CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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How long have we known each other...we went to school together."

Using friendship as an excuse? or Blackmail? If Eric is not there, he might get Leverson to have him not guilty at all. Aw, tricky icky Leverson. I wonder if he's trying to violate the department rules. I mean he's willing to help a criminal. Was it because of money again or Fredrick helped him during their school days? Hmm, very suspicious! With Eric and the team, they definitely is going down. Ohhh.. The fourth shot for the day.. :adore: Danny and Natalia's new individual is coming.. Wonder what he/she would be like.. Natalia or Danny? :)
Wow, I missed a few updates her, I loved the moments between mac and stella, and leanne and MJ. They were beautifully written ;) Lindsay was funny at Nat's food mixture but i loved the two naughgty kids at the end :devil:
Finally arriving at home Eric's first stop was to the kitchen. God he was starving. Grabbing some lunchmeat, salad, and milk he sat down to eat.

"Eric....hey hon...don't eat that. I'll heat you up some lasagna."

"That's okay Mackenzie....it's late. Go back to bed."

"I can't....not without you there. I miss you so much at night. It gets lonely in that big huge bed."

Grabbing the lasange from the fridge she placed it in the microwave. Then she felt the warm soft stroke of her husbands fingers dance along the nape of her neck, shoulder, and back.

Sighing deep..trying to catch her breath. She felt the whisper of his lips....I've missed you too Mac...more then I can ever express."

Hearing the beep of the microwave Mackenzie tried to focus, as she felt his warm touch caress her loving soul leaving her drowning in a sea of colors.

"Mmm Eriiiiiic..."

Hearing her cries, Eric swept her up in his arms and carried her to their room. Placing her in their bed he watched the bright moon glisten across her delicate skin.

"Maaaaaaac....I know it's been so long since I've loved you with patients and care. I promise tonight you will feel each and every soft caress of my lips, and fingertips...you will feel each stroke...each nerve dance in rhythm with mine. Most of all Mac...you will feel our love."

Looking softly into her eyes he could see the passion as they turned a deep green. Then as their lips closed in...as they began the dance of love...Mackenzie did feel every touch, every caress that was her husband. But most of all...she felt the bond...the love in their souls join in their homecoming that had long been forgotten.


Adam was dancing around the lab. He knew this was his time. Especially with most of those he works with gone for the night. Leaving him with the graveyard shift.

"Hey...Mr.Gene Kelly....stop those dance moves."

Looking up he seen Don.

"Oh...umm..hey Don. What are you doing here? I...hmm..okay...what is it?

"I need you to log into this victims cell phone for me. I need to know who she's contacted the last two days."

"Sure...yeah...I'll get right on it."

"Thanks I'll be back in a bit."

Leaving the lab Adam got down to work.

Back at the Taylor home Maddy was having trouble sleeping. Tunring the TV down low she watched what ever was available. Tearing up she quietly cried. Waking from sleep Stella could softly hear her daughter. Walking into her room she sat down on her bed and wrapped her in her arms.

"What is it Maddy?"

"I don't know mom. I guess I was thinking back on my life with Mathew."

"Good memories sweetheart?"

"That's just it mom. I have no memories to share....no family moments..or trips. Mathew and I built no memories for our children. The only memories I have are before we went over seas. Even then they weren't all great. For Mathew was always busy preparing himself with courses, training, building strengths were his weakness showed. God mom...I rarely seen him...either did the kids. Why do you think Gregory is so shy. We never really branched out. Mathew was funny that way. He always seemed to prefer us at home. It was like being trapped..or he was ashamed of us. Do you know I only knew two other wives on the base. Even Grayson hated it there. He had no real friends...no one to play with or run the streets with."

"Why didn't you ever tell us this sweetheart...in your phone calls you always seemed so happy."

"I didn't want our conversation based on my problems mom. Though I can understand Mathew's views..he always said it was for our own happiness. That making friends wasn't wise here..cause he was always on the move. I never understood why we couldn't have stayed while he went. I just don't understand why we had to be with him all the time."

"Hmm..I wish I had an answer for you sweetheart...but I have no idea what was going through Mathew's head. So it wouldn't be right for me to guess. Maybe he didn't like being alone. Maybe the fear of leaving you here would weaken your love for him. There's a million reasons I'm sure. But none we will ever have the answer too."

"I know mom. It just hurts. I know I love him as much as he loved me. I just I wish I had some answers."

Wrapping her daughter into her arms..she kissed her head.

"I know Maddy. All you can do is take what memories you have and keep them close to your heart."

"Thanks mom...for always being here."
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Lin.. daaaa... you'll.. haveee.. meeee.. all.. weeeaak... *swallowing tons of lumps* This is the FIFTH SHOT for today. And I'm.. I'm.. *faints*. Too hot.. Need add more ice. It just doesn't help. *Blush* Eric is not hungry anymore I guess, and they forgot the food.. Never mind, He'll be full by no time. ;) It's been a long time since they had time for themselves. Eric is always busy at Miami-Dade. But it has benefits! He saves the country and the world. And I'm really proud of him. No matter how busy he is, he comes home everyday to his wife and kids. He's a great leader, great father and a great husband. I love it when you add different scenes inside. Sometimes, back at the lab, back at home and more.. It's really a great one :thumbsup:! It shows us other scenes condition and atmosphere, not just concentrated in one scene/place. Further our imagination. Oh, I forgot this.. I was suppose to say, First of all, I'm also really proud of Madison/Maddy. She's strong, like Stella. She doesn't break down in front of the kids. And she's not that into a grieve. As in, she doesn't cry whole night whole day not caring about the kids. She knows that a dead person couldn't be rised or revived anymore. She also knows that yesterday is yesterday, past. Tomorrow is a new day with new hope. She's strong! :thumbsup:And the family will help her to go through this too. Be strong for her. Be her rock whenever she needs one.
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Aww Adams cute, if he's alone he needs someone to talk to ;) hehe I wonder if Maddy will talk to Mac about the Marine stuff...Cant wait :D
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:lol: at Danny wanting to take the ingredients upstairs and show Nat a new way to use them. haha.

Aww, Adam's so cute. :D
Maddy still couldn't sleep. Getting dressed she decided to take a walk along the beach. As she stood on the patio she seen Adam jogging.

"Hey Adam..."

Stopping he said...."Oh...hey Stel...you're up early?"

Hearing the laughter he knew he had Maddy.

"Oh God....ummm..err..sorry Maddy. I thought you were Stella...hmm.."

"I'll take that as a compliment. So do you run the beach every morning?"

"Sometimes after my shift. It helps relieve the stress...umm...how bout you? What do you like.."

"I'm not really sure. Most of my time was spent on a Military base. My husband was a Marine."

"I know...umm..Mac told me. I'm really sorry Maddy. I know how hard it is to lose someone you love."

"If I go change...may I jog with you?"


Once Maddy had changed she kept pace with Adam as they ran side by side along the beach.

Meanwhile MJ woke and heard the shower running. Heading into the kitchen he started the coffee. Carrying two cups he found Leanne combing her hair.

"Leanne...do you have to work today?"

"I do MJ. Oh...coffee. Thanks. Mmm..that's wonderful."

Bending down MJ softly kissed her lips.

"Good morning."

"Morning back and Happy Birthday."

Smiling Leanne pulled out a small gift box.

"This is for you."

Opening it he seen the signature braclet with his name on the front..."Michael."

"Read the back."

Turning it over he seen it read...."Love your Lea forever."

"This is gorgeous. Thanks so much. I love it Lea..."

Clipping it onto his wrist he caressed her cheek.

"Thank you again. It's very sweet...and I love you too..so much."

Kissing her softly again, he walked her to the door.

"I'll pick you up after work for dinner MJ. Be ready."

"I will. Oh Leanne...I'm going to get some of your clothes out of storage for you today."

"Thanks MJ...see you tonight. Love you."

"Love you too."

Watching her pull out he felt his papas hand on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday MJ."

"Thanks papa."

"Whoa...nice...let's see son."

Looking at the braclet Mac noticed the back."

"That's beautiful son. It seems like only yesterday the two of you met."

"I know papa. Who ever would have thought it."

Placing his hand on his shoulder...they walked back into the house.
Aww I loved both parts of the ep I cant believe im turning into a smushy/cute lover :lol: What happened to me loving the angst and hardship...Great update Linda, Cant wait for the update :)
After jogging half way Maddy could feel her legs start to give.


"Sheesh....I think so Adam....sorry I'm...so..out of ...shape."

"Ummm...hmmm...That's okay. You should have asked me to slow down."

"I didn't want to break your pace. You said you jog everyday."

Sitting beside her on a rock they looked out to sea.

"So Adam...tell me bout you."

"Me...well...hmmm...I don't know..."

Just as Maddy was about to laugh Adam's pager went off.

"Opps....that's me...hold on. Hello."

"Adam it's Eric we need you back at the lab."

"What...now...umm..okay...I'll be right there."

"Do you have to go?"

"Umm..yeah...I'll walk you back."

Walking back towards the house Mac seen Adam with his daughter. Smirking he called...

"Stel....come quick love. Look."

Looking out the window Stella seen her daughter with Adam.

"Oh my...wow...they look kinda cute together...don't they?"

"See love. I knew you would fall for them eventually. I'm not saying they're going to fall in love. But Maddy deserves to have some friends. Plus you never know...they could fall in love."

"Okay Mac...enough...I have to run out and pick up the party favours. Just don't forget to pick up the cake at two."

"I won't love. Drive careful."

Kissing his wife on the lips she left.

"Bye Maddy. Hello Adam."

"Oh...hey Stel. I gotts run..see ya. Umm..bye Maddy."

"Bye Adam. Where you going mom?"

"I'm off to pick up some things for the family birthday dinner tonight."

"Could I come with you mom."

"Of course. You know Maddy...you don't have to do everything at once. Slow down and pace yourself."

"I know mom. I just need to keep busy."

Stella knew the burial was this afternoon. She also knew right after that they were having MJ's party. Leaving them all stressed.

"Sure...come on love."

"Thanks mom. Just give me a minute to change."


Natalia woke to nausea. Running to the bathroom she threw up.

"Oh...I knew I shouldn't have eaten all that PBHW last night."

"What's the matter Nat? You still having morning sickness?"

"What do you think Danny...God.... I swear sometimes you make men stupid just to piss us women off."

"Hah....so you see...even you think God is man."

Getting up from the toilet she slammed the door.

"Screw you Danny...go to work."

Laughing as he headed downstairs he ran into his daughter getting ready for school.

"Hey Linds."

"Hi daddy. How's mom?"

"She's sick again. You may need to check on her before you leave."

"Sure daddy. Hey dad...aren't you forgetting something?"

Looking up he seen his daughter with his badge and gun.

"Damn...your dad is getting old Linds. Time to take me to the meadows and shoot me."

"That's tempting daddy. If I didn't need you to buy me a car next year...I would."

Kissing him on the cheek she ran up to check on her mom.

"Little Miss smarty pants. Thinks money grows on trees."

Sighing deep...not wanting to think of his daughter driving...he left for work.
At the grave site Maddy stood with her boys. To the left of her was her dad, and the right her mom. Watching as they lowered him into the ground the boys quietly sobbed. While Maddy stared straight ahead focusing on the stone.

With Mathew now in the ground Maddy and the boys placed two white roses and one red in the little vase. Then turning they followed their dad back to the car.

"You okay Maddybee?"

"I'll be fine dad. I feel more at ease now I know he's been laid to rest. I didn't like him sitting at the Funeral Home waiting for burial."

"I know Maddybee. Boys...how are you doing?"

"We're okay papa. We'll be fine...won't we Greg?"

Putting his thumb in his mouth he nodded his head. When they returned to the house they got things ready for MJ's party.

"Mac...where did MJ go?"

"He went to the storage locker to pick up a few things for Leanne."

"What time was that at?"

"Umm...hmm..a couple hours ago. I never realized the time."

"He should be back by now. Maybe we should go look for him."

"I'm sure he's fine Stel. We need to start letting go. He's a man now. Maybe he ran into some friends."


At the storage locker MJ was bent over the box when he heard someone shut the door and click the lock.

"Hey.....hey open the door...hey..."

Trying his cell he couldn't get a signal.

"Damn it....who the hell would lock me in?"

At the Hospital Leanne had finished with her last patient for the day. Heading out the door she ran into George.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize and buy you dinner. I was wrong to take your place. Let me make it up to you."

"Get lost George...you've done enough."

Walking away he grabbed her arm.

"Ouch....let go of me right now."

"Listen to me carefully...you need to forget about playing with boys and come home to a real man."

Crushing his lips to hers, she brought up her kneee and kicked him in the groin.

"Auuuuuuuuuuugh....damn you...go to hell...you're not worth the trouble."

Driving off in his car Leanne got in hers and headed back over to the Taylor's.

When she arrived she noticed the concern on everyones face.

"Is something wrong?"

"MJ hasn't come home yet. Mac and Michael are out looking for him."

"Did they check the storage locker?"

"They had an Officer drive by but he said it was all locked up."

"Are you sure he checked."

"I don't know. Mac didn't say."

"Try not to worry Stella. I'm going back there to check myself. I'll call you when I get there."

"Okay Leanne...be careful."

Getting back into her car she drove over to Vintage Storage.
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