CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Back in Miami...

Sharon was finally over her morning sickness. Getting up she turned on the shower, and stepped in. Taking the soap, she washed her body. When she neared her tummy, she closed her eyes with excitement. She couldn't believe it, she was finally showing. She could remember the size of her mother when she carried li'l Eric and Jessica. The movements, the quickening, just the fact of knowing that a life was growing inside you.

Placing the soap back in the tray, she poured some shampoo onto her hand, and as she placed it in her hair, she felt Jake's touch as his hands wrapped around her waist.

"Morning, sweetheart. How are feeling?"

"Good. I think the last of the morning sickness has passed."

Leaning her back against him, she felt his hands roam around her tummy, her waist. As she inhaled deep. Bring up her hands, she wrapped them around his neck. Turning in his arms, she passionately kissed him as her hand caressed a path to his chest. Turning off the taps, he helped her from the shower and wrapped a towel around her.

Then giving her one last kiss, with a whispered... I love you. Leaving the bathroom he changed for work.

Meanwhile, when Grayson arrived home from work, he tossed his coat across the couch, slipped off his shoes, walked into the bedroom and crashed on the bed. He couldn't believe how tired he was. God he missed going to school, or hanging out with his friends. So much had changed since he married Lindsay.

Watching her sleep, he could tell she was resting comfortably. Always she was so beautiful, so giving and understanding. He knew it wasn't going to be easy being married and raising a family. But as his father had told him...

"In the end son. You'll see she was all worth it. For love like you and Lindsay share, is meant to be forever."

Smiling at his fathers words, he reached over and caressed his wife's face. Watching as her eyes opened, she smiled.

"Hi Gray... how was work?"

"It was okay, love. Go back to sleep, it's very late."

"I left you dinner in the oven. If you're hungry."

"Thanks Linds. But I'm so tired, I think I'll pass."

Bending over the bed he kissed her.

"I love you Linds."

'I love you too, Gray."

Feeling her pain set in again, she decided against telling Gray about how tired and worn down she was feeling. How could she share that with him, when he worked so hard each day without so much as a complaint.

Turning away from his arms, she closed her tear filled eyes and fell into sleep.

The next day...

Back at Miami-Dade, Eric and Danny were working the case with the young woman that was found tortured on the beach. It had been almost a week, and still no leads, or other bodies showed up. Closing the case file. Eric knew there was nothing more they could do for now. At least not until another victim showed up.

All they knew about the suspect, was that he was very smart. He had done everything right. without leaving so much as a trace. If it wasn't for the husband coming forward to report his wife missing, they would have never know who she was. All Eric could think was... "thank God he didn't cut off the birthmark on her inner thigh." That was how the husband had recognized her.

Placing the file in his drawer, he turned and found his daughter watching him.

"Peanut? What's the matter, love?"

"Nothing daddy, I thought maybe we go out for lunch. I miss you, and would like to talk to you."

"Sure sweetheart. Give me five minutes. Have a seat, I'll be back."

Giving his daughter a kiss, he quickly left to see Sheldon. While Sara waited, she noticed a dark haired man watching her from her fathers office. Trying to look away, she couldn't. It was almost as if he had hypnotized her in fear.

Hearing her father call her, brought her out of her trance. Running into her fathers arm, she panicked.

"Sara... Peanut... what's the matter, honey?"

"A man, daddy. some man was staring at me, from outside your window. He was really scary, his eyes were so pale, and his hair almost black."

Releasing his daughter, he looked out his window but seen nothing.

"There's no one there, Peanut."

"I'm telling you, daddy. He was there. He was so haunting."

"Peanut, I believe you. Just sit and rest for a minute, okay."

Eric honestly wasn't sure what his daughter had seen. But he knew something really spooked her. For she was still shivering.

"Are you okay now, Peanut?"

"Yeah, daddy. It was probly nothing, as you said. Let's go too lunch."

Leaving Miami-Dade, he watched from the shadows. Feeling his urge begin, he turned in the opposite direction. Realizing he had his next victim, he knew he could prepare for her arrival.
Uh-oh. Eric better keep an eye on his peanut.

Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered before, but are the girls identical or fraternal triplets?
Identical triplets form when a single fertilized egg splits in three genetically identical parts. They share the same DNA set, thus they may share many similar attributes. However, since physical appearance is influenced by environmental factors and not just genetics, triplets can actually look very different. Identical triplets are always same-sex sets.

They are identical. But as they grew, their looks changed. Hope that helps.:)
The full chapter on what happened to Sharon is on ff.net.

MJ and Melina were dressing Josh and Jordan for school, when Josh threw up all over his daddy's shoes.

"I's sorry daddy, I's so sick."

Feeling his sons head, he noticed he was very fevered.

"Alright son, get back into bed. I'll have mommy bring the thermometer. Melina... can bring the..."

"I heard, you are going to have to wait. I'm feeding Jillianne right now."

Walking down the hall into the bathroom, MJ grabbed it himself. After reading the temp, he found it at 100.2. Then heading into the cabinet, he grabbed the childrens Motrin. Giving him 1.5ml.

"Get snuggled under the covers son. I'll be right back."

Taking Jordan by the hand, he complained.

"Is not fair daddy. Whys I go to school, and Joshie don't?"

"Your brother is sick. Besides... I thought you liked JK?"

"I do daddy. But is no fun without Joshie."

"I know son, but try and have a good day. Now... what would you like for breakfast?"

"Cereal please. But I still not happy."

Once MJ had Jordan settled with breakfast, he headed back upstairs to bring down the girls.

"Morning love, who's ready to go?"

"Jillianne is done and ready. I'll bring Joyanne, shortly."

Picking up his daughter in his one arm, he kissed her pretty lips.

"How's daddy's girl this morning? Did you have a good breakfast?"

"Meew..." as she yawned and motioned her lips in a suckling motion.

Carrying her downstairs, he sat her in her little rocker beside her brother.

"Hi baby sis, I's love you."

Taking her little hand, she curled it around her brothers.

"Look daddy, she's holding my hand."

"I see that, son. How bout you grab your bag. The bus should be here in a minute."

Grabbing his bag, Jordan kissed his daddy at the door, and ran out to the school bus.

Once MJ was sure he was on, he headed back to the kitchen and started coffee. Then grabbing some ginger-ale, he took it up to his son.

"Here you go Josh. Try and sleep bud, okay?"

"I will daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, son."

"How is he, MJ?"

"Still fevered, I'll check on him later. I'll take Joyanne while you shower for work."

After her shower, Melina checked on her son.

"Hey Josh, how you feeling son?"

"Sick mommy. My tummy hurts real bad."

"I know sweetheart. Try and sleep, you'll feel better. I love you."

Kissing his warm cheek, she left his room.

When MJ got downstairs, he placed Joyanne in her little rocker beside her sister. Sitting down to the mail, he opened a letter from Serenity.

"Hi son,

Just a little note to let you all know that your grandmother and I remarried. It was a beautiful ceremony that Michelle and Peter video taped for us. So when we get home on friday, we will schedule a family night for saturday.

Your grandmother and I, can hardly wait to meet our new Taylor's. Give our love to the families, and let them know that we will see them all soon.


Grandpa and Grandma.

"What's that you have, hon?"

"It's a letter from our grandparents. hey remarried in Serenity."

"Oh my... that's so wonderful. I'm so happy for them."

Pulling his wife onto his lap, he kissed her.

"You will have a good day at work. Try not to kill any patients, and I'll see you tonight."

"That you will. I love you, MJ."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Giving her daughters a kiss, she grabbed her keys and headed to work. Leaving MJ with their daughters, and sick son.


Over at the Taylor's, Sharon was babysitting the dogs at her grandparents home while Sara was out with Devon. Deciding to clean the house. Sharon was bent over the table, waxing it down.

Swinging her hips, and bum as she wiped. Getting up, she changed the disc in the CD player. As the music played, she continued waxing, while she sang...

"How do I live without you?"

Smiling, he realized he was more then ready. Placing on double gloves, he walked over, placed on his ski mask and entered the home. Watching Sharon bent over the table, turned his preverted mind into a sick animal.

Rushing towards her, he smashed her face down onto the table. Holding her there. Ignoring her cries. Pulling on her hair, she could taste blood in her mouth.

Oh the shame she felt, he had taken what belonged to her husband the day she married. How would she ever allow anyone to touch her again?

"Sharon. Now... I want to know? Did you love it? Tell me the truth, and I'll let you live."

Sharon realized it had to be someone she knew, how else would he have known her name. Leaving her to think this was someone from her past.

Shaking her head yes, hoping he would believe her lie, he let go as he hissed...

Tell anyone about this, and I'll come back and kill you. If you tell your sisters, father or Tristan, I'll come back and hunt you down. Understand?"

Sharon wished she recognized the voice. But yet... it didn't sound familiar.
Giving her hair another pull, she screamed, as he pushed her away.

Hearing her sisters scream from outside the door, Sara ran in with devon. Stopping cold in their tracks, they seen the guy running out the back door. Chasing after him, Devon left Sara with her sister.

Running to her sister, Sara tried to stop her from screaming.

"Oh God Sharon, don't move, I'm calling daddy."

Hearing Devon come back, she noticed he was alone.

"I couldn't catch him. He was too fast."

"Get me the blanket off the back of the couch, hurry."

Sara could see her sister was in shock. But Sara also knew not to touch her. For her body was evidence to catch whoever, had assaulted her. Hearing her father and the team run through the door, Sara moved.

Taking a look at his daughter, on the floor he reached for her. Scrambling away under the table, she curled into a ball and stayed there.

"Eric... Eric... you need to remove yourself from this. Eric... now. She's your daughter, back away from the case. We'll take care of her." said Danny.

Hearing the Ambulance pull up, they came in with a gurney. As they neared Sharon, she slid herself further away from them. Eric knew there was no way they would get near her. Backing them up, he crawled under the table and whispered...

"Sharon. I know you're scared, but I need you to trust me, Sharon. Please let daddy help you. Please Shaoron."

Carrying her out to the Ambulance, he got in with them as they pulled out. Leaving the team to process the home, while the family followed behind.

Once they had her in the Trauma room. Eric sent in Robin with Melina, to collect the kit.

"How did this happen to our baby, Eric? Who would do this?"

"I don't know Mack, but you need to calm down. This isn't good for the babies. You need to sit down."

While the family waited, they seen Tristan coming down the hall.

"Where is she? Where's Sharon?"

"She was attacked in our grandparents home. I"m sorry, I'm just upset. yelled Sara.

Taking Sara in his arms, Devon tried to calm her.

"Excuse me, Eric. Can I see you?"

Walking away from the family, Robin filled him in.

"She was assaulted. I'll get everything over to Adam."

"Robin... did she talk at all?"

"Yeah... but just a few words that I couldn't really understand. What I did understand was... it had something to do with her sisters."

Mackenzie was listening, as was the rest of the family. Nothing but silence filled the Hospital, as Tristan said...

"I need to go see her. Please... I need to see her now. he cried"

Not saying anything, Tristan continued to walk down the hall. All he knew at that moment was Sharon needed him. How could she not, when someone had stolen her innocence, from them.

"Sara... let him go. You need to give him time to come to terms with this. It's not easy for him either. Just give him time."

A short time later, Shannon came in with Jake.

"How is she? How is she, daddy?"

"We don't know yet. All we know, is that she's been badly assaulted."

"Oh God daddy. Where's Tristan?"

"He's trying to get in too see her. He's very upset."

"I'm sorry... God daddy, what the hell happened?"

"Eric... you and Mack can see her, Tristan is already down there. We can't get him to leave the room. He's determined to stay with her. The rest of you will have to wait. She's heavily sedated. So don't expect too much."

"Thanks, Melina."

Taking his wife by the hand, they walked into their baby's room.
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At first I thought it was the guy who looked at Sara and that he had mistaken Sharon for Sara. But then he said her name, so I knew that wasn't the case. Then I thought "Oh, I hope he doesn't hurt the baby", but then I remembered that was Shannon who was pregnant, not Sharon. I don't know why I got confused there considering you mentioned that he took what should have been given to her husband. I guess I'm just tired and not thinking clearly. :alienblush:

Good chapter. :)
Dean Rodgers... Attorny at Law.

Parking his car, Dean tossed a bag into the garbage, then ran into his office. Shutting the door, he headed into his private bathroom and changed. Once he had himself back in good standing, he sat at his desk waiting for his next appointment.

"It's about time, Dean. Your wife called, she said you didn't meet her for lunch. I had to reschedule two of your appointments. Neither client was happy about that. They want to knw what they pay you for. Oh... and your son called. said he couldn't meet you this afternoon, due to something about his fiance being assaulted."

"Thanks. I'll call my son and wife later. Send in my next client."

Breathing a deep sigh, he collected himself before Mr. Basin walked in.

Meanwhile at the Hospital, Tristan was whispering in Sharon's ear before her parents walked in.

"Sharon, I'm here sweetheart. I'm right beside you. I want you to know we are going to get through this. This doesn't change anything, Sharon. This wasn't your fault. I just want you to come back to me, okay. I love you Sharon, just know that I love you."

Mack was crying, she was amazed by the love Tristan felt for their daughter. Any other guy would have taken off, or been cold and distant. But Tristan still loved her, he was still there, willing to help her through this horrible event.

Looking up, Tristan seen Mack and Eric.

"Hi Tristan, how is she?"

"She's broken. Not only her mind, but her spirit as well. he cried. I can feel it, I can feel her pain inside my heart. What that bastard did to her, I can feel it as she talks to me while she sleeps. It's going to take a lifetime, for her to trust in anyone ever again. We have so much healing to do together, when she wakes."

Eric own eyes filled with tears. Only had he heard of such chemistry with one other couple. Mac and Stella. They had that same chemistry. The chemistry where the other knows exactly how you are feeling. True, passionate love. Rare, but real.

Walking up to the bed, Eric looked at his daughter who was now all black and blue across the bridge of her nose, down to her mouth.

"Why don't you take a break Tristan?"

"No. I"m sorry Eric, she doesn't want me to leave. I'll stay."

Bending down beside her daughter, Mack took her hand and tenderly kissed her cheek.

"Hi sweetheart. It's mom. I know you can hear me, baby. Daddy and I want you to know that we love you, and that we are right here beside you, waiting for you to come home to us. I spoke with papa and nana, they come home this afternoon from Serenity, papa has a very special healing stone for you. So you get some rest, this way when papa and nana get home this evening, you can have a nice visit with them. I promise you Sharon, we are going to help you through this. Together as a strong family, we will help you heal."

"Excuse me," said the deep voice as everyone looked up and seen a man resembling Tristan.

"Is this your father Tristan?" whispered Mack.

"He is. What are you doing here, father?"

Whispering he said...

"I want the truth son, tell me what happened? Tell me..."

Hearing the sound of the monitor, Eric looked up and noticed Sharon's pulse had gone crazy.

"What's the matter with her Eric, push the call button."

Watching as the monitor continued to beep, Dean became nervous. Then he realized he had whispered. Causing Sharon to recognize his voice. As the nurse came running in, they injected Sharon with another dose of morphine. Watching as her pulse slowed to normal, she said...

"She's in alot of pain. This is her way of telling us. When you are in alot of pain, your pulse fluxuates. She'll rest comfortable now."

Dean realized he was going to have to take care of this little problem. Now Sharon knew it was him that had raped her, she would expose him.

"You don't need to know anything dad. Just go. I don't want you here, neither will my fiance when she wakes."

"Fine, son. If you need me, call."

Walking out of the room, Dean headed out to see an old client who dabbled in dangerous drugs.

"Tristan... I don't mean to be nosy. But is there a reason you don't want your father here?"

"It's a very long story. Short end of it being. He offered for my Sharon. She turned him down, I found out about it, and left home. It's been a very evil game, he plays. He's under the impression that all women can be bought. Sharon was the first one of my girlfriends who said no. Needless to say, my father was very angry about it. He didn't take to kindly to being shot down."

Eric said nothing. He kept his thoughts to himself. Turning to his wife he said...

"I have to go, Mack. I'll be back later."

"What? Now? Why Eric?"

Bending down to his little girls ear, he whispered...

"You were trying to tell us, weren't you, baby? You know Tristan's father did this. Don't worry, love. I'm going to catch him. I promise you, I'll catch him."

Tristan and Mack couldn't hear what Eric was saying. He was to close to his daughters ear. Giving her a kiss, he left the room in search of Danny, and Don.

Miami... Bare Necessity Strip Club

When Dean walked in, he seen Gavin sitting in the corner.

"Bloody hell. I didn't do it, Dean."

"Shut your mouth. I'm not here for that. Let's go for a ride."

"Come on man. I just ordered my drink, sit down. I'll buy you one, then we'll go."

"I don't want a God damn drink. Now move, before I make up a false charge and have you thrown back into jail."

"That's cruel man. You don't have to be so rude about it."

Getting up, Gavin followed Dean out of the club. Driving away in his car, they pulled over to the beach strip.

"Listen Gavin, I need two viles of your garbage. Don't tell me you don't make it anymore, cause I know you do. It was the only drug they couldn't tag you on. Which tells me you are still making it from all the left over garbage, you don't sell."

"Two! Are you insane? 2ml of one vile, will send a druggie into oblivion. Two viles is just overkill. Wait a minute, that's it. You want to kill someone. Looks like I have something on the good Lawyer now. I guess that puts you back in my pocket, doesn't it?"

"Just give me the damn garbage, now."

"I don't have it here. You'll have to meet me here tonight. 11pm, don't be late."

"Hold it. I don't have till tonight. I need it now. So let's go to where ever you have it. Don't make me ask again."

Sighing deep, Gavin gave Dean instructions, on where to go.

Over at Miami-Dade, Eric had called in a favor with a judge. In less then ten minutes, he had a search warrant for Dean Rodgers, car and office. When they arrived, Eric left Danny and Adam to process the car, while Eric and Don served the warrant to the secretary.

While Eric walked into the office, the secretary called Dean on his cell. Not getting an answer, she left a message for him to get back immediatly. As Eric looked around, he checked the bathroom, not finding anything out of the ordinary he checked the closet.

Searching through the suits, he came across a bag on the floor. Looking inside he seen a pair of pants. Putting on a pair of gloves, he took them out of the bag and noticed blood on the outside of the zipper. Then looking back in the bag, he seen a pair of boxers stained with blood on the outside of the opening.

"Eric... what did you find?"

"Evidence and trace. Let's get this back to the lab. If I'm right, this will be my daughters blood on his clothes."

"Whoa... back up Eric. Give me the clothes."

"What? Why?"

"He's a lawyer Eric. Do you want it thrown out of court. Think about it. You hand in the pants and boxers, your name goes on the report. He's going to scream that you set him up. This is your daughter we are talking about, Eric. Just let me hand them in."

"The bastard raped and brutally assaulted my daughter. Raped her, because she wouldn't accept his offer. He took her innocence, Don. He took that away from her, without her consent. So don't tell me, what I should and shouldn't do."

"I know that Eric. Please... just think about it."

Hearing the door, Danny and Adam came running through it.

"Eric... look what we found. It was in the garbage can near the car."

Looking at the evidence, Eric seen two latex condoms, covered in fluids and blood. along with two pair of latex gloves, that had auburn hair on them and a ski mask.

"Get these back to the lab. If I'm not mistaken we have just caught my daughters rapist."

Heading back to lab, Eric could hardly wait for the arrest warrant. He knew this was one, that he was looking forward to serving, himself.
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