CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Adam/Maddy scene up at ff.net.:)

When Maddy dropped Nat and Katerina off at home. Adam Jr stuck his tongue out at her again.

"Mama... boys are stupid, ain't they?"

"Why do you say that, sweetheart?"

"I no understand them. First they call you names, then they protect you, then they stick their tongues out. Why mama?"

"Well... they say when a boy teases a girl. It means that he likes her. But when he fights for her, or helps her, that means he loves her. Why? Does someone love you, Kat?"

"Eww... no mama. I don't think so. I'm hungry, can we eat now?"

Nat let it drop. Little did Kat know, that her and Maddy had seen Adam push that little boy down. Leaving them to whisper at the park... "Just wait till ten years from now, Maddy. He'll be doing more then pushing boys away from her."

Laughing, Nat had Katerina help her with lunch. When her Lindsay walked in.

"Linds... hey honey, how you feeling?"

"Okay mom. A little tired."

"Did you talk to Grayson yet?"

"No. He's so busy, and working so hard. I just can't do it mom. I can't add more pressure on him."

Nat seriously tried to understand her daughter. This was her husband, if anyone would understand her tiredness from pregnancy, he would.

"Listen Linds. As tired as Gray may be. I can guarantee you he will listen to you. I really think you need to stop being so worried about his feelings and think about your childs for once. Else you are going to have one nervous baby. Each stress you carry, your child carries, each emotional moment of tears, feelings of failure or unworthiness, your child feels too. You have to stop this Linds. Talk to Gray before you have yourself a breakdown."

Sighing she sat down placing her hands over her face. Walking over, Kat hopped on a chair and rubbed her sisters back.

"It will be okay, sissy. You hafta listen to mama. She knows all about this stuff. She even tolds me that Adam loves me, that's why he teases me all the time."

Linds looked at her sister, and giggled.

"Adam loves you?"

"Mhm... mama said so. Right mama?"

"That's right, Kat. Today at the park, some boy pushed Kat away from the swing. So Adam hauled off and pushed him down to the ground. Then he took her hand and walked her back to Maddy and I. Two seconds after that, he was sticking his tongue out at her again."

"Aww... that's so adorable. Such a prince."

"He's my prince. Only I can call him that. You hafta stay away from him. He's all mine."

Linds laughed again. She couldn't help it. Here was her six year old sister, telling her she couldn't have her prince. Too sweet.
Back at the Delko sisters flat. They were waiting for Sharon to come home. Heading into her room, they fixed it up with flowers and layed clean sheets for her. Sara knew they would have Tristan staying with them for a while.

Hearing the door, Sara seen her sister being carried into her room.

"Aww... you two always remind me of Romeo and Juliet."

Sharon smiled... "I missed you sis. Oh... look at the beautiful flowers."

"Shannon and I bought them for you. Did you need help getting into your pj's?"

"No thanks Sara. I'm already in the nightshirt Tristan had made for me."
Showering her sister, she giggled.

"Oh now that is classic. I like that. Be sure to share that idea with Devon, Trist."

Once they had Sharon comfortable, Sara started lunch for her. Coming back into the bedroom, she found her sound asleep.

"Tristan... did you want to have lunch? I'll put Sharon's away for later."

"No... I'm fine right now. I have to run home and get some clothes. She's had her pain meds, so if you can watch her for me, she has very bad dreams. I'll be right back."

"Of course I'll watch her. I love her, she is my sister."

Smiling, Tristan kissed Sara's cheek and left.

Heading back to the kitchen, Sara heard her sister scream. Running back into the room, she seen her thrashing about. Removing the tangled sheets from her body, Sharon's nightshirt slipped up and that's when Sara seen the bites and bruises all over her sisters back.

Trying not to cry, but failing she panicked. Picking up the phone, she called her mom. Not getting an answer, she had to call her grandmother.

"Nana... I need your help, she cried. I can't wake Sharon she's screaming, Tristan went home to get clothes, she has bites and everything all over her. Please nana, I'm scared for her, I can't wake her with the pills she's on. I don't want her to hurt herself."

"Okay, calm down Sara. I want you go back in and make sure she don't. I'm on my way, okay? You need to watch her left breast. Make sure she doesn't pull the stitches. Can you do that, Sara?"

"I can, just hurry nana."

Hanging up the phone, Mac asked...

"Where you going love?"

"That was Sara, Sharon's having a flashback and Sara can't wake her. I'll be back as soon as I can."

When Stella arrived, she rushed in, bent down towards Sharon's ear and said... "Sharon, it's nana. You need to wake up Sharon, come on, look at nana, you're safe love. I swear you're safe."

Opening her eyes, she tried to catch her breath.

"Deep breaths Sharon. That's it love, deep breaths for nana."

"I... I... I keep seeing him. I keep feeling his fingers hurting me, and then... then... I feel his bite. I scream but no one helps me. It's my fault... my fault. I shouldn't have put the dogs out. I did this to myself. It's all my fault."

"No! cried Stella. It's not your fault Sharon. None of this was your fault. Do you understand me. He had no right to invade our home, he had no right to assault you. No right at all. Say it Sharon... she cried with tears. Say it... it wasn't my fault."

Sara was huddled in the corner not moving. She was terrified of her sisters pain. Of the suffering her sister had gone through. Covering her ears, Eric came in and seen Sara hovered in the corner. Picking her up, he cradled her in his arms. Watching as his mother tried to get Sharon to admit it was in no way her fault.

"I'm sorry daddy. Her screams. I'm sorry I panicked daddy."

"Shh... it's okay Peanut. You've done nothing wrong."

"She's so beat up daddy. How can she survive and forget this. Please daddy, why won't she stop?"

"Say it Sharon. I want to hear you say it."

Hearing her loud yell, followed by her broken... IT WASN'T MY FAULT... It wasn't my fault, It wasn't my fault..."

Hearing the screams stop, hearing only soft cries. Sara looked up from her dads neck and seen nana rocking her back and forth in her arms. Whispering over and over...

"That's right Sharon, that's right, love. It wasn't your fault."

Once they had her settled down and back to sleep. Stella checked on Sara who was still cuddled in her fathers lap. Sara had always been the sensitive one. The one who couldn't stand to see anyone she loved in pain.

"It didn't take you long to get here, Eric. You must have been close when I called."

"I was. Just around the corner actually. We had a floater, needless to say I have to get back to the lab. Are you going to be okay now, Peanut?"

"She'll be fine, Eric. I'll stay with her a while."

"Okay. Thanks mom. I'll see you later Peanut."

After giving both his daughters a kiss, he left as Tristan walked back in.

"Sara... is everything okay? Why are you crying?"

"She's fine Tristan. Sharon had a nightmare, Sara kind of panicked."

"How's Sharon now?"

"She's sleeping again. It may be a good idea to have the doctor change up her pain meds. Give her something a little more mild. Those may be a little to strong for her."

"Sure, I'll give him a call after I check on her."

"Listen Sara, why don't you pack up a bag, and you can stay with grandpa and I for the night.This way, you and I can have a talk?"

"No, I'll be fine now, nana. It was just a shock at first. I didn't know what to expect."

"Okay love. If you change your mind, you know where I am. I love you."

"I love you too, nana. Bye."

"Bye sweetheart."

Once her grandmother had left. Sara headed out for a walk.

Maddy had just put Adam Jr to bed, when Adam walked in.

"Hi sweetheart."

"Adam? What arre you doing home in the afternoon?"

Maddy eyed him. He was looking at her like she was a feast. Feeling her cheeks heat, she tried to turn away. But before she could, Adam had her in his arms.

"Adam... she said in a bare whisper. What are you doing?"

Placing soft kisses along her neck, he stopped at her left ear and whispered...

"I'm here to have my lunch. I've had a hunger all morning for you, Maddy. I need to love you."

Maddy could feel every nerve respond to his whispered caress. She could feel his need all the way to her soul.

"So beautiful Maddy. Do you have any idea what you've done to me over the last seven years? You've taken my shy personality, my quiet, shy nature, and turned me into a beast."

Maddy giggled. She didn't mean too. But Adam was right. What was once a shy, bumbling, nervous sweet guy. Was now a raging beast. Her beast.

"Take me my beast. Take me savagely into this hot afternoon." she giggled again.

Adam gave her a playful swat. Then sweeping her up he sat her on his lap. Watching as her eyes darkened from the passion. He knew it wouldn't be long before Maddy would lose her control, before she would take the lead. Something he always loved about her.

Enjoying the quivering of her body. Then as Maddy was ready to be loved again, Adam whispered...

"Thanks for lunch Maddybee. I love you."

Raising himself up, he slid back into his pants, turned and gave his wife one last kiss. Leaving out the door, Maddy could hear him singing wild thing.
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lol he doesn't seem like the spanking type to me really. I think he was hit too :( Hey you should have some stuff with his parents, those scenes where he talked of it were sad.

THe visuals you give are funny though.
^ I think there's a difference between playful swats (which is probably what he did) and being hit like he most likely was by his father. In the beginning Adam wouldn't be that type, but like he said Maddy turned him into a "beast". :lol: I really loved him walking away singing Wild Thing though. That was funny and I could actually picture that. :lol:

I loved Kat. She's so funny telling Linds that Adam Jr was her prince and Linds couldn't have him. :lol:

Poor Sharon and peanut. I loved Eric coming in and holding Sara.

Once her grandmother had left. Sara headed out for a walk.

Uh-oh. She's going out alone with that creepy stalkerish guy around.
Sorry for late reviews. Can I ask about Post #286 at page 15 and Post #316 at page 16? It should be Sara with Devon, Shannon with Jake and Sharon with Tristan? :)


he knew he could have her at any time. But he would wait. Wait till she was ready to come find him.
This Sara and the mysterious guy storyline seems interesting as it roused my curiosity towards it. Tons of questions ready to be answered. Very difficult to identify him, dangerous 'cause he might have harmed Sara. In previous chapter, it is mentioned that Sara might have the urge to find him due to his attractions that Sara needed to feed her soul. Hopefully she wouldn't be harmed by him and hopefully he is not the same psycho that tortured and violently assaulted the girl in the last case. I could not stop nodding towards what you wrote again where Lindsay's parents advise her to tell Grayson about her tiredness. As a couple, there's too much hidden and unspoken words that needed to be shared as one. If one didn't say, the other will never understand her difficulties. Sometimes, it might not be as bad as we thought it would turn out. :) They have to face all the tribulations and obstacles coming together. Together hand in hand.

About that sick animal... :scream: I'm disgusted by Dean and his acts. People like Dean, I &!@#&. I don't think he can be helped anymore. Everyone deserves a second chance but definitely not him, a person who should be strayed by the society. Very well written. This storyline showed us how sick and despicable a human can be. Where they would do anything, everything even if it's to hurt someone who shared the bloodlines with them, someone who once loved them. Does not even know how to appreciate those around him, his family. Sharon and Tristan's relationship where they needed lots of healing process. Each day onwards with nightmare but with their love so strong, like what Eric said, they are going to get through this together. It's like a step forward and a million steps backwards. I loved how you relate the children back to their grandparents, Mac and Stella. For example, the love they had for one another and the resemblance of their appearance. It is beautiful! How you showed a perfect connection in between their family tree, Mac and his family tree. :)

I still remember you wrote something about the difference between making love and sex. I do agree with that. And I totally agree with it 100%. Different people have different point of view though. Well, even though he took away Sharon's virginity but he will never have the chance to take away her love which belongs to Sharon and Tristan, the untainted love they shared when the time comes. Faith and confidence is important and essential. Sometimes, we really thought things change in just a blink but it never did. It is just our mind playing with ourselves. The scene where Sharon and Tristan confronted one another and expressed out how they felt about it, it made my tears form. None of them deserve all these. How they could have went through such a whole incidents that left a huge wound for the whole family. There is always such a lost they suffered but they moved on, move on with their live happily no matter what happens although it may take awhile. The Taylors kinship is too forceful and able to weather all the misery and sorrows with the strength and love each of them unites.

It is incredible to how our lives come to light. People care too much we also complain. People don't even care we also complain. We are never satisfied with what we have. Some scenes really got me laughing out loud. Mackenzie and her cravings for ice-cream in addition to Michelle's idea while Adam Jr and Kat leaves me to think about the characters future together. At times, when we think back to the past or our childhood, we would realize how silly we all are. I'm awed by both of them. They might still be young but, they have a kind of feeling the need to protect and keep one another safe. I love it! All I could say is that I really love it, all these adorable scenes even though it's just a short scene. :) One word, RESPLENDENT :thumbsup:!

*Passed out* FF.net + Talk.CSI version :drool:.
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Hey Asprine, post 316/ 286 changed on ff.net. Unfortunetly I can't change it here:) Thanks for the catch
Sara was walking along the beach. She knew seeing her sister like that had spooked her. She could just imagine the pain she must have suffered. The hurt and shame of losing her virginity to someone other then her intended.

Sitting along the rocks, she looked out to sea.

"Hello there. May I sit with you?"

Looking up Sara seen her mystery man. The guy that had been haunting her. Feeling her pulse race from his handsome dark looks, she couldn't move, couldn't breathe. As his trance over took her. His eyes, so dark, so hauntingly beautiful.

"Um... I think I have to go. See ya."

Trying to leave he reached for her hand. Just holdng it lightly, as he felt her heart skip a beat.

"Do I scare you, Sara?"

"How'd you know my name? Do you know me?"

"I know of you, Sara. Of you and your family."

"What do you know?"

"Think back Sara. Back to almost ten years ago. You would have been nine at the time. Your parents invited us to your grandparents Halloween party. We danced a couple times, my father was on the police force. You jumped in my arms, when the officers threw the spiders across the floor."

"Little Jeff? Jeff Harret?"

"Mhm. Ever since that day, I've never forgotten you, or your little scream as you jumped into my lap. Of course I was fifteen at the time. But I always loved you. You have no idea how many nights I played that little scene over in my mind.

Releasing her hand, he leaned close to her ear and whispered...

"You can run, Sara. But eventually we will have each other. You will come to me Sara. When you are ready. I'll be waiting."

Walking away, Sara sat back down on the rocks, and tried to remember how to breathe. She wasn't sure if this was a good thing, or bad. All she knew was, she couldn't stop the feeling that he was a distraction to her piece of mind.

When Eric arrived home with the kids. He found Mack sleeping on the couch. Walking over he gently shook her.
"Mack... the kids are home. Mack."

"Mhm... I'm up Eric. Where are they?"

"Doing their homework. How are you feeling, now? Did you have a good visit with your sister?"

"Huh! How did you..."

"Officer Gains. He lives beside Peter. He seen you walking to the car with a tub of chocolate ice cream. He found it funny, as you spooned it with greed into your mouth while you walked."

"Damn it. I just can't escape you. besides it was only a little."

"No Mack. It was almost the whole container. Which is a shame, since I brought you home a treat. A treat that I'll now have to give to the kids."

"What treat?"

"Double fudge brownie ice cream."

"You brought double fudge brownie. Oh Eric, you can't do this. You have to give me some."

Walking away, Mack gripped onto his belt and grabbed his cuff's. Then cuffing one on her hand, she cuffed the other on his. Tossing the keys into the plant.

"Mack! Give me the key."

"No... you give me the ice cream. I'll give you the key."

"Come on Mack. This isn't funny. What if I get a call out?"

"Then I guess I go with you." she smiled.

The kids came running downstairs. Seeing their parents they giggled.

"Whoa... are you two going to have wild sex? asked Eric Jr.

"What's sex, mommy?"

"See what you've done Mack. Now uncuff me."

Mackenzie could see Eric losing his patients. Which was fine with her, for she'd win on the ice cream situation.

Eric Jr sat down with his sister and watched. Hearing the phone ring, he answered it.

"Hello, Delko home. Oh... hi nana, whatcha doin'? I'm watching mom and dad play dress-up. Right now, mom has dad in cuff's."

"Gives me the phone, Eric. I talk to nana. Passing his sister the phone, she said... Hi nana, know whats mommy and daddy are doing? They's having wild sex."

Eric was really pissed now. Dragging Mack with him to the couch, he tossed her gently beside him.

"Jessica, give daddy the phone."

"Hold on nana. Daddy wants you."

"Hi mom. Listen... can you come over. I really need your help. Mack decided to cuff me to her. She's refussing to give me the key, till I give her ice cream."

Stella laughed. She had to give her daughter props. It took desperation to cuff your husband in his own cuffs. She could see Eric's expression in her mind. Always the two of them acted like little children.

"Why would she cuff you, Eric?"

"Why do you think? Cause I won't give her ice cream. This really isn't funny. What am I going to do if I get a call out?"

"I guess she'll have to go with you. Listen Eric, just give her the ice cream. I'm sure a little won't hurt her."

"A little. Try a whole tub. A tub which she snatched off Michelle, when she visited this morning."

"Oh my. I'm not sure what I can do to convince her. Let me speak with her."

Passing the phone to his wife, she said...

"Hey mom. What did you need?"

"Listen Mack, you are a demon. Uncuff your husband, now."

"Oh... look at the time mom. I have to go. The kids are hungry. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, she smiled at Eric, while the kids continued to giggle. Hearing the doorbell, Jessica ran to the door.

"Donnie... my Donnie, I love you." as she ran into his arms.

Picking her up, Don smacked a kiss on her, and carried her into the living room.

"Whoa... what do we have here? he laughed.

"Wild sex, Donnie. Donnie... can you tell me, what's sex?" she asked.

Eric seen Don's keys. Giving him the eyes command. Don walked over and took Mack into his arms.

"Aww... what's he doing to you Mack. Tell me all about it."

While Mack rambled on. Eric used Don's keys and slipped from the cuffs. Now sitting on the couch. He watched Don comfort his naughty wife.

"Daddy you are free." giggled Jessica as she ran into his arms.

Looking over at the couch, she seen Eric sitting down.

"Damn you. Thanks alot Don. It's good to know who's side you're on."

Storming from the living room. Mack headed to the kitchen to finish supper.

"Daddy, please tell me. What's sex."

"Checks honey. Your brother said wild checks. It's short form for checkers."

Don laughed, Eric Jr giggled. Then they heard the pots and pans being banged around. Still laughing, Don said...

"You know you're going to have too give her some ice cream now, right?"

"I know. So what brings you here?"

"It's friday. I'm here to pick up my kitten for the weekend."

"Yaay..." Jessica yelled.

Running upstairs, she grabbed her bag. Packing it with homework and a couple of her favorite stuffies. She ran back down into her Donnie's arms.

"I'm ready. Let's go. Bye everyone. Love you."

Heading out the door, Eric heard Jessica say... "Donnie, can we get ice cream?"

Shaking his head. Eric's only thought was... "like mother, like daughter."

Watching as the sun went down, Sara decided to go see MJ. She knew if anyone knew Jeff as a boy, he would. They were the same age. Nearing her cousins door, she knocked.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you. Can I come in?"

"Of course you can. You don't even have to ask."

As Sara stepped in, the boys came running towards her.

"Hi Sara. Are you here to see our new babies?"

Sara smiled. Her little cousins were adorable. They both looked like miniture MJ's.

"Sure Jordan. I'd love to see my cousins. But can I talk to daddy first?"

Running back into the den. Jordon told his mommy that Sara was here.

"Come on Sara, we can sit in the living room."

"Thanks. Listen MJ. Do you remember Jeff Harret? His father was a police officer."

"Harret? Hm... no I don't. Let me get my year books. It could just be the name I don't remember. Sometimes putting a face to someone, helps."

Pulling out his year books. He opened it to the graduating section. Then passing it to Sara she looked through the pictures.

"That's him. Right there."

Passing MJ the book, he looked.

"Oh Christ. Jeffy. Yeah, I remember him. We use to hang together. But I think it was a few days before we graduated, his parents were brutally murdered outside their home. I remember cause Jeff came home and found them floating in the pool with their throats slit. The killer was never found.
Kids at school use to say that Jeff did it, cause his father was one of those cops that beat his mother. Just stories though, none of it the truth. They always said he was unbalanced after that. But I never found a problem with him. He also dated Melissa back in our senior year. Things didn't go well though. Melissa said he was to quiet. She couldn't get comfortable around him."

"Where's Melissa now?"

"She left Miami. Shortly after her break up with Jeff. Started a new life in Chicago. She's a school teacher now. Married with a couple kids. So again, why the questions?"

"He's been following me. The first time was with my dad when we left Miami-Dade for lunch. His stare was haunting, almost hypnotizing. Then I seen him in our flat. He was across the street looking up at me, as I was on the balcony. But today at the beach was really weird. He walked up to me, said something really strange."

"Strange how, Sara?"

"Well... he said... "You can run, Sara. But eventually we will have each other. You will come to me Sara. When you are ready. I'll be waiting."

MJ looked shocked.

"Did you tell your father yet?"

"No. I don't want to bother daddy. He has enough on his mind with mom. As I said it could be nothing. Maybe I'm making to much into it."

"I think you should let them know Sara. At least your father will be able to check into his background. All I can tell you, is that he was never known to be a trouble maker. He really could just feel something for you. Even though it happened years ago, it may have stayed with him. But if that's the case. You need to let him know that you are engaged. Else you will be having Devon upset with you."

"I know. I will MJ."

"Good. On that note, come visit with your new cousins."

Walking into the room, Sara smiled. Her nieces were amazingly beautiful.

Meanwhile, Eric arrived on scene with Danny. They now had their second, female victim.

"Let me guess, Sheldon. Same MO as the first, two months ago?"

"Yeah... female approximetely 22 years old. Skin removed from the feet, hands, and face. Along with the teeth."

"You know what this means. Don't you Eric?"

"Yeah... we have our serial. I'm going to head back to my office and reopen the file on our first victim. Looks like our cold case, is no longer cold."

Heading back to the Hummer, Eric called Mack to let her know he'd be late, and to stay out of the double fudge brownie ice cream.
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Mack/Eric just hilarious I couldn`t stop laughing!:)
Jeff, kind of charming and creepy at the same time, hope she tells Devon before is too late!
Back on the case, great!!
I hope they get him.

Yeah I know there's a difference in the Adam swats thing. *nods* He wouldn't hurt her.

What would happen with the ice cream? Why's it bad for her? Beyond the usual reasons it's bad for you I mean.
What would happen with the ice cream? Why's it bad for her? Beyond the usual reasons it's bad for you I mean.

It's not that it's really bad. It's just not high in iron. Mack is to be eating only foods high in irons. With little treats on the side. It's very important for her iron level to remain normal. For with pregnancy the baby tends to take our nutrients. That's why they made prenatal vitamins.:)

Plus... it give the story a funny plot:cool:
OMG! That chapter what hysterical with Mack and her antics. Loved Eric's cover to his daughter above the "wild sex". :lol: too funny.

I'm glad Sara told someone about the creepy dude. My spidey sense is tingling when it comes to him. :lol: I hope Sara tells Devon and Eric soon.
The next chapter is about to take a shocking twist.

When Sara left MJ's, it was well after dark. They had invited her to stay for supper and a movie. Walking along the beach she became frightened with all thoughts to her sister being attacked. What was she, crazy, nuts, insane? For walking alone on the beach at night.

Nearing the third lifeguard station, she seen the guy jump out at her. Unable to scream, with his hand over her mouth, he dragged her behind the station. Biting down on his hand, he hissed. Then she felt him fall forward with all his weight onto her.

Crying in fear, she heard someone softly calling her name.

"Sara, it's okay. Just give me a minute to get him off you." said Jeff.
Once Jeff tossed him aside, he helped Sara up. Embracing him, she softly cried.

"Sh... it's okay Sara. I've got you. What are you doing walking the beach alone?"

"I came from my cousins place. It's just six houses away. Is he dead? Did you kill him?"

"No Sara. I just knocked him out. The police should be here shortly."

When the police arrived, they knew who Sara was right away.

"Sara? Does your dad know you were the victim?"

"No. He doesn't need to know at this minute. I'm fine. You can let him know when you get back to the station. Did you anything else besides our statements?"

"No, that's it. But you're sure you're okay? Do you need a ride home?"

"No, no ride thanks. I'll be fine. Take care Donivan."

"You too, Sara. Night."

Watching them take the suspect away in cuffs. Sara knew she would be hearing from her father once he caught wind of the attempted assault.

"Come on Sara, I'll walk you home."

"Um... sure. Jeff! Were you following me again? Is that how you knew I was in trouble?"

"I must confess, I was. I'm sorry Sara. I know I must be scaring you. But I don't mean too. All I ask is that you not be afraid of me, okay? I'd never hurt you. I love you Sara and I know that is hard for you to believe, because you don't remember me. But given some time, I'm sure you will see you love me too."

"Jeff... I'm getting married in two months."

"I know. But you're making a mistake Sara. Devon would never love you the way I could. His feelings are not genuine, mine are. He was a teen when you two got together. From what I've seen with the way you both interact is more as friends. I don't see relationship love there. Never have, in all the time you dated, I seen only friends."

"You don't know that, Jeff. You don't even know him."

"You're right Sara. But how much do you know him? How much about you, does he know? Like... does he know you love watching the joggers early in the morning. Or that you sit on the patio eating your cornflakes without milk. Or how about your favorite cartoon, Scooby Doo. Does he know all these things about you? Does he realize how sensitive, warm and beautiful you are? Think about it Sara. Anyway... you're home safe. I'll see you round. Bye."

Walking away from her, Sara felt her heart melt a little. She couldn't believe how much Jeff knew about her. Did he really love her all these years? Or was he just good at his game? Questions, Sara needed answered and soon.

Eric had arrived back at Miami-dade with Danny. When Donivan chased him down.

"Eric! Eric!"

"What is it, Donivan?"

"Your daughter Sara, she was almost assaulted tonight. She was walking home from your brother in laws place, when the perp tried to assault her. We have him in custody. If not for the man that saved her, it may have been worse."

"Danny... finish up that paperwork, then check with Sheldon. See if he got anything off the body. I'll be back as soon as I can. Thanks Donivan."

Heading out to make sure his daughter was okay. Eric's only thought on the way there was... his daughter must be terrified.

When Sara walked in the door, she seen Shannon sitting on the couch with Jake.

"Sara! What happened to your lip? It's cut."

"I'm fine Shannon. Where is Trist and Sharon?"

"They are sleeping. Sharon had another nightmare, so Tristan went to bed early with her. Now again... what happened to your lip?"

"I was almost assaulted on the beach. But I'm fine. Don't give me that look Shannon. I said I'm fine."

"Does daddy know?"

"No. Though I'm sure he will, once he runs into Donivan."
Jake heard the Hummer pull up. Snirking he counted out loud... "one, two, three."

Hearing the buzzer, Jake got up and pressed the enter button.

"Jake... you didn't even ask who it was."

"That's because it was your father, Shannon."

Opening the door, Eric stormed through it, taking his dauhgter into his arms.

"Damn you Sara Delko. What have I told you girls?"

"It's okay daddy. Calm down. I'm fine."

Leaning his daughter away from him, he seen her lip.

"Do you have any idea how luck you are? You could have been killed, or assaulted violently. What would possess you, to walk along the beach alone?"

"I had just come from Melina and MJ's. It's only six houses away. I guess I didn't think."

Pulling her back into his arms, he just held her.

"Hey Sara... how did you get away?" asked Shannon.

"Jeff Harret. He seen me being attacked. If not for him I would have been assaulted. He knocked the guy out."

"Harret? Officer Doug Harret's, son?"

"Yeah daddy. Why?"

"His parents were brutally murdered eight years ago. He came home and found them with their throats slit, in the pool. He left Miami after that. Wasn't able to cope with the event he had seen. I remember him well. For ninety percent of the student population, believed Jeff had done it."

"Did he daddy? Did you check into it?"

"I did Peanut. But Jeff was more then cleared. He was with his girlfriend at the time. She had gotten pregnant and they were out celebrating. But during their dinner, she lost the baby. Leaving Jeff to rush her to the Hospital. Two months after that, she left Miami. Married some professor and now has two kids."

"What was her name, daddy?"

"Melissa. Melissa Brenner."

Sara was surprised. Everything MJ had told her was true. Everything Jeff had told her when he walked her home was sincere. Which meant, that Jeff was in love with Sara. Had been since that night ten years ago, when she jumped onto his lap.

"Sara, are you okay? You look perplexed."

"I'm fine Shannon, just a little shaken still, I guess. Daddy, can we talk in my room for a bit? Or do you have to get back?"

"No... I have time Peanut."

Walking into her room with her dad, she shut the door.

"Daddy... Jeff has been following me."

"What do you mean, Peanut?"

"Remember that day we had lunch? I told you I felt someone watching me from across the street?

"Yeah, you said he was very mysterious."

"He was. Especially his eyes. They were very hypnotic. Anyway... I degress. He also followed me to the beach earlier that afternoon. I was sitting on the rocks, looking out over the sea when he asked if he could sit with me. I was scared at first, but then he informed me that he wasn't going to hurt me. He just wanted to talk."

"Talk about what Sara? I don't like where this is headed."

"He said that ten years ago, the night of our Halloween party. I jumped into his lap when spiders were thrown across the floor. Ever since then, he has been in love with me. I mean... he knows my likes and dislikes, my pet peeves, cartoons, favorite breakfast food. As much as it all scares me daddy. I can't help but feel something for him. I mean even Devon doesn't know me as well as he does. I just don't know where things are going. I don't know if he's serious, or if he has an alterior motive."

"As for an alterior motive, I doubt that Peanut. He just came back to Miami six months ago. It could be you were the motivation to bring him out of seclusion. He could be tired of being alone, or hiding in the shadows, from the way he was treated by others. That wouldn't be unheard of. But if that is the truth, then you young lady, have only two months to decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life with Devon, or give it all up for a friendship with Jeff."

Sitting on her bed, Sara was more confused then ever. How was she suppose to decide? When she couldn't even date Jeff, to find out if she liked him or not in that way. Eric could see the concern on his daughters face.

"Listen Peanut. Only you know what is right for you. There is going to be no right answer here. Someone is going to be hurt."

Kissing her goodnight, he left the room to check on Sharon before heading back.

A short time later, Shannon came into Sara's room.

"Hey sis, you awake?"

"Yeah... why? Something wrong?"

"No. Daddy said you may need to talk."

Sitting on her sisters bed, she curled her legs under her.

"So... want to talk about it?" smiled Shannon.

"I don't know, there isn't much to talk about. I'm just feeling a little confused. Do you remember Jeff Harret?"

"Oh my God. Yeah... the guy was completely crazy over you. I remember at the Halloween party, you jumped into his lap. The look on his face was one of pure delight. Then you whispered to him... "don't let go, Jeff." I remember he smiled and said... "never Sara, I'll never let you go." God it was like a scene from a romance novel. Then his parents were murdered, and things went downhill after that. I remember daddy talking to mom about him."

"How come you remember him, and I don't?"

"Sara, you've always been the voice of reason. Everything with you was seen in black and white, so you wouldn't have noticed. Sharon had always been the one to keep us tightly bonded, never allowing us to seperate to far. Then there is me, I was always the wild one. Always looking for trouble. So of course I'm going to notice the little things, it's what I do. What I've always done. We are unique as induviduals. But three of a kind together. Deeply rooted in our love for one another."

"Yeah... I guess you're right. Anyway... it seems Jeff has come back to Miami for me. He's been the one following me around. He was the one who saved me tonight. God Shannon, he knows everything about me. How I like to eat my cornflakes on the patio without milk. How I like to watch the joggers running along the beach. Just little things, that every guy should know about the woman he's in love with."

"Aahh... I get it now. You're having second thoughts about Devon, right?"

"I don't know, sis. I mean, we've been together for four years now. We've planned our wedding which is two months away for all of us. This shouldn't be happening, right now. Am I being tested by fates? Or is this a warning not to marry, Devon? How am I suppose to know? Besides... speaking of Devon, where is he. He always disappears at odd hours. I'm going to call his work."

"You're changing the subject Sara. You are avoiding the questions, that need to be answered. Give Devon a small test. See how many of your likes and dislikes, he knows. Compare and see who is more compatable. I mean you have two months, right?"

Giving her sister a hug, she left her to her thoughts.

Picking up the phone, Sara called the meat packing plant. After talking to the manager, she found out Devon left hours ago. Hanging up the phone, she headed to the shower. Her only thoughts being, questions for Devon when he got home.

Across town, he was packing away the skin from his latest victim. He had to admit having dual personalities had its advantages. He knew he was good at hiding his other half, he had done it for years. Even the smartest pschologist couldn't figure him out as a child. Always telling his parents he was a normal, curious, six year old boy who enjoyed taking things apart.

Which was why he chose the buisness he was in now. It always brought him satisfaction and warmth. Finishing the wrapping on the last piece, he shoved it into the little freezer with the rest. Looking around his little apartment, he smiled as he locked his door and headed out. Knowing tomorrow night, he would search for his next victim.
And here I thought Jeff was gonna be the bad guy, but he saved Sara from her attacker. Didn't expect that at all. Good job! :D