CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Meanwhile Don decided to stay home with his son. He knew Jess had been missing work over the last few months. Picking his son up in his arms, he took him into the kitchen, heated his bottle, then sat down with him.

"Hello my son. How's daddy's boy today? Are you hungry?" Placing his son against his chest, like Jess had shown him, he placed the bottle into his mouth as he suckled with greed. "Whoa... hungry aren't you? So what should we do today son? Go for a walk? Or go see Uncle Mac, Aunt Stella and Alan?"

Finishing up his feeding, Don burped him, placed him in his snowsuit, grabbed a couple bottles of formula, and the diaper bag. "Alright son... off we go too see your Aunt, Uncle, and cousin." Placing his son in the carseat, he softly kissed his head. Then shutting the door he got into the drivers side, and started the car.


When Claire arrived at home she found the place empty. Looking around for a note she couldn't find one. "Hmm... where'd everyone go?" Searching the house and coming up empty, she decided to take a nap. Laying down on the bed, she fell into sleep, and dreamed.

"Tony... boys, I'm home. "Mommy... what did the doctor say? Are we having a baby?" "We are guys. You are going to be big brothers in seven months." "Whoa... cool. Isn't that cool dad... we are going to be big brothers." "It is my boys, come here sweetheart." Taking his wife in his arms he kissed her with heated passion.

"God Tony... we did it. I can't believe it, but we are pregnant." "We are baby... we are. So why don't we all go shopping and start a beautiful nursery."

As Claire continued to dream, she felt the warmth of fingertips trace across her arms, causing her flesh to come too life, causing her soul to heat in firery passion. Slowly opening her eyes she seen Tony smiling at her as he kissed her sweet lips. "Hi baby... how did the appointment go?"

"Mm... I was in the middle of a beautiful dream when you woke me."
"I'm sorry... how about I make it up too you." "Hmm... what did you have in mind?" "I'll show you..." Taking his lips he traced them down her neck, her shoulder, back up to her neck. All the while his fingers danced along her waist, her hips, her thighs. Until she was drowning in each and every stroke he gave her.

Pulling her up upon him, he allowed her to take the lead. Allowed her to grind, dance, with erotic rhythm until they were both lost in their love, both on the edge, as he flipped her and poured his soul deep within her once again. Still deep within her, Claire asked...

"Where were you Tony? You weren't here when I got home." "I went to see about a job. So far it looks good. But we'll see." "A job? Where?" "At your University where you give your seminars." "You're joking... doing what?" "I will be a Professor of Ancient History." "Oh my God... I'm so proud of you Tony."

"Well... don't be to proud yet. I only had my first interview. I still have two more too go." "I hope you put me, mom, dad and the gang down for reference. "Nope... can't." "Why the hell not?" "Because my sweet Claire... you are all family." Trying to get up off her, she pulled him back.

"Not so fast Indiana." "Claire..." Giggling cause she knew he hated that name she said...my news now." "Shoot." "The doctor thinks with surgery to remove the scar tissue, we may be able to concieve and carry to term." "Really? What kind of surgery Claire?" "It's called a therapeutic laparoscopy. Basically they use a laparoscope, which will be placed into my pelvic cavity through tiny incisions in my abdomen. then they will remove my scar tissue with a laser, electricity or surgical scissors."

"Sounds dangerous Claire." "It's not Tony. The doctor said the complications with this surgery is slim. I'll only be in for two or three days. The only bad side is we can't have fun for about six to eight weeks." "Ouch... what am I going to do without my lovely beautiful, charming wife's erotic gifts."

Claire teared up. Forever Anthony was saying such beautiful words to her. Words she wasn't use too. "Don't cry baby. I'll be right there with you when you wake, and when you go in." "It's not that Tony. It's your words that always make me cry. You always treat me like I'm your precious gem, me and our kids."

"Aww Claire... that's because you all are. I love you all so much, you have given me a gift I never thought I would recieve." With tears pouring down her cheeks she choked out..."what's that?" "A family Claire. You have given me a family."

Kissing at her tears, as they continued to pour. He loved her again with all the passion, strength and love inside him. Leaving them both knowing that they were destined for forever, wrapped in each others love.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

It's our Wedding day

Claire woke with butterflies in her stomach. She knew this was her wedding day. A day that would be full of happiness, and double fun. Heading into the shower, she put up her hair, hopped in and allowed the spray to wake her.

Down the hall Donna was doing the same thing. Her and Claire decided to stay here, while the boys stayed at their place. Turning off the taps, Claire heard the door. Throwing on her robe she ran downstairs.

"Hi mom... come in, where's Jess and Donald?" "They're coming. I got your dress here, shall we go put it on?" "We shall. God I'm so happy mom. I can't believe it. This day is going to be amazing." "It is love. Though you won't be having much of a honeymoom. Not with your surgery scheduled for the morning."

"That's okay mom. I know we can't make love tonight. But that's okay. we get to spend an extra night reassuring our boys that I'll be okay." "They still having a hard time with you getting it done?" "Yeah... they seem to think that I won't be coming home. Tony and I have tried to explain to them, but they are so young."

"That's okay love. You and Tony do what you can tonight. Then your father and I will reassure them more tomorrow while you're under." "Thanks mom, now let's try on this dress, before I cry again."

In the other room Jess had finally arrived with Donald.

"You ready for your special day Donna?" "I am mom. Though I haven't told Gary my news yet." "Mama... I pretty?" "Yes you are Jessica. Look at you in your beautiful dress. You look like a little Princess." Dancing in a circle Jess and Donna laughed.

"So are you going to tell him before the I do, during the I do, or after the I do?" "Hehe... I was thinking just as I say I do. It will sound like this... "I do Gary. The baby and I do."

Jess laughed... "oh poor Gary. You'll be lucky if he doesn't pass out from the news." Watching as her daughter put on her dress, she zipped it up, added her pearls and beaded head band. "Oh my... look at you Donna."

Turning to the mirror Donna teared up. She looked like a Snow White.
Her black hair was streaming down her back, her beautiful off white dress showed each and every curve.

"Wow... I can't believe it's me mom. I never thought I'd say this, but I look like Snow White," she laughed. "You do. Now let's go see if Claire is ready.

Walking down the hall they seen Claire walk out with her mom and Alan.

"Aww... God Claire... that dress is more then gorgeous. It looks like the silk is water, so fluid, and the way it flows." Claire had to agree. It was a beautiful blush color, pure silk as it flowed down her ankles.

The back was wide open, with a lower shape V, revelaing her sunkissed skin. The only thing on her neck was Anthony's necklace, which was shinning bright. She wasn't even wearing a tiar, headband, or vail. Yet she looked like an Egyptian Princess.

"Thanks... are you excited as I am?" "I am... ready?" "Ready. Let's go get married." Holding hands they walked out with their mothers and children to the Limo. Arriving at the Church, they were rushed into their little room to wait for their fathers to walk them down the isles.


Jess and Stella were setting up the kids for their walk down the isle.

"Alright... Jimmy do you have your mom and dads rings?" "I do nana." "James... do you have your Uncle and Aunts?" "Yes... don't worry nana, we're all set and ready." "Good... now where did Jess go with Jessie?" "She's chasing her down the isle. She's throwing her flowers and everyone is laughing."

"Oh this isn't good." Once Jess had Jessie in her arms she started screaming. "Oh boy... this isn't going to work Stel. She's getting tired." "I know Jess. We only have five minutes before we start." Taking their places, they waited for the music to start.

Back in the room Mac found his daughter looking out the Chapel window.

"Wow... looks like God made the perfect angel." Turning to face her dad she smiled with tears. "Hey... come on Claire bear. No tears, this is your wedding day." Dabbing at her daughters tears, he kissed her pretty lips.

"What's with the angelic tears love?" "I'm just so happy daddy, I never thought this kind of happiness existed. I always thought you and mom were the only ones to share such passion and love."

"Listen my Claire bear. You're mom and I had a very difficult begining. It wasn't as easy as you think. We were threatened, attacked, stalked and hunted by some pretty insane people. Trust me... getting to where we are now wasn't easy." "I know... I remember mom telling me about Peyton and how she tried to kill me while mom carried me."

"Yup... but our love was and is very strong, and that's because we've built it one mile at a time, leaving all the bad behind. Then when your brother was born, it was like our family circle was complete. Though obviously we were wrong. For your dad still had it, and managed to get your mom to bless me with one more."

Claire laughed. "I hope I can bless Anthony with at least one daddy." "You know what my Claire bear? I hope you bless him with more." Embracing her dad tight, they heard the music begin.

"Ready?" "Ready daddy."

Walking out they met Don and Donna in the hall. "Together forever Donna?" "Together forever Claire."

Cue Music....
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

argh I'm nervous 'cause you said it would be bad. Or is that the other story, I can't keep track lol. Especially now that I read that one.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Watching as Jimmy, James and Jessie came down the isle, everyone awwed. They looked so adorable. Jimmy and James were in black tux's with white ties and vests. While Jessie wore a beautiful pink laced dress with black ribbons and shoes.

Reaching the front, Jess and Stella moved them into their proper positions as the wedding song began. First to come out was Mac and Claire. As Anthony watched he could feel his body respond to her gorgeous dress, as it revealed each and every curve. Moving his eyes to hers, he seen her tears.

Walking down to meet her, he shook Mac's hand as the Minister said..."who gives this bride away?" "I do... her father Mac Taylor." Placing his daughters hand in Tony's, he kissed her cheek and stood beside his wife. Turning to watch Don and Donna, he looked at his sons face, smiling as he could see the love his son felt for her.

When they reached the front, the Minister once again asked... "who gives this bride away?" "I do... her father Donald Flack Jr." Placing her hand in Gary's, he turned and stood beside his wife. "If everyone would be seated."

Taking their seats, they waited for the ceremony to begin.

"Dearly beloved,

We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Anthony and Claire. Gary and Donna, in matrimony; which is an honourable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this estate these two couples present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

While the silence filled the Church, the Minister said...

"Anthony , repeat after me."

I, Anthony, take you Claire to be my beautiful wife, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presence of God my sacred promise to stay by your side as your loving husband in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve higher goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for always.

"Claire, repeat after me."

"I have written my own vows."

Anthony, I choose you as my everything. I vow to love you through sickness and health, through the good and the bad, through richer and poorer. You are everything I need, and at this moment I know that all my prayers have been answered and that all of my dreams have come true. This is the moment I have waited my whole life for. I promise to give you my all and I know that I could not ask for more from you. I love you and always will. This is my solemn vow.

Facing Gary and Donna he said... "repeat after me."

I, Gary, take you Donna to be my beautiful wife, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presence of God my sacred promise to stay by your side as your loving husband in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve higher goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for always.
Donna if you could now repeat after me.

I, Donna, take you Gary to be my handsom husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presence of God my sacred promise to stay by your side as your loving wife in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve higher goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for always.

"If we could have the rings please."

Bringing the rings to the front, Jimmy passed his to his mom and dad. While James passed his to his Uncle and Aunt.

"Anthony, Gary, if you could face your brides to be again.

Anthony, do you take Claire for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Claire, do you take Anthony for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Gary, do you take Donna for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Donna, to you take Gary for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

Smiling widely, tearing up, she said... "We do."

Everyone looked confused, Claire giggiled. Anthony smiled, Gary was shocked. Punching her brothers arm, everyone laughed as he owwed.

"What was that for sis?" "She said we do, don't you get it bro."

The poor Minister didn't know what to think, never had he seen a sister punch her brother in the middle of their wedding ceremonies.

"Oh for crying out loud Gary, she's pregnant."

Everyone laughed again, even the guy filming the wedding, was planning on keeping a copy of this couples wedding. This was the best ceremony he had witnessed in a long time. God he could even win an award for this. All he had to do was get permission from the brides and grooms.

"We are? Really? Another child?" "Yes Gary, for the second time today... We do."

Slipping the rings on their fingers, the priest said...

"By the power invested in me, and this Holy Church. I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your brides."

Kissing their wives, the cheers and claps could be heard throughout the Church. Walking down the isle, everyone continued to cheer as they disappeared out the doors. Once they were outside, Gary smothered his wife in kisses, whispering over and over how happy he was to be a father again. As his sister watched with tears.

"It's okay baby." Turning her face into his neck, she softly cried. As Anthony held her close.

Coming out of the Church, Mac and Stella knew right away that their daughter was upset.

"Is she okay son?" "She'll be fine dad. I'll take good care of her." "We know you will son."

"Excuse me. I"m your photographer, I'd like to take some pictures of you both with your families." "Of course. Give us five minutes to get cleaned up." Walking away with his wife in his arms, he took her into the bathroom and cleaned her face with care. Being careful not to remove her make up.

"Look at me Claire. I want you to listen to me carefully. Children are not important for me. I do not need another child in our lives. You have gifted me with two of the most wonderful, loving boys in the world. No man in the world could ask for more, then what you have given me. You all make my world complete. I need nothing more, ever."

Kissing her passinately, he whispered... "now let's get outside before I change my mind about the surgery tomorrow and love you right here."
Walking back out hand in hand, Claire smiled as they joined the family for their pictures. When they were done the photographer pulled them aside.

"I have a great deal for all of you. How would you like to have your wedding videos and pictures for free?" "You're kidding right. Do you know how much money you would lose out on?" "I do." "Okay... so what's the catch?" asked Tony. "There is no catch. Basically I would like to enter your video in our annual contest we have once a year."

"You're kiddin?" "No... there's some great stuff on here. The little girl throwing flowers on the guests, you punching your brother, his face that showed shock, then pain. This is great stuff that could win me photographer of the year."

"Hmm.. what do you think Gary?" "I guess, how about you Anthony?" "I have too say no. I really don't feel comfortable with that." Gary couldn't believe it, either could Claire as she could feel Anthony squeeze her hand. Asking her without words to say no.

"I"m going to have to say no too." "You're kidding sis, come on." "No. Thanks for the offer though." "Alright, I'll have your photos and video to you in two weeks."

Leaving the photographer just couldn't understand it. Never had he ever had a client say no.

"Anthony... are you okay?" Caressing Claire's cheek he whispered... "I'm fine baby, don't worry." Walking towards the Limo, they got in and headed over to their reception.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Ooo I wonder why Tony said no about the video being shown in the contest but thean again maybe it has something to do with the previous video dramma with Claire :)..... loved the wedding ceremony with Gary getting a punch in the arm from his sis :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I have a little puzzle for you. Have fun:lol:
"Did you find Anthony and jewelry?" "No sir, we are still looking for them. I have men looking in America." "Did you check with his sister?" We did sir, but she is now deceased." "Then there is no use looking for him in America.He has no other family there." So what do you want me to do?" "Cancel the search." "We will just keep our eyes and ears open incase the gems are seen." "As you wish sir."

Greek Expedition Site

"Βρήκες Anthony και το GEMS;" "Δεν κύριε, εμείς εξακολουθούμε να αναζητούμε τους. Έχω άνδρες αναζητούν στην Αμερική." "Μήπως το ελέγξετε με την αδελφή του;" Το κάναμε κύριε, αλλά είναι τώρα αποθανόντος. "" Τότε δεν υπάρχει καμία χρήση αναζητούν τον America.He δεν έχει άλλη οικογένεια εκεί. "Τι θέλετε να κάνω;" "Ακύρωση της αναζήτησης." "Θα πρέπει απλώς έχουμε μάτια και αυτιά ανοικτή εγκλείω σε κιβώτιο είναι το GEMS δει." "Όπως επιθυμείτε κύριε."

Leaving the expedition site, the guy asked...

"What the hell did he say?" "You're not supposed to know. If he wanted you to know, he would have told you, right?" "I know it was about Anthony. I hope he doesn't think Anthony stole those gems, cause I know he wouldn't do that."

"Just move... I have calls to make."


Turning around they seen the whole expedition site, explode. "Holy mother of God, what the hell happened?" "I don't know, and I don't care, let's go."

When he got back to the Hotel, he called his men in America.

"The search is off, all men are to return home. The Client is dead. None of us are being paid. No funds, no search, so you can all go home to your families."

Hanging up the phone, he laughed... he could care a less what happened at the site. All he knew was he could return to New york and collect his half of the gems from Anthony. Afterall they were their gems, the client told them they could dig away from the site, as long as it was off the clock, and they could keep whatever they found.

But once they found some gems, Klevlar had told the client, who suddenly changed his mind, and wanted what they had found. Leaving Jerry no choice, but to have Anthony and the stones head back to America. So he could keep them safe.

"God this is like a God send, thanks to that site blowing up, we are now free." he whispered.

After mailing off a letter to the P.O Box, Anthony gave him. He headed back to the Hotel. Packing his suitcase, he booked his flight. Then as he turned, he seen some guy standing there with a gun pointed at him.

"I know you and Anthony took the gems, I want them, or you die." "Then I guess you better kill me, cause I don't know where they are." "You lie, and when I find your friend, he will die a slow torturous death." "Bang."

Back in New York

When they arrived at the reception Anthony pulled Claire aside.

"Baby... I need to remove your necklace for a while. I don't really want it to go missing if the clasp comes loose. There are to many people here that may not return it." "Umm... sure, but what will I wear around my neck?" "I bought you this yesterday."

Opening the box Claire seen the beautiful necklace with a heart shaped locket. Opening it, there was a picture of Anthony and her on one side, and their boys on the other.

"Oh... this is beautiful Tony, thank you." "You are welcome Claire, now let's go greet our guests, cause I'm not really sure how much longer I can keep my hands off you."

Tracing his warm fingers down her spine, she shivered. And as she leaned into him, as she was ready to say forget it too...

"Oh no you don't, you two. Hands off her Anthony till after her surgery." Wrapping his other arm around his mother in law, he kissed her cheek. "Fine... but it's not going to be easy mom." Laughing at his pout, they walked into the reception.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Ooh, another twist. I hope that mean guy doesn't hurt Claire or the kids for his vendetta against Tony.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeh same here, but I do like the twist! I think these few weeks are going to be hard for Tony :lol:
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