowed his friends corporate jet. We told him what happened. Is she still seizing?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything. That's what I'm trying to find out."

"Shh... calm down love, just breathe."

"How can I breathe. How could none of us have known, how depressed she was. How could we not have known she was on amphetamines?"

"Who are you?" asked MJ, looking at Peter."

"I know who he is. He's Dr. Peter Wilson. One of the youngest and smartest Professors of Psychiatric medicine, and Michelle's new friend."

They all looked at Melina.

"Michelle and I do talk. I remember her telling me that she had a crush on Peter. It's obvious with him being with her, they decided to try a relationship. So just what happened in between then, and now. For Michelle to end up here?"

Peter walked away, his only thought being, how his Michelle was doing. Heading into the Hospital they followed, with Mac having a million and one questions, for the Professor that had captured his daughters heart.

While they waited in the waiting room, Peter placed his hands over his face and cried. Watching Michelle seizure over and over kept playing on his mind. Only it wasn't Michelle he was seeing. It was his Moreen.

Hearing the heart wretching cries escape, Mac wondered, just what was making him lose it like that. It certainly couldn't be his Michelle, for they hadn't been together long enough. Flipping up his phone, he called Eric and had him do a check, on Peter's background.


In the Trauma room, they had started to pump Michelle's stomach when Andrew came in.

"What have we got, people. Talk to me?"

"Female, eighteen years of age, overdosed on amphetamines. approximately forty. She has suffered a total of four seizures, blood pressure is 195/110, heart rate is 190 beats per minute, and fever of 105.1. We were just starting the gastric pump."

"Okay... once that is done, get her stomach full of charcoal, and give the patient a cathartic with it. Nurse, get me 50cc of anti seizure medication. Stat. We need to get her stablized before I can run a set of scans. Let's go people, now. Before we lose what is left of her brain cells."

"Doctor... you may want to look at this."

Checking Michelle's pupils, he could see her vessels had ruptured. Letting him know her brain was hemorrhaging.

"Faster people, her brain is begining to bleed, we're losing her, let's go."

"She's crashing doctor. She's crashing."

"Get the paddles, hurry, and 75cc's of epinephrine. And where is the damn bloodwork? I need to know what she took."

"I have it doctor, Adderall, were found in her system. The immediate release formula."

The others nurses stood in shock. To have that much amphetamine in your system. They all knew the chances of this young girls survival, were looking very grim.

While Andrew and his team tried to save Michelle's life, her family and Peter waited for the news.
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Mac's always in protective mode getting backgrounds on his daughter's dates.

Man, I hope Michelle is okay. I didn't know you could use charcoal for medical purposes. That's interesting.

Good chapter. :)
Mac's always in protective mode getting backgrounds on his daughter's dates

I don't rely think of it as protection mode this time. He was more concerned why Peter would be so emotional about his daughter, who he really didn't know that well yet. Leaving him to think, that something else must have happened in his past, to cause his pain.

Info on Charcoal

You will hear more on Peter's deceased wife, in the coming chappies.:)

Back out in the waiting room, Eric finally showed up. Waving to Mac, he followed him out.

"What did you find out, son?"

"It seems Peter had a wife three years ago. She suffered from addiction to barbiturates. He spent endless hours trying to heal her. She was fired from the Hospital after stealing medications from the patients and drug carts.

Peter seemed to blame the Hospital, saying that if they had of helped her with their preventive program, they could have saved her. Instead they fired her quietly, leaving Peter to deal with her. After coming home from a seminar, he found her seizing from an overdose of antidepressants.

It seems, he never got over it, and blames himself for not seeing her addiction sooner. They have no children, and he has no family. His parents both died of heart diesese at an early age. He's very bright, and graduated College and University at the age of twenty with honors. He is now the youngest Psychologist , to pass the board exams.

There's one more piece of information. You're not going to like it. Peter's wife... was Andrew's sister. Andrew was away for four years at different medical conventions. He wasn't even aware that his sister was suffering from addiction. When he found out, he blamed Peter for his sisters death. The two of them hate each other to this day. A wound that has never healed."

" I don't get it. How can Andrew blame him? It's not Peter's fault, he did everything he could."

"Andrew doesn't look at it that way. He feels if his sister was that depressed, and addicted. That Peter should have put her away in a detox center, instead of handling it, himself."

"Oh come on Eric. Have you ever seen those places? They don't give a hell about the patients. They leave them locked in a room, alone. Most times, half of them don't even get the help they need. I don't blame Peter for trying to help her. I would have done the same with my wife, or my children."

Walking away from Eric, he sat down beside Peter.

"Excuse me... I'm Mac Taylor. Michelle's father. Do you think you could tell me, what lead up to my daughter being here?"

Looking up into his eyes, Mac could see his pain. Placing his hand on his shoulder, he told him it was okay.

"It was yesterday. I was sitting at the student bar like I do at least three times a week. This way I get to see my students outside of the classroom. I hade been noticing the last two weeks Michelle coming in frequently around one in the morning.

Each time she would meet with a guy named Larry. At first I just figured it was about buying papers for exams or something. But then I noticed Michelle's nervousness last night. So after she had what she needed from Larry, I asked her if she would like help with her papers. I knew she was falling behind. Had been for a while.

Eric was taking notes. His first stop being the student bar when he was done here.

Once we got to her home, I noticed she was very tired and could barely keep her eyes open. I confronted her about being on pep pills. She admited it, and excused herself to the washroom. I then told her when she came out, to give them to me. That I would help her with her addiction.. At first I thought she wouldn't. But then she surprised me by handing them over.

After we had finished her papers at four in the morning. She asked me to stay. I have to admit, I found myself falling in love with her for a while now. It took me actually spending some one on one time with her, to figure out I already was. Needless to say, she invited me to stay the rest of the night.

After using her washroom, I noticed the asprin bottle. Having a headache, I pulled a couple out, and noticed they were amphetamines. That's when I realized she had given me the asprin instead. So I confronted her again, and told her I didn't need the excess baggage again. As she cried, I tried to leave. Not being able to do it, I crashed on her couch.

The following morning she woke me. I should have known something was wrong. She was very hyper and excited. But when I checked the pills, they were all there. So I'm thinking she may have gotten more while I was sleeping. Though I wasn't going to acuse her again. Not without proof.

Anyway... she invited me to supper at your place. I told her no... that it was to soon. She understood, and we agreed to meet up after. When she didn't show up, I became worried. Heading over to her place, I found her crashed out on the couch, bare.

I grabbed a blanket and tossed it over her, just watching her sleep. Then I noticed her twitching. That's when I realized she was coming down off something else. After checking her pockets, I found about fifty pills."

"Did you say, fifty?"

"Mhm... why?"

"When Michelle left our home, I noticed that evening that some of my medication was missing. I guess now I know, where it went."

"But she didn't take them. I tossed them all down the sink. When she woke I confronted her. God... I was so angry with her. You know... that kind of anger where you just want to love her, and not let go? After we got a little heavy, I stopped. I could remember her really shaking. I realized I was scaring her.

So I sat down with her in my arms, and apologized over and over. I could feel her crying. Then I heard her whisper... "Don't ever be sorry, Peter."

She ran out of my arms, into the washroom. After ten minutes I got worried. As I tried to open the bathroom door, I realized she was leaning against it.

Pushing with all my strength, I seen her seizing on the ground. Then I seen the empty vile. I tried to get a toothbrush into her mouth, to stop her from biting her tongue. Then she seized on me again, bringing back all kinds of haunting memories...." he broke.

"It's okay, Peter. We understand the rest. Thank you for being there. If not for your quick thinking, she would most likely have died."

As the family listened, they were in tears. How could none of them have known, she was under so much stress. Why would she not talk to them? She knew they were always there for her. What was she so afraid of ? Failure? That they would think less of her, for not succeeding? Questions they knew... were going to have too wait.

"All I know, is I can't lose her now Mr.Taylor. Not after I've just found her."

"You won't Peter. None of us will. We will all be here for her, when she pulls through."

Getting up, Mac walked over to his wife, and took her into his arms.
Peter's wife was Andrew's sister? I didn't see that one coming. Good chapter. Loved Peter's talk with Mac.