CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Over at Claire and Anthony's they were getting ready to head out and pick up Delilah. They had invited her to the boys surprise birthday party today. Claire knew the boys were going to be excited when they got home and found Delilah amongst their house full of guests.

Pulling into the Facility they were greeted by the nurse.

"Hi... you must be Claire and Anthony. I'm afraid I have some sad news for you. Delilah passed away in her sleep last night. I'm sorry." Claire teared up, while Anthony held her close. "I don't understand... she was fine when we talked to her yesterday." "I know... again I'm very sorry, but her heart gave up, she went very peacefully."

"Umm... okay... we know she has no family. So we are going to give her a Memorial. I'll call you this afternoon and let you know where to send her body." "Sure... once again I'm very, very sorry." Turning to leave, Claire cried...."how our we going to tell our boys? Especially on their birthday."

"I think it would be best to wait till after the party Claire. I think Delilah would want it that way." Getting into the car, they headed home to make arrangements, and get everything ready for the party.


Mac and Stella were bundling up Alan for his outing to his sisters place. This was going to be Alan's first party. Not that he'd understand it, but they knew he'd enjoy it all the same. Grabbing his snowsuit, Mac realized getting him into it was going to be a challenge.

"Shh... come on Alan... it's okay son, we're going to see your sister, brother, nieces and nephews." Alan continued to scream. He didn't want to get all bundled up and dressed. Taking his little foot, he placed it inside the leg, but with no success, Alan kicked it back out. "Alright my little field kicker, we will do it daddy's way."

Picking his son up in his arms, Stella walked in. "What are you doing Mac? we're going to be late." "Our son seems to not want too go." Laughing Stella grabbed the snowsuit and slipped their son into it, while Mac held him.

"There we go Alan, all done." Placing his son against his chest, he finally calmed down. "Mac... did you do your blood pressure this morning?" "I did love why? I feel fine." "I know that Mac. But you are supposed to check it three times a day, and I've only seen you do it once, it's already the middle of the afternoon."

Sighing he left the room with his son, and sat down. Grabbing the cuff, Stella wrapped it around his arm. "This is silly love, it's been normal everyday since we had Alan." Writing down the reading, she said... "well it's a little high now Mac. You're at 160/90." Passing him his medication, he took one of his pills.

"Happy now love, can we go?" Kissing her husband smartly she said... "we can Mr.Taylor, and I love you." "I love too sweetheart." Heading out the door, Stella grabbed the travel BP kit, and meds, just in case Mac got a little excited at their grandbabies party.

When they arrived Anthony grabbed Alan from Mac. "Aww... hey there little guy. Come see me." Laying the baby across his lap, Tony took off his snowsuit and boots. Then lifting him into his arms, he placed him comfortably against his chest.

"Alright then, seeing you have my son, where's my daughter?" "She's in the kitchen. She has some sad news to share with you. We don't want the boys to know right now." Heading into the kitchen Mac wrapped his arms around his daughter. "Hi my Claire bear, what's going on?"

Leaning into her dad she whispered... "Delilah passed away last night in her sleep. We went to pick her up today, when we got there, the nurse informed us she had died." "Claire... I'm so sorry love. I know how much you and boys loved her. At least now the boys can truly call her an angel.

On a lighter note, I'm sure you heard Don and Jess had a baby boy." "I did daddy. They sent their apologizes cause they wouldn't be able to make it today. Donna said that Don is flying high right now. he wanted a son more then anything." "He is sweetheart. So shall we go join the others?"

Kissing her dad on the cheek, they walked out to see the rest of the family.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that night after everyone except for her parents had left. Claire knew it was time to tell the boys.

"Jimmy... James, can mommy talk to you for a minute?" "Sure mommy, what is it?" "I have some sad news for you both. Delilah has gone to heaven. It was time for her to help out up there." "Aww... so we don't get to see her anymore?" "No son. But you always have the fun times we had with her, and all the pictures we took of the three of you together."

"That's true mom. so she'll be able to see daddy then. Do you think she'll tell him we miss him?" "I'm sure she will my babies. Just like she'll take care of your cousins and aunt." Mac was surprised... the boys were taking her death quite well. "Can we go play our new games now mom?" "Sure guys. But not to late. We have a special memorial for Delilah in the morning."

"Okay mom... can we take her those flowers she loved." "Of course we can. Go play now." When the boys ran off, Mac asked... "what flower love?" "Delilah loved daffodils... the boys, Tony and I would take them to her all the time." "She was an amazing person Claire. I still remember her guiding us to hear you Claire. She was very good at what she did. It's truly sad when someone who cares for others that much passes on."

"I know dad." Hearing the cries of her son, Stella got up to feed him. "I'll be back shortly love, I need to feed Alan." "I'll come with you mom. I miss this part." Leaving the room with her mom, Mac talked to Anthony about the wedding next week.

"Are you and Gary ready for your big day next week?" "We are... though the night before we're having a guys night out, you gonna come?" "I'll pass. Stel would kill me, do you have any idea what a night would do to my blood pressure?" Tony laughed. He could just imagine some dancer giving him a lap dance and he shoots through the roof.

"I guess you're right. It's safer for you at home." "Health wise, yes," Mac laughed.

Upstairs Claire was watching her mom attach Alan to her breast. "I miss this so much mom. The closeness, the love, the little motions of their little fists as they clench over your heart." "Sounds like someone is ready for another one." Looking at her mom she teared up.

"What is it Claire?" "I don't think I can have anymore." "What? Why?" Stella asked with great concern. "The last time I had my annual, the doctor did an internal, it showed I had severe scar tissue everywhere. He thinks it was caused by the damage Jimmy did with..." "Shh... it's okay Claire. I know what you're trying to say. Have you told Anthony yet?"

"No mom. I'm scared too. What if he wants children. How am I supposed to give him that gift." 'Aww... come on love, you don't know for sure, right? Why don't we make an appointment and have an internal ultrasound done, this way we will know how much damage you did suffer, at the hands of that bastard animal."

Lifting Alan off her breast, she handed him to Claire, while she cleaned herself up.

"Hi there little brother, look at you. You look so much like your daddy. Yes you do... all the way to that little pout." Laying her brother against her chest, she inhaled his baby scent, as he tears poured from her eyes. Coming out of the washroom, Stella said... "why don't I take him downstairs love, you get your face cleaned up."

When Stella got downstairs she said with tears.... "Tony... Claire could really use you right now." "Why? What's the matter Stella?" "I'm sure she'll let you know. You go ahead, we'll watch the boys." After he left, Mac asked... "what's going on love?" Sighing deep, Stella wasn't sure how much to tell him.

"She wants another child. That's all Mac. She'll be fine." "Why don't I believe you love?" Kissing him sweetly she said... "I don't know Mac. Now take your son. I need to check on our grandbabies." Looking at his son he whispered... "Well son... aren't you going to tell daddy what happened?" Giving out a loud grunt, Alan fell back into sleep.

When Tony got upstairs he heard Claire softly crying.

"Claire... hey baby, what's the matter?" "I want another child. I want to have a baby." "Well hell... is that all. Why didn't you say so. We can work on that now if you want." "No Tony... I don't know if we can." "Why not Claire? You're not making sense." "I don't know how to tell you... I don't want you to leave me."

"Okay Claire... now you have me really confused, and just to set the record straight, I wouldn't leave you, even if we couldn't have children. I love you and the boys to much." "I know Tony. It has to do with what Jimmy did to me. According to the doctor he did alot of damage to me inside. The doctor said I have severe scaring everywhere."

Tony could feel his anger raise again. Never did his temperature cool when it came to that bastard ex of hers. God how he hoped he was in hell.

Taking her chin in his fingers, he raised her face to his. "Children... or no children Claire. I promise... I will never leave you. I love you and those boys to damn much to let a thing like not having a baby get in the way."

"Deep down I know that Tony. I guess at times I'm still unsure." "Well don't be Claire. My love is forever, so you best get use to it." Taking her by the hand, they walked back downstairs.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww... poor Claire.

Somehow I don't think Deliah will be running into Jimmy Sr... I'm sure he's not in Heaven. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

lol GNRF

Why couldn't they adopt? I think they should :)

They could also use a surrogate, couldn't they? I don't know a lot about this, but would the scarring also mess up her eggs or does it just mean she couldn't carry to term?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

They could adopt. But that kind of defeats the purpose. Especially since Claire wants on of her own to give Tony. she already has two children which for Tony aren't really his. She wants to give him one of their own, together.:)

And yes, the scar tissue causes most women not to be able to carry to term. But depending how much scar tissue and where ,makes all the difference to whether you can concieve.:)

We will get into that shortly.:)

Besides that... this is fiction... anything is possible within reason:lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they got back downstairs, Mac was putting Alan into his snowsuit. Looking at his daughter he could tell she was upset. "Are you okay love?" "Yeah dad... I'm going to be fine." Nodding that he understood, he realized everyone was still walking around on egg shells around him. So afraid that if they upset him, he'd stroke again.

"Mac... you okay? Your facial expression just changed to one of anger and hurt." "Well love, maybe that's because I am. Maybe if everyone would stop treating me like I'm invalid, I'd have nothing to be angry about."

Getting up with his son, he kissed his daughter good bye, and walked out.

"Oh mom... I think daddy is very upset." "I know love... don't worry, he'll be fine. I'll pick you up in the morning for your appointment." Giving her daughter and Tony a kiss, she left. "Mac... that was kind of rude of you." "I'm sorry Stel... I'm just getting a little tired of everyone leaving me out of the loop."

Stella could see Mac become more upset. She could see his anger as it shadowed his handsom face. Pulling into the driveway, he unbuckled his son and carried him into the house. Removing his snowsuit, he placed him into his crib. "Night son... sleep well, angels to protect you."

Turning on his nightlight, he left his room. Sitting down in his chair, he pulled out his cuff, and checked his blood pressure. Finding it high, he took his medication, closed his eyes, and shut off the anger that was building up. Feeling the fingertip caress of his wife rubbing his tempo's, he sighed.

"I'm sorry Mac. The children and I don't mean to keep things from you. It's just we are so afraid of losing you. You are our world. I guess you could say we are more then protective, yes. But only because we don't want you to leave us." "I understand that love, but did any of you ever think that not knowing is making me worse? I mean I know you're all keeping things from me, that raises my pressure too."

Stella knew he was right, no matter what they did, it would or could still hurt him. Continuing to rub his tempos she said... "Our daughter is worried that she won't be able to concieve again. It seems Tony tore her up pretty bad inside. She has severe scar tissue internally." "For God sakes love... I swear if he wasn't already...." "I know Mac. You'd kill him."

Pulling his wife down onto his lap, he wrapped her in his arms. "I love you Stella. But please... no more protecting me." "I love you too Mac, and I promise we will all try our best." "That's all I ask love."

The following morning...

Stella and Claire arrived at the Hospital. "Good morning, Claire Taylor to see Dr.Swift." "Of course Claire... have a seat, she'll be right with you." "You nervous sweetheart?" "I am mom, what if she says there is nothing we can do." "Let's walk that bridge if we come to it, okay?" "Claire... that doctor will see you now."

Sitting in the office Claire's knees began to shake. "Calm down sweetheart." "I'm trying mom, I'm really nervous here." caressing her daughters hair, she tried to help her relax. "Good morning ladies. Stella... how's that beautiful baby doing?" "Good. he's growing everyday." "You'll have to bring him in too see me soon."

Looking over at Claire, she could see so much of Stella in her. "Hi Claire. I take it that's your knees hitting my desk?" "Umm... yeah, sorry." "Just relax Claire. I brought you, your brothers, his babies, your babies, your mom and dads babies, all into this world, and I have intention of helping you reproduce... otherwise how would I get rich. It's all you Taylor's that keep me in buisness... she laughed. Now... hop up on my table."

After the exam, she sent Claire for an internal ultrasound. When she was done, she waited in the room with her mom for the results.

"Okay Claire... your results show alot, and I mean alot of scar tissue in and around not only your walls, but also your uterus. So I've decided what would be best is an therapeutic laparoscopy.

Basically we use a laparoscope, which will be placed into the pelvic cavity through tiny incisions in the abdomen. then we can remove your scar tissue with a laser, electricity or surgical scissors.

It's a very easy procedure. The complications of this type of surgery are very slim. What we need you to remember is that sometimes it doesn't work. To give an estimate, you'll have a sixty to sixty-five percent chance of conceiving a child, and or carrying to term."

"How long would I have to stay in the hospital?" "Avoiding complications or infections, two, maybe three days at most. You also won't be able to have intercourse for about six to eight weeks."

Stella looked at her daughter and smiled. "The choice is yours Claire. I know how important it is for you to want too give Tony a child. But you need to make sure he understands that the procedure may not work." "I know mom. But I need to do this for me, just not for Tony."

"Would you like me to set up then Claire?" "Yes... please, and thank you so much." "Don't thank me yet sweetie. Let's make sure the procedure works first, then you can thank me," she winked. Leaving the room, she came back shortly with Hospital forms, and information packets. "Here is some information for you to share with Tony. It will help him understand the procedure better."

"Okay... thank you for everything." "You're welcome Claire, the nurse will call you at home for your pre-op and surgery date." Leaving the office Claire hoped that this would be her year for happiness and joy.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Claire and Tony have got to try and keep their hands off each over for a while, might turn out to be difficult, great update :)
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