CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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One of the all kinds of heartless, endangered brute in this universe. Completely lacking in feelings and consideration. Some were just too cruel and insensitive to what people feels when they does all this extremely wicked and immoral acts, tending to harm all those around them, physically and mentally, those who loved, trusted them with all their hearts. As a dad, not only did he not support what his child does and achieved yet he wants to take away everything that belongs to his child. What a male parent is this if there's no care and protection provided, responsibility with his acts as a father to his son? This is a big issue when it comes to wealth and not health and happiness. Not all women loves money like what all Tristan's previous girlfriend does. It may be most of people's preference and fondness to get rich but what's the use of money when you're not even happy or can't find the happiness in our life yet we're just filling the gap between us with sex with all womens. He's not afraid of getting diseases? He had a great son and a wife or to be exact a perfect family yet he does not appreciate what he have. Some people does not even get the chance to love, to feel love, does not even know WHAT's LOVE. It's not to blame this kind of man either. Some women can be really bias sometimes, "money face", nothing actually compared to men, they're the same, only human. It's what we does that makes a difference between the line, the road we chose to walk and starts our journey. What Tristan went through, it's enough for the rest of his life with a cold hearted father. I hope Sharon will give him what he deserves all this long, shows him how much she loved her and the other way round :adore:. I can't explain how much I loved this storyline but I had a great relish and enjoyment while reading. :thumbsup:

MJ had his papa's beautiful elements 'cause they're both expressive and elegant to their loved ones. Those words... took Asprine's breath away. :lol:
Our Wedding Day

At the Taylor house, all the girls were gathered together. While over at the Delko house, all the men were getting ready.

"Hey Eric... is Don coming?"

"No. He already talked with MJ and Melina. He also sent them a lovely gift.

But he and his kitten have plans for today."

"Aww... don't you and Mack miss her? I mean she's so young."

"Of course we miss her. But we are equally happy that she's with Don.
They complete each other. Plus it gives Mack and I more time, and more time, means more babies." he smirked.

Danny laughed. "Only you and Mack would need more then five kids, to make you happy."

Laughing Eric went in search of, MJ.

Meanwhile the girls were helping Melina into her wedding dress. Problem was... it was no longer fitting, due to her well rounded tummy.

"Oh no... oww... forget it, it's not going to fit. Now what am I going to do?"

"This is impossible Melina. We just tried it on last week, and you had plenty of room. Are you sure you and MJ, are carrying only one?"

"Yes... don't look at me like that. It has to be only one."

Letting the subject drop for now. Stella wasn't sure. Melina was too tiny, to fit into any of their clothes. Thinking back, Sara remembered a white pantsuit she had. They had made them for the school play three years back.

"Hold on, I have an idea. Nana... do you still have that white pantsuit stored away? The one I used in the play? That should fit Melina."

"Good idea, love. I'll run and find it. Mack you finish her hair."

While Mack was braiding her hair into a bun, she said...

"You know Melina... twins, trips, quads, they all run in our family. Taylor's don't know how to have just one baby. Thought you should know that. Just incase you need another untrasound or something," she gigled.

Melina wasn't sure what to think. She knew Mack was right. For she had seen it herself. But for it to happen to her and MJ? No way."

"Here it is. Let's give this a try, Melina."

Placing her into the pantsuit, she looked like an angel.

"Aww... now that is just beautiful. Look at yourself love, you look amazing."

Stella was right. The whole outfit showed her beautifully formed tummy, and the sliky material was like fluid. Hearing a knock on the door, Stella went to answer it. Opening it her heart jumped. It was Andrew dressed in a black tux. Trying to catch her breath, she whispered...

"Andrew... I thought you were meeting us at the beach?"

"I was. But I need to drop this off for my daughter. It belonged to her mother. I thought she may like to wear it. Are you okay Stella? You look flushed again."

"Hm... I'm fine Andrew. Let me get her for you. Melina... can you come here for a minute?"

Coming down the stairs, her father smiled with tears in his eyes. For in that moment, he could have swore he was looking at his deceased wife.

"You look stunning, sweetheart. Just like your mom, God rest her soul. I've brought you something. This was your mothers, she wore it the day of our wedding. I thought you may like to wear it for yours."

Opening the little box, she seen the beautiful cross, with two wedding bands around it.

"It was just a cross. But I had the jewler mount your mothers band, and my band onto it. This is our gift, that you share all the love with MJ, that I shared with your mother."

Melina teared up. "Will you help me put it on daddy?"

Turning her back to her father, Stella could see his hands shake. Walking over, she touched his, and ignored the shiver that rippled down her spine. But Andrew didn't miss it. He could see his touch affected her.

"Here Andrew. I'll help her."

Looking into each others eyes for the briefest of moments, they both felt the room tilt.

"Thanks Stella." Giving his daughter one last look, he kissed her sweet cheeks, and whispered...

"I'll see you at the beach, love."

"Stella... are you okay? You look confused."

"I'm fine honey. Now let's get you married to my wonderful, grandson."

Meanwhile at the beach side, reception area.

David was dressed in an waiters outfit. He had landed the job with the florists sister. Looking out over the tables, he found the one marked bride and groom. Seeing the mini bottle of sparkling flavoured water for Melina. He took out his syringe and injected the full bottle of Morphine into it.

Making sure no one was watching, he tossed the syringe in the bottom of the bin, knowing no one would find it there. Then heading back to the kitchen, he grinned, as he whispered...

"Soon Melina. soon it will be all over, for that demon seed within you."
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I think I have gone insane myself. I loved Andrew and Stella, the way you wrote them made me feel delighted to their relationship. As I've said before, I'm curious. It's pleasingly subtle and demandingly insisting 'cause I'm feeling a powerful desire for more. It's so delicate or to be difficult to analyse or describe what they felt for each other. Is it really called love? I don't even dare to conclude anymore. *Faints* These inquisitive in me... *Sighs* Hmm, there's a lot of things I reflected on recently about this two. It's really a huge task you're showing us and I loved it! Finally! They've reached their wedding day. The cross, it means a lot for Melina 'cause both of the wedding band around it belongs to her parents as it indicates their love. I hope that David fails his villainous mission. Previous wedding was destroyed by a bomb as it left a not capable of being forgotten or not being able to disappear haunting memories for the family. :)
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I wrote up some poetry wedding vows. For MJ, and Melina. Enjoy:)

Over at Don's, he had his kitten out on the balcony. From where he lived, he could see the beach wedding about to take place.

"What do you think, kitten? Are you ready to watch your cousin get married?"

Looking up at her godfather, she purred out a sound. As Don went to
answer her, he heard the knock at the door.

"Let's go see who's at our door, kitten."

Opening the door, Don seen Gwen.

"Morning Don. Morning little kitten, how are your teeth this morning?"

"They are much better. Don answered for her. She slept through the night. I was just getting ready to watch my nephew get married."

"I know, it's all over the Hospital, about our Melina becoming a Taylor. I've been told it's going to be a beautiful outside ceremony and reception."

"Would you like to watch it together?"

"That would be wonderful. Thanks for the invite, Don."

Smiling at her, Don noticed she had the cutiest sprinkle of freckles, right above the bridge of her nose.

"What? Is something on my face?"

"No. Sorry, I just noticed you have these cute little freckles on your nose."

"Geez... thanks, I think. I guess I should return the compliment. You are very handsome, and have beautiful white teeth."

Don laughed out loud, as did Gwen. Both realizing how awkward that moment was for both of them.

Back on the beach, Doreen was looking all over for her new waiter.

"Sonya, have you seen my new waiter?"

"No... not since this morning. Did you want me to look for him?"

"No. There is no time. Who put the brides spritzer water on the table already?"

"I'm not sure. Did you want it in the fridge?"

"No. Throw it out please. The bride is to be served with the groom, only when they arrive."
Yes maam. I'll do that right now."

"Thanks, Sonya. I'm sorry I barked at you."

"It's okay, Doreen. I know how stressed you are. Why don't I call my sister. She'll come help."

"Would she? Oh that would be wonderful. Thank-you."

When Stella, Melina and the rest of the bridal party arrived. They were met up again, with Andrew.

"Alright my little girl. Are you ready to become a bride?"

"I've never been so ready daddy. I love MJ."

Standing under the archway, they waited for the music to begin.

"Son... are you ready?"

"More then ready, grandfather. Look at her, she looks so breath taking."

"She does son. I'm going to sit with your grandmother. Do us proud."

Watching as Melina walked up the aisle, MJ could see her tears. Nearing his side, MJ walked down, as the Priest said...

"Who gives this bride away?"

"I do. Her father."

Placing his daughters hand in MJ's, he walked over and sat down, beside Mac and Stella. As they waited, the Priest began the ceremony.

"Father, you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery,
a symbol of Christ's love for his Church.
Hear our prayers for Michael and Melina.
With faith in you and in each other they pledge their love today.
May their lives always bear witness to the reality of that love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

"Amen," replied the guests.

"Melina, I understand you and Michael have written your own vows."

"We have." Facing MJ, Melina said...

"I remember from our sandbox days. From where we use to play. Always you would pull my hair, and set my soul aflame. It was then I knew one day, our paths would once again cross. Leaving us to rekindle our love we thought was lost. I know from your past pain, your heart was slow to heal. But from this day, and each day forward. I will heal your tender wounds. This is my vow to you, my handsome Taylor knight. This is my future promise, as I become your wife."

Looking over at his grandparents, he tried to swallow his own tears, so he could begin his own vow. Lowering his head back to Melina, she gently wiped his tears, as Stella wiped Mac's.

Swallowing again, MJ began...

"Melina, I remember from the past, the emotion in your eyes, I remember as a child, teasing you endlessly inside. Only back then I never realized, it was love that was shinning through. I always thought it was just me, forever pestering you....

Everyone laughed, as MJ continued.

As we grew I knew different, from the moment you stood by my car. I once again pulled on hair, teasing you with my heart. But it was that tragic event, that brought my passion alive in you. For you were the one there, to pull my family and I through. I can remember every moment, as it tore our family tree apart. Leaving us all in fear, that we'd never heal our hearts. It was your bright colored words, that kept our spirits high...

taking a break, MJ tried to control his tears, but his voice cracked, to a near a whisper. but most of your love, kept me strong, never to fall apart on the inside. I honestly never thought, I could trust another with my heart in their hand. But you helped me move on past that, with your wisdomed words, I finally came to understand. Now that our hands are joined, as we stand before God, family and our friends. I promise to love you, and our children each minute, from each beat that lives within.

Turning back to the Priest, MJ and Melina seen him wipe his tears, as he continued...

"Michael... if you could repeat after me...

"In the name of God, I Michael... take you Melina to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."

Melina, repeat after me...

"In the name of God, I Melina... take you Michael to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."

Placing their rings on each others fingers, the Priest said...

"By the power invested in me, in God, and these witnesses, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Michael, you may kiss your bride."

Kissing his bride with all the love, passion, and joy inside him, everyone cheered. As they welcomed the new couple into their holy union.
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Perhaps loving someone and to be loved by someone is the only starting place there is for making your own life. Don's gratitude has finally conquered the loss even though he still miss those he loved who are no longer with him but he found that he is grateful for having loved with little Jessica always being by his side.

I wonder where's David...

I know from your past pain, your heart was slow to heal. But from this day, and each day forward. I will heal your tender wounds. This is my vow to you, my handsome Taylor knight. This is my future promise, as I become your wife."
But you helped me move on past that, with your wisdomed words, I finally came to understand. Now that our hands are joined, as we stand before God, family and our friends. I promise to love you, and our children each minute, from each beat that lives within.
The vow that you wrote for MJ and Melina was pleasingly smooth and melodious. Their vows telling us about their past where there's little appealing moments in between giving us a picture about what they had went throughout their past, present and in the future with their unquestioning, wholehearted and unequivocal love, leaving no doubt to what they're going to face with what lies ahead of them. *Jumps around* As they had avow what they felt before, I could feel it... like flowing and glowing above which is tugging at my heartstrings. Leaving an impression to these days onwards where they would come up against and encounter all the features of their new life as one couple. Helping each other to improve a situation, reaching for a star, regardless of highs and lows.
While everyone was seated for the reception, they awaited the bride and groom.

"They did a beautiful job Mac. Look at this gorgeous area all decorated. You will have to give us the name of your Caterer, and party planner, Andrew. She's done an amazing job."

"Thanks Stella. I'm telling you Mac. You look amazing, and it's so wonderful to see you walking with a cane. You've come a very long way. I'm so proud of you."

"Ththanks Andrew. It wwas your ddaughters cconstant nagging, and ststubborn attitude that kkept me on my ttoes. Shshe's a real wwildcat. Is shshe anything like yyour deceased wwife? Ggod rest her ssoul."

"She is Mac. Everything you see in Melina, is what was inside my wife. She was like this guiding light. Always beside me through everything. All my pain, hurt, loss, up, downs. Anything that troubled me, troubled her. It was a lifetime chemistry, we had. It's something most couples only dream of. Then when it disappears. You feel like you've disappeared too."

Mac knew exactly what he was talking about. For he and Stella had shared that same chemistry, and still did, to this day.

"I uunderstand, Andrew. I remember jjust bebefore the exxplosion looking at Sstella, and her looking at mme. Bboth of us wwondering if all our ggenerations were ggoing to die. Or if we wwould be seperated ffrom each other. It's like yyour heart ccollapses in your chchest, and you ccan no longer bbreathe. Nno longer wwanting to go on, wwithout your ppartner who's been your ssttrength, ppassion, and ccomfort ththrough each storm."

As Mac was about to say something else. The bride and groom, came through the door. Standing up, everyone cheered as they walked towards their parents, and sat down in their highback chairs.

Bringing out the Champagne, and sparkling water, they placed a bottle on the table beside each second seat. Reaching over, MJ opened Melina's sparkling water, and poured it into the flute. Handing it too her, he poured himself a glass too. Once this was done, the waiters filled the guests glasses.

Standing up, Mac clanged the glass with a knife.

"Eeverybody, eeverybody, Let's ddim the lights, and hhave bbride and ggroom shshare their first ddance as hhusband and wwife."

As the music played, MJ lead Melina to the dance floor. Watching as they held each other close, everyone awed, clicked pictures, and made video's. Walking over Mack took her father by the hand, and lead him to the floor.

"I ccan't dance ssweetheart. Mmy legs aren't ththat good yyet."

"That's okay, daddy. I promise not to let you fall."

Reaching for his cane, he walked arm in arm with his daughter. then wrapping his arms around her waist, one of the guests took his cane.

"I miss this daddy. I remember mine and Eric's wedding. I remember you holding me, telling me that I would always be your baby girl. I love you daddy."

Pulling his daughter in closer, he continued to move with her in his arms.

Sitting at the table, Andrew was watching Stella's expression. In her face, he could see, warmth, comfort, joy, and love for her family. Such passion she possessed, just like his wife.

"Stella... would you care to dance?"

Andrew knew in that one moment, this may be the only chance he would have, to feel that spark again. Placing her hand in his, they both felt the heat as he lead her to the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around his neck, while his slid seductively around her waist, he heard her quiet intake of breath. Bending down to her ear, he whispered...

"Does my touch frighten you Stella? Or do you always shiver while being held? This is the second time today, I've felt it Stella, just as you have."

Stella wasn't sure what to think either. All she knew was, it was becoming harder for her to fight what she was feeling. With his warm breath whispering across her ear, his deep blue eyes, looking into hers. Before she could give Andrew a response, Mac walked over and asked...

"Mmay I ssteal my lovely wwife, for ththe next ddance?"

"Of course, Mac. I'm going to go snatch up my baby girl, before her and MJ, decide to disappear."

Once Andrew left, Mac wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife, and inhaled her perfumed hair. Pulling her in close, he could feel her quiver. bending down, he whispered...

"Sstella... are yyou quivering to bbe loved? Or are yyou quivering, ddue to the chchill of Mmiami night air?"

Looking past her husbands eyes, she whispered....

"Loved, Mac. Always to be loved."

Laying her head on his chest, she looked at Andrew, as he looked at her. Leaving them both to wonder what her answer would have been.
Back on the balcony, Don came out and found Gwen still looking over at the reception. They could hear the music playing, and the noise fill the air.

"Hi, is your little kitten out like a light?"

"She is, as soon as I laid her down, she was out."

"I guess you're trying not to think about morning, aren't you?"

Leaning over the balcony, Don inhaled deep. He knew his kitten went home tomorrow.

"Hey... I didn't mean to upset you, Don. I'm sorry."

Turning to face her, he whispered...

"It's okay. I'm always upset when the week-end, ends. But it's a beautiful night, the music is still playing. Would you like to dance Gwen?"

"I would. Thank you for asking." she smiled.

Placing her hands around his neck, he placed his over her hips, sliding them around to her back. Then pulling her in a little closer, they swayed to the music.

"You dance wonderfully, Det.Flack."

"As do you, nurse Gwen."

Looking up into his handsome blue eyes, as he looked into her bright green, they leaned in, and as they were about to have their lips touch. They heard the soft cry, of Don's little kitten.

"Saved by the innocence of your little love." smiled Gwen.

After the reception ended, the bride and groom had disappeared, without so much as a good bye.

"Well... if that wasn't the rudest. Our children are gone." laughed Stella.

"Alright... I'm going to get going. I have to be at work for six in the morning. Mac, take care of Stella, and I'll see you both soon."

"Ttomorrow night, said Mac. We are hhaving you ccome to ddinner at sseven. Ddon't be late."

Stella laughed... it's okay to be a little late."

"Okay, I'll bring the wine."

"Good, Mac said, as he looked at his wife. I'd really like to sshow Andrew our ffamily videos. It's bbeen to long ssince we wwatched them. He's ffamily now, he shshould know whwhat his ddaughter married into," he laughed.

They all laughed. Only Mac would find humor in his children. Though she'd be having the last laugh, cause most of the vids were of him and Eric.

"Sure... that's fine Andrew. I'm sure our children would love to see them, too."

"Okay... I'll see you both around seven. Thank you, night."

Once he was gone, Stella turned to Mac and whispered...

"I want you to love me Mac. I want you to take me right now. I need to feel you love me, please don't make me ask again."

Not waiting a moment longer, they walked to the car. Pulling into the driveway, they parked the car. Then as Stella opened the door, she pulled Mac in, and leaned him against the door.

Passionately touching her lips to his, she felt her soul flame. All Mac knew in that moment, was he couldn't breathe. Didn't want too, for his wife was drowning herself into his already burning soul.

"Sslow ddown Stella. Stttttella..."

That was the last word Mac got out. The only sounds that now filled the Taylor home, were his wife's cries, as she took them both up, and over, the edge.


David was waiting outside the Hospital for an Ambulance to show up with Melina. Looking at his watch, he noticed it was three in the morning.

"What the hell is going on? She should be here by now."

Starting his car, he pulled out heading over to the bride and grooms new home. When he arrived, he watched. Then he seen them both. Looking at Melina, he could see was very healthy, and very happy. But how could that have happened?

Feeling his anger burn into a rage, he took off down the street. Knowing he was going to have to come up with a better plan.
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