CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Back at the Hospital, Tristan was sleeping with Sharon wrapped protectively in his arms. Watching from the door, Dean waited for the opportunity to inject the garbage into Sharon's I.V.

"Excuse me, sir. Visiting hours are over. You have to leave."

"Sorry nurse. This is my son, and his fiance. I'm just waiting for them to wake. Can you tell me how she's doing now?"

"She's holding her own. We still have her heavily sedated. You may see them for five minutes. Then you need to go."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

Walking into the room, he pulled the drape across. Then taking out the syringe, he poked it into her I.V drip.

Opening his eyes, Tristan seen his dad. What the hell are you doing dad? Get the hell away from her."

Getting out of the bed, he scrambled around to his fathers side and pushed him against the wall. Then turning for the briefest of moments, he yanked Sharon's I.V from her wrist. Feeling the blow to his head, he turned and attacked his father again. Fighting, shoving, grappling him to the ground, while the nurse yelled for security.

While they continued to wrestle, the nurse started a new I.V line. Once she had it in, she opened the drip wide...

Over at the Miami-Dade, they got the call.

"Eric... let's go, said Don. We just recieved a call from the Hospital. There's a suspect attacking a patient. The call was to Sharon's room."
Running down the hall, Adam yelled...

"Eric... I have that information for you. It's a match. Dean Rodgers is Sharon's attacker."

"Then that means..."

"He's the one in Sharon's room." finished Don.

Running from Miami-Dade, they had their sirens blarring. Pulling into the entrance of the Hospital, they left their Hummers and ran towards the elevator.

Back in Sharon's room. Tristan was still wrestling with his father. Rolling him over, Tristan realized how still he was. Pushing himself up off him, as Eric and the others came through the door, he seen the syringe sticking in his thigh.

Turning to face Sharon, he seen the nurse release the wheel to open the drip. Pushing her out of the way, he pulled the line from her wrist, for a second time.

"Tristan... what the hell are you doing?" yelled Eric.

Tristan could feel the blood draining from the wound in his head. Seeing the room spin, he whispered out... syringe, poison."

"Hey... someone get some help in here." yelled Don.

While Don checked Tristan for a pulse. Eric compressed the bleeding on his daughters wrist.

"Is he breathing, Don?"

"He is. He has one hell of a head wound."

"Danny... check Dean please."

"He's dead Mac."

"Okay... get that syringe back to the lab, find out what was in it."

"On my way."

After Danny left, Sheldon came in and took the body out to haulers.

"Eric... I'm going with them, I'll see you back at the lab."

When the nurse came into the room, Eric had her start a new I.V line and bag. Taking the old one into evidence.

"Were you the nurse on duty?"

"I was Lt.Delko. The suspect said he was the young mans father. That he was here for a few minutes to speak with him. When I heard the crash, I ran in and noticed Sharon's I.V tubing was pulled from her wrist, and the young man and his father wrestling on the ground."

"Thanks. I'll need a statement from you."

"Sure... you can find me in the lounge. I'm just headed on break."

Once the nurse left, the orderly came in and cleaned the blood from the floor. Waiting for news on Tristan, Eric talked to his sleeping daughter.

"Sweetheart... it's daddy. I just wanted to let you know that we caught him. he will never be coming back Sharon. Do you understand. You are safe, love."

"Eric..."whispered Don.

"Yeah... what did you find out?"

"He tried to kill Sharon with garbage. It's a drug that has a little of everything, including several poisons."

"I know what it is. I also know of only one guy who deals in it. I want him picked up. Gavin Davens. Bring him for accessary to murder, and distributing poisonous drugs."

After Don left, Tristan was wheeled into the room.

"How you doing, Tristan?"

"Six stitches. I'll be fine. I'm worried about my Sharon. How is she?"

"She's fine son, still sleeping. Can you tell me what went on, after we left?"

"I don't know Eric. I remember falling asleep with Sharon in my arms. I must have been tired, cause I didn't even hear him come in. all I know was when I opened my eyes, he was standing over Sharon with a syringe in his hand, squirting something into her I.V line. so I got up, and tackled him. We started grappling, when I seen the nurse try to start a new line. That's when he must have smashed me over the head with something. I turned around again, pushed him down, rolled over once, and then he wasn't moving when you came in. He's okay, isn't he?"

Eric wasn't sure what to say. He knew Tristan needed the truth, but how was he going to feel.

"He's dead Tristan. When you were fighting, he rolled, and jabbed himself with garbage. It wasn't your fault."

"Even if it was, think I'd care? I wouldn't. You have no idea how much I hated him. He was never a father to me, ever. I've learned to live with that all my life. Believe me, when I met your daughter, I thought... what are you doing to yourself Tristan. another girl for your fathers little game. But when he propositioned her, she said no. You have no idea how that made me feel. I already loved her, Eric. But her saying no... that was the final moment of our future. I now knew, I had someone who loved me unconditionally, as I did them. But now..." he softly cried.

"Now what Tristan? Talk to me, son."

Eric could tell he was hurting. He could tell he had been mistreated all his life. Rich or not, money obviously didn't rule him.

"Tristan... please son, tell me."

"But now she's so traumatically hurt, I don't know if she'll ever let me love her, or touch her. I don't know if she'll ever want me now. Why would she, when I couldn't even protect her. I should have been there. I should have taken the day off, anything to be with her."

"I want you to listen to me son. If anyone can pull Sharon out of this traumatic event, it's you. Sure it may take a while for her to allow you, to touch her. Then again, it may not. Each victim is different. She may be the opposite and tell you to love her, to help her know that your touch is beautiful, sensitve and loving. To help erase the trauma that was done to her. Either way, you will both get through this. Think of Sharon's fear. I can almost garauntee, that she's going to wake, thinking you no longer want her. Thinking that you think, she's dirty, or used. That's where the two of you, will help each other through this. Together, with your understanding, support and love."

Hearing Sharon moan, Tristan reached down to her level.

"Sharon, sweetheart. It's okay love, I'm right here, beside you. Try not to move."

Pushing the call button the nurse came back in.

"She's waking up. Please don't give her anymore morphine, right now. Wait to see if she wants it."

Tristan's head was pounding. His freezing was coming out. Lulling side to side, Eric knew he was about to pass out again. Walking over to his side, he picked him up and helped him to the chair.

"Daddy... daddy... please daddy, she cried. Don't hate me daddy, I'm sorry I was violated daddy, but don't hate me."

"Hey... it's okay Sharon. I've got you. I'm not angry. It's okay love, no reason to be sorry. You've done nothing wrong."

"But I'm dirty daddy. He hurt me, he took my... my... Tristan is going to hate me, he won't want me now. Will he daddy?"

"Listen sweetheart. Why don't you ask him yourself. He's right here."

Walking up to the bed, Eric helped him.

"Hi my beautiful lady. You had me worried, I thought I lost you."
Serenity Airport.

Mac, Stella, Michelle and Peter were waiting for their flight home. Problem was, Michelle's stomach wouldn't cooperate. Running back to the bathroom, she vomited violently. Feeling the touch on her shoulder, she turned and seen her mom.

"Sweetheart, are you pregnant?"

"I don't know mom. All I know is the last two days I've done nothing but vomit in the morning, and sometimes at night."

"Are you okay to fly? We can take a later flight."

"No. I'm fine mom. Besides you need to get back and check on Sharon. I can imagine how ashamed she's feeling. To have someone take away her virginity, something that is so special to her, is just disgusting. Then for him to come back and try to kill her. God mom, there is just so much going on. Even Mack is having problems with her pregnancy. She's suffering from anemia. So no, you and dad need to get home."

Helping her daughter up, she washed her face and kissed her cheek.

"Flight 207 from Serenity, to New York. Now boarding at Gate 7."

"There's our flight sweetheart. Let's go home."

When they took flight. Peter unclipped Michelle's seatbelt and held her on his lap.

"Are you sure you're okay Michelle. You're not to sick are you?"

"No. I'm just really tired now."

Curling under his neck. She fell into sleep.

"How's she doing Peter?"

"Not good. I think when we land we will follow you to the Hospital. I"d like to have her checked out."

"That's a good idea. Let's hope she hasn't picked up some virus over at Serenity." said Mac.

Stella smiled. Leave it to Mac to be out of the loop. Still he thought his daughters innocence was in tact.

"What's so funny, sweetheart?"

"Nothing Mac. Just go back to listening to your music."

Meanwhile at the Hospital, Eric left for home. Allowing Tristan and Sharon their alone time to help each other heal.

"Tristan... I'm really sorry. I will understand if you don't want me. I wouldn't want me, so why should you. It's okay, and I understand if you don't love me, anymore." she cried.

"Sharon... I want you to listen to me, he cried. What my father did you to you was sick, preverted, and dispicable. If anyone shouldn't want anyone. It would be you no longer wanting me. Why would you when my father was nothing but a worthless animal. Why would you, when I should have protected you. I failed you, Sharon. Not you failed me. You didn't ask to be raped. You didn't ask to be taken like an animal. All I know is there can never be enough sorry, for what I let happen."

Sharon's eyes were soaked with tears, her heart was in endless pain. Of all the things Tristan could have said to her. Of all the ways, he had time to run and leave her. But no... instead he was laying here beside her, blaming himself for not protect her. For not being there to stop the violent tendencies of his own flesh and blood.

"Don't ever think that Tristan. None of that is true. You didn't know your fathers mind was that sick. I should have fought harder. I really tried, but he was so strong. All I remeber is the pain of my face being slammed down onto the table. But that was nothing compared to the pain that I felt burn through me, when he took what belonged to you, Tristan. What belonged to us, to share together on our wedding night. Please don't blame yourself. You did protect me, you did save me. Tonight, don't ever forget that Tristan. If not for your quick actions, I'd be dead right now. I love you Tristan. I love you so much. I was so frightened of being left alone. Alone to fight the dark on my own. The haunting memories that will visit from this day. None of that is ever going to disappear for a long time. But the one thing that will help me heal from this, is your love Tristan. That's all I need to survive."

Tristan reached up and carefully, tenderly caressed her cheek. Then softly leaned in and kiss her. Just a whispered kiss. For he didn't want the horror of what had happened, to come flooding back.

"I promise you Sharon. Once you are better. Once you heal and learn to trust in love again. I will show you how much I love you. I will show you, gentle caresses, strokes, and passionate love. I promise you, it won't hurt Sharon. All you will feel, is how much we love each other. How much our touches express our warmth, desires and dreams for a future. A future full of children, happiness, and eternal love."

Hearing the nurse come in, she smiled.

"Sharon, can you tell me how your pain is now?"

"I hurt alot, especially in my... my..."

"It's okay. I know. I'm going to give you another shot of morphine, okay. You were assaulted very badly, but the pain is coming from your crushed pelvic bone. Did you want to try and go to the washroom. If you can make it out of bed and urinate, I'd like to remove your cathater."

"I'll wait outside, sweetheart."

Kissing her head, he walked out into the hall. A short time later the nurse came out, Tristan went back in.

"How you feeling now, sweetheart?"

"Tired, the morphine is really making me feel weird."

"It will, Sharon. That's what it does. Just allow it to lull you. I promise I"ll be here when you wake. Right here, with you still wrapped in my arms."

Closing her eyes, she felt her body float deeper into sleep.

Meanwhile, back at her grandparents. Sara took a drink and sat out on the patio. She knew her grandparents would be arriving shortly. Ending her wonderful two weeks she had spent with Devon.

Looking out across the beach, she seen him again. His dark gorgeous eyes, his long black coat, slick backed dark chestnut hair. Feeling her heart race, Sara couldn't understand why he was having this effect on her. He was scaring her, yet she couldn't tear away from his intense glare.

"Sara, Sara, I'm home. What time are your grandparents arriving? Sara?"

Snapping out if it, she turned to Devon.

"Hm... oh... in about an hour."

Looking back down the beach, he was gone.

"Sara, are you okay? You're worrying me."

"No. I'm fine Devon. Come on, I'll make some lunch."

Watching her walk into the house, he knew he could have her at any time. But he would wait. Wait till she was ready to come find him. Oh he knew she would. For he was a fever that Sara would soon need to feed her soul.
Back at the Delko girls flat. Shannon was laying down. Her stomach was jumping around giving her fits. Feeling the cool Miami breeze, she layed back against the cool satin sheets.

"Shannon... where are you Shannon?"

Sighing deep, she said... "in here, Jake. What is it?"

"It's almost dinner time. Did you want to go out and eat? Or are you going to cook."

"What do you think? Listen... why don't you go out, and bring something back. I really can't get my stomach to settle."

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Shannon. I really don't want to leave you alone. Especially if you're still not well."

"Look... my mom was the same way with all us kids. Severe sickness, and tiredness. All I want to do is sleep. Now I love you, but please leave."

As Jake left, Tristan came through the door.

"Oh hey Trist. How's Sharon?"

"In alot of pain, her grandparents are with her. They just got back from Serenity. I'm just grabbing a few of her pj's then I'm heading back."

"Oh... do you think you can keep an eye on Shannon for ten minutes? I have run down and grab us supper."

"Sure. But hurry. I don't want to leave Sharon alone."

"You got it. Thanks man."

While Jake ran out, Tristan packed Sharon a bag of her personal items and pj's. Then Checking on Shannon, he found her sound asleep. Sitting on the couch, he waited for Jake to come back.

Back at the Hospital, Mac was laying with his granddaughter in his arms. He could see the pain of shame etched across her face.

"I want you to listen to me, sweetheart. What happened to you, changes nothing. You are still the beautiful woman you always were. No one can take that from you, you need to remember that Sharon. Promise me."

"I promise, papa. Can I wear the healing stones now?"

"Of course you can."

Raising himself off his granddaughters bed, he raised her a little. Then slipping the necklace over her head, it felt warm. Almost like a peace, that relaxed each and every thought Sharon had.

"I can feel them working, papa. Thank you. I love them."

"Good. Now all we need, is to get you home in a few days."

Kissing her head, Mackenzie walked in with Jessica and Eric Jr. Well that did it. Jessica ran right into her papa's arms, squeezing the air right out of him.

"Paapaaaa... you are home. I missed you, where's nana and Michelle? I love you papa, you miss me?"

Mac laughed. His youngest granddaughter was a bundle of where's.

"She's downstairs getting your sister some ice cream. So have you been a good girl?"

"I have papa. I've spent lots of time with my Donnie and Gwen. They are getting marrieds soon."

"They are. Wow, another wedding."

"Uhuh... and know what else, papa?"

"No, what?"

"Shannon my other sister, she's pregnant too. She's having a baby."

Mac froze, Stella dropped the ice cream on the floor. While Mack said...

"Oops, I'll go get Sharon more."

"Freeze, young lady. Don't move."

Looking down at her daughter, she said... "thanks alot Jessica. I told you to shh."

"I not know mommy, I'm sorry. But you say papa won't care cause he loves babies and needs dem to fill the Taylor tree."

"Want to tell me why my granddaughter is pregnant? I thought you explained to the girls they needed to wait till marriage. Do you have any idea how many new babies are going to be born around the same time? Well let me tell you... there is your two, Shannon's, and Lindsay's. Have I left anyone out?

"Um... no daddy. Aren't you happy? Look at all the new generations that are being started. Soon we will be able to take over the world...mwwwaaahaaa..."

"Not funny, young lady."

Looking to her mom, she smiled.

"I love the idea of more babies. Come on Mac, admit you love it, and stop the phoney self rightious act."

"Sweetheart... they are babies. They haven't even finished their first year of College."

Walking over, Stella kissed his pouty lips.

"Aww... see... it's you two that make us realize any relationship can work with understanding and love, said Mack. Please say you're happy daddy."

"Fine... I"m happy for all the new generation babies. Now if you all excuse me. I'm going to check on my baby."

Leaving the room, Mac headed down to the ER.

When Mac arrived downstairs, he checked the exam room.

"Hi sweetheart, any news yet?"

"Yeah daddy. I have severe food poisoning. They think I ate quite a bit of contaminated toxin foods on our last night, at Serenity. I guess some of their foods weren't chilled properly, causing the toxin to appear."

"Are you able to go home?"

"Mhm... I can go home, but they said it's best not to be alone. Just incase the vomiting increases, and I need to be brought back."

"Okay baby. Get dressed, and we will get you home to our place. Daddy will take care of you."

Peter smiled. He could see the concern on Mac's face. He wasn't happy with losing his youngest daughter.

"Aww... thanks daddy. But I'm going to stay with Peter. He's going to take care of me."

"Yes love, but doesn't he have to work in the morning. So it would be better if I take you home with mom and I."

"It's really okay Mac. I have the next two days off. So Michelle and I will be fine."

Michelle noticed her dads pout and realized he was missing her. Especially after the scare she gave him. It was now obvious to her, that their two weeks together, didn't help with his fear of almost losing her to her drug overdose.

"Daddy... I love you, you know. I understand you want to take care of me. But you and mom just renewed your vows. You both need your alone time. But I promise before Peter goes to work on thursday, I'll have him drop me off at home. This way, you and I can spend the days together. Then Peter can pick me up at night."

"Okay sweetheart. But you promise me if you need me, you'll call. I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, daddy. Billions and billions."

Giving him a kiss on his lips, he headed back upstairs to see his granddaughter one more time, before heading home.

When Mac came off the elevator, he ran right into Andrew.

"Mac... you're back. How was your trip?"

"Good. If you'll excuse me. I need to see my granddaughter."

"Listen Mac. Mac... please."

sighing deep, he turned.


"I know what happened between the three of us, should never have happened. But we all need to move past it now. I've moved on with my life, as have you and Stella. But you're my patient Mac. We need to have some level of respect for each other."

"I never said that I didn't have respect for you, as my doctor. I said I have no respect for you, as a friend. What you did was wrong. As soon as your feelings started for my wife, you should have been man enough to back off, or at least tell me, instead of sneaking around. Just like I should have never condoned it. That was my mistake. Now if you'll excuse me."

Walking back into his granddaughters room, he breathed deep, placing a smile on his face, as he walked in.