CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

So Jerry isn't the son of the dead officer that attacked Claire. Interesting. Didn't expect that. Kind of ironic that Teresa was calling Claire a tramp when she thought Claire had slept with her husband when she herself had an affair with another officer that produced a kid. You're really good at those unexpected twists and turns. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Sorry, forgot half the chapter:)


Danny returned to the station.

"Don... I just heard. How's Ben doing?" "The doctor's say he'll make it." "Thank God... where's Jerry?" "Downstairs in holding, why?" "Cause I found out some interesting information. You know Trudder?" "Yeah... what about him?" "Jerry is his son. Judy told me that Trudder had an affair with Teresa."

Turning to run down the stairs, Danny followed.

"What's going on Don? Don... answer me." When he got down to holding he seen Trudder talking through the bars. "Trudder... what are you doing?"

"I'm talking to my son Flack. It is allowed." "You know he's transfered this afternoon to the State Mental Hospital. You won't be able to visit him for while."

"I know that Flack. That's why I'm spending time with him now. He needed to know I'm his father. I'm all he has left." "Five minutes, then you leave."

Pulling Danny aside Don said... "I don't like this. I don't trust Trudder." "Either do I Donnie. After talking with Judy, she said that Trudder was unstable, that could be where Jerry gets it from. She also told me that Trudder told her boys that I shot their father."

"What? We weren't even there." "I know. So what are we going to do?" "We are going to keep a good eye on both father and son. Let's go Trudder, Danny and I need to transfer him." Watching as he leaned over to say something to his son, they tried to hear.

"Just remember my boy. Play your cards right. Do everything you are told, agree with what they say, and you'll get a quick release." "I promise dad, and you'll be waiting to help me?" "I will son, we will get revenge on all of them. Including your mother for opening her big mouth." Giving his son one last embrace, he left.

"Did you get any of that Don?" "No... let's get this kid transfered.

Once they had Jerry settled, they left strict instructions with the doctor.

"No one comes to visit him, if anyone shows up asking questions we are to know immediately. Also Officer Trudder is not to be within five hundred feet of this place. If he shows up you call us, understand?" "Yes detective, don't worry. We have it all under control."

Leaving out the door Danny whispered... "why do I have a feeling something is going to go wrong." "You're not the only one Danno." Heading back to the car, they pulled away.

When Anthony got back to the house, he tried to get information on the Phillips boys. After having no success, he remembered that Teresa's son was taken to the Hospital with a knife wound. Heading back out the door he ran right into Don. "Hey Tony... where you off too?" "Umm... no where. What's up?" "Not alot, just thought I'd stop by and let you know that Jerry was transfered to a State Hospital."

"Huh... can he escape?" "No... why would you think that?" "Don't know... anyways I have to go meet Claire at the Hosptial, so I'll see ya." "Whoa... hold up, why don't I drive you. I'd like to see the Phillips boy anyways. Anthony didn't want Don tagging along. Just how the hell could he get any information if Don was with him.

"Tony... you okay?" "Hmm... oh yeah. Just let me lock the door."

Heading out with Don, Tony hoped he could sneak a minute with Teresa.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they arrived at the Hospital Tony seen Teresa sitting at her sons bedside.

"Hi Teresa... I'm Anthony. I just thought I'd stop by before picking up Claire, to see how your son is doing." "Oh... it's nice to meet you. Where's Don?" "I'm right here Teresa. Is everything okay?" "Mhmm... how's my other boy?" "He's very messed up right now. We had a Psych come in, they thought it was best to have him transfered to their facility."

"Oh God... I suppose... I mean..." "Yes Teresa, we know Trudder is Jerry's father." "Oh you must think I'm the worse. Especially with how I spoke of Claire. I"m so sorry. I really hope she can understand." Tony thought to himself this may be his chance.

"Umm Teresa... I have to go pick up Claire now, she just finished speaking at one of her seminars. Maybe Don could stay with Ben, and I'll take you to see her." "Oh that would be wonderful. Is it okay with you Don?" "Sure... I guess it would be alright." Don looked at Tony strangly as he left.

A short time later after speaking with Teresa. Claire and Tony headed to
school to pick up the boys.

"That was nice of Teresa to apologize like that." "Mhmm... it was Claire. Listen... I have to go out for a while tonight." "You do? Where?" "I have to pick up something, it's a surprise." "Cool... I like surprises." Leaning over she kissed his lips. Arriving at the school, Jimmy and James were waiting.

"Hi mommy... hi Tony, how was your day?" "It was good guys, how was yours?" "It was good mom. Did you hear about Jerry?" "I did son. How about we talk about something else?" Okay mommy."

Once they got home, Tony helped the boys with their homework. Then they played a few video games. "Alright guys, bath and bed." "Aww... can Tony put us to bed again?" "I can't tonight buds, I have to go out. But I promise tomorrow night." "Okay Tony. We love you.." "I love you two too." Giving them hugs they ran upstairs. "I shouldn't be long Claire." Leaving out the door, he sighed.

With the boys in bed, Claire decided to read her book. Feeling her eyes get heavy, she closed them falling into sleep.

Three AM

When Tony got home he found Claire sound asleep on the couch. gently picking her up he carried her upstairs, and placed her in the bed. Removing her clothes, he watched as her flesh shivered from his cold hands. Covering her up he changed the alarm clock to eleven pm.

"Mmm... Tony? Is that you?" "Shh... it is Claire. Go back to sleep love. I'm just going to grab a quick shower." "Okay. I love you. What time is it?" Raising her head, she looked at the alarm. "It's eleven Claire. I love you too. Sleep now." When he was sure she was sound asleep, he changed the clock back, ran the shower and allowed the spray to wash away the night.


Don was undressing when his phone went off.

"Flack." "Don it's Danny. You better get down to the underground parking at the Station. Someone did a number on Trudder, he's dead." Sighing deep Don said..."I'll be right there Danno." Slipping back into his pants, he kissed his sleeping wife and left. Arriving at the scene, he seen what was left of Trudder's body. As pieces of his brain lay blended into the wall.

"TOD Sheldon?" "Two to three hours ago." "So anywhere between midnight and three?" "Yup... I can tell you this much. He didn't suffer. The first blow killed him instantly."

"Christ... Didn't anyone hear anything? Gives new meaning for the word mural." "That's not funny man. I almost lost my dinner. As for anyone seeing anything... no. They were all busy watching the game." "Where the hell is Sid?" "he went downstairs to get a scraper. He said he needs to collect what's left of Trudder's brain.

Don just couldn't fathom it . Whoever did this had powerful strength. For you could see where they smacked Trudder's head against the wall. "You okay Donnie?" "Yeah... whoever did this must have been strong. Trudder's head cracked like a melon." "I know Don... or maybe there was more then one? That might do it, one on each end, smash. Any ideas?" "Not a one Danno."

Leaving Danny to collect evidence and take pictures, Don headed inside to call the State Mental Hospital and check on Jerry.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Three months Later.

With Don still not being able to solve the case. He had no choice but to close it. Locking the unsolved file, he headed home to Jess. Being five months pregnant now, she demanded her cravings be fed, and that included sexual cravings.

Danny on the otherhand had started a wonderful relationship with Judy. Now that her boys had the truth, they accepted Danny, and enjoyed spending time with him. As for Teresa. Her and her son Ben moved away, leaving Jerry in the on going care of the State Mental Facility.

Mac and Stella were now eight months along. The doctor had reassured Mac that his health would be fine, as long as he didn't try to overdo. He even expressed that this new child would help his inner spirit alot. "Babies can bring great joy and harmony. Keeping the soul alive with their love." The doctor had said.

With happiness slowly being restored, Anthony and Gary met for lunch.
"Hey Gary... bout time." "Sorry man, it's hard to get away. But Don closed the file on Trudder, so we can finally put that behind us." Nodding that he understood, they sat down. "So did you get the rings?" "I did. Here... you said size five right?" "Perfect Tony, thanks Donna's gonna love it."

"Yeah... as will Claire. Do you think they'll go for a double wedding?" "Why wouldn't they. Anyways... everything is set up for tonight. We meet at eight with the girls, the fireworks are in place, and mom and dad are bringing the boys and Jess." Laughing Tony said... let's hope to hell the fireworks don't scare the hell out of their baby." "That would be great. Mother goes into labor as fireworks hit the sky."

When Anthony got home, he brought a beautiful black sleek dress with him.

"Hi honey, you're late. The boys already left with my mom and dad." "I know Claire, I bought you something." "Me... for me. Oh wow, no ones ever bought me something for nothing," she laughed.

"You young lady are bad. Now try it on, I want to see what you look like." Heading into the room, Claire worked herself into the dress. Damn it was tight, as it showed every inch of her assests. "Umm... Tony? How tight is this supose to be? I think you got the wrong size." Walking in he whistled.

"Mmm... I knew it would be the perfect fit. Come're sweetheart." Grabbing her in his arms, he dipped her. "Oh my... if you keep that up, we'll never get out of here tonight." Whispering seductively he said...

"As much as I would love to keep you writhering in my arms, we have very important plans. But I promise you my Claire. I have every intention of loving you through the night when we get home."

Anthony could feel her heart race, he could see her body respond to his erotic words. Raising her up he helped her into her coat. "I'm forever having to remind you too breathe Claire," he smiled. "Maybe I'd have no need to be told if you would stop making me feel so cherished." "Never Claire. Never will I stop. Now let's go before I change my mind.

Once they got to the bridge Claire seen Donna dressed in the same dress.

"Whoa... deja vu Donna. We both look hot. What is this? Some kind of sick fantasy?" "Leave it to you sis to make it naughty." Laughing Claire seen her boys, Jess, mom, dad, Don and Jessica coming towards them. "Umm... what's really going on here. Why are mom, dad, Jess, Don and the kids on our date?"

"Relax sis, they're here for the fireworks." "I still don't get it. Where is everyone else? Why is it just us?" Anthony kissed her to get her to stop asking questions. "Damn Anthony, I'm begining to wonder if the only time you kiss me is to shut me up." Tony smiled. He loved that Claire was returning to her sarcastic self. It showed him she was begining to trust him.

While they all stood on the bridge, two men came by with flowers. Giving one bunch to Jimmy and James, and the other bunch to Jessie. They walked towards their moms. Standing in front of them, Jessie went first with her papa's help. "Mama... owers, here mama." Taking the flowers from her daughter with tears, she kissed her pretty lips.

Watching as Jimmy and James handed theirs, they said... "mom... these are from Tony. We love you." Embracing her boys she whispered her love back. Watching the kids walk back, they seen the fireworks shoot in the sky. As Jess clapped, and the boys whoaed. Tony and Gary got down on their knees in front of the girls.

Seeing the shocked look on the girls faces, Mac continued to video tape. He knew this would be a beautiful rememberance piece for their reception. Together like it was practiced, they both said....

"Claire/Donna... will you marry me. Will you be my wife?" Pulling out the rings Claire and Donna realized they were the same. Only Donna's had white gold, where Claire's had natural gold. Still in shock as the fireworks continued to fly, they said...

"Yes Gary/Tony... I'll marry you." Slipping the rings on their fingers, they got up off their knees, and kissed their brides to be. "Oh... that was beautiful Mac. Look at our children. So much happiness." Turning off the video recorder, Mac wrapped his beautiful wife in his arms.

"Alright... enough mushy stuff. Where's the food?"

Turning to face Jess they laughed. For only she would be hungry again after just eating a few hours before. "What? I'm eating for two you know."

Taking his wife and granddaughter by the hand, they headed over to the restaurant with the Taylor's.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they arrived, they found their table sectioned off, and candles glowing on the table.

"Oh my... this is too much you guys. What were you both thinking?" "Listen sis, it's not as expensive as you think. For Tony and I went half on everything. Which is why we thought we could have a double wedding. That way we share the cost."

"Ooooh.... I get it now bro. You and my fiance are cheap," she laughed.

"Hmm... I have to agree with my sister to be, kind of the cheap way out." Mac and Don were laughing, they warned the boys it wouldn't be easy getting those girls to understand. "Augh... come on sis, don't be hard us. I'm on a cops salary, just how much you think I get paid."

"Tsk... tsk... fine... we'll do it your way. But you and Tony have to wear shirts everytime we are out that say... "we opted for the easy way of marriage. Cause we're cheap." "Ouch... come on sis, be nice." "I am being nice bro, we could opt for the other shirts, the ones that say... our wives rule the roost."

"That's my girl. Go get em Claire." "Thanks alot dad. It's good to know you are on the mens side of things." "Listen son. I"ve been married too long not to realize your mother rules our home. May as well get use to it."

"Fine... fine sis, we will wear the wives rule the roost." "Speak for yourself Gary... I have no intention of wearing either." "Just how do you plan on doing that?"

Grinning sinisterly he whispered in Gary's ear... "By keeping your sister drugged in my love." "Aaahhh... good idea. I like that. You are a wonderful addition to our family Tony. You'll make a great brother again."

Claire and Donna smiled at each other, then they said... "Oh... and the bedroom sex, won't work. So you can forget that right now."

"How? What? Oh that's just not right." Looking towards Don Mac said... "that's twenty bucks. The girls won." Paying Mac his twenty bucks, the food arrived. "Oh God... about time, I'm starving."

Once everyone started eating Mac looked towards his wife.

"Are you okay love? You're not eating anything." "I'm fine Mac. My time is drawing hear. I haven't felt the baby move in two days. Plus I've been having mild cramping." "Did you want to go too the Hospital love?" "No... I'm not that ready Mac. Don't worry. When it's time you'll know."

Reaching over Mac caressed his child that was nestled safely inside.

"Is mom okay dad?" "She's fine sweetheart. Don't worry." With the dinner at its end, everyone said goodnight and headed home.

Opening their door the boys headed right to the Wii. "Mom... can we play before bed?" "Sure... one game each, then it's time for bed, deal?" "Deal mom." With the boys playing , Claire headed to the kitchen to make coffee. Pouring a cup for herself and Tony, she walked back into the living room.

"Thanks Claire." "You're welcome," she whispered snuggling up to him, still in her sleek dress. Taking his hand, Tony slid it down her waist and rested it on her hip. Feeling her grind in closer, he knew she was ready for their promised night as much as he was.

"Alright guys, let's go. School in the morning." "Aww... just one more game mom, please." "It's ten James. You and your brother are already an hour past bed." "Fine... can we play in the morning before school?" "Of course you can. Now let's go." Turning off the machine, the boys ran to their room.

Giving them their kisses and hugs, Claire turned off the light and left Tony to tell them a spooky story.
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