CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

There is a scene for Michelle/Peter up at the other place:cool:
Back at home

When Mac and Stella arrived at their home, they noticed the crime scene tape torn on the outside. Walking into their home, they seen everything had been cleaned. Question was... where were Hero and Beauty? Heading out the back, their they were, playing in the yard with Sara and Devon.

"Look at Sara love. She's the spitting image of you twenty years ago."

"Hahh.. funny Mac. Try thirty years ago."

Spanking his wife's bum for being saucy, they called to their babies.

"Hero... Beauty... mommy and daddy are here."

Looking up the dogs seen their parents, running towards them, tackling Mac to the ground covering him in licks and cries.

"Nana.. papa... you're home. How was the trip?"

"How bout a hug, then we'll talk."

Hugging her grandmother tightly, she still smelled of heaven. Always nana wore the most beautiful perfumes.

"Did you clean up the house, sweetheart? It must have been very hard on you. But can you answer me a question?"

"Sure nana, what?"

"When Sharon was attacked, where were Hero and Beauty?"

"I don't know nana. I wasn't here. I guess Sharon could have put them outside."

"Hm... I'll have to talk with Don or Eric. Anyway, tell me what your grandfather and I have missed."

Walking into the house, Sara wasn't sure where to start

Tristan finally arrived back at the Hospital. Seeing Eric, he smiled.

"Thank God you were here. Devon was late, I had to watch Shannon..."

"It's okay, son. I already know. Devon called to tell me. So how is Shannon?"

"Sleeping alot. She still has quite a bit of nausea. I'm surprised Devon hasn't taken her back to see her OBGYN."

"I'm sure he has. But Shannon is the stubborn one. Just like her mother. She won't go anywhere, till she feels it nessesary."

"So what you're telling me, is you raised, stubborn, level headed, Delko women?" he laughed.

"You know Tristan... you are going to make a wonderful son."
Beep, beep.

"Hold on son, that's my cell."

While Eric took the call, Tristan seen Sharon awake.

"Hi sweetheart. I brought your pj's and one very special nightshirt for you."

"Nightshirt? I don't any of those?"

"You do now."

Pulling it out of the bag, Sharon tried not to laugh. Tristan had this black, long nightshirt that said... "I belong to Tristan and Tristan belongs to me" down each sleeve. Followed by a picture of the two of them, on the front.

"Aww... that's sweet. Now if you can help me up, I can put it on."

Carefully lifting Sharon to the floor, he helped her towards the bathroom.

"Freeze... hands off my daughter."

"Daddy..." laughed Sharon.

"Hah... alright kids, I have to go. Sweetheart, I love you. Tristan take care of her."

"Always Eric."

Once Eric left the room, Tristan unlaced Sharon's hospital gown. Trying not to moan out a cry, he noticed all the bite marks on her shoulder and back. Leaving him once again, glad he had rid the earth of his animalistic father.

"There we go. All covered up. By the way, you are very beautiful Sharon. I can't wait for our wedding day." he whispered.

Leaning her back against him, she allowed him to hold her for a while.

Over at Melina and MJ's, they were getting the girls ready to see their great nana and papa, for the first time.

"Come on MJ, I need you to dress Jillianne."

"I'm coming Melina. Gesh... give me a minute to finish packing the bags."

"The bags can wait. Your daughter can't. She's getting very cranky here."

"Gee.. really, like mother, like daugher?" he sighed.

"What was that?"

"I said I can't wait to see my grandfather, sweetheart."

"That's what I thought, you didn't say."

Once they had the girls dressed in pink matching jumpers, and little pink Nikes, they headed out.

"Hold on... we forgot the bags."

Running back into the house, Melina grabbed the diaper bags and the baby photo's for the generation tree.

"Okay, all set. Let's go."

There's a Mac/Stella scene on ff.net:cool:

Maddy had Adam Jr at the park, when they seen Nat and Kat.

"Hey Nat, over here."

"Oh.... hey Maddy. Hi little Adam."

Not saying anything, he looked over at Kat and stuck his tongue out at her. Sticking it back, she ran to the swings with Adam following her.

"Go away stupid Adam. You bug me."

"Not as much as you bug me, crazy Kat."

"I'm not crazy. You is. All boys are stupid, especially smelly ones."

As Adam went to say something else, a little boy their age walked over and pushed Kat away from the swing.

"Hey... that wasn't nice." said Adam.

Walking over to him, Adam pushed him down.

"You don't touch her. Now say sorry."

Maddy and Nat were busy talking. Missing the action around the swings.

"Sorry. I don't knows why you cares anyway. She's just a smelly girl."

"So what. She's my smelly girl."

Taking Kat by the hand, he walked her back over to their moms.

MJ and Melina parked the car, and headed inside. As they neared the patio, they seen their grandparents wrapped in each others arms.

"Now there is something I've missed."

Turning around they seen their grandson, with two beautiful girls in his arms.

"Aww... oh my. Look at our little sweetheart. Hi... hi there. I"m your nana, are you ever a pretty girl."

Opening her eyes, Stella noticed they were dark green, almost like a stormy color and very intense.

"What's the matter nana?"

"Her eyes. Have you seen them? She's staring at me, just look at them Mac. They are so intense. It's like she's analyzing me."

Mac peaked over, and seen the color. Then looking back to Joyanne, he noticed hers were just green.

"Are you able to tell them apart yet, kids?"

"No. So we've kept their bracelets on."

"I think it's safe to take them off now. If you two onbserved a little more. You will notice Jillianne has our intense dark green eyes. While Joyanne's are a lighter green. Very easy to tell them apart."

Peeking over, MJ smiled. "Wow... how bad are we. Look at their eyes Melina. They are different. How come we didn't notice that?"

"Hm... for one thing. Too many midnight feedings, not enough sleep. At least for me. It would be nice to have some help with them every once and a while."

"I help. When do I not help?"

"At night. How many nights have I waken you to bring the girls in to me? Instead you roll over, moan and go back to sleep."

"MJ... are you not helping Melina with the girls?"

"Of course I am, nana. She's just being Melina."

Slapping his arm, he owwed again.

"Come on you two, let's go inside and catch up on life."

Walking back inside, Mac was grinning like a kid as he said...

"Did you bring the pictures, son?"

"I heard that Mac. You and your family tree. One more grandchild and we'll have to start on the last side of the wall."

Sticking his tongue out at his wife's back, she said...

"Keep the tongue in your mouth, Taylor."

Laughing, MJ slapped his grandfathers back. "It's great to have you both home, papa."

"That it is son. That it is."

When Devon got home with Sara, he was called into work.

"Sara... my boss called. I need to go in for a few hours. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah... I'll be fine. I might go visit Lindsay and see the baby. Plus Shannon should be home soon, too."

Giving her a kiss, he left out the door. Once Sara was sure he was gone, she locked the door. Just in case that guy was hanging around somewhere, waiting to attack her. She knew she should have told Devon. But he most likely wouldn't believe her. Even her father couldn't see anyone that day, during their lunch date.

Cleaning the flat, Sara took the mats out on the balcony, shaking off the dust. Looking down onto the street, she seen him again. Staring into his hypnotic eyes, she couldn't move, as she felt her body heat. God... the sexual pull he had over her was so frightening, but yet, so erotic at the same time.

Then she seen it. His deep, handsom smile as he waved his hand to her. Closing her eyes, she opened them and he was gone. Sara could feel the cool Miami breeze kissing her already sensitive skin. She was so sensually lost, that she didn't hear her sister Shannon and Jake come in the door.

"Sara... we're home. Sara."

"I'm right here. What did the doctor say?"

"Are you okay, sis? You look flushed."

"No... I'm fine. so what did he say?"

"Everything is good. All my bloodwork came back normal and we are having a boy."

"Aww... a boy? Really? Oh wait till mom and dad here. I'm so happy for you both."

As she hugged her sister, all her thoughts returned to her mysterious man.

Back at Mac and Stella's the house was now quiet. All their company had left, and the dogs were sound asleep. Walking into the den, Stella seen Mac admiring the family tree. It was a beautiful painted piece that had branches and leaves all over three of the four walls. On each leaf were themselves, their children and grandchildren. It showed all the love, that the Taylor's spread throughout their years.

Leaning over her husband she whispered in his ear...

"Hi my handsom Marine. Want to come make love, to your lady?"

Turning to face her, he smiled.

"Always love. always I will love you."
Loved the begining with the kids!
Stella teasing Mac just great!!:)
What is going on with Sara?
this is only half the chapter. You know where the rest is

The following morning, Mackenzie was starving. Her cravings had finally hit. Looking in the cupboards she took down a bowl, opened the freezer and took out the fudge ripple ice cream. Just as she was about to open the lid, Eric walked in.

"Hold it Mack. Put it down or I'll shoot."

"Shoot... busted."

"Hand it over Mack. You know what the nutritionist said. No junk food. Only foods high in iron. Did you take your medication this morning?"

"Look... I took it okay. The babies are starving. They want ice cream. So I'm going to give them some. Now move."

Taking the tub from her, Eric threw it back in the freezer. Heading to the fridge he took out fresh fruit, whipped up some pancake batter and added in bananas. Once they were done, he placed them in front of Mack.

"Here you go. Now the babies are going to love these. So eat up."

"You know Eric... it's times like this, you make me hate you."

"That's okay, baby. Cause it's times like this when you say that. That I'm doing my job right."

Kissing her smartly on the mouth, he left for work. Watching out the window, Mack watched the Hummer pull out. Then opening the freezer, she took back out the ice cream. sitting down with a spoon, she opened the lid and seen frozen fruit with a note on top...

"No... bad Mack, with a little x&o on it."

Tossing the container into the sink, she stomped upstairs to dress. Then locking the door, she headed over to her sisters. She was sure Michelle would have ice cream. She knew she could go to the store and buy some. But knowing Eric, he most likely had half the police force following her around.

When she arrived, she parked the car and rang the buzzer to the Condo.


"Hey sis, let me up."

Ringing her sister in, she met her at the door. Storming past her, she headed right for Peter's freezer. Opening it, she found chocolate ice cream.

"Oh my God. You are a lifesaver. Where are your dishes sis?"

"Right above you. Mack did you come here just for ice cream?"

Watching her sister spoon a large helping into her mouth, she laughed.

"Mack... slow down."

Peter came out of the den, and smiled.

"My, my, you are evil. Aren't you Mack. If Eric knew you were here eating ice cream, he'd flip out."

"Sh... now listen. You are soon to be my brother in law. So in this family, the way to our hearts is not to be a tattle tale. Right sis?"

Michelle just shook her head, as Peter lifted her from the chair onto his lap.

"So tell me, Mack. What brings on your cravings?"

"Oh no... you're not going to psycho analyze me. Forget it doctor."

"So how you doing, sis. Are you feeling okay now?"

"Yeah. I'm not as tired since I've started this high iron diet. But it gets kind of boring and bland. Eric is such a nag. No Mack, you can't have this. No Mack, you can't have that. I swear he's been hanging with daddy to much. The man needs to chill out."

"He only does it cause he loves you so much. There are little tricks you can use to get your desserts, you know."

"Oh really. Do tell sis."

"Well... what you do is get all your favorite things together. Like chocolate, sprinkles, whip cream, sauce toppings, and some fresh fruit, just to throw Eric off track. Then you strip him naked, and make a sundae out of him. This way, you get your desserts, and Eric too. Leaving him, never to know the difference."

Mack was trying not to laugh. But poor Peter looked very uncomfortable.

"What? What's so funny, sis?"

"Look at Peter. I think you've given some naughty thoughts. Maybe I should leave." she laughed.

Turning to face him, she could see his eyes had gone a deep indigo blue. Then she felt him still her hips, so she couldn't move.

"Um... sorry Peter." she said as she stroked his cheek.

"Stay still Michelle. Please don't move."

"Alright then. On that note, I'm going to leave. Thanks for the ice cream. I'll bring back the tub later. Love ya sis, don't forget the sprinkles."

Hearing the door shut, Peter got up and tossed Michelle on the table.

"Peter..." she whispered in shock.

Taking her deep into his touch, all Michelle could do was hang on for the passion about to begin.
"You know Eric... it's times like this, you make me hate you."

"That's okay, baby. Cause it's times like this when you say that. That I'm doing my job right."

:guffaw::guffaw:Eric cracked me up when he said that. :lol: He sounds like such a parent. :lol:

Haha at Eric's pre-emptive strike putting the fruit in the ice cream container. Go, Eric!