CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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George is taking their breakup hard? He's the one that called it off. The nerve of that guy!
:shifty:Yeah..I know...figures when you see the one you love with someone else..makes you go insane.:shifty: :lol:

Sends Asprine some sweet SMacked water. More then she could have thought possible.:)

Back in the house Mac was coming out of the washroom when he thought he seen a shadow across the rocks.

"Mac...what are you looking at?"

"Hmm..nothing I guess. I thought I seen something. Where are MJ and Leanne?"

"I think on the patio. they took a blanket with them."

"Hmm..I'll be right back. I just want to make sure they're okay."

Opening the patio door he seen the blanket...but they weren't there.

"MJ...Leanne...kids where are you?"

Coming out of his room MJ heard his papa calling out his name on the patio.

"Ehmm..papa you okay?"

"Hmm..oh...yeah. I just came to check on you kids. You forgot to lock the patio door."

"Sorry papa...we got a little carried away by the stars."

Nudging his grandson in the shoulder he whispered....

"I'm sure you did son. The stars in her eyes right?"

MJ looked shocked.

"How do you do that?"

"It's magic MJ....I know your thoughts, your moods and your likes." He winked.

"You know papa....sometimes you frighten me," he laughed.

"Night MJ."

"Night. Love you."

"Love you too son."

When Mac got back upstairs he found Stella laying on the top covers with her black silken nightie glistening across the prestine white sheets.

"Hello...baby....come warm me up...."

Swallowing what was left of his thoughts...he dropped his robe and stalked his way towards her gorgeous, sexy form. As she admired him...she tried to remember how to breathe. Even after years of marriage his every muscle...every tone...still caused her every nerve to vibrate.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me love...do you have any idea how lost I become just by your smile alone."

Stella felt every nerve hum....God she loved when her husband became poetic...always his soft, seductive, lyrical voice swept her soul to seperate...without even a touch.

Still standing he put out his hand for her to take..and as she stood facing him..he began dancing with her in his arms. Pulling her close...he wrapped her fingers within his as her head fell back from his seductive kiss across her nape.

Such erotic movement as they twirled and twined themselves together in their lovers dance.

"Who needs music love...when I have the song of your passionate sighs filling our room with sound."

"Maaaaac...always your words make me cry with endless whispers. Always you make me feel so cherished...so loved."

"No more then you make me love."

Sweeping her up in his arms..he laid her back down on the bed and began assulting her skin...her spirit...her soul with their sensual love.

At the Delko's the girls were giving their parents fits.

"Come on girls. You have five minutes...then you are all grounded."

"Oky dad...chill...jeezz."

"Come on Sharon...hurry up before daddy comes up again. Why do you always get us grounded?"

"I'm sorry Sara...I don't do it on purpose. Give me a break."

"Why am I still hearing footsteps girls?"

With that said the above floors stopped squeeking.

"Those girls must hate that hardwood. It always give them away. We should have put down the carpet."

"But then we would never hear them Mac...and that wouldn't be good...cause I'd have no one to annoy at night."

Laughing Mackenzie got up and tried to head upstairs. But before she got to the second step Eric grabbed her pulling her against his chest.

"Going somewhere love?"

"To bed...it's late.." She giggled.

"Mmm no. You and I have a date with a washing machine."

Feeling his hands slither down her legs she felt them become weak.


"Shhh....let me love you Mackenzie...let me take you back to our secret place..."

How could she not? How could she fight.... what was always there every moment of every day? She couldn't. For the love they shared was to strong. Taking his hand....she lead him back to the place it had began.
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Post #91
Sends Asprine some sweet SMacked water. More then she could have thought possible.:)

Lin.. daaa..aaa.aaaaa.aaaa..thaankkk youu. I needed that. sweet Mac/Stella water? *Fainted* *Asprine swoons in the World of Mac and Stella* Maaaaaaac and Stellaaaaaaa.. :adore: hmmm.. Won..der..ful.. Those whispers of love makes Asprine melts into the world secluded by their passion. I'm speechless already, Lindaaaaa.. Both Mac and Stella is sooooo sweet. I planted the trees.. But it's too slow.. with it's photosynthesis.. to give out the oxygen. It doesn't.. help. *passed out* Their passion is way too stronger than the air around us.. :adore: I love it. They dance, move rhythmically without music, an intense, heated emotion they had.. Ohhh, I couldn't describe more than that. 'Cause it's TOO WONDERFUL.. Wonderful!

I love it when Mac knows what his child and grandchild thinks. Like I said, he's one of the dragon inside their mind. It's really good to know what others is thinking. It's easier to have them spill out what's bothering them. And Mac always knows how to solve them, how to comfort and persuade the family not to worry about it, as they will sort things out together. Telling them without words, "Everything is going to be alright. He's going to makes things right.". He always treat all the problems that others face as his problems. I don't know how much more I could say of him. He's an amazing husband, father, grandfather and of course THE FAMILY GUY! :thumbsup:

a shadow across the rocks.
Hmm.. Is that George? Hmm.. Should be.. I'm afraid that he's going to hurt the family. Since he knew where MJ lives already. Or was he going to harm MJ when he goes to school? I'm glad that he doesn't sneak in when the patio door is still wide opened. Hopefully he'll get caught before he harms anyone. :eek:

I probably need to have a cold shower.. :adore: I wonder what's the next chapter. Eric and Mackenzieeee. You'll.. haveee.. me.. all.. weak.. again.., Linda.
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When MJ woke he looked over at Leanne he found her on her tummy sound asleep. Taking his fingertips he danced them along her back watching as her skin shivered.

Slowly waking up she purred..."MmmmJ"

"Morning Leanne. You look so beautiful sleeping amongst my waves."

She giggled. The waves...oh yeah...she had to admit the waterbed had its value...but she also knew it would serve its full purpose when they finally made love.

Turning on her side she faced him.

"Look at you MJ...you look devilish in the morning. You're eyes are so sinister like your father and grandfathers."

"Yeah...yeah..we know...the Taylor eyes."

Bending over her...he kissed her and climbed out of bed.

"Come on babe...up..shower and change...I'll drive you to work."

"Mmm...that will be nice. Give me five."

Once they were ready they walked into the kitchen where they found Michelle making her own breakfast.

"Hey kiddo....where's papa and nana?"

"They're still sleeping...they had a late night."

"How do you know that?"

"Cause I could hear them giggling...then I heard mom call dad...oh you are so poetic...or something like that. Know what that does to a kid my age? Geesh...can I have you room?"

"Afraid not squirt. Just ask them to move you down the hall."

"I tried that..they said...we're not moving you so close to Christmas. We have alot of family coming..."

"So...they didn't say you couldn't move...right? They simply meant they didn't have time. How about if I move you in...while your at school?"

"You'd do that for me MJ?"

"Of course I would squirt...I love you."

"Thank you MJ...I love you too."

Hugging him tight she ran off to school.

Just as MJ and Leanne headed out she noticed the car.

"Oh God...your car."

Looking at it MJ freaked..."what the...."

He couldn't believe it. The whole left side had long scratches across it from front to back.

"God damn him Leanne....what the hell is wrong with him? He left you...he wanted to end it...why is he doing this?"

"I don't know MJ. I honestly don't."

"Hey...what's all the yelling about son?"

"Look at my car...damn him."

As Mac looked at the scratches he could see how deep they were.

"Now what?? We can't prove he did it papa. So what are we going to do?"

"You take Leanne's car today. I'll take this one into the lab. Hopefully Mr.Insane left a print or DNA behind....and make sure you two are extra careful today. Leanne you stay with someone at all times. Understand?"

"Of course I will."

Pulling out of the driveway the kids took off out of sight. Once Mac was sure they were gone. He picked up the phone and called Eric.
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...then I heard mom call dad...oh you are so poetic.. Know what that does to a kid my age?
*Thinking back earlier this morning* *Faints* Couldn't agree more. Michelle is sooo smart! :thumbsup:

they didn't have time
They don't have the time? What they do? :devil: I'm glad that MJ volunteered to help Michelle to move her room down to the hall. He's a great nephew/brother. I suppose Michelle had already treated him like her own brother. Geeezzz.. George! It made me relieved that he's only hurting the car but not anyone in the family. But, he spoiled MJ's birthday present. I think he's going to make his move to the next level soon? :rolleyes: Hopefully there will be some trace that lead them to George or any Mr Insane that is trying to harm the family.."Mr Insane" sounds very nice. :lol:
Michelle which complains at MJ about the noise coming from the room of his parents:guffaw::guffaw:
Poor MJ when he see his car :(:(
"Cause I could hear them giggling...then I heard mom call dad...oh you are so poetic...or something like that. Know what that does to a kid my age? Geesh...can I have you room?"

This George guy is interesting and seems to border on psychopathic to me and I cant to see what he does next!
Meanwhile by the shore Maddy and Adam were sitting with their feet in the water.

"Umm..I hope I didn't tire you out to much Maddy."

Oh how she loved Adam's smile. It was so shy and full of warmth.

"No...I'm fine. So...what else do you do for fun Adam?"

"Hmm..umm..mostly work. Sometimes virtual reality games...listening to music....how bout you...umm..what would you have enjoyed doing if you could have?"

"Well...I love dancing...umm..I love great movies. A couple of my favorites are Impostor, Mission to Mars..."

"Ooohh....so you're into Sci-Fi?"

"Sometimes...I also love a great love story. Oh one that always makes me feel all wonderful inside Fallen Angel with Gary Sinise."

Adam laughed...."aren't they all with Gary Sinise? He's a wonderful actor."

"Yeah...I guess they are all of him...and yes...he's one amazing guy."

Maddy noticed the more relaxed Adam came...the less he acted nervous. Even his speech was normal. There was no sign of nervousness at all.

"Well Maddy....we should be getting back. I've had a great morning though."

"Me too Adam. Maybe we could do it again soon?"

"Sure...I'd like that."

"Me too...come on in for a minute, I'll give you my cell number."

Walking in Adam seen Mac and became nervous all over again.

"Ohh....umm...hey Mac. How goes it?"

"Good...how are you Adam?"


"Here you go Adam. I hope to hear from you soon."

Mac looked from one to the other with a raised eyebrow.

"Um...sure...you will Maddy...bye."

After he left Mac said....

"What was that about Maddy? You two looked cozy."

"We're just friends dad. He's a fun guy to be around. I like him."

Just as Mac was about to say something else. Eric walked in.

"Hey dad...the tow truck is here for the car to take it to the lab."

"Thanks Eric. I'm going to come with you. I want to be there for the fuming."

"Sure...hey Maddy...how you feeling?"

"Good Eric...how's my sister?"

"Crazy....little Eric is getting into everything. She can't keep up with him."

"Maybe I should go visit her."

"She'd like that. Anyways....see ya. Let's go Mac."

After they left Maddy changed her clothes and headed out to her sisters.


Leanne was on her lunchbreak when she got the call to report to the ER. Remembering Mac's words she asked Candice to go with her.


"I can't explain...please. Just come with me."

"Fine...let's go."

As they walked down the long hall and turned the corner Leanne didn't see the crashcart coming right at her.


"Oh my God....Leanne...Leanne?"

Pressing the emergency button the doctors and nurses came running.

"What's going on Candice?"

"I don't know...the crashcart came out of nowhere...it crashed right into Leanne."

Picking her up they carried her into one of the rooms.

"Get me a suture kit. She's going to need a few stitches in her head. Then call the Taylor home. See if someone can pick her up."

After the nurse left the room Leanne came around to waking up.
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