CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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:D:D:D *grins more* Great update, You know how much i love MJ/Leanne and you wrote it perfectly....I also like how you wrote Stella's part in Missing mac :)
I loved when Stella wondered if she was dreaming and Mac told her it wasn't a dream. It reminded me of Gary Sinise's character in The Stand cause when he returned his wife/gf asked if she was dreaming and he said "no, darling, this is no dream" in that accent of his and I just swooned. :lol:

:lol: at Mac's talk with MJ. Loved MJ saying of course they would talk about it, in the morning. :lol:

Great chapter and you know I loved the Smacked part. :D
When MJ got up in the morning he dressed and headed downstairs.

"Hey...you must be Grayson? I'm your cousin MJ, short for Michael.Jr. How was your flight?"

"It was alright. This is my little brother Gregory."

'Hello there Greg...how are you?"

Not saying anything he hid behind his brothers leg.

"Now this can't be MJ? By God it's like looking at my brother almost 20 years ago."

"Hi Aunt Maddy. How you feeling?"

"I'm good MJ. You are a handsom boy aren't you?"

"Nah...I'm just me. Listen it was wonderful to meet you. I'll be back in a bit I have to go see my dad and Anya."

Opening the door he ran into his papa.

"Hold it MJ...we are supposed to talk?"

"I know...I know...but I was just headed over to see dad."

"He's coming here with Anya, Tyler and Caroline. Now how about we head into the den."

"Oh look....Leanne is here."

"Morning MJ, morning Mac."

"Morning Leanne. I take it you are here to go with MJ?"

"Yeah...he didn't want to go alone. So I told him I'd go with him."

"No need. They're coming here. So....why don't you two come with me."

Leanne felt like she was back at home when her parents were alive. Her father used that exact same tone.

"Why do I get a feeling I'm in trouble"...she laughed.

Walking into the den Maddy asked her mom....what's that about mom?"

"Don't worry about Maddybee. Come give me a hug sweetheart. How you doing. I've missed you so much."

Feeling her moms emotions bring on her own. She had to admit home was the nicest place to be.


"That will be your sister, Eric and the seven pack."

"God I still can't believe mom. Seven kids. My sister must be insane."

Stella laughed as she opened the door. Then she moved out the way as Mackenzie ran into her sisters arms.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy....oh God Maddy. Look at you. You are so beautiful. God I've missed you. We have so much catching up to do. So how you doing? I'm so sorry about you losing Mathew."

Seeing her sister tear up again. Mackenzie held her tight.

"Don't worry Maddy we are going to get you through this. All of us are going to help you heal."

"Auntie Mack??"

Looking up from her sisters arms she seen Grayson.

"Oh my God.....Grayson??? Look at you. By God you're one handsom devil."

Running into his Auntie's arms he cried.

"I missed you Auntie. I missed you so much..and I miss my dad. I want him to come home."

"Aww...I know Gray...I know." Caressing his back Eric walked in with the girls and Eric Jr.

"You must be Eric. I've heard alot about you. And all you new guys must be my new nieces and nephew."

"You look like nana..did you know that. You look just like nana."

"Why thank you sweetheart. You've gotten so beautiful Sara. And still the talker."

"That's me. Though my sisters talk alot now too. And you must be Grayson, right? And you must be Gregory?"

Hiding behind his brother again Sara laughed.

"Why don't we all sit down. We are just waiting on Michael, Anya and the kids."

While the kids played video games Maddy and her family caught up.

"I can't believe how strong you are Maddy. I thought for sure I'd be walking in a tearfest."

"I know Mack. I think I got most of it out with dad. He has this way about him."

"Yeah...dad's always been like that. He knows how to get us kids to talk. Speaking of that...where's MJ and Leanne?"

"Your dad is giving them the talk."

"Oh...that's not good."

"Who's Leanne?"

"MJ's new girlfriend and therapist. She's twenty-five."

"Oh my...how old is MJ again?"

"He'll be eighteen in two days."

"Oh well that's not bad. What's the problem. He's an adult."

"Oh come on Maddy. You can't have forgotten how daddy operates. You know he's doing everything in his power to make those kids think twice about...."

"Yeeeeeeeeees.....I got it." She laughed.

Hearing the knock at the door.

"That will be Michael. I'll let him in."

Walking to the door Stella tried to hear what Mac was saying to those poor kids.
Hearing the knock at the door.

"That will be Michael. I'll let him in."

Walking to the door Stella tried to hear what Mac was saying to those poor kids. Not hearing anything she let Michael in.

"Hey mom...where's Maddy?"

"She's in the den with the rest of the family."

As Michael, Anya, and the kids walked down the hall Stella knew this was her chance to interrupt.

"Mac...Michael's here."

Looking at the kids Stella tried not to smile. They looked almost perplexed.

"Alright love. We're coming."

Getting up Mac took his wife by the hand and led her out. Leaving MJ and Leanne behind.

"Did you get any of that MJ?"

"No...that was weird. Why would he have us sit there for twenty minutes and not say anything?"

Shrugging it off MJ knew the time had come to talk with Anya.

"You're shaking MJ. It's going to be okay. We'll get through it together."

Walking out hand in hand they seen everyone talking in the den.

"Hey MJ....how you doing bud?"

"I'm fine dad. Can we talk?"

"Sure...let's go."

"Anya too."

Michael raised an eyebrow...Anya..not mom, he had called her Anya.

"You can use my office MJ."

Nodding to his grandfather he left the room.

"What's that all about?"

"Anya has TPSD. While MJ was in the Hospital she said some pretty heartbreaking things that hurt MJ really deep. They haven't spoken since he woke."

"Aww...that has to hard on everyone. I hope they can mend. I seen alot of PTSD myself while overseas with Mathew. It's a very difficult thing to overcome. It's not going to be easy for them to mend."

In Mac's office there was silence. No one knew where to start.

"How about I start? Michael I know I hurt you really bad with my words. Everything I said that day is unforgivable. I know that. I also know there was no excuse for it. Even with PTSD I had no right to say those awful things. I was very stressed, scared, angry, confused. I guess I didn't want to see you hurting anymore. As selfish as that is...it's the truth. Your suffering frightened me into facing my own fears. fears that I thought were buried.

I don't expect you to ever forgive me Michael. Hell...I can't even forgive myself. But I hope we can at least start to rebuild what we've lost. Hopefully one step at time we can get back what we had before."

Michael softly caressed his wife's hand. She was being so brave. He knew how hard it was for her to admit she was ill. But he also knew the treatments, the councilling, were working.

"I'm willing to try and heal us Anya. But you need to understand that it's not going to be easy. Those things you said broke my heart. Whether you were ill, or not....that was uncalled for, especially for your child. I heard every word you said that day. I faught so hard to make it known that I could hear you. Cause I wanted you to stop"

MJ could feel his eyes mist up. God he hated this. Hated the pain, the hurtful words. Everyday he was forced to relive the nightmare of Anya wanting him to die. Leanne leaned over and wrapped her fingers in his. Giving him her strength, her warmth, but most of all her love.

"I know you did Michael...I know you heard your dad and I arguing. I could see you try and fight...and I'm so sorry it lead to your stroke."

"Listen son...I'd like you and Leanne to come to one of your moms councilling sessions. I think it will help you understand better."

"I'm sorry dad. I said I'll try and heal us. But I'm not ready to take that step yet. I will be polite, caring and understanding to Anya. But as for being a family...I can honestly say we will never get that back."

"I understand Michael. That's all I ask."

Getting up MJ walked over and gave Anya a small embrace.

"I hope you can understand dad."

"I do son. I also won't ask for more then that. Just know that we love you."

Hugging his dad tight. He took Leanne's hand and left the office.

"Are you okay Anya?"

"I am Michael. We've taken a huge step today. I understood it would take a while. Now let's get back to seeing Maddy and the boys. I'm sure you have alot of catching up to do."
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Post #19
MJ can run already!! This passes by so fast. It was just like yesterday I read about it and now he's recovered almost fully. I'm happy for him! And of course both with Leanne's relationship. I'm already having day dreams about their future.
My sister must be insane
That cracked me up. It must be the best ever! Looks like nana? The resemblance, they're probably looking at a mirror, verisimilitude. Sara and Shannon the Talking Machine! I wonder what does Mac talking to Leanne and MJ about.. Think twice about... :lol:
They're going to start the talk soon. I love this introductions. I wonder what would Grayson's reaction be when he saw Lindsay for the first time. Will he ask permission from MJ to date Lindsay? :adore: Hopefully they'll all sort out all the problems together, although it needs some time.

Post #22
but most of all her love.
That was lovely! *Asprine is melting* Leanne being there for MJ when he needs her to help him to conquer and overcome his fear. I'm glad that they confessed to each other. At least he told them what he feels about it and he needs time to set everything in right. Hmm, I hope he's improving or undergoing restoration to a previous, more favourable condition. As in, will he go home to Anya, Michael and his sisters.. Where he actually belongs.. Two more days, and he's an adult already. I'm sure he knows whats the best and Leanne's helping him too. Looking forward to Maddy's and the families talk, they're going to help her go through her pain and wound. Patch it up with permanent plasters and fill them with joy and happiness. :)
Post #19
Opening the door he ran into his papa.

MJ can run already!! This passes by so fast. It was just like yesterday I read about it and now he's recovered almost fully. I'm happy for him! And of course both with Leanne's relationship. I'm already having day dreams about their future.

Hey Asprine...no he can't run yet. That is an expression. As in when he opened the door his papa was standing there. Like he came face to face with him. Sorry if you misunderstood. :)
Yeeah.. I was just about to change that before I post just now but I forgot. Sorry.. I was very sleepy and tired. Thanks! :)
Walking back into the living room everyone heard the yell...

"Where's my Maddybee....?"

Getting up from the couch she ran up to her Uncle Danny and held him tight.

"Uncle Danny..I've missed you so much."

"Not as much as I have you. Look at you all grown up. How you doing Maddy?"

"A little better....it doesn't get any easier. But I know with time it will. Where's Uncle Don?"

"Working...though he said he'd stop by later. You must be Grayson?"

"I am Uncle Danny. Don't you remember me?"

Danny loved teasing Grayson. Always he would pretend he didn't know who he was.

"Come're and give me a hug."

Embracing his Uncle tightly he whispered....

"Where's Lindsay?"

Letting him go he smiled.

"How'd you know about Lindsay? When you left she was still a toddler."

"I know. Papa talked about her on the plane. I understand her and MJ were dating for a while."

"Hmm...yeah they were. Why the interest bud?"

"Grayson what did I tell you."

"Fine...sorry mom. But I mean MJ wouldn't care."

MJ looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Care about what Gray?"

"If I asked Lindsay out sometime."

MJ smiled...so this was why he was acting all nervous.

"No..I don't mind. Though it's up to Lindsay. I can't answer for her."

"Dad...I could use some help with the decorations."

"Sorry Linds. Hold on."

Dropping one of the boxes Grayson picked it up.

"Thanks...it was getting heavy."

Looking at the handsom dark haired boy with deep green eyes Lindsay felt she knew him.

"Why do you look familuar to me?"

"I'm Grayson...we use to play together."

"Oh my God...wow...you've grown."

"So have you Lindsay....everywhere."

"Alright you two... that's enough. Linds get those into the den."

Everyone laughed. Poor Danny had just gotten Lindsay through one relationship. Now she was attempting another.

"Aww...she giving you fits Danny?"

"That's great Maddy. Really funny. So...when did you want to decorate the house Mac?"

"Well...the girls can start the house. We need to get Don and go get the tree.

"Whoa....oh no...not again...last time we got chased by those damn squirrels, cause we took their babies."

"Oh stop whinning Danny. The tree is being flown in this time."

"This time. Squirrels? What happened last time?"

"Well Maddy...it's like this. Your dad, myself, Don, Eric...went to the woods to get our Christmas tree. Only thing was we had forgotten our weapons. So here we were dragging this huge tree back to the car when these squirrels came out of nowhere chasing us. As we looked for our weapons we realized we had forgot them. So we threw the squirrels some nuts.

When we got the tree home we heard the chattering inside. Peeking inside we seen four baby squirrels. So...we took the tree back to the woods. By this time it was nightfall and we were without flashlights. Damn it was dark...we couldn't see a thing. So we dropped the tree, and took off back home."

Mac smirked...he couldn't help it. For that was a day they would never forget. Out of the five CSI's not one had thought of bringing a weapon or a flashlight.

"Alright enough reminising. Let's go get our tree."

After Mac, Danny, Michael, and Eric left...the girls started lunch.
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After lunch the girls started decorating the house.

"Nana....I'm going to head out with Leanne. I'll be home later."

"You don't want to help MJ?"

"Umm..maybe later. I'll see ya."

"Jeez mom he's different now. He seems so cold."

"He's fine Mackenzie. He's not cold. It's just hard for him right now."

"Mom..where do dad and the guys go for the tree?"

"This year they are having it flown down from the Christmas Tree Farms Near Columbus, OH. It was just the one year they all decided to drive down and cut one. The boys are funny that way. Plus I think Mac's getting to the age where cutting trees is no longer fun."

"Oh...so daddy's getting old..is that it? So how long will they be?"

"Depends on flight times and whether it's delayed."

At the Airport they waited for the arrival of the tree.

"Come on Mac. You don't need all of us here to get the tree back to the house."

"Sure we do Don. It's like eight or nine feet. We'll be lucky if the five of us can haul it."

Looking around Danny noticed two suspicious characters standing by the Airport store.

"Eric...I think we may have a problem. Look."

"They're packing. Right pocket, and left sleeve."

"I see that. You go left, I'll take right. Don you go center. Act normal."

As they neared the suspects a group of school kids walked by and noticed Eric.

"Hey Lt.Delko. How's Sara and Shannon."

The two suspects looked at Don. Pulling their guns they began shooting wild.

"Everybody down....now...everybody down."

Wrestling with the two suspects they finally tackled them to the ground and cuffed them.

"Is anyone hurt?"

Looking around they noticed everyone was fine.

"Damn we got lucky this time Donnie. It could have been a blood bath in here."

"I know Danno. I'm going to get these guys down to booking."

After Don left the tree arrived. Lord it was giant as everyone watched them struggle with it.

"No way Mac...we gotta put it down man. It's to heavy."

Setting it down the boys rubbed their arms.

"So...how are we going to get this big mother home?"

"Maybe we can borrow one of the luggage cars, and get it out to the car that way."

Lifting the tree onto the luggage cart it wouldn't fit through the door.

"This isn't work'n Mac..we have people laughing at us here now."

Mac was getting angry. One way or another he was going to get that tree out the door.

"Excuse me sir. I spoke with Airport Security. They gave me permission allowing you to take the tree through the back gates. We will open the loading docks for you."

"God bless you. Thank you."

"Anything for Miami's finest. Just follow me."

Finally getting the tree tied to the Hummer, they headed home.
Don't forget to say good bye two has been updated
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Loved the MJ/Anya/Michael talk.

"Oh my God...wow...you've grown."

"So have you Lindsay....everywhere."


"Well...the girls can start the house. We need to get Don and go get the tree.

"Whoa....oh no...not again...last time we got chased by those damn squirrels, cause we took their babies."

:lol: I remember that. That was hilarious.

"Oh...so daddy's getting old..is that it?"

Don't let Mac hear you say that. :lol:

Loved the bit with the tree not fitting through the doors. :lol: Too bad one of the girls wasn't there with the vid camera. :lol:
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