CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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When Leanne arrived at the storage locker she could hear MJ calling for help.

"MJ....hold on...I'm going to get the manager."

Coming back with the manager they unlocked the storage locker.

"Thank God...someone locked me in."

"Someone locked you in? Who would do that sir?"

"I don't know. I was bending over the boxes...next thing I heard was a click. Then I couldn't get a signal."

"Shit....I think I know who may have locked you in."

"Who Leanne?"

"George...he was at the Hospital...tried to get me to have dinner with him. So I kicked him in the groin and he took off.

"What is he insane??"

"No...he's harmless....he likes being a smart ass."

"Well that's a pretty stupid thing to do. Let's get your stuff and go home."

When they got back to the house everyone asked what had happened.

"Where were you MJ?"

"I had to make a few stops on my way back. Then I ran into Leanne. I'm fine don't worry."

"I'm going to get changed...then I'll be back."

"Mac...can I talk to you for a minute."

"Sure hon...what is it?"

"I think George may be taking our break-up a little harder then I thought. He was at the Hospital and tried to get me to have dinner with him. I think he may have locked MJ in the storage locker."

"He's been in a storage locker all this time?"

"Yeah...but I can't prove it was George. Though he's the only one stupid enough to try something like that."

"Hmm..okay...I'm going to have Eric put an Officer on you for a while. Just to make sure you are okay at work."

"Thanks Mac...what about MJ?"

"He'll be fine. It's not that often he heads out. Though if things don't calm down by January I'll have to have him watched too."

"I don't think he'd try anything Mac. I really don't."

"I know. But to be safe I'm going to have you followed."

Wrapping his arm around her he walked her back into the kitchen.

"Hey...hey...the gangs all here. Where's the birthday boy?"

Coming through the door Mac laughed at Michael and the troops as they all piled into the kitchen.

"Hey dad....hi Anya...sis...bro.."

"There he is...my little boy all grown up. Here....your mom and I bought you something."

Tossing him the keys he stared at them.

"You're kidding right? Please tell me this isn't a joke."

Heading towards the front door he opened it and found a black convertable sitting in the driveway.

"Whoa....are you serious dad? You guys bought me a car?"

"We did. It's not new. But it's not old either. Runs like dream."

Aww...this is awesome...thanks... thanks to you both. But why now?"

"Well...you're off to College in January son...you'll need transportation."

Hugging his dad he looked towards Anya. Then walking over he embraced her lightly.

"Thanks Anya...I love it."

"You're welcome MJ. We are very proud of you."

Everyone smiled. It was nice to see MJ at least try and heal their wounds.
Post #68
Umm.. This.. errr.. is... umm.. Amazing.. I wonder if there is a development there. It was hilarious when Adam thought Maddy is Stella. :adore:
side by side
Aw.. next time they would be standing side by side in front of a Priest. Sorry.. Couldn't help it. They look too cute together! :lol: Well.. Well.. I wonder when will Mac the Matchmaker make his move. I think he already has a plan if he were to make a move. Still the same, the top priority for now, Maddy and her child, needs to leave the past behind, and move on with their lives. Even though Matthew is dead, he's still in all of their thoughts and heart. Blessing them in their lives and keep them healthy and safe. MJ and Leanne.. :adore: They made another memories that will stay forever in their mind. Leanne.. the first one to wish MJ a happy birthday on his teen -> adult stage. And the bracelet is very special, with both their names on it! How adorable was that.. Ah.. MJ is starting his college days right? Hmm, interesting! :)

To be Continued.. ;)
Post #71
Thinks money grows on trees

No.. The money will eventually drop from the sky. That's cool! We don't have sweet sixteen. Only get to drive on 17. Aw, poor Danny is getting old. Both Danny and Nat always cracked me up. Hmm, *imagines Lindsay driving*. STOP! Not trying anymore. :lol:

I could hear Mac's mind is working on his matchmaker plan. Hmm, even without that, I think they will eventually fall in love with each other. I mean if only.. Still don't know though. They're celebrating MJ's birthday together? I wonder what's MJ's wish for his birthday. That's going to be great! I wanted to continue.. :adore:
Back at the lab Eric and the boys were trying desperately to get over to MJ's birthday dinner.

"Alright Adam...give me some news on what you found."

"Okay...umm... it seems Leverson and Fredrick's not only went to school together...but they also grew up together..from birth. It seems they are related...upon digging deeper I found out that Fredrick's father was married to Leverson's mother...later they divorced and he remarried again having a second child. After the father died...the mother no longer wanted Leverson for he wasn't her child. Sending him off to a shelter...they lost contact for ten years. Hence...meeting again at the same school."

"But how did he know this was his half brother if he was sent away as a baby?"

"Fredrick's kept track of his brother since the age of eight. It seems the mother for whatever reason felt the need for Fredrick's to keep in touch with his brother."

"Hmmm...has anyone heard from Leverson today?"

"No...not since last night when he took Fredrick's and Roseland into custody."

"Eric....let's go...they've found Levenson."


"He's dead Eric...they just pulled his car from the everglades."

"What about Fredrick's and Roseland?"

"Both gone...I've already put out an all points. But they have one hell of a head start."

Grabbing their kits they headed out to the everglades.

Back at the house everyone wondered where the hell the boys were.

"Mackenzie...give Eric a call...see what's taking them so long."

"Sure mom."


"Hey hon...where are you guys. We're all waiting on you."

"I'm sorry Mac...we're going to be late. I'll call you later."

Hanging up the phone on her...Mackenzie stared into it.

"Well love?"

"I don't know...he was in a hurry. All I got was...."we're going to be late..

"Hmm...maybe thay got a case. Well let's get started...we'll put the boys away some plates."

When they arrived at the everglades. The first thing they noticed was Leverson wasn't Leverson. It was Roseland cuffed to the wheel.

"Christ....I can't believe this."

"What are you thinking Eric?"

"I'm thinking we have two dangerous criminals lose on the streets of Miami..and we best find them soon before the first victim is found."

"You actually think they'd go on a killing spree?"

"At this point anything is possible. They have alot of buisiness owners who owe them money. You can bet that if they are looking for a quick way out of town..they're going to find it."

"I still don't get it Eric...why kill Roseland...he was Fredrick's partner."

"Was he? Or was Fredrick's just using him as a cover? Either way we need to find them now."

Heading back to the crime lab Eric knew he wasn't going to make it to his nephews party.
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In the back of the glades Leverson and Fredrick's were discussing their plans.

"Listen up...we are going to leave Miami for about six months. I have a wallet full of cash and two accounts under different names. Once we are in hiding Hudson and Bates will help us with new faces. Once we have our lives situated we will head back to Miami and plan our revenge on the Delko family."

While they waited for nightfall they snacked on some fruit bars. Then as the sun decended they heard the boat pull up. Climbing aboard they took off out of Miami.

Back at the lab Eric looked at the time. He knew they had all missed MJ's party.

"Eric....there isn't much else we can do here. I say we head over to Mac's. I'm sure Stel saved us some food."

"I take it your hungry Danny?"

"Damn right. We haven't eaten anything since this morning. Plus I'd like to check on Nat. She was sick when I left this morning."

"Alright...grab Adam, Don, and Sheldon. We'll head over."

Walking into the breakroom he found them all with their coats and gifts in their hands.

"How....hmm...you guys are smart..let's go."

"Sorry Danno...we just knew you would be the one to ask Eric if we could leave."

Laughing they headed over.

When they arrived they found the celebration still going.

"Daddy...you made it. Moooom....daddy's here."

"Hi honey...bout time. We were begining to wonder. Hi Adam, Don, Danny. Nat's in the kitchen with mom. Jess is in the den with Maddy and us. Can I have a kiss dad?"

"Of course Peanut."

Smacking one on his daughters lips they headed into the den while Danny headed to the kitchen.

"Hi babe...how you feelin?"

"Mmm..good..." she said with a mouth full of food.

"Oh...share with me Nat...I'm starving here."

Pulling out a chair Danny changed his mind, raised his wife onto his lap and held her against him.

"Here you go Danny. Where's the rest of the troops?"

"In the den...guys...dinner."

Seeing all the guys pile into the kitchen Stella laughed.

"Is it Christmas already?"

"Oh...that's good Stel. Mmm..this is awesome...can I have more."

"Sure Danny...careful there...that stuff is rich."

"I know...but I can't help it..I'm so hungry."

As everyone watched Danny start on a third plate they tried not to gag.

"Umm...hmmm..by chance Messer....are you ...err...having your wife's cravings?"

"What would make you think somethin like that Adam?"

"Well...my dad went through it...umm...he said that he gained twenty pounds during her pregnancy."

"Nah...that's crazy man. I'm just hungry."

Gathering away from Danny. The boys began taking bets who would gain the most weight during Nat's pregnancy.
With the family now gathered in the den Lindsay asked...

"Dad...would it be alright if Grayson and I took a walk on the beach?"

"Umm..no. Not tonight. We have to be going soon."

"Please daddy. We won't go far."

"The back patio...no further."

"Thanks Daddy. Come on Grayson."

Everyon laughed...

"You're a softy Danny."

"Hey...that's enough out of you Eric. So tell me Shannon how's your boyfriend doing?"

"Err....umm...you know what. I have to go to the washroom."

Shannon was smart. She new damn well not to talk about her boyfriend with her dad in the room. As did Sharon following her sister out of the room.

"Boy Danny...you sure now how to clear a room."

"Listen Stel...I still have one left. Sara...how's your boyfriend?"

"Dream on Uncle Danny. My only love is my daddy. Right daddy?"

"That's right my Peanut."

Sitting on her daddy's lap she snuggled him.

"Great...now who the hell am I supposed to pick on? Oh..Adam. How's your love life?"

"Umm..hmm..I think it's time to go. Thanks for dinner everyone. MJ a very happy birthday to you."

"Thanks Adam."

"Oh come on Adam...Danny was only teasing."

"I know...umm..I have to get home though. Eric...I'll see you tomorrow?"

"If not sooner. Take care Adam."

"Yeah...you too."

Getting up Maddy followed him to the door.

"Adam....do you really have to go? I think Danny was just teasing."

"Yeah...err..he always does. I'm use to it...umm..but it was nice to see you again."

"Listen Adam....are you going jogging in the morning?"

"Umm...hmm..yeah. Why?"

"Would it be okay to come with you?"

"Wow...umm..sure. I'll meet you on your patio in the morning...ummm....night."

"Night Adam."

Watching him walk away she felt her dad lay his hand on her shoulder.

"You okay Maddybee?"

"Yeah daddy. I'm fine. He's so sweet...yet so shy."

"You're falling for him...aren't you love?"

Leaning her head against his shoulder she whispered....

"Yeah daddy....I think I am."

As if Adam heard their chat...he turned around and waved.
Post #74
Losing someone that's been very close to you is very difficult to accept. Somemore, you're with him day and night. One day, you received a news saying that he's gone. You don't even know what you're thinking already. The next thing you knew, you feel like your world is ending. But Maddy and her kids were strong. They accept it with an open heart. Though I know inside, there's an open wound that needs to be knit permanently. About last chapter, Mac mentioned about Maddy having some friends in Miami, as in Adam. It's good. Someday, when they get to knew each other closer, they can share their problems. I mean Maddy needs to confess what she feels inside to someone. Maybe she would feel more comfortable to share it with someone not in the Taylors and Delkos. Okay, I just got this as a true statement, "George is not a man". If I'm not wrong, it was him who started the topic on "breaking up" with Leanne. Now, he's trying to have her back? And he even stole a kiss from her. That's really wicked. Where's his girlfriend from somewhere he met, anyway? I'm worried about MJ. Would he try to harm MJ because Leanne rejected him? Release all his anger in MJ? MJ still couldn't run.. Hopefully he can defend himself if George makes any move. Most of all, he'll come out safely.

Post #76
I'm glad that he's in a perfect condition. IF anything happens to him, I don't think anyone would let George get away. I'm afraid he'll make his next move though. Hmm, I can see that MJ doesn't want his family to worry about him and that's what makes him not telling the family about him being locked up. He's trying not to spoil the families moods on his birthday. He's a great person. I'm happy that Leanne told Mac about it, 'cause you may not know when a person's mind is not normal anymore. Human get obsessed sometimes, you can't read their minds. That's awesome! MJ's birthday present from his parents is a car! He'll get to drive to school and use his own car, brings Leanne go somewhere special. :adore: Day by day.. it's coming back. Although they're taking it slow, I can see that it's healing. First, they never talk at all. And they talk after a few months. And now, they hug! I wonder what the next one would be? Calling Anya, "Mom?" Hmm? :adore:

Post #80
Waaaaa.. They are half blood brothers? Hmm.. Leverson is a person who can sacrifices himself for a family relationship. Though, he's doing it in a illegal way. I wonder if they are loan sharks 'cause a lot of business guy owe them money? Sometimes, I have this questions in my head.. Their jobs made me confuse. I mean.. I know, they have catch the criminals as soon as possible, cause they are loosing themselves on the streets. And there might be lots of people's life in danger. And I always thought that we have to go home to our family no matter what 'cause you can only celebrate with them for once a year. Maybe next year, you don't get the chance anymore. Everything changes in a second. But now, I'm confused already. :lol: Maybe.. this case consists of people's life? So it needs more concentration on it. EXACTLY! Hopefully, at least, they will have time go home to eat MJ's birthday cake.

Post #82
Aw, they've gone far away! Will Eric and the team trace where they are going? OR this case will be continued when they changed their identity and come back revenge on the Delkos? Once again, they're in a danger situation soon. The road they're heading is full of bumps. As in, they need to face lots of task that's going to bring the family more closer. Danny made me hungry too. I'm glad that they are home in time to celebrate with MJ. I wonder who will win too..

Post #85
*Blush*.. I'm falling for Adam and Maddy's relationship. It's great to see that Maddy is finally moving on. With Adam helping her.. That's going to be great! I wonder if Adam feels the same too? Ehemm Ehemm.. Grayson and Lindsay.. Lindsay the Kissy Lover, will Danny and Nat find them kissing somewhere at the patio again? Danny.. Danny.. Always love to tease. Like Stella said, he knows how to clear a room. That cracked me up when Sara knows how to defend herself and made Danny nothing to say at all. Looking forward to Maddy's and Adam's jogging in the morning..
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After everyone left Mac, Stella, Maddy, MJ, Leanne and the kids cleaned up.

"So did you get what you wanted for your birthday MJ?"

"I did Aunt Maddy. I still can't believe dad and Anya bought me a car. Even though it's used...it's still runs beautifully."

"It is something alright. Nothing like a hot girl and hot convertable to make every other guy in Miami jealous."

MJ laughed...his papa always had something naughty to say. Oh MJ knew he did it to tease him. But secretly MJ loved every minute of it.

"Mac stop teasing your grandson and Leanne. Michelle sweetie..did you get your homework done?"

"I did mom. Is it okay if I watch a movie before bed?"

"Hmm...yeah I guess. Just not a long one."

"I know...thanks. You coming Grayson?"

"Sure cous...just give me a minute to put Lindsay's number away."

MJ had an urge to tease his cousin...

"You watch out for her Gray..she's a handful. Make sure you have lots and lots of chapstick. For Lindsay loooooooooooves to kiss."

Blushing bright red Grayson smirked and ran upstairs.

"MJ....you're as bad as your grandfather."

"Thanks nana....you know what they say. Like grandfather...like grandson."

Laughing Stella threw a plastic cup at her grandson.

When the house had fully quiet. MJ and Leanne decided to take a blanket and lay out on the patio.

"Look at the stars MJ...they are absolutely gorgeous tonight. You can see every one of them."

The only stars MJ was seeing...were the ones in Leanne's eyes. Turning her head towards him she seen the desire burning in his eyes.


Before she could get out the rest of his name he passionately kissed her. Tracing his tongue across her warm wet lips. She could feel herself shiver in the hot Miami air.

"Open for me Leanne....I need to taste you..."

Open she did as his tongue sensually touched hers..leaving all her remaining thoughts behind. With fingertip caresses...MJ danced them along her buttons, undoing them one by one. Then she felt the warmth of his hand as it touched her tenderly...forcing her to cry out in a soft sigh...

Not wanting her passionate cries to stop, he stroked his hand lower across her tummy...soaring her high above as she felt the warmth all the way into her soul.


He was watching from the beach. Watching from the rocks as MJ touched and stroked what was his. God he feel the need to wak up and kill MJ with one clean jab through the heart.

Oh yes....he knew all about MJ's stabbing. All about his case...his strokes..his therapy. Even knowing all of that he could care a less. For the only thought on his mind was removing MJ from Leanne's life forever.
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"Damn...your dad is getting old Linds. Time to take me to the meadows and shoot me."

"That's tempting daddy. If I didn't need you to buy me a car next year...I would."


:eek: George locked MJ in the storage place? What a jerk! Good for Leanne kneeing him like she did. You go girl! :lol:

George is taking their breakup hard? He's the one that called it off. The nerve of that guy!

Uh-oh, the bad guys are planning revenge.

:lol: at the bet on who'll gain more weight during the pregnancy.

Nervous Adam is :adore:

:eek: at Stalker guy.
Lindaaaaaaa.. I haven't read yet! But I accidentally saw one sentence again. "Open for me Leanne". Trying to regain my oxygen..
Like grandfather...like grandson
That's really true! *Laugh out loud*. It's like this.. moments that made me laugh and smile whenever I read them. The family, the happiness and joy in it they shared together, the way they tease each other, when they're together. They sure know how to lighten up the atmosphere after a tired day. It's really great! *Both thumbs up* Wait.. Before I proceed.. I'll refill my glass with water. :lol:

*Gulps*, *Gulps*, *Gulps*.. Swallowing lumps. Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. *Faints myself off into the land of MJ and Leanne* Are.. the.. carbon.. dioxides.. increasing..? *taking a deep breathe* I need to plant trees soon. :) Seriously, that was.. wonderful. :adore:

George.. he's really turning himself into a psycho. Leanne is not his. The day he started the "break up" topic, Leanne doesn't belong to him anymore. And Leanne has her own right to choose who she wants to be. He should have been happy for her. Robert A.Heinlein said.."Love means a condition in which the happiness of another is essential to one's own happiness". Instead, George is trying to destroy Leanne's happiness. Ahh.. what's coming in the future? I'm worried that George may success in harming MJ. MJ has suffered enough from his strokes. Hopefully Mac will figure out what he's up to soon. :)
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