CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

When Devon arrived back at the flat. He found the house in darkness. Looking at his watch, he realized Sara would have questions for him. Questions, he would have to be ready to answer about where he was tonight.

Walking into the room, he dropped his clothes and noticed the bit the blood that was left behind on his jeans. folding them up, he placed them in a bag burying them under the bottom of the garbage bag.

Crawling in beside Sara, he wrapped her in his arms.

"Devon... it's early morning. Where were you all night?"

"I told you Sara. I had to work late. You knew that."

Sara wondered why Devon had just lied to her. She had called his work earlier. They had told her he left hours before. So why the lie.

"Devon, I called work tonight. I needed to talk too you. They told me you left hours before. Why are you lying to me?"

Devon didn't like being questioned. He hated questions. All his life had been questions. For almost five years, he had been able to keep his personality in check. He had every detail of his two lives worked out. Or so he thought. All he knew now, was that this new problem had to be taken care of. Even worse then that. He hated being spyed on. What right did Sara have checking up on him?" Squeezing her a little tighter, he whispered...

"Sara... why would you check up on me? Do you not trust me? Why all the damn questions?"

"Oww... loosen your hold a little Devon. You're hurting me."

Letting his arm rest comfortably against her, she said...

"I called you, because I was attacked tonight. Along the beach, walking home from my cousins place. I needed you, but you were nowhere to be found. I wasn't spying on you."

"You were attacked? What were you doing walking along the beach in the first place? You know better then that. Especially after what happened with your sister."

"Calm down, Devon. Everyone is sleeping. What is wrong with you tonight? You're acting crazy."

There was that damn word again. Crazy. All through his school years he hated that word. God damn it, Sara knew that. Yet still... still she used the word. Obviously no one had learned from their past mistakes.

"That's it. Get dressed. I've had enough of you Sara. Let's go. We are going to my place."

"No... it's late. Besides that I don't like your place. It's tiny and dark. You always told me you understood that I didn't like it." she cried. I don't understand you now Devon, you're changing. It's like your personality has changed. Do you not love me anymore?"

"I do love you, sweetheart. We will discuss this at my place. I don't want to disturb your sisters."

Getting dressed, Sara tried to write a note.

"No Sara. No notes. Let's go."

Walking with her out the door, they headed to his place.

Watching from the shadows, Jeff seen Sara with tears in her eyes. Deciding to follow her, he stayed in the shadows. When they neared the pier, Jeff noticed how quiet it was. Then he seen Devon telling Sara to stay there, he needed to grab something.

Watching him come out. Jeff wondered what the hell he would need a sander for this time of night. Backing up into the shadows, he followed them to an empty storefront that housed a tiny apartment. Watching as he pulled Sara inside, he seen the little light go on.

Trying the door, he found it locked. Leaning his ear, he listened.

"Devon... please take me home. I really don't like it here. Please Devon, why are you doing this?"

Sitting down beside her, he said...

"I'm going to tell you a story. A story about my life as a small child. Something we had never talked about. I mean after four years Sara, you never once asked about my family. You never once bothered to find out, who I really was all those years ago."

"I knew who you were Devon. We've known each other since grade 5."

"No Sara. You knew of me. All those years back I was never good enough to even have you say hello. You and your sisters always went for the guys that brought you all nothing but pain. Then that day on the beach, the day you finally accepted me after your break up with Jenson. I was so happy. I finally had my Sara. The girl I admired since grade 5. Fuck... if you only knew how hard it was, to keep my personalities hidden from you."

Sara was in full tears now. For the last four years, she had thought Devon was a wonderful, loving partner. How stupid and naive was she, for believing his lies. He had fooled all of them. Even her father.

"Anyway... when I was a little boy of six. My father would take me hunting with him. He use to call it, species hunting. We would grab a female off the street. Usually, street walker types. Then he would take them into the woods and tie them to a tree. Then my father would take a sander and sand the skin from the cheeks first. Followed by the face until all you could see was their eyeballs bulging out from the missing skin.

God... you could hear their screams. Then he would go for the hands. Always he said... son, you need to remove all skin from the fingers, hands, and feet. Leave nothing that can be used to identify your species. Understand son?"

Sara could feel the bile rising in her throat, she felt the room spin from her fears. Trying to close her eyes, he slammed the table.

"Listen to me Sara. It's rude of you to fall asleep while I'm telling you about my life."

Listening from outside, Jeff knew he needed to get help. But at the same time, he didn't want to leave Sara.

"Damn it, what choice do you have Jeff. You need to get help." he whispered.

Running down the pier, he searched for the closet phone.

Back in the little apartment, Devon continued his haunting story.

"So anyway. Once he was done removing the skin from his speices, he'd take these pliers. See them, right here Sara. He would take these, and pull out each tooth, collecting them in a little jar. Reaching under the table he pulled out a jar of teeth. Some that still had there roots on them and fresh blood.
But during one of our hunts, when I was six. He got caught. Two hunters seen what he was doing and called the police. Hearing the sirens, my father took off leaving me behind. Then I heard it. The shot, the scream, my father falling to the ground. They had killed him Sara.

Shot him through the chest.

Taking me into custody, they called my mother. I remember her showing up drunk. Taking a look at me, she told them I was as crazy as my father and needed to be put away. So for the next four years I was institutionalized for boarderline schizophrenia. But they were wrong, all wrong. I was never schizophenic. I was just a seriously disturbed little boy who had taken on his fathers personality.

A little boy who loved to take things apart, poke at them, cut them, dig things into them. The doctors told my mother after weeks of tests and discussions, I was just a normal child who had been through hell. That my problems of distruction came from the violence my father had shown me. They said I could join society again, as long as I kept my appointments with the therapist once a week, and stayed on the medication."

"Why didn't you then, Devon? You stopped your medication, didn't you? You figured you didn't need it anymore. It all makes sense now. With the drug no longer in your body, those evil tendencies returned." she cried.

"You are good, Sara. You should have been a detective. Or a CSI. But I guess the only thing you'll be now, is my next victim."

I had a feeling at that last chapter that Devon was the unsub. Good twist! I hope Jeff gets back to Sara before Devon hurts her.
Nice twist I didnt see that coming!!
I guess Jeff will end up being the hero!:)
When Jeff found a phone, he called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I need to speak with a Lt. Eric Delko. Hurry, it's an emergency."

Transfering the call to his office, Danny answered.


"I need to speak with Eric, where is he? It's a matter of life and death."

"Eric... it's some guy. He's freaking out. Said he needs to talk to you."

"Delko... Who is this?"

"Eric. It's Jeffery. You need to come down to Pier #40 now. Devon has Sara. He's the serial killer you've been looking for."

"This isn't funny, Jeff. We've known Devon for four years now. What kind of game are you playing?"

"I swear Eric, it's not a game. Sara is going to die. Please, hurry."

Hanging up the phone, Danny asked...

"What is it, Eric?"

"Call Don, we need to get down to Pier 40. Sara is in danger."

Taking off, Danny called Don from the Hummer. When they reached the pier, they seen Jeff.

"He has her in there Eric. I could hear him through the door. He kept talking about his father, and how he skinned girls in the woods. I'm telling you Eric, he's insane. I watched him drag Sara from their flat."

"Okay Jeff. Stay here. Danny, you take the back with Don. I'm going to try and see if he won't release her to me."

When Eric neared the door, he knocked.

"Shit Sara, sounds like we have company. I wonder, could someone have me drag you here? Don't move. I'll be right back, okay?"

Heading downstairs, he neared the door and peeked out. Seeing Eric, he knew he could play it cool, but then he seen the guy standing off to the left. "So... you know, Eric. Just how many more are with you?"

Quietly heading back upstairs, he tied Sara into the chair. Then placing a gag into her mouth, he left her while he checked the back. Seeing Don and Danny, he knew he was trapped.

"Thanks to your father, I am now trapped. He thinks he's so smart Sara. But little does he know that you will die. You will have your life ended with mine. We will go together, like Romeo and Juliet. Would you like that? I know I would."

Mixing some chemicals together. Devon poured them into two glasses.

"I need you to listen to me carefully Sara. You are going to swallow this quickly. Don't let it sit in your mouth, else you will suffer a very painful death. Just down it, and you'll die quickly, understand?"

When Devon removed the gag, Sara screamed. Hearing her cries, Eric shot the door exploding the lock. Running upstairs with Jeff behind him. Danny an Don had come through the back.

Entering the kitchen, they seen Devon laying on the floor, with foam, and burns around his mouth. Seeing Sara on the opposite side, Jeff ran over. Turning her, he seen the burns down her chin and neck.

"Call for an Ambulance Eric. Sara's been burned."

"Running over, Eric checked her mouth, and burned his fingers.

"Damn it."

"Did she swallow it, Eric?"

"No... she has severe burns on her chin and neck. She must have passed out from the pain. Where the hell is that Ambulance?"

"Devon is dead Mac. Here come the EMT's."

"What have we got?"

"Female victim, nineteen years of age. Severe chemcial burns to the chin and neck."

"Do you have any idea what kind of chemicals?"

"I don't know, whatever is on the table in that cup. Danny grab a sample of that, get it to the lab. Don... if you can call Mack for me, let her know what happened."

"Does she have any allergies, Lt.Delko?"

"No. Now please hurry, let's move."

Heading down the stairs, Eric ran into Sheldon.

"She going to be okay, Eric?"

"I hope so. I need to go. Jeff, take the Hummer, meet us there."

Following behind in the Hummer, Jeff prayed that Sara made it through the horror she had suffered.

Mack was sound asleep when she heard the phone. Picking it up in a sleepy voice, she said...


"Mack, it's Danny. You need to get Eric Jr dressed and over to the Hospital. Eric will explain when you get there."

"Is it bad, Danny. Was he shot?"

"No Mack. It's Sara. Just get there."

Running into the room, she woke Eric Jr.

"Eric, get up son. We need to get to the Hospital. Come on son, wake up."

Quickly getting dressed, Mack grabbed her cell and headed out.

"Here Eric, call nana and papa. Let them know that Sara's been rushed to the Hospital."

When they pulled into the ER, the EMT's rushed Sara into the Trauma room. While Mac and Jeff waited.

"How did you know Jeff? Were you following Sara again?"

"No. I often walk along the beach. Sometimes, I'll sit and look up at her window, just wondering what she might be dreaming about. But when I seen Devon drag her out, I knew something was wrong. So I followed them to this meat packing place, I found it strange that he brought out a sander with him. After he dragged Sara into his apartment, I heard him talking to her about his father. That's when I knew he was the serial killer you were looking for.

I honestly didn't want to leave Sara, but I wasn't sure if he had a gun. By startling him, he may have killed her. So instead, I called 911."

"You did the right thing, Jeff. Don't doubt yourself. If anyone should be ashamed it's me. For four years not one of us had any idea that Devon was crazy. What kind of CSI am I, when I can't recognize my own daughter is dating a psychotic bastard."

"Don't be hard on yourself, Eric. Some of the best psychotics could fool anyone. Look at Jeffery Dahmer or Alberto DeSalvo, Edmund Kemper, the BKT killer. All psychotics that fooled the best of them, Eric."

Sitting down, Eric rubbed his hands over his face.

"Excuse me, Lt.Delko?"

"Yes... how's my daughter?"

"She's going to be fine. She's suffered second degree burns on her chin. They should heal with minimal scaring. The ones under her neck through her upper chest, are third degree. These ones will need to be graphed once they start to heal. She's in alot of pain, and we've sedated her with Morphine. From the way she's been burned, she turned her head away at the last moment, stopping the chemical from enetering her mouth. This is what saved her."

"Can I see her?"

"You can, but you need to wear protective gown, mask and gloves. Any little bit of bacteria will cause infection. We also have her in a sterile room. So if you'd like to follow me, I'll take you down."

"Go ahead, Eric. I'll watch for your family and inform them."


While Eric left, Jeff waited for the rest of Sara's family to show.
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Poor Sara. Good thing Jeff saw and heard what was going on and called Eric. Glad Devon's dead. He was a very disturbed individual.
When Eric walked into the room, he tried not to cry. His little Peanut was covered in bandages fron her chin, all the way down to her bellybutton. He knew she had been burned bad. He was with in the Ambulance when they stripped her and placed her in a foil sheet.

He had seen the skin all bubbled and charred. Already peeling from her, exposing her nerves. Watching as the EMT sedated her with large amounts of morphine to keep her still from the pain when she came around. Remembering her tears, as her eyes opened and looked at him, with a hollowness.

He had told her he loved her, that he was sorry he couldn't protect her. He was her father, he should have known, or had some sort of idea. For four years, Devon had fooled them all into believing he was an amazing guy, who loved his daughter.

Sitting down in the chair beside her. Eric carefully took her hand. Not wanting to wake her. For he knew if he did, she would be screaming in pain again. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered...

"I want you to listen to me Peanut. You need to fight really hard to stay with us. I'm going to give you all my strength Peanut. When I do, I want you to hold it tight. Understand? You are going to hold all my strength, within you. I'm going to be right here with you, every moment, every step of the way. Whenever you open your beautiful brown eyes, I will be here for you to see. I promise, Peanut. I will be here, giving you all my strength."

Kissing her ear, he took her hand and squeezed.

"Here it comes, Peanut. I'm sending you all my strength to help you heal. Just reach out for it sweetheart. Absorb me right into you."

Watching from outside the glass, Mack knew there was no way Eric would be coming home. She knew that he would never leave his Peanut alone, ever again. She was his baby, always they had that tight connection, father and daughter shared.

Hearing her dad and mom call her name, Mack ran into their arms. Turning their head to face the window, Mac felt his tears fall. His poor grandbaby, burned with third degree burns on her neck, and chest. The pain she was going to have to suffer once she healed enough to have graphs. Where had they all gone wrong? Two of his grandbabies now assaulted by crazed animals.

"How's she going to survive this painful process, dad? How is my little girl going to take the months of peelings and graphs?"

"She will Mack. She's strong. She has you, Eric, and the rest of us to help pull her through. Sara has always been a fighter. She doesn't know the meaning of giving up. You need to trust in that, Mack. Where are my other grandbabies?"

"They're on their way. Don is bringing Jessica once he gets the case closed. Adam and Maddy should be here anytime, I called them a while ago. Why are we having so many black clouds over us? I thought we were past all this?"

"Shh... come on Mack. You need to settle down. Think of your babies. This isn't at all good for them."

Continuing to hold his daughter, Stella headed into the sterile room. Nearing Eric's side, she touched his shoulder. Feeling the warmth, he gripped her around the waist and cried. All Stella could do in that moment, was hold him, while watching her grandbaby sleep.

Breathing through the masks, Stella whispered....

"Eric... why don't you take a break. Mack could really use you right now. She's really hurting too. She needs your touch. I'll stay with my grandbaby for a while."

Giving his daughter a kiss, he whispered...

"I'll be back Peanut. I'm going to be right outside the doors if you need me. I love you, Peanut. Love you, so much."

Walking out from the room, Eric stripped off his gown, mask and gloves. Then nearing his wife, he took her into his arms. While Mac joined Stella in the sterile room.

"Daddy... how is our sister? Is that her daddy? Is that her in the room? Oh... look at her daddy. Sara... oh Sara." cried Sharon, as Tristan held her tight.

"Shh... come on Sharon. Take it easy. You're still not fully healed yourself yet. You need to calm down."

While the family stood outside the glass, Jeff felt out of place. Walking up to Eric, he said...

"I'm going to head home Eric. This is the time for your family to unite together. I'll come see Sara tomorrow, if that's okay."

"Yeah. That's fine, Jeff. Thank you for everything. If not for you, Sara would have died."

Walking from the Hospital, Jeff cried. They all had family to hold them together. Who did he have? No one. For both his parents were murdered. Hailing a cab, he headed home to his empty apartment.

After their visit with Sara, Mac and Stella took Eric Jr and Jessica home with them. While Mack and Eric stayed with Sara.

"Nana... why was Sara covered in bandages? how come she had so many owwies?"

"She was in an accident sweetheart. Her body was badly hurt. All those bandages are to protect her, so she don't get infection."

"She will be able to come home soon, right nana?"

"Not for a long time sweetheart. Sara is going to need alot of surgery, before she can come home."

"Um... nana."

"Mhm... what is it Eric?"

"She's going to have bad scars, isn't she? I know this because my friend at school was burned really bad in a fire and he has raised red skin scaring all over his left arm and shoulder."

"She will son. But the good thing about your sister. She won't care. All she will care about is that she lived. Even with all the pain she knows she will go through. She still has her life. Now... how about we grab some pizza to take home?"

"Okay, nana. But no bacon, okay? It's too yucky."

"No bacon, Jessica. I promise."

Pulling out of the Hospital parking lot. Mac left all his thoughts with his grandbaby.