CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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"I want you to love me Mac.
I turned to the other side of my desk and stunned for almost half hour smiling, staring up at the ceiling. *Flushed* Being deep loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. This has always been demonstrated by the existence of their love, not in any circumstances but their love. Not just anything but something that keeps holding on very dear for one another. It's too much to be inexorable and inevitable. Geezzzz... I couldn't get enough of Stella and Andrew, not as in that... Mac/Stella is still the love of my life :D. I'm still speculating about their affection... I could not get myself to believe, or even jumping to conclusions. I decided to keep these questions in my mind 'cause I know you'll solve it. :)

David's another better plan? This guy is really obsessed with girls. He failed and failed... I really hope he won't success with someone watching over MJ and Melina. With regard to Don and Gwen, for every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
And why won't you get rid of him already? lol
cause I enjoy keeping you guessing:lol: I like impatient Melly:lol:

When Mack and Eric arrived at home, they found Don with Jessica in his car.

"Don? How long have you been waiting? Is somthing wrong?"

"No. I just got a call out. So I need to drop Jessica off early."

"Did you need my help?"

"No. It's just your average brawl. No murder comitted. Just D&D."

Eric and Mack both noticed Don seemed to be a little happier. Not wanting to ask him questions. Eric picked up Jessica and carried her into the house.

"If you decide you need my help, call me."

"I will Eric. See you."

Pulling out of the driveway, Eric looked at his wife, smirked and said...

"So much for our early morning exercises, Mack."

"You are so naughty. Let's get Jessica into the house. You never know... she may go back to sleep, leaving us able to work on our Yoga techniques." she winked.

After the reception, Sharon and Tristan decided to walk the beach.

"Hey you two, wait up."

Running to catch up, Shannon and Jake finally stopped them.

"Where are you two headed? Sara headed home, but we're not tired. So we thought we could hang together."

"Sure, if you want. We were just going to head to the Cafe, and grab a couple Mocha's."

As they walked along the strip, they noticed the fight coming from the dance club.

"Whoa... this can't be good. There's uncle Don." said Sharon.

"Oh my God... did you see that? he just twisted him like a pretzel. What the hell? Go uncle, go uncle." Laughed Shannon.

"Shannon... just how much champagne did you sneak, tonight?"

"Who? Me? None...oh okay, maybe a little. But I feel so free."

"Uhuh... we better get you sobered up. If daddy catches you like this, the only free you'll be seeing, is from your room."

Laughing insanely, Shannon could care less.

"Jake... why don't we sneak back to my patio. I have a blanket I keep out there, we can play."

"Shannon... stop this now." said Sharon.

"Maybe we should take her home Sharon. Then we can grab our coffee."

"Are you sure, Tristan?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Your sister is more important."

Walking back towards home, Tristan and Jake, held Shannon up. Nearing their door, they could see their mother and father were still up.

"Shoot... damn you Shannon. Mom and dad are still awake. I can't take you in like this. Why did you have to drink?"

"I o..n..l..y..hhad a ccouple," she slurred out.

"How many did she have Jake?"

"I'm honestly not sure. We sat beside this other couple, I guess Shannon could have switched their glasses, or maybe they gave it to her. I don't know. I was watching the dancing, and talking with Tristan most of the night."

"Great... okay, keep her quiet Jake. Trist and I are going to run and get some strong coffee for her. Just don't let my mom and dad hear you two."

Once they left, the champagne really hit Shannon as she attacked Jake.

"Mm... kiss me Jake. It's so hot, I need you to kiss me."

"Stop Shannon. Just close your eyes and rest."

"I don't want to rest. Sitting herself on his lap, she wrapped her arms around him."

"Come on Shannon, do you want your parents to catch you?"

"Then give me a kiss, and I'll be quiet."

Softly touching her lips, Sharon came back with Tristan.

"Oh no you don't. Here, drink this."

Turning Shannon around, she took a swallow, then... "blaaah." As she vomited over the patio.

"What was that, Eric?"

"I'm not sure, Mack." Opening the back door, he seen the kids.

"Sharon... who's being sick?"

"No one dad. We're just having coffee, before we come in. They didn't put enough sugar in mine, so I blahed."

"Yyeah ddaddy, she just blaaahhhh," she slurred out.

"Are you drunk, Shannon?"

"Whoooo meeee? Nooo way ddaddy. Maaaaybe you are," she laughed.

"Eric... she's loaded. Let's get her inside."

Picking his daughter up, he carried her into the house. As the others tried to walk away...

"Don't move. All of you, inside now."

Turning back around, they walked into the house.
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It was clarified in Posts #934 & #937.

Can you clarify what happened with the bad stuff? The spiked stuff?


Meanwhile at the beach side, reception area.
David was dressed in an waiters outfit. He had landed the job with the florists sister. Looking out over the tables, he found the one marked bride and groom. Seeing the mini bottle of sparkling flavoured water for Melina. He took out his syringe and injected the full bottle of Morphine into it.

Making sure no one was watching, he tossed the syringe in the bottom of the bin, knowing no one would find it there. Then heading back to the kitchen, he grinned, as he whispered...

"Soon Melina. soon it will be all over, for that demon seed within you."

Post#937 - The water with the drug was thrown out.

Back on the beach
, Doreen was looking all over for her new waiter.

"Sonya, have you seen my new waiter?"

"No... not since this morning. Did you want me to look for him?"

"No. There is no time. Who put the brides spritzer water on the table already?"

"I'm not sure. Did you want it in the fridge?"

"No. Throw it out please. The bride is to be served with the groom, only when they arrive."
Yes maam. I'll do that right now."

"Thanks, Sonya. I'm sorry I barked at you."
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Adam and Maddy had finally gotten home. Finding Gray sound asleep on the couch, with his brother wrapped protectively in his arms. They didn't want to wake them.

"Just cover them with the blanket, Adam."

"What's the matter Maddy? You look lost."

"Hm... no. Just look at the two of them. Gray has all this dark hair, and lil Adam's is so blonde, almost white. But they both have the same shaped, mouth, and nose."

"Hey... you're right. They both lightly snore, too."

"Adam." Taking her husband by the hand, they headed to bed.

Back at the Delko's, Eric and Mack had all the kids on the couch. Including Sara, who they woke.

"Come on daddy. Why do I have to be here. I wasn't even with them."

"I know that Peanut. But this type of talk pertains to all three of you."

Poor Tristan. He was past the parental talk stage. But still he sat there, and waited. It had been ages, since he heard a good speech, and he was damn positive, that Eric would deliver a powerful one.

"First... I want to know who gave you the champagne, Shannon?"

"Huuuuh?" she shrugged, falling in and out of consciousness.

Eric, there is no way she is going to understand your talk tonight. Let's just get her to bed, we can deal with it in the morning."

"Fine." Picking her up in his arms, Shannon snuggled in closer and whispered... "Mm... you're so strong Jake, I love you."

Eric sighed deep as he carried her up the stairs.

"I'm going back to bed. Come on Jake I'll walk you out."

Once they were out of the room, Tristan and Sharon clicked off the light, grabbed a clean blanket, and headed out to the patio.


MJ and Melina were sitting together on the couch, listening to the crash of the waves against the shore, coming through their patio door.

"Are you happy, sweetheart?"

"I'm more then happy, MJ. But I feel there is something missing from our home."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"A couple pups. One chocolate, and one butterscotch, or cream colored."

"Hm...? We grew up with gorgeous shepherds. King and Kong our grandfather called them. Then they kept two from Kong's litter, who they named King and Kong Jr. Very smart dogs. They found a bomb in Sara's teddy, when my aunt first came home with the girls."

"I've always loved labs. They're a wonderful family companion."

"Aaah... so you are afraid they will eat our young. These young shepherd canibals," he laughed.

Slapping his arm, he quit laughing.

"I'm sorry honey. We can get labs if you like. I was just teasing you."

"I know you were. That's why I gave you a playful slap."
MJ gave her an odd look.

"Baby... if that was playful, I'd hate to see serious," he winked.

Pulling his wife, carefully onto his lap, he held her close.

"Whoa... you feel that? That kick?"

"I did, MJ. It looks like our child is finally saying hello."

"Here, lay back. I remember when my mom was pregnant with, Caroline. My father would blow a raspberry onto her tummy, and the baby would ripple. He use to tell me, that caroline was laughing."

Laying her back against the couch, MJ lifted her shirt, and blew on her tummy, causing Melina to laugh. Then they felt it. The ripple that could be seen like a swirling wave.

"Wow... oh my gosh, look at him or her go. Do it again." laughed Melina.

"Hey honey. You have an awful lot of movement in their. Are you sure we are having only one?"

"Just do it again, pleeeeease," she begged.

Blowing on her tummy, the ripples rolled through her, like crazy.

"Oh... this is amazing. I love it. He or she is laughing."

"I really think we should scedule another ultrasound, before we start the nursery, Melina."

"Oh would you stop. You sound like Mack."

"Why? What did my sister say to you?"

"She said that all the Taylor men and women, didn't know how to make just one baby. That it was done in two's, threes, and fours."

"She's right. You're a doctor, you should know it goes by the genes."

Looking at her husbands, strong, powerful legs, and tight booty, she said...

"Oh yeah... and the jeans look great."

"Hm... I think someone is looking to be loved by a Taylor man, right now."

"Oh yeah, baby. Take me to bed my husband."

Picking her up in his arms, he ran with her up the stairs, and into their room. Slamming the door shut with his foot, he showed Melina, just how a Taylor man, loves his lady Taylor, right.
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That's one closely acquainted and warm atmosphere between MJ and Melina in addition to their conversation, had a cozy and relaxed ambience and aura, unveiling their mutual interests or affections through accidents and passing of time. I enjoyed it as much 'cause I felt it while picturing as all the mental images came flooding by... I loved it when you help us to recall back and reminisce about what happened in the past of your stories. Some of us might have already forgotten, or it's at the back of our mind. Sometimes, it might be sensible/funny that we were laughing out loud. Or you even wrote something really... really... interesting and enthralling in former times which you brought up recently, unable to control our patience.

Grounded! Eric and Mackenzie loved his girls so much. I whoa-ed at Shannon :lol:. The girls were all growned up given entitlement or the right to act and do something. I think it would be all right if there's Jake or Tristan and Sharon there still conscious to take care of her even if she was drunk. I'm glad that they looked out 'cause accidents might happen if all of them was drunk. :) I love to read speeches from them 'cause they showed that there are things held to be right or wrong and desirable or undesirable, it was encouraging and worthwhile to read. :thumbsup:
Laying quiet in each others arms, after their passionate storm. Stella closed her eyes, fell into sleep and dreamed...

Running into the Hospital, she seen Andrew at the front desk.

"Stella... what is it? Why are you crying? Is it Mac or Melina?"

Shaking her head no, too upset to answer. He took her by the hand to his office. Closing the door, he softly, tenderly touched her face.

"Please Stella... talk to me."

" Andrew... I need to know what we've been feeling. I can't get you out of my thoughts." she cried.

"Do you realize what you are asking, Stella? Are you truly ready, for what we may both feel?"

Not saying another word, Stella moved in and tenderly traced the outside of Andrews lips. Opening to accept, they felt the passion errupt.

Watching his wife, Mac could tell she was having an erotic dream. Deciding to take advantage of her need, he tenderly caressed her hair, and as the passion from both Andrew's kiss, and Mac's caress errupted, Stella softly cried out...Annnnnnn.."

Opening her eyes, she seen Mac leaning over her. With tears forming in her eyes, she turned away from Mac and slipped from the bed.


Sharon was sitting between Tristan legs, watching the sun rise over the water.

"Trist... this isn't like you to stay all night. I mean... I love it that you did, but most times you go home."

"I know. Can I be honest with you? I stayed all night, cause I'm wanting to hear your fathers speech. I was so looking forward to it last night. Then your mom said to wait, I was kinda disappointed."

Sharon laughed... why would you want to hear daddy speak?"

"During my first year of College. I remember listening to your dad speaking at one of our seminars. It was a very powerful speech, on The truth behind the CSI. God it was so amazing, he has this powerful stance, and expression, that forces us too listen, and not turn away, in fear of missing some vital piece of the speech."

"Whoa... alright then. I'll never look at my dads speeches quite the same way again, she laughed. My sisters and I, find him long winded and boring."

Leaning back against him, he wrapped his arms back around her, and kissed her ear. Turning herself to face him, they softly kissed.


When the morning light shone through the window, Shannon woke with a splitting headache. Trying to sit up, she felt not only the yucky taste in her mouth, but nausea too. Swinging her legs over the bed, she tried to get up, but failed.

"I swear to God. I will never sneak a drink again."

"Good girl. I'm sure your father will be very happy to hear that. Now take these, and get cleaned up."

"I'm really sorry mom. I didn't mean to drink so much. I just wanted to try a sip. But after a couple the taste was so sweet, and mild, I had more. I guess before I realized it, I was drunk."

"Drunk wasn't the word Shannon. You called your father, Jake."

"Ooo... please say you are kidding."

"Nope... it's true. Just ask your sisters. You said... "Mm... you're so strong Jake, I love you."

"Shannon flopped back on the bed."

"Oh no you don't. Up and shower now. Let's go."

"Fine... I suppose I'm grounded?"

"What do you think, Shannon? Your father was very disappointed last night."

Watching her mom leave the room. Shannon got out of bed, and headed to the shower.
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