CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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first of, post# 899:
Go Shannon!:D poor Sara..
post# 904:
Eric and Mack scene, hot..
Loved the part where MJ put Mac's bars infront of the door, to make him walk to the bed:D but the Stella and Mac scene was really hot..
post# 909:
great chapter, sweet and cute:) Little Eric was cute in the end:)
post# 915:
Im looking forward to the wedding:D
it's great that Mac don't have to use his chair to walk:)

Don had arrived home with his kitten. Carrying her into the elevator, all the girls were awwing at the sight of the little angel, Don had nestled in his arms.

Once everyone piled off, Don had to go up three more floors. Stopping before he got there, Gwen got in all sweaty. The only thing Don could think was... she looked great all flushed and wet. Shaking away his thoughts, she leaned over and peeked at the baby.

"Aww... is this your little kitten? She's beautiful."

"Thanks. She is, her name is Jessica. My niece named her after my wife, who died the same time she was born."

There it was. The sadness in his eyes, the pain in his face. He had lost his wife. Hearing the elevator open to his floor, she said...

"Have fun with your kitten, Don. She's an angel."

Smiling back at her, he watched as the doors closed. Later that afternoon, Jessica started screaming. Picking her up in his arms, he tried feeding her, burping her, rocking her. Problem was, nothing was working. Starting to feel himself panic. He headed upstairs with her to see Gwen. She was a nurse. If anyone could help, she could.

Knocking on her door, she answered it, and seen Jessica in extreme distress. But that was nothing compared to what broke her heart. Don was in tears. He was so concerned for his kitten, that he was dropping tears on her sleepers.

"What's the matter, Don. Is she ill?"

"I don't know?" he said with tears. She won't stop crying. I've tried everything. What if she's sick. Please Gwen ,I need your help."

"First thing you need to do, is calm down. Jessica knows you are upset. Let's go back to your place and get her settled. I already know what's wrong with her. Did your niece give you Tylenol drops for her teething?"

"She did. Is that what this is? Her teeth? I forgot she had mentioned that."

"It is Don. See the way she is chewing on her fist. Trying to get it all into her mouth? That's what babies do. Then they will gum on their fingers."

Once they were back in Don's apartment. He passed Gwen the Tylenol. After giving Jessica 0.5ml, she passed her back to Don to cuddled. Resting under her godfathers neck, she finally fell back into sleep. Whipsering, Don said...

"Thank you Gwen. Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome Don. I'll leave you two alone, now."

Don didn't want her to leave. He liked her, only as a friend right now. But he liked her all the same.

"Can you stay for Coffee, Gwen? I'd really like you to stay for a while."
Smiling at him, how could she say no.


David needed a plan. He needed to find a way to break up that wedding, before it got started. First thing he needed was to find out who was catering, second was to find out exactly where on the beach it was being held.

Checking in his drawer, he took out the morphine he had hidden in there. Checking to make sure the bottles were still good. He stored them in his jacket pocket. Once he found the caterer, he'd be able to place it in Melina's food. Making sure he gave her enough to kill that evil seed she had within her.

Putting his jacket back on, he headed out to the Hospital, hoping one of the nurses would be stupid enough, to give him some information on the wedding.
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I derived a great contentment from this two chapters. Don who was able to withstand all the pressure from difficult condition is just like a submarine with buoyancy. There's Jessica, this little enchanting kitten has kept him all cheerful and optimistic all along. Always filled his heart and mind with triumph and felicity. On top of that, Gwen's character is holding the attention of mine 'cause her role is appealing and demanding at the same time. It's in a chronological state, the events that happened. As you're evincing/revealing the beginning of their relationship, their first appearance in the storyline, describing the characteristics of a character by showing their outer and inner appearance and more before we went forward into the character's background. David is a killjoy, he enjoys himself while spoiling others' pleasure. I wonder if he's going to succeed this time after all his failed attempts.

About Stella, she made my heart jumped too. In fact, I mhm... :lol: Still stick to this "you can't help who you fall in love with" but I... that she... something changed, I'm curious. Tons of question marks in my head. I loved this Andrew character, he is endearing and a sweetheart. He does his best to give his child even the patients and the one by his side the right to act, speak or think freely, helping them with a light in his hands when they're lost. :)
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Sharon and Tristan had arrived back at his place. Helping her out of the car, he took her by the hand and lead her inside. When he opened the door, the first thing he noticed was his parents luggage, the second was their laughter.

"Mom? Dad?"

Coming out into the hall, they seen their son with the gorgeous angel on his arm.

"Hello son. How are you? We got back early. Who is this?"

"This is Sharon Delko. My lady. Sharon, these are my parents. Cathy and Dean."

Walking up Cathy gave her a warm smile. While the father gave her figure a once over that made Sharon uncomfortable. Especially the fact, that he kept lifting his eyes back to her chest.

"Hello Sharon, it's wonderful to meet you. I wish Tristan had of told us he had such a beautiful lady."

Tristan didnt' tell his parents anything. He knew what his father like. Had always known. He also didn't miss the way he was ogling his girlfriend.

Tristan could tell Sharon was uncomfortable as he said...

"We'll be upstairs, welcome home. We'll catch up later."

Heading up the stairs with Sharon, Dean continued to watch the sway of her hips.

"Oh... she's a beauty, isn't she. She should bring us lots of grandchildren."

The only thing Dean hoped, was that she could be bought for a good time.

Afterall... all Tristan's girlfriends loved the money, for a night of sex.

Smiling to himself, he could tell she would be a sweet one. Expensive too. But that was alright, for money bought everything, even things that belonged to his son.


Gray and Lindsay headed off to the little carnival that had come to Miami. It was only here for a week. But they thought it would be fun to enjoy some rides and games. Entering the park they ran into Sara, Shannon, Jake and Devon.

"Hey you guys. I didn't know you were going to be here?"

"Hey Sara. Yeah, Linds and I thought it would be fun. Hey Devon, how goes it? I see you finally got together with Sara."

"I did. I could never have hoped for a more beautiful moment, then when she yes, I could date her."

"Aww... that's so sweet, said Lindsay. Hey Jake. Nice to have you back in Miami for good. Where's your brother?"

"Thanks, it's great to be back. I can honestly say... I don't miss New york. As for my brother, he's off doing his own things."

Lindsay seen something there. She was also smart enough not to be nosy. If they wanted her to know, they would tell her.

"Well... let's go have some fun. Last one to the House of Horrors, has to pay." laughed Linds.

Back at Melina and MJ's new place, they were finally alone.

"Well my lady, do you love our new castle?"

"I do my charming prince. Once we say our vows, and have our baby. Our circle of life will be complete."

Taking his beautiful tiny wife to be into his arms, he leaned down to her ear and whispered....

"My life was complete the day I met you. It came full circle, the day we got engaged."

Not giving her a chance to respond. He passionately kissed her sweet lips. Telling her without words to open for him, to accept his heated tongue.

Feeling the flame iginte, he carried her to their room. Their very first room, in their very first home, that was about to christened, with their sweet tender love.
Back at Tristan's, his mother headed to the beach, leaving the father at home with the kids. Heading up to his room, he turned on his television, and watched his son with his girlfriend. He had always watched his son, when he brought his girls home. It was harmless fun, and allowed him to get an idea what wooed them. Making it easier to bribe them into an evening with him.

So far to date, he had paid out over one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and over seventy-five thousand in gifts, to his sons girlfriends. Some of them, whom he still met up with, for one nighters. What could he say, he loved women. All types of women.

Watching the screen, he sat back, grabbed his pen and paper, and waited for the show to begin.

In Tristan's room, he lead Sharon to his bed, laying her down he climbed in beside her, taking her into his arms.

"Trist... are you okay? You seemed disappointed when your parents came home."

"It's a long story, sweetheart. One I don't want to bore you with."

"Tristan. If it's about your life, then it involves me. We are in our relationship together."

Caressing her beautiful long curls, he passionately kissed her. Drowning her in his strokes and feather caresses. Falling deeper into his passion, Sharon took his hand, and slid it down her thighs, inside her jeans, and as he touched, she came apart in his arms.

Watching in the other room, Dean realized something about her was different from the other girls. She was pure, innocent, untouched. She was virginal. Feeling himself respond to the known of innocence, he shut it off, and headed out. He knew the next few weeks were going to have to be planned carefully, very carefully. For it was going to take more then a few words, money, or gifts, to get this girl into his bed.

"I love you. Sharon."

"I know that Trist. I love you too. Please talk to me about your dad."

"My father likes to play a very cruel game. Every girlfriend I've had, he's bought. I have not had one girl, who was true to me, and me alone. Always they were looking for money, and he gave them what they wanted, in trade for favours. My father says he does this to prove too me, that all women have a price, and none of them are worthy of a Garner man. Though it's more then that. He's made it a sport now. It's become his addiction to see me fail at every relationship I have."

"Oh Tristan, that's so sad. No wonder you've not wanted me to meet your parents. Now I understand why. But I also need you to understand, that you will never have to worry about that with me. I love you Tristan, and no amount of money, gifts, or anything else is ever going to change that. I promise you, forever it will only be you in my life, and our future childrens lives."

Kissing away his tears, Sharon kissed him this time, forcing him to leave all his hurtful pain behind.


David was having no luck getting the information he needed about the Taylor wedding. Feeling his frustration set in, he knew he had to get out of there, before he hurt someone. Walking out the door, he seen Andrew talking with the florist delivery guy. Waiting till he went inside, David walked over and said...

"Excuse me, are you delivering the flowers for the Taylor wedding tomorrow?"

"Yes. Why is there something you wish to add?"

"There is. This is going to be such a wonderful wedding on the beach."

"You have that right. Crandon Park, Key Biscayne is one of the very romantic spots. I should know, as my sister caters all the Miami-Dade weddings. Though I'm hoping she don't disappoint with this one."

"Disappoint? Why?"

"She seems to be having trouble finding waiters. She only has two. The other three that work for her, have prior engagements."

"Ouch... you know what? I'm a part time physio therapist. If you give me her number, I'll call her and see if she'd like me to help. I could really use the extra money."

"Sure... here's her number. I have to go. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah... see ya."

Heading out. David's first stop was a payphone, to call Doreen Spenkler.
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