CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

With silence now filling the halls of the Hospital. Eric tried to coax his wife to go home with Sharon and Tristan.

"Please Mack. For our babies. Let the kids drop you off at mom and dads. You need rest." he whispered as he caressed her face.

"I don't want to leave her Eric. If something changes, I need to be here with her."

Eric could see she was way past tired. He knew if she didn't rest soon, their babies would likely be in distress. Forcing her to have them early.

"Listen sweetheart. I promise I will call you if anything changes. If she so much as whispers, I will call you. Please Mack."

"Come on mom. Listen to dad. You need rest. We can even stop home and pick up your medication. Let us take you to nana and papa's, please."

"Fine. I can't fight you all. But so much as a change Eric, you call me."

"I promise sweetheart. I love you. Give the kids a kiss for me."

Helping her up, he kissed her sweet lips. Then passing her to Tristan, he helped her to the car.

"Take care of her Sharon."

"We will daddy. Give Sara a kiss for me."

"I will. Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too, daddy."

Heading back into his daughters sterile room. He placed on new gloves, mask, and gown. Then sitting beside her, he took her hand again as the doctor and two specialist came in.

"Excuse me, Mr.Delko?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"This is two of our skin graph specialists. We brought them to have a look at Sara. Once they are done, we will be coming back to peel off more dead skin. I'm not sure whether you'd like to stay or not. It's not easy to see, for your daughter will have some pain. As all her nerves didn't die. I promise you, we will dose her heavily. But she will still feel pain."

Eric inhaled a deep breathe. "I want to be here. I want my daughter to know, that her father is here to comfort her through this."

"Okay, Mr.Delko. We'll be back soon."

Bending down to his daughters ear, he whispered...

"Listen to me baby. I'm going to be right here with you Peanut. I'll be right here holding your hand, helping you focus on me. I know you heard the doctors. I know you know there is going to be pain when they peel your skin. I want you to know it's okay to cry. It's okay to pour tears all over your dressing Peanut. It can always be changed later. I love you Peanut."

Bendind towards her lips. Eric kissed her. Then sitting in the chair, he waited on pins and needles for the doctors to return.

Back at the Taylor's the kids had finished their pizza when their mom, sister and her boyfriend walked in.

"Sissssssssssy.... yelled Jessica running into her arms.

"Hi sweetheart. Look how big you are getting. I've missed you, kiddo."

"I've missed you too, sissy. Hi mama... how you feeling now? Is Sara coming home soon?"

Mackenzie felt the dizziness hit her. It had come on without warning. Watching her sway, Tristan caught her in his arms before she fell.

"Bring her to the couch, son. That's it, lay her down."

Moving out of the way, Mac checked her pulse and tummy.

"Stel... you need to check and make sure she's not bleeding. I can't do that."

While everyone left the room, Stella checked to make sure she hadn't gone into labor.

"It's okay, Mac. You can all come in now. She's fine. Most likely her blood is down again. We need to get her to eat something when she comes around."

"Nana... is mommy going to lose our babies?"

"No sweetheart. Mommy is just having a hard time right now. She'll be fine. How about you go to the kitchen and pour a nice big glass of juice for mommy. I'm sure when she comes around, she'd love a drink."

"Okay, nana."

When Jessica left the room, Sharon asked...

"Mom, wake up. Come on mom, you are scaring Jessica. She's really worried about the babies."

Slowly coming around, she tried to sit up.

"What happened?"

"You passed out. What did you eat today, Mack? And don't you dare lie to me."

"Not alot. Just some fruit and I think a tossed salad."

"Mac, stay with your daughter. I'm going to get her something descent to eat. She needs to get her iron up. Where's her meds, Sharon?"

"Right here."

"Make sure she takes one with that juice, please. She needs to get strong. Not only for those babies, but for Sara too."

After giving her mother her pill. Sharon made sure she drank down the juice.

"Are you feeling a little better, mom?"

"Still a little shaky. But I'll be alright once I eat."

Mack looked over at Jessica who was snuggled under her papa's neck, sound asleep. Mack knew she had frightened her daughter by passing out in front of her.

"Dad... she's sleeping."

"I know sweetheart. It's fine. I love this time with her. It's not very often we see her, cause of greedy Don," he winked.

Mack laughed. "She does love her, Donnie. That's for sure. They are inseperatable."

Looking towards the door, Mack seen her mom with a plate, stacked full of food.

"Here we go, sweetheart. A mountain of food." said her mom.

Everyone laughed. For there was enough food there, to feed at least twenty-five people.

"Alright then. I'm going to get my little Jessica up to bed. Then I'll be back down to see exactly how much my daughter can eat."

Heading upstairs, Mac placed Jessica in Michelle's old room. Knowing that if she woke, she would be able to snuggle down with them.

"Sleep well, sweetheart. Papa, love you."

Leaving the room. Mac left the door slightly ajar, before headed back downstairs.
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Last chapter down here, Moved to FF.Net

When Shannon heard Sharon come in the door, she asked...

"How is she Sharon? How's Sara?"

"She's not good. You need to sit Shannon. You have relax, between you and mom, one of you are going to lose your child if you both don't calm down."

"I'm sorry. I'll try, but how is she?"

"She has second degree burns on her chin. Third degree on her neck, chest and tummy. She's in alot of pain. They have her drugged up on Morphine."

"Is she still in the sterile room?"

"Of course. She'll be in there for a while. Anyway... if she pulls through she will have endless hours of skin graphs, pain, and agony. But daddy seems to think Sara is strong enough to overcome this."

"What do you think? Do you think daddy is right?"

"I honestly don't know Shannon. I wish I did. All I do know, is we can't see her for a while. Except through the glass. Mom and dad don't want us giving her any infections."

"That's understandable. But how is she going to know we are there with her?"

"I'm sure she knows Shannon. Maybe tomorrow we can make her a huge card and stick it to the outside window for her. Then when she wakes she'll see it. So where's Jake?"

"He's laying down. He has to work in a few hours. Have you seen Jeff hanging around?"

"No. Not since earlier. I think it may be hard for him, being alone and all. But I don't think he'll go to far. his concern for Sara is too genuine."

"I guess it will no longer be a triple wedding. Will it?" cried Shannon.

Taking her sister in her arms, she whispered... "No, Shannon. I'm afraid it won't."

When Jeff arrived at his apartment. He sat on his couch and cried. He was feeling not only the pain, but the guilt of wondering if he could have something different that may have changed the outcome of what happened.

Hearing a knock, he answered his door.

"Can I help you?"

"Jeff... I'm Tristan, Sharon's fiance. Could we talk for a bit."

Allowing him in, Tristan noticed his place was kept very clean. But the furnishings were old. It was obvious to Tristan, that Jeff's parents left him very little when they were murdered.

"How you doing, Jeff? You holding up okay?"

"Yeah. I was actually just playing around in my mind. Wondering if there was anything I should have different. I was just so concerned that if I tried, Sara may have been killed."

"To be honest with you, Jeff. No matter what decision anyone made. It wouldn't have made any difference. Devon was to far gone to be saved. If anyone feels guilty right now, it's all of us. I mean we lived with the guy. We hung out with him. He was your perfectly average Joe. I mean, he even fooled Eric. For four years not one of us had any clue that he was insane."

"Serial killers are good at what they do. After my parents were murdered, I read up on every serial killer who made the books. It was like an addiction, to see, to understand what means drove them to commit the acts they did on their vicitms."

"That's understandable. I often wonder if that was what my father was. Only his was a sickness towards women. Anyway... I thought you could use someone to talk too. If that's okay."

"Sure. I'd really like that."

"So you went to school with, MJ?"

"Yeah. Though we didn't hang out in the same circles. It's always harder for a cops son to make friends. So I kept to myself until my College years. Then I started meeting new people who didn't know my background. Didn't know that I was a cops son. To them I was a regular guy just trying to get through. On the night I went home after drinking. I checked on my parents. Not finding them in their room I figured they were in the pool. As I opened the patio door, I remember seeing them face down in the bloody water. So I called 911, after several months of investigations, they closed the case. Calling it unsolved."

"That's got to be hard. I can understand your need to figure it out though. So when did you and Sara meet?"

"It was at the Taylor Christmas party. Sara was just about to turn ten. I was fifteen. There was something very sweet about her I could never put my finger on. Then when Mac told the story of the spiders, all the guys threw plastic ones on the floor. I remember Sara jumping into my arms. That's when I felt it. You know... that one little spark that tells you, she's the one."

"Why didn't you ever pursue her?"

"I was fifteen. She was a week away from ten. Then my parents were murdered and everything I felt that mattered in my life was gone. Everything except for Sara. I would always watch her as she grew. Enjoying her moments as she entered her teen years. Watching as she made mistakes and picked herself back up. I often thought of myself as a stalker. I used to laugh about it to my friends. They all knew Sara was the only one I talked about. Always they would tell me... she's sixteen now, go approach her. Yet still, I'd shy away."

Tristan laughed. He didn't mean too. But he could understand. For he went through the same thing with Sharon.

"I share your shyness, Jeff. I was the same with Sharon. Do I approach her? Will she want me, or talk to me? I guess all us guys have that insecurity. Though you finally approached her, how did that go?"

"I think I kind of scared her. There was so much I wanted to say at once. But the only thing I said was... "when you are ready, you will come to me."

Tristan howled. He couldn't help it.

"Oh man. I could just imagine poor Sara's face. Aww... hopefully when she wakes you two will be able to at least start a friendship."

"That would be nice. I just hope she pulls through."

Sitting back. Tristan drank his coffee, and allowed himself to get too know, Jeff a little better.
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Back at the Taylor's, Mackenzie was having a very fitful sleep. Hearing her cries, her father walked into her room. Pulling back the covers, he layed her straight out. taking his hands, he massaged her tummy as the babies rippled ands coursed through her.

"You need to calm down Mackenzie. My grandbabies are very upset. How can they rest, if you won't allow your mind to shut down."

"I'm sorry, dad. I'm just so worried about Sara. Why hasn't Eric called?"

"Listen sweetheart. The last time I talked to Eric. He said the doctors were coming in to peel more dead skin from Sara. Which is why he hasn't called. He's right beside her, holding her in his arms as she suffers through the pain."

As Mac continued to massage, Stella walked in with a glass of juice and some fruit.

"Here we go again, Mack. This has to stop. I can see my grandbabies rippling from the door. Sit up, drink this."

Drinking down the orange juice, Stella fed her some of the fruit, while Mac continued with his massage.

"You know Mack. I remember when you were a little girl, you would always complain about your tummy pain. almost every night it was the same, until your father or I came in and massaged you."

"What are you saying mom, that I'm faking it?" she laughed.

"Hm... now there's something to think about. How do your father and I, not know you are intentionally waking our grandbabies. Just so you can take advantage of the massage."

"Dad... you don't think that, do you?"

"Of course not love, and on that note. The ripples have stopped."
Leaning down to his daughters tummy, he kissed his grandbabies goodnight.

"Alright, let's get you tucked in. Try and sleep Mackenzie. I promise the second Eric calls, I'll wake you."

Turning off their daughters light, they walked from the room.

"Do you ever notice, Mac. That all our children end up at one time or another, coming home?"

"I do love. That's why we never changed their rooms. We are creatures of habit, Stella."

"Creatures? I don't know about that. I remember this animal I was married too. He would attack me every chance he got. But he disappeared somewhere. Do you happen to know if he's still around?"

Sweeping her up in his arms, he said...

"He's still around. But the older version, prefers his lovely lady quivering in his arms."

Taking her into their bedroom, he shut the door.

Back at the Hospital the doctors had returned. Nearing Sara's side, Eric watched as the nurse injected morphine through her I.V line. Taking his daughters hand, he said...

"Okay Sara, daddy is right here. Try not to move to much love, okay. If you have alot of pain, look at daddy and I'll help you forget about it with my kisses, okay baby?"

Looking at her dad with drug filled eyes, she flinched. As Eric watch them peel of the gauze, he noticed the charring of her skin was white, with a black and leathery look on the surface. He could see her inner layers of skin raw and extremely painful, with coagulated vessels visible just below her skin. Seeing his daughters tears, he kissed them away.

"It's okay Sara, daddy is right here, baby. Just focus on daddy."

Continuing to watch as they cleansed, applied cream and more guaze they were finally finished. Giving her another dose of Morphine, Eric watched as his baby's drug filled eyes closed.

"Eric, if we could talk for a bit."

"Of course. I don't want to leave her to long."

"Trust me Eric. She'll sleep for a while. She's heavily sedated. From what we can see, Sara will need graphing done. Doctor Deguess has agreed to work with Sara once her healing is complete. I also need to let you know that tomorrow morning we will be taking her down to the OR to remove the remain the dead tissue. Deguess feels Sara needs to be out for the process as the burns on her neck and chest are quite severe."

"Um... that's the debridement treatment right? Where they remove the dead tissue?"

"It is Eric. It will also be a while before Sara is allowed to be removed from the clean room. She has no signs of infection yet, and we'd like to keep it that way. So visitors must be kept to a minimal."

"I understand. Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome Eric, try and get some rest, while your daughter is resting, okay?"

Once the doctor left. Eric dressed in another clean gown, gloves and mask.

Once Eric arrived back at his mom and dads, he headed upstairs to Mack's old room. Seeing her all curled up in a ball, protectively holding their babies. He undressed and climbed in beside her.

Pulling her towards his heat, he felt her tears run down his chest.

"I know Mack, it's going to be okay. Just rest love, we will talk about Sara in the morning."

"I need you Eric. I need you to touch me, burn me in your love."

"Baby, you're so tired. You need rest, love."

"I need you too touch me, Eric. I need to feel."

Eric knew she would never sleep if he didn't love her. Always she needed his touch, his caress to show her that even though he wasn't there beside her, his love was.

"Okay baby, don't cry." Taking her into his arms, he passionate kissed her sweet lips as his hand slid down her thigh.

"I've got you, Mack. I've got you wrapped protectively in my arms. Just feel love, allow everything to disappear except for my touch. I love you, Mackenzie, just feel."

Eric could feel the silence fall over the room. He could hear only their heartbeats, as his wife's tired body finally accepted sleep. Kissing her hair he pulled her closer, whispering... "I love you, Mackenzie Delko. I love you."

Back at the Hospital Sara woke screaming. Startling Mac out of sleep, he pushed the call button as the nurse came running with a syringe in her hand. Injecting it into Sara's I.V drip, the screams became quiet cries. Looking over at the chart, Mac noticed that Sara's pain meds were behind schedule.

"Excuse me, can you tell me why your late with pain medication? Her last injection should have been an hour ago?"

"I'm sorry, sir. We are way behind tonight. There was a huge fire tonight in the glades, we've had people flooding the ER with minor and serious injuries. We've even called in two more nurses. I'm very sorry, I'll try not to let it happen again."

Once the nurse left the room. Mac looked at his grandaghters glassed over eyes.

"Shh... papa is right Sara. I know it hurts love. Just try and breathe, I'm right here with you."

Squeezing her papa's hand, Mac felt his tears flow. For this was the first response Sara had shown since being burned. Which meant that her body was slowly healing from the burns she suffered.

As the months progressed, Sara was finally able to go home. Standing in the bathroom at the hospital she looked at her body with tears. Her skin was raw, puckered and horrible looking. She hated herself now. Hated everything that had happened to her over the last few months.

Especially the pain from her first skin graft. She had hated the pain so much that she told her father no more. She would rather keep her deep scars, then be put through endless sessions of suffereing. Closing her blouse, she covered most of the scars. Now with just her neck and chin exposed, she tried not to be vain.

"Sara... sweetheart. Are you ready to come home?" asked her mom."

Turning to face her mom, she seen her tears.

"Aww... come on Sara, they are just scars love. You are still the same beautiful soul that you were long ago. Nothing changes Sara. Looks don't make you, love. They never did. It's your beautiful personality that makes you who you are Sara," whispered her mom.

Taking her daughter in her arms, she snuggled her close.

"Let's go home, Sara. Home where we can help you heal."

Grabbing her bag, Sara walked out holding her moms hand.

Michelle was getting breakfast ready for Peter when she felt the nausea come on. Running to the bathroom, she threw up. Feeling her stomach, she smiled. She had known for a while now that she was finally pregnant.

She knew she had done a great job of hiding it from Peter. That was her intention until she set up the beautiful dinner next week to tell him. Heading back into the kitchen, she placed the bacon and eggs on the tray with the toast and fresh fruit. Then grabbing up the coffee, she headed into the bedroom.

Placing the tray on the side table. She took the strawberry and caressed it across Peter's lips. Seeing his lips close around it, caused Michelle to shiver. A shiver that Peter didn't miss. Opening his eyes, he noticed her flesh was heated. Flipping her over onto the bed. Peter took the strawberry and placed it half way into her mouth.

Raising his head, he caressed his way up her tummy. Nearing her belly button, she felt the wave of nausea hit her again. Running from the bed, she threw up all over the floor.

"I'm sorry Peter, I'll clean it."

"Hey now... never mind about that. Come here sweetheart, are you okay? The floor doesn't matter, Michelle. What is wrong with you, love?"

"I wanted to wait to tell you. I wanted the moment to be special," she cried.

"What moment, love? I'm confused."

"We're pregnant Peter. You and I are going to have a baby."

"Are you sure, Michelle? You're absolutely positive?"

"Yes Peter. The doctor said I'm due in seven and half months."

"Ohh... this is wonderful news, Michelle. You've made me the happiest man in the world. There is only one thing that could make me happier."

Bending down on one knee, he took her hand.

"Michelle, you have become my life, my world, my beautiful saving grace. Will you marry me?"

Taking off his ring, he placed it near her finger, as she cried...

"Yes Peter, yes I'll marry you."

Swinging her in the air, he realized his mistake to late. Now covered in his wife's pregnancy vomit, he could care less. For he was going to be a daddy. Too him, that was all that mattered in the world.
When Sara arrived at her mom and dads, she headed right upstairs before her younger sister or brother could see her. Heading to her old room, she placed down her bag and looked around. Funny how nothing had changed, everything remained in place. Just like turning back a clock on your childhood. Back to where life was, all innocence and fun.

Laying down on her bed, she closed her eyes when Jessica came in. "Hi sissy, you are home. I missed you."

Giving her sister a hug, she layed back down. "Sara... why you have all those things on your chin and neck? What are they?"

"They are scars Jessica, why don't you go see mommy. I'm tired and would like to sleep."

As Jessica was about to ask another question, her father walked in. "Let's go Jessica, mommy has lunch ready, and Donnie will be here soon to get you."

"Okay daddy." Kissing her sister goodbye, she ran downstairs.

Taking off his shoes, he climbed in beside his peanut and took her into his arms. Stroking her hair, he asked... "are you in any pain, sweetheart?"

Softly crying, she said... "no daddy. I'm fine, just really tired."

"Okay, if you anything for pain, you let us know. Your sisters and their boyfriends will be by this afternoon with Jeff. He's been waiting to see you again."

"I don't want to see him, dad. I don't want to see anyone today. I'm really tired."

"Sara... I know you're frightened about how everyone will react, but your scars do not make you. You are so beautiful Sara, on the outside and inside. You can always have the graphing restarted, if the scars are going to bother you, that much."

"It's not that dad, I'm just tired and don't feel like company."

Hearing people run up the stairs, Sara realized her sisters had arrived. Pulling the comforter up to her nose, she tried to pretend sleep.

"Sara, it's not going to work. This is your family, no one is going to judge you here. Besides that, you owe Jeff a thank you. If not for him following you that night, we would have been to late."

Getting up from the bed, Eric put on his shoes as the kids came running in.

"Hey sis, you're home. Bout time, we've been missing you. so when you coming home with us?" asked Shannon was huge with child.

"How many are you having Shannon?" asked Sara.

"Hm... oh... the doctor said three. Three healthy girls, pretty cool eh? Can you imagine the size of generation tree in a few years. It's going to be huge. Poor papa and nana will have too extend the branches to the hallway," giggled Sharon.

"Oh... and before we forget. Aunt Michelle is pregnant. She just found out, so her and Peter are getting married next week. He wanted to give her a huge wedding, but she refused, and said only somthing small with immediate family. So they are having a small outside service," said Sharon.

"Hm... has Lindsay had her baby, yet?"

"Not yet Sara, hopefully soon, I know Gray is getting impatient," said Shannon.

As Sara smiled, she looked at Jeff. "Hi Sara, how are you feeling?"

"Listen guys, why don't we head downstairs for a bit? Let's give Sara and Jeff a chance to talk," said their father.

Once Sara was alone with Jeff, she covered up her face even more.

"Sara... please don't hide your scars from me. I'm not here to judge you, or upset you. I just needed to make sure for myself that you were okay," said Jeff.

Cautiously remove the blanket, she waited for his response. When nothing came, she sat up and crossed her legs. "I'm feeling a little better. I just want to say thank you for saving me."

"I'm no hero Sara, I only wish I could have done more. I often wondered, if I had tried to save you sooner, none of this would have happened."

"No Jeff. It still would have, but you may have been killed. This is no ones fault. None of us knew how crazy Devon was. You can't think about the what if," said Sara.

"I guess you're right. Though it doesn't make it any easier. There will always be the what if's. I'm just glad you survived, Sara. My biggest fear was losing you, before we even had a chance of rekindling our friendship."

Sara gave Jeff a small smile. "I'd like that, Jeff. You can never have enough friends, and I'll take all I can get right now."

"Good. Then how about we go out for lunch, my treat."

"I don't think so, Jeff. Not right now, I just got home and I"m a little tired."

"Sara, I really hope you're not hiding. You are a very beautiful girl. Your scars do not change that. I really wish you'd change your mind. Even if we grab something on the beach."

"Maybe next time, Jeff. I'd really just like to sleep, now."

"Okay, but I'll be back, Sara. Tomorrow, you and I will take a walk, okay?"

"Sure, Jeff. I'll talk to you then."

Leaving the room, Jeff turned and seen Sara softly crying. Knowing no amount of words were going to help her, until she accepted her scars.
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