CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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so why isn't he ready yet? I think they should both understand that she thought he was suffering and didn't know he could still hear and all that. It was a mistake, I think. She wanted what any mother would, peace forher child.

more more!
^^^ I think MJ knows it deep down but like its been said before as he was young when he heard what Anya said and it really heart him and still does...and he still has trouble and is slow with thinking aswel (i think) Patience Melly hehe :p
When Mac and the boys pulled up to the house everyone ran to the door to see it.

"Whoa....holy....that's our tree? It's bigger then last year." Yelled Sara.

"Ummm...Mac...how do plan on getting that tree into the house?"

"Through the back Stella. Don't give me a hard time."

Their daughters laughed. Oh yes...Maddy had missed this. Oh the fights and arguements mom and dad had over the Christmas trees.

"Girls stop...you're going to make daddy angrier."

As they slid the patio door across the boys pushed to get the tree in.

"Damn Mac...slow down. I've got a branch stuck in the loop of my jeans."

"Well how the hell did you manage that? It's all tied up."

"Ooohh...papa swore mama."

"Shh...I know Gregory. Don't listen."

"Umm..maybe cause you untied the wrong rope to get it off the Hummer."


"I know mom. I already got it."

Looking over Maddy seen the VR.

"What are you two up too?"

"Catching your daddy, Eric, Danny and Michael making fools of themselves."

"Oh God...has nothing changed. I swear mom. You never grew up."

"Quiet love. Or we won't show you the videos from summer time. Especially Daddy and Eric hanging upside down in a tree like monkey's with their pants down."

Maddy howled.

"I don't see anything funny young lady."

"Sorry daddy. I love you."

"Mhmm..all you girls say that when you're up to something."

"Would you shut up Mac, and push. I'm getting cut here."

Giving the tree one final push they got it into the house.

"Yay....you did it papa. Good job."

"Uhh..we helped too you know."

"Sorry daddy. Good job all of you, yay." Yelled the girls.

"Oh Mac...look at your arms. What happened?"

"The damn Airport happened. First two idiots decide to try and rob the store. Then we couldn't get the damn tree through the Airport door. Oh...and to top it all off. We had half the Airport laughing at us."

"Did you say laughing at you daddy?"

"I did. Why Mackenzie? What are you up too?"

"Nothing daddy. Listen mom I need to go out. I'll be back shortly."

"Where you going hon?"

"Don't worry mom. I'll be back."

Starting the car Mackenzie headed over to the Airport. She wanted to try and get her hands on that video tape.

Meanwhile MJ and Leanne were sitting on the beach. As she sat between his legs he held her tightly in his arms.

"Isn't this beautiful MJ. Look at the sky. It's so blue today."

Caressing her arms, while leaning towards her ear he whispered....

"The only beauty I see is the one sitting... wrapped tightly in my arms."

Turning around Leanne rolled with MJ as her hair shadowed them. God the passion that they were both feeling was magical and deep. Softly touching their lips they kissed in wild abandoned feeling the need and want build.

"Leanne....I love you."

"I love you too MJ. More then I can ever express."

Lifting her back up. He held her a little longer as they walked back towards the house.
With the tree finally up they undid the branches and left it to open.

"Let's get you boys cleaned up."

Grabbing the first aid kit Stella got out the alcohol and cotton balls.

"Alright...who's first."

"Are you insane mom...alcohol burns."

"Oh come now Eric...don't be a baby. Let's go."

Sitting down in the chair Stella placed some alcohol on a cotton ball and touched one of the scratches.

"Stop flinching Eric."

"I'm sorry...it burns."

"Stella....didn't you save us any lunch? I'm starving."

"Of course I did. Open your eyes. The sandwiches are wrapped up in the fridge."

"Sorry love. Eric, Danny, sandwich?"

"Yeah Mac..and a beer. Where's our daughter Natalia?"

"Umm..I think she's playing a video game with Grayson."

"Huh...you left her alone? Are you insane?"

"What's your problem Eric. They're not getting into any trouble."

Natalia had always been in denial about their daughter. But Danny knew different. His daughter liked kissing, almost every chance she got. Heading into the living with his sandwich he seen them locked at the lips.

"Lindsay Messer....Naaaaaaaaaaaat...."

Turning she seen her dad.

"Oooh...hi daddy. Did you need something?"

Grayson was bright red. He knew they had been caught.

"Umm... Danny....I..hmmm.."

"I'm telling you right now Lindsay...I'm not going through this again."

"Going through what Danny?"

"Talk to your daughter please. Grayson come with me."

"You're not going to tell my mom are you Danny?"

"Nah...don't worry bud. I'll let it slide this time."

"So....it's okay if I date her?"

"You're asking me? Wow...yeah...just make sure the two of you behave."

Back in the den Natalia sat down with her daughter.

"Sweetheart....why do you feel you need to constantly kiss?"

"I don't know mom....I like it....it's fun."

"What's fun about it ?"

"Are you kidding? Are you telling me you don't like kissing daddy?"

"That's not what I'm saying. He's my husband, we're married. You are young, still fifteen. Give yourself a few years."

"Come on mom. All my friends kiss their boyfriends. It's the in thing. Even at dances they do it. I mean MJ and I did it all the time. Though we didn't really feel anything."

"I understand that Lindsay. But do you know how many young girls get date raped, all because it started out innocently with a kiss."

"I know mom. We are taught that in school. It's not going to happen cause I don't date the boys at school. Never have mom. The only one I've ever dated was MJ and now Grayson."

"Listen honey...I just want you to be careful. You have your whole life ahead of you. Take it slow. Enjoy being a girl."

"Okay mom. I will."

Embracing her daughter in her arms she rocked her while she continued to play.
:lol: at the guys with the tree. A branch got stuck on his pants hahaha. That would be something worth watching over and over again. :lol:

Loved the Lindsay/Natalia talk.
Walking back into the kitchen Danny found Eric smirking.

"Keep smirking there Eric...your time is coming."

"Is everything okay Grayson? You're not getting yourself into trouble are you?"

"No mom...would you stop. Nana...when is MJ coming home. He says he lives here. How come?"

Maddy wasn't sure what to say. So Michael spoke up.

"He does live here Grayson. When he was having therapy it was easier for him to be here..cause nana and papa have more room."

"But he's still here. Isn't his therapy done?"

"Sort of. It's complicated bud. MJ is still having problems with remember certain things, he's also a little slow with his learning skills. Nana and papa have more time to spend with him. For I work and Anya is busy with her classes."

"Oh....okay. When do we decorate the tree?"

"We do it Christmas eve when the whole family is here."

"Cool....how many are coming papa?"

"Mmm..forty or so. If they all show up."

"Whoa....where are you going to sleep everybody?"

"Don't worry about that Grayson. We have it all set up."

Stella held her head in her hands. This was going to be one of the largest Christmas eves they had ever had. She hoped they would be ready for it.

When MJ got back to the house with Leanne he leaned her up against her car, wrapped her hair in his fingers, pulled her towards him and kissed her deep. God she couldn't breathe. All she could feel was MJ's strong hands slide down her waist, and back up her back.

"Leanne.....I want to go home with you tonight. Let me spend my eighteenth birthday in your arms. Loving you, while we take each other to the relm beyond the clouds. Past the Heavens, to where only you and I can roam."

Leanne could feel herself shiver from his whispered words. She could feel each and every sense that was Michael Taylor Jr.

"I swear Michael...you are Romeo back from the past. Such words, such power of sensual energy you possess it's terrifying but so erotic. It's also so beautiful....everything that we have given to each other...I love you so much MJ...so much it scares me. Scares me that if we finally take that chance I'll do something to disappointment you."

"You could never disappoint me Leanne. I'm the one that is afraid of disappointing you. But I'm willing to take that chance Leanne...I love you...and no matter how much we disappoint each other...it's never going to change how we feel. For our love is made from the strongest power. The power of our loving hearts."

hearing the door open MJ turned his head with Leanne still wrapped in his arms.

"Hey papa...did you get the tree?"

"We did son. What are you two up too?"

"I was just about to ask you if it would be alright to go to Leanne's for the night. I'd like to spend the first part of my birthday with her."

Mac wasn't sure what to say. He knew if Michael wasn't there he would have given permission right away.

"I think you should ask your dad MJ. He's still here."

"I'll be right back Leanne."

Once MJ was gone Mac walked up to Leanne and embraced her.

"It's going to be okay Leanne. I know how much you love him. I'm sure Michael does too."

"I know that Mac....it's just MJ thinks he's ready. But what if he's not."

"Then you will both know it's not the right time. It wouldn't be the end of the world. When it's meant to happen, it will happen naturally. He's a man now. He's off to College here in January....just let the night take you both and remember where ever you end up...it's always going to be with each other."

"You know what Mac?"

"What Leanne?"

"You make me miss my dad. It's times like this I remember how much I miss him. I only hope when the day comes that MJ asks me to marry him you'll walk me down the aisle."

Mac wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I promise Leanne...when that day comes I will."

Stella watched from the window. She knew one day soon they would be adding another Taylor to the family.

"Okay Leanne...you ready?"

"Yup...see you in the morning Mac."

Nodding to the kids he watched them pull out.

"You've done a good thing here Michael."

"I know dad. Was it this tough for you when I first asked to spend the night with Selina?"

"It was tougher son. As you both spent it here. I still remember your mom scolding me for that. Those kids are to young to be playing house Mac. but I just knew she was the one. Just like I know Leanne is the one for MJ."

Placing his arm around his sons shoulder, they walked into the house.
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Post #26
*Laugh out loud* Aw, they have just met! Love at first sight eh? :adore: Grayson and Gregory sure would have lots of fun from now on. Hanging out together with Lindsay, Shannon or Sara. Share their opinions and problems. Hmm, I'm curious and have this inquisitive to know more about Gregory since he's still shy and doesn't talk much.. He'll get used to the environment. As in, everyday, there would be sounds of people laughing, chatting, playing and arguing around. And he would cut in and join them. They're going to have a big tree? That's going to be great! Their reminiscent of the past cracked me up. Getting chased by squirrels with no weapons and flashlights? Wonder what they're going to get this time..

Post #28
The more old, the more good looking and strong he is. :adore: Where is MJ and Leanne heading out? Movies? Dinner? Hmm, probably somewhere special for the both of them. Aw, relieves to read that nothing happens and no one is hurt at the airport. Everywhere is dangerous.. *Sighs* I wonder what influence those people to done this illegal and become murderers. Could be their family background and friends they hang out with, and also unable to control their emotion and anger. Finally! They're going home with the tree! Will they find another set of squirrels inside? Or some Santa that hang some special presents there?

Post #33
I'm sooo looking forward to when they're going to decorate the big tree! It's going to be an interesting one since they're lots of them in there. They're going to have fun and Stella and Mackenzie would probably take videos of them. I love it when the families are doing some activities together. It pulls their relationship closer and when they're happy, they slowly forget about the unhappy events thats already passes by. It helps alot. It's great that they recorded all the special events and special moments they're having. They can take a look at it when they're alone and down. It always cheers you up when you reminisces back into the past. You'll see how silly you are, how brave and great last time and when you're a kid.
mom. You never grew up.
That's exactly a good thing. Hmm? I wonder why Mackenzie wanted the video tape for? Oh.. Wanted to see her father was laughed by almost the whole airport? I'm excited to read about that.. MJ is sooo sweet! Okay.. *Faints* Their love for each other is impossible to explain. I'm sure they have a bright future in front of them. But there will also be ups and downs with a road full of missions and circumstance that need to be solved and sort it out together.

Post #35
"What's fun about it ?"
Just about to ask that too.. ;) I was wondering if they're really in love with each other or just wanted to fill in the void only? Seeing all her friends have boyfriend, she also wants one and she loves kissing. Or was it love at first sight? :rolleyes: It's good to know that Natalia tried to talk to her daughter about it. It is very true. Sometimes, you may done something you regret with just ONE INNOCENT KISS. You may even lost your big bright future in just one second. Hopefully Grayson and Lindsay will take it slow. Like Natalia said, "you have your whole life ahead of you". They're going to face a lot of arguments and agreements, disagreements in their relationship. I love how Linda write based on reality, advices, lessons, as in logical. It made me nodded my head and can't stop agreeing with it everytime I read it. :)

Post #38
Eric.. Eric.. Always smirk at other's daughter and son. Someday, I'll cracked myself up if I read Shannon is kissing David and caught by Eric. I'm sure he would yell all the way from somewhere till they were at home. It's going to be a wonderful Christmas full of great memories for all of them. Hope they'll all coming, and there's not one that is left out or busy somewhere that night. Ohhh.. Those whispers of love from MJ to Leanne.. I'm *evaporating* from liquid state to gaseous. The Taylors and Delkos are always lovely and pleasant when it comes to their loved ones includes their family. Yeah, their loves and hearts for each other are very strong. There's nothing that can come between them. Even if there is, that's not going to stop them from loving each other. :adore: Leanne and MJ is spending MJ's birthday night together! I'm.. I'm.. *swoons* what's coming.. :adore: I love it when Mac talk to the kids and his grandchild. :)
Later that evening with the house now quiet. Mac and Stella finally had time to sit down with their daughter.

"Come here Maddybee."

Sitting between her mom and dad like she use to do years ago she felt so cherished.

"I'm so glad to be home mom. I'm so happy to be around you all again. So much has changed, but yet so much has stayed the same."

"We've missed you too sweetheart. The kids have gotten so big. Though little Gregory seems very shy... very quiet."

"He's always been like that mom. Then once he gets to know you... feel comfortable around you he'll talk your ear off."

"Sweetheart...you know we have to bury Mathew tomorrow right?"

"I know mom. I'm fine with it. It's the boys I'm worried about. Especially Grayson...he was always with his dad when he was home. You couldn't seperate the two of them. Gregory...I know he'll be fine. He's young and will soon put it in the past."

"I know you say you'll be fine Maddybee. But you've never been alone. You've always had Mathew there beside you through everything."

"Yeah....but with your love and daddy's love.... I know I'll survive and one day move on. We need to focus on the future now. Yesterday is gone...today and every tomorrow only remain."

Snuggling their daughter in close they heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it love. You stay here."


"Oh...hey Mac. I have those decorations from last year for you. I was going to drop them by earlier....but we had a case so I didn't have time."

"It's okay Adam...come in. You can meet Maddy my second youngest."

"Oh....she's the one who has the husband in the Military?"

"She is. She came home due to his death."

"Oh...I'm sorry Mac...and so close to christmas. How is she holding up?"

"Not to bad actually. She was quite a mess before I brought her home...but now she seems to be accepting it."

Walking into the den Adam's first thought was Mac had cloned Stella.

"Whoa...oh...umm...wow. It's like looking in a mirror."

Mac laughed...as did Stella.

"Hi Adam. As soon as you get your thoughts together this is my daughter Madison."

"Hello...I'm Adam. It's very nice to meet you."

Maddy tried not to laugh. The poor guy was a bundle of nervousness.

"Hi...it's nice to meet you too. My dad talks about you alot."

"He does...ohh...hmm..all good I hope."

They all laughed.

"Relax Adam...have a seat."

"Oh...no...that's okay Mac. I have to go. Maddy it was nice to meet you...okay...bye."

"Aww...he is a shy one. Isn't he mom?"

"Mhmm..Adam has been like that. Very shy and nervous. But once you get to know him..he's the sweetest guy you will ever meet."

"I can see that. So does he join us for Christmas too?"

Stella noticed the tone in Maddy's voice. It was almost lyrical.

"Hmm..he does. Why the interest Maddy?"

"Oh...no interest mom. Just a question...well I'm going to head off to bed. Night you two. Play nice."

Running up the stairs Stella looked at Mac.

"Oh no...get that sparkle out of your eyes right now. I will not have you putting those two souls together."

Wrapping his wife in his arms, he distracted her with his kiss...as he thought about all the wonderful ways to bring two very special people he cared about some happiness.
Lindaaaaaaaaa.. This chapter make me laugh non-stop already. :lol: I always love how Linda describe the characters. Exactly perfect! Adam is shy and nervous. Always the same Adam.. With "umm" and "err" when he talks to someone. I wonder if Adam would be Maddy's new love interest. Hmm, maybe Adam will help Maddy to move on? This is going to hold my attention... Christmas Eve! :adore: Mac is up for something? Is he going to be matchmaker again? :lol: For now, the top priority, the family helping Maddy to get through the funeral. Hopefully Grayson won't hide all his feelings inside after the funeral. He needs to confess in order to release his pain. Aw, I'm in love with the last part. *Blush*
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