CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Wrapping his wife in his arms, he distracted her with his kiss...as he thought about all the wonderful ways to bring two very special people he cared about some happiness.

"Mac Taylor...I can hear those thoughts playing around in your mind."

"Well love...if you can hear my thoughts then I'm not doing my job right in distracting you...am I." He whispered seductively.

Taking his kiss deeper...he soon forgot all about his own plans leaving behind the only thought of soaring his wife back above their clouds. Sweeping her up in his arms, he placed her on the comforter the kids had left on the floor.

Hearing her sigh and purrs he seductively stroked his tongue across her neck..her shoulder...back to her neck.

"Maaaaaaaac....soooo hooooooooooot....."

Sliding his hands down her arms he linked their fingers raising them above her head. God with every touch he could feel her body hum and come to life in his soul. Always it amazed them how their love had never cooled...always remaining heated in fiery passion.

Flipping her over, he allowed her to take the lead. Allowed her to take, to caress, to lose herself within him once again.


Eric and Danny were at Miami-Dade finishing up a case. As they left through the front doors shots rang out. Heading for cover they looked around.

"You see anything Danny?"

"Nah....you Eric?"

"No...where the hell did they come from?"

"I don't know."

"Auuuuuugh....help...he's been shot..someone help."

Hearing the screams down the street they took off. When they arrived they seen the victim covered in blood, while the witness was holding a gun.

"Put the weapon down...."


"I said....put the weapon down...now."

Dropping it from her hand Danny cuffed her.

"I...I didn't do it. I swear...I found him here."

"Then why did you have the murder weapon?"

"It was just laying their...I picked it up....I didn't think."

"Danny get her back to Miami-Dade...check her hands for gunshot residue."

"Sure Eric...let's go maam."

Arriving back at Miami-Dade Danny sat down with the girl.

"Would you like to start your story from the begining?"

"I don't know...do I need a Lawyer? I must need one..right?"

"I don't know...do you have something to hide?"

"No...no...of course not."

"Then why would you need a Lawyer?"

"Umm...I don't...I'm confused. I think I want a lawyer."

"Okay...I'll get you one. Take her to holding."

Walking back out Danny ran into Eric.

"What did you find out Danny?"

"She tested positive for gunshot residue. On her hand and her shirt. I don't know...she was acting very strange. Then she asked for a Lawyer. So I had Peterson take her to holding."

"Okay...thanks Danny. Let's go see what Sheldon has for us."
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After seeing Sid they headed to the holding cell to check on Candice French. As they neared her cell they seen the blood pool on the floor.

"Peterson....bring me the damn key now...and call 911."

Running into the cell Eric checked for a pulse.

"She's dead."

"Eric...how the hell..."

"Peterson...did you remove all the items from the suspect before locking her up?"

"Um...yeah..I know I did."

"Great....that was fast. Who the hell called IAB? Peterson say nothing till I have a chance to talk with you."

Not having to be told twice. He took off leaving Eric to deal with IAB."

"What about her stuff Eric...what do you want me to do with it?"

"Just leave everything the way it is. Call the girls tell them we are not coming home tonight."

"Lt.Delko....remove yourself from the victim. You know damn well you can't work the case. Now get out."

"Peterson...my office now. What the hell happened?"

"I don't know Eric. I guess.... I think. She was checked before I brought her down. I know she was... She was checked. What the hell did she do?"

"She slit her wrists with a small pocket knife. Where'd you put her items? Did you log them?"

"No...there was a new female guard on. I'm not sure of her name. I never seen her before. She took everything and logged it. God Eric I'm so sorry. I take full responsibility for this. I should have been more careful.

"I want you to listen to me Peterson...say nothing. Not one word till I get you a Union Rep...understand?"

"But why? It's my fault."

"Who was with you after you took her down?"

"Umm..I think it was Fredrick's...yeah...he was just going for break. So after locking the girl in the cell...I left."

"Danny...where's IAB now?"

"Leverson is up here, he's coming now."

"Listen to me Danny...take some fingerprint powder down to the cell. Get prints from every inch of that holding cell. Then head over and see who was on the collections desk tonight. Grab the security footage too. Then check with Adam...see if he got a name on our male DB. I have a feeling there is a connection here."

"What are you think'n Eric?"

"I'm thinking this is a set up, or a cover up....that girl may have seen something she shouldn't have....IAB got here to quick. I didn't call them...you didn't call them..either did Danny. Though they got here before we had a chance to call EMT's. Something isn't right...and until we figure it out, no one is to say anything."

"You're thinking dirty cops?"

"I'm not ruling anything out...now get going."

Just as Danny left..IAB walked in.
When MJ and Leanne arrived at her apartment she had trouble unlocking her door.

"Shoot...my key won't open the door."

"Let me see Leanne."

As Michael tried the door he couldn't get it to open either.

"Are you sure it's the right key sweetheart?"

"I'm positive MJ. Secondly...my light is on."

Ringing the buzzer she heard the yell.

"Stop ringing the damn bell. What the hell do you want Leanne?"

"Get out of my apartment. What do you think you're doing?"

"This is my apartment now. I paid the manager two months rent."

"Where the hell are all my things?"

"I was nice enough to pay the storage fee for you. It's over at the Storage lockers."

"Son of a bitch...I hate you."

"You snooze...you lose baby."

"It's okay Leanne...Leanne...come on you can spend the night at my place."

Getting back into the car Leanne laid her head on the steering wheel and cried.

"Come on sweetheart...don't cry. I promise we will find you another apartment. Until then you can stay with me. I mean my grandfather loves you...so let's go sweetheart. Just stop crying."

Starting the car they headed back to MJ's. When they entered the house they found his grandparents sound asleep on the floor. Thankfully covered up.


Waking up Mac seen his grandson, then Leanne with tears down her cheeks.

"MJ....Leanne...what's the matter?"

Well that did it...Leanne started wailing.

"MJ...give us a few minutes to dress."

Leaving the den MJ held Leanne tightly in the hall.

"Hey...come on now love...come here."

Taking her from MJ's arms Stella held her against her.

"What is it Leanne?"

"My ex boyfriend took over our apartment. He kicked me out instead of me kicking him out. That was my place. He had no right to kick me out."

"Aww....come on honey...it's going to be okay. You can stay with us until you find another place. Where's all your stuff?"

"In storage."

"Well...even though he's a jerk...he was thoughtful enough to put your stuff into storage."

Mac smirked...leave it to his lovely wife to find a bright spot. God watching his wife protect Leanne like she was her own drove him to want to love her again right there on the spot.

"Umm..Stel...Stel...we need to go to bed now...come on Stel...the kids will be fine."

Turning to face Mac for being rude she seen that heated look again.

"Oh for godness sakes Mac....you are insatiable. MJ...Leanne I'll see you kids in the morning. Be good." She winked.

Wrapping Leanne back in his arms, he lead her to his room.
Post #46
Lin.....daaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Thisss.. issss.. won..der...fullll.. Maaaaaaac.. and.. Stellaaaaaaa.. *Shortage of oxygen*. *Asprine went to R.I.P for 5 minutes*. I never knew it would be continued. :adore: I love it! I have to bring oxygen tank beside me next time. :lol: Hmm, another new case! An interesting start, full of great scenes and I'm confused by the witness too. I wonder if she is the killer. But I don't think soo.. She must be protecting someone? Or she just happened to pick up the gun? Since all the evidence is pointing to her and she wants a lawyer, what she's trying to hide?

Post #50
Hmm.. Hmm.. Getting more and more interesting. This is a wonderful unexpected turn. She's been killed for something that shouldn't be saw? Hmm, this person must be a highly rank person because everyone obeys him/her. Or maybe those cops that loves money? Like people said, "Dead people will never talk". Poor girl. Sometimes, it's like destined for you to see something that you doesn't want to face. And you are the one that's having conflict about you should tell or not. You ended up being the one in trouble. *Sighs* Hopefully, Eric won't mess up with the IAB. I mean if he's going to check on IAB, he won't get caught by doing so. Hmm.. Dirty cops.. Have to us detergent to clean. ;)

Post #53
Argh! What a man is that? I wonder if George is really a man.. :lol: Was that revenge for Leanne not being with him more? Or he's trying to make Leanne come back to him?
Wrapping Leanne back in his arms, he lead her to his room.
Ohhh.. *Faints*. She's going to spend the night at MJ's house! Same room as MJ! Ah!!! *day dreams* I'm sure there's no need for Leanne to find a new apartment. 'Cause she will be in love with the family within a night or two? Besides, Mac and Stella would be very happy to have an addition to the family. Somemore, it's MJ's soon-to-be wife. :adore: the 5th and 2nd last sentence... *Asprine is melting* If he love her right there.. I think I need to change my schedule for the ER room. Wonder what's coming... :adore:
Opening his door MJ turned on his light.

"I have some large t shirts in the top drawer if you'd like to borrow one Leanne. I'll grab you a towel if you'd like a shower."

Leanne could tell MJ was nervous. Through her tears...she couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay MJ...calm down. Nothing has to happen. We can just sleep."

Heading into the washroom Leanne changed into a Miami Dolphins shirt..turned off the bathroom light and headed towards the bed. Moving back the covers she noticed MJ was bare from his chest to his waist. God he was well built.

Climbing in beside him she pulled the covers up over her and looked up at the ceiling.

"Night MJ...sleep well."

Turning on her side to face him, he leaned in towards her... using caution he gently caressed her beautiful cheek. Watching as her eyes fell to half mass, each new caress he gave her lead to another.

"Happy birthday MJ...I love you."

Wrapping his fingers in her hair he pulled her right towards him and whispered...."I love you too Leanne." Joining their bodies together...pulling her into him, they sensually kissed bringing their soul to flame in innocent love.

Gripping each other tighter as the waves of his waterbed brought them motions that they hadn't even felt yet, they both needed more. Not breaking the kiss MJ stroked his hand down her back, as he felt her lean in and purr into his mouth.

Turning her flat onto the waterbed..the waves swept her into shivers of sensual passion. Then feeling the weight of MJ's body on hers was more then she could bare. Such strength...such warmth...such power from each and every motion as they moved closer.

Just as he had her on the edge....as he had them both ready to take it too the next level....he changed his mind. Laying his head on her shoulder....

"I'm sorry Leanne...I just can't do it....it's not right right now. I know I love you...I also know you deserve more..we both deserve more. I think we should wait...at least until we have our own place."

"What are you saying MJ?"

"I'm saying we should find a place together after Christmas. A place for you and I to start our lives together as a couple. Please understand..even though we are alone...it just doesn't feel right."

Leanne understood more then ever. She didn't feel to comfortable making love in someone elses home either. God what a relief her and MJ both had the same values.

"I do understand Michael. I love you too...and we can more then wait. Just falling alseep in your arms....just knowning you are beside me everynight is enough for me right now."

MJ smirked seductively. "You do know Leanne...that if we had of been at your place you would have no escape...right??"

"Mmm..oh yeah...I know...I know because I still feel the shivers throughout my every nerve."

"That's why they call it love..."

Leanne couldn't agree more. Rolling over onto their sides. MJ wrapped her up in the spoon position protecting her with his warmth, his strength, his love through the rest of the night.

Upstairs Mac had Stella drowning in endless throws of passion as he caressed each and every part of her soul.

"Sweeeeeeeeaheart....I'm surprised at you letting those kids share the same room. If I remember right you scolded me the last time I pulled that with Michael and Selina. Yet this time you let MJ and Leanne...why??"

God all Stella wanted was Mac to move within her again. Instead he seemed intent on talking. Purring she whispered....

"Please Mac....just love me....then we'll talk later."

Mac was loving this...oh yes...he knew he wanted to love her again just as badly. But he also wanted an answer to his question.

"Answer me love...then I'll love you again.."

"It's simple Mac....I knew they wouldn't do anything."

"How'd you know that?"

"I know...because we've embraced our children with morals and respect...respect that they have passed on to their children. Now love me before I pass out into sleep."

Wrapping her into his arms once again he continued his quest to bring her into endless throws of passion for the second time that night.
Lin.. daaaaaaaaaaa.. Thiiisss timeeee.. I did.. Bring oxygen.. tankkkk with.. meeee but it'ssss not.. helpiiingg.. *Faints* *Taking a deep breathe* I need an ice bath. I'll save my ER room for Christmas. ;) I couldn't describe what I wanted to say about this. It was perfect! I also thought about it just now.. If they should proceed to the next level? It's great that they want it special. They're going to live outside together? That's awesome because when they have kids.. that's going to be more convenient. Speaking about kids.. :adore: I wonder how their kids would look like. Okay.. I'm having day dreams again. They just started their relationship, and they are proceeding in a wonderful speed. :thumbsup: And.. I really need to go take a nice cold shower because I get 3 shots in one morning. :adore: Seriously, I love this chapter a lot. Especially Maaaaaaaac and Stellaaaaaaaa.. *passed out* for the 3rd time today. I'm going to have myself *day dreams* with a :adore: << this on my face all day long. ;) Thank you for this! :)
MJ cracked me up when he smirked and told her she'd had no escape if they were at her place. :lol: He's so much like Mac. :lol:
While Eric and Peterson gave IAB all kinds if excuses. They hoped that Danny and Adam would come up with the information soon.

"Listen Lt.Delko. You've told us three stories in the past hour. No more fooling around. I want answers now. Who was responsible for that girl?"

Eric knew he couldn't hold off any longer.

"Fine..sit down."

Ready to begin Danny ran in.

"Hold it boss....I have that information for you."

Passing the evidence to Eric. He read it over and handed it to IAB.

"Follow me."

As they followed Eric out of the room, down the stairs to the lockers. They came face to face with Fredrick's and Roseland.

"Eric!!! What's up?"

"Your up. Or your time is up. We have the evidence Fredrick's. We know that you and Roseland killed that young girl. We also know that it was Roseland who killed the male DB otherwise known as Larry Cowan. Digging a little deeper we found out that he owed you money for a loan against his company. So how long have you two been running this business of scaring buisness owners out of their properties."

"Come on Eric...you're wrong...listen Leverson...you don't believe any of this do you? How long have we known each other...we went to school together."

"I'm sorry Fredrick's as much as I'd like to believe it's not true...I can't. The evidence is very overwhelming. Place him under arrest. Eric...my apology to you and your lab."

"Glad we could help. Though what about the girl? She's got no life now."

"Don't worry Lt.Delko. They will be trialed for both murders."

Nodding that he understood. IAB left with the two Officers.

"What do you think Eric?"

"I'm not sure Danny. Leverson seemed in quite a hurry to get them out of here. Let's go back to the evidence. I'd like to see just how well Fredrick's knew Leverson during his high school days."


Natalia was starving. She could feel her craving begin. Heading to the kitchen she took down the jar of honey, the peanut butter, and whip cream. Spreading the honey over the spoonful of peanut butter, she added a squirt of whip cream.

"Mmm...oh God this is pure heaven."

Hearing her moms sighs...Lindsay headed downstairs.

"Mom...you okay?"

"Mhmm...just having a midnight snack. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm not tired."

"Hmm..that's not good. But now you're up would you like some?"

"Eww....no thanks mom. I'll pass."

Watching her mom scoop it all into her mouth she tried not to gag. God it looked gross.

"Umm...I think I'll go back to bed mom. Night."

"Mmm night honey."

Finishing up her snack Danny walked through the door.

"Hey Nat love...what are you still doin up?"

"I was hungry. So I had a snack."

"Oh yeah...com're."

Walking into Danny's arms he sniffed."

"Danny....what are you doing?" She giggled.

"I smell peanut butter, honey, and hmm..I can't make out that third scent. Come closer."

As Nat moved in closer Danny kissed her...driving her senses into full overdrive.

"Mmmm..whip cream. Why don't you grab those ingrediants and bring them up to our room. I'll show you a new use for them."

"You're so bad Danny...but what the hell. Let's go."

Running up the stairs like kids Danny swept her up and carried her the rest of the way to their room.
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