CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Thankies for the reviews.:) I just realized we are almost near Generations #4:cool:

Walking down the hall, he could hear Sharon still talking with her mom. Feeling the pain in his heart, he knew he was going to be losing his little Sharon soon. For he himself had noticed the love her and Tristan shared.

Nearing his bedroom, he knew he would have to make up for his early mistake with his wife. Grabbing out the scented candles, and passion blue bubbles, he filled the tub with suds. Lighting the two candles, he allowed the scent to float around their bathroom and room.

He knew tonight, he would have to prove to his wife, that she was the only woman in his life. The only one he needed to breathe, to smile, to live, and make his world complete. Turning off the steaming water, he quickly ran downstairs, and grabbed up two flutes filled with passion fruit juice.

Setting them by the tub, he could hear his wife walking down the hall. When she walked into their room, she could smell the scents of aroma throughout the room. Then she seen him, her husband. Standing by the bathroom door in black silk bottoms, and a rose in his mouth.

Trying to remember how to breathe, she couldn't help but notice the powerful muscles across his abs, his tall, lean, body, and darkened skin. Leaving every thought she had, lost in the deepest recesses of her mind.

Moving his way towards her, he could see her pulse beating through her chest, he could see her sensitive skin rise as he neared her. Taking her hand he lifted it to his lips, and kissed her. Then walking her to the bathroom, not a word was said, as he brushed her hair away from her neck, leaned down, and whispered...

"My love... I'm going to show you that you are the only woman in my life who gives my waking day meaning, and strength to move on. That it is only your flesh, your touch, your kiss, that burns me to the depth of my soul. When we are done, you will realize, that the only one who exists in our world, is you, me, and our children."

With no more words spoken, Eric undressed his wife, and placed her in the tub. Then climbing in behind her, he showed her just how much his love, was meant for only her.


Stella had MJ carry Mac's bars upstairs. Placing them near the door of their room, she laughed.

"This is going to be good. One way or another, we will have your father up and out of that chair for good. Now I'm going to get changed. You go and keep your grandfather busy, till I call him."

MJ laughed. Only his grandmother would use making love as concept to making Mac walk.

In the bathroom, Stella showered, and changed into a beautiful pale pink satin gown, that showed each and every curve of her gorgeous body. Then laying across the bed, with the new black satin sheets, she tossed her hair back, so it flowed against them. As she heard the chairlift, she knew Mac was nearing their room.

When he neared the door, the first and only thing he seen, was his beautiful wife, laying across the bed. The second was the damn bars blocking his way in.

"Hello handsome. Mm... I'm so hot, so needy for you to touch me. Come and touch me Mac. Pleeeease don't make me beg."

Mac could feel his body respond to her words. To her sensitive lips, that were visible to his eyes. Pulling himself up, he gripped the bars, straightened his back and walked towards his wife. With each step, she could see the powerful strength of his arms, legs, and tightness that sent waves of shivers through her skin.

Right beside her now, he stood with black passionate eyes. Eyes that spoke of sensual rage, and erotic desires. Desires that were meant for only thoughts. Thoughts, that Mac was about to make reality. He would love her, love her good, but only after he tortured her, only after he brought her to the edge, repeatedly. With his hands, whispered words, and kiss.

Stella could see his eyes change, she could see his jaw clench tightly, as well as she could read his thoughts that were centered on her, and how he wanted to love her. Still standing at the edge of the bed, Stella leaned herself up, and pulled the buttons from his shirt, tossing it to the ground. Not caring, just wanting to place her soft kisses across his powerful chest.

Hearing his intake of breath, Stella knew she had him burning on the same level of passion. Wrapping his fingers around her hair, he forced her to look up at him, forced her to see the dangerous expression that spoke of pure lust. Lowering them both to the bed, Mac stroked his fingertips across each and every inch of her sensitive skin, gently at first, then more roughly as she sighed out his name.

So lost in each other, in their desire, their passions and love. That neither could stop the flamming mist from floating around their souls. Wrapping each other tighter, as each and every new passionate storm drove them to the next. Till they were both drained, and laying pliant in each others arms, with soft whispers throughout the room...

Whipsers of the deepest, and purest of love.
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*Gasped*.. Euphoria! Someday, I'll build a tub or even an ice shower beside my desktop. In case.. I.. burned into flames. That was passionate and ardent as it's literary burning and glowing! Oohhh.. The endlessness of their sensational love cast out heats! *pass out* I'm gratified by the family. The family who has always recognize the value or significance of each day they live together with their family and treasure what they have now. Eric and Mackenzie helped their child to understand and grasp things better even if it's to take some time explaining to them what they didn't know or much more into details. Other than that, I'm happy for both Mac/Stella and Eric/Mackenzie 'cause they make it up for things that they have done wrong or misunderstood, spend most of their time to show their significant other how much they loved each other, even if it's to do something risky and hazardous, it means nothing if it's just to be with their loved ones :).
Don was up at the crack of dawn. His only thought being to pick up his kitten for the week-end. Heading to the shower, he sang with great happiness. Always his little kitten made him happy.

Drying himself off, he took Jess's picture and kissed her good morning. Oh he knew she was in heaven. But he felt her beside him during the nights. Always, she was there holding him tight.

Out in the living room he looked around. Smiling to himself as he seen all the toys, and items he would need for his little kitten. Even the beautiful cherry red wood crib, and change table set he had bought. Oh yeah... his little kitten was going to be pampered with her godfathers love.

Grabbing his keys, he headed down the elevator. As the doors opened, he seen Gwen.

"Morning Don. Off to pick up your little kitten?"

Smiling a little cause she remembered, he said...

"Yeah. It's been a long week. With a week-end that is going to be full of fun for us."

"I bet it is. Well you two have a good week-end. Maybe I'll see you around."

Exiting the elevator, she ran out the door, and started her morning jog.

When Don arrived at the Delko's, he heard the Shannon yelling something about Jenson. Knocking on the door, Sharon answered it.

"Hi uncle, come on in. Mom's getting your kitten ready. She shouldn't be long."

"Thanks kiddo. What's all the screaming about?"

"Shannon and Sara, caught Jenson on the beach last night with two girls. They were getting pretty nasty, Sara and Shannon seen it. Needless to say, she's very upset. They broke up."

Don sighed. Jenson was always Marie's biggest worry. Ever since her husband died, Jenson kind of became a rebel. Knowing what had happened, he would now have to keep an eye on him.

Seeing Mack coming down the stairs with Jessica, he smiled. Gosh how he could have sworn, she had grown.

"Hey Don, here you go, she's already. I've packed extra clothes, diapers, and lots of formula. She's also teething, so I put in her childrens Tylenol and a teething ring. What you don't use this week-end, you can keep at your place."

Giving her daughter another kiss, she passed her to Don.

"You two have a fun week-end. I'll see you monday morning."

Once they were gone, Sharon got ready for her day with Tristan. Even though it had been a few hours earlier they had parted. She couldn't wait. Seeing her sister sitting alone on the patio she walked out and sat down beside her.

"Hey sis, how you feeling this morning?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she continued to look out to sea.

"Sara... I know this is really hard. I've been there. But you are going to find your special guy. I know you are. You're beautiful, smart, sensitve, caring, and very loving to those you care about. Don't ever think you're not. Jenson was undeserving of you. He doesn't deserve a woman like you, you just remember that, okay? I love you, sis."

Giving her sister a hug, she got up and walked back into the house.

Hearing the knock at the door, she answered it.

"Devon? Hi, what are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if Sara was around. I need to talk with her."

"She is. Just head out back, she's on the porch."

"Thanks Sharon. I'll see you."

As Devon left, Tristan showed up.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hi Tristan, I missed you."

Leaning in, he wrapped her in his arms. Then looking into her eyes, he said...

"I've missed you too, beautiful. Shall we go? I've reserved breakfast at the Beach side Cafe."

Walking out hand in hand, Sharon hoped her sister would be okay.

"Hey Sara."

Turning she seen Devon.

"Hi Devon. What brings you here?"

"You do Sara. I need to talk to you about something I seen last night."

"If it has to do with Jenson, I already know. My sister and I caught him last night."

"I'm sorry Sara. Not for him, but for you. You deserve better. You deserve someone who is going to love only you, forever."

Looking into Devon's eyes, Sara seen it. Something that she had missed, all this time, it was there, waiting to be discovered. Leaning towards each other, each holding their breath for what was about to come. Their lips softly touched. Feeling the burst of energy within their souls, they broke apart.

"Whoa... um... I'm sorry Sara, I didn't...."

"It's okay. Did you feel it? she smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I did. I've always loved you Sara. Always. I just wish you had of seen it sooner. Or that I would have had enough nerve to tell you."

Watching from the den window, Eric smiled. He knew all his girls were going to be forever happy. With the choices they had made.

"Daddy... daddy, you pay wid me?"

Turning to face his son, he picked him up, snuggled him against him, while carring him to his room to play.
I couldn't stop grinning or even smiling when I read about the happiness and joyful moments they shared together as one. Sometimes, someone you love and someone who really loves you, the one in a million is just right in front of you. I'm glad that Sara look through what's inside his eyes that speaks a thousand words. Both of them felt the same, as I hope Devon who admitted his feelings really does cherish, protect and care for Sara lovingly. About how Jenson had turned into aggresive, there's lots of cause though. It might be lack of parents care but sometimes it might be the child's problem. Everyone has a choice, whether which way you want to choose, good or bad, it's in our own hands. Hopefully, he'll aware of what he's doing soon with the help of his family. I wonder what's in the time that is still to come, events or conditions that will likely occur for the family. It made me intrigued with the previous chapters before. :thumbsup:
With MJ's and Melina's wedding two days away. They were getting last minute things done. Finally moved into their new home. Mac, Stella and the kids were helping them unpack. Melina had just started showing, leaving Mac and Stella full of excitement for their first great grandchild to be born.

"Melina... where do you want this picture of a baby in a cradle?"

"Aww... that's me Michelle. Wasn't I cute?"

"Aww... that's you? Look daddy. Look at Melina and those big doe eyes."

Mac took the picture and smiled.

"Llook at this Sstel. We are ggoing to have ssome gorgeous ggreat ggrandbabies."

"Aww... you are a sweetheart, Melina."

Hearing the knock at the door, Caroline answered it.

"Hi Andrew, come on in. Melina your dad is here."

Stella felt her pulse jump, as he neared the living room.

"Hi daddy. I thought you had the morning shift?"

"I did sweetie. But Dr.Martin needed to change with me. So I thought I could help."

"Of course, we are all in the living room. Michelle just found one of my baby pictures, and we were ogling it."

Walking into the living room, the first thing Andrew noticed was Mac wasn't in his chair. He was standing with an adjustable cane.

"Mac... look at you. When did this happen?"

"Aabout a week ago. Sstella's bbeen helping me with some really ggood exercises. Nnow I ccan wwalk wwithout mmy chchair."

"Great job. You look great. I'm very proud of you, Mac. And of you, Stella. Good job." he smiled.

Once they worked together and had everything unpacked, Mac ordered lunch for them all. Sitting out on the patio, they enjoyed it in the afternoon sun.


David was finally released. Heading home he knew he had no job to return too. They had fired him from the Hospital, for his antics. Picking up a paper, he read the classified section. Looking for a job, he came across the wedding announcements. Seeing MJ, and Melina's names, he crumpled the page and tossed it in the garbage.

"Hey smart ass. That will be 75 cents."

Tossing the vendor a buck, he left for home.

Out on the beach, Tristan and Sharon were feeding each other breakfast.

"Do you have your suit for the wedding, Trist?"

"I do sweetheart. I'm really looking forward to meeting the rest of your family on sunday."

"Good... cause I know they are looking forward to meeting you too. Especially my uncle's."

"Oh no. They're not going to drill me, are they?" he laughed.

"I won't let them hurt you. I love you, and will be your heroette," she giggled.

Pulling her close into him, he kissed her with fevered passion. I love you too, Sharon. You can be my heroette, anytime. Then when you have saved me, you can drag me off into the sunset."

"Tristan..." she whispered with seriousness.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"I want to feel you touch me again. Like you did last night."

Standing up, he tossed their remaining breakfast into the bin, took her hand, and lead her back to his home.
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