CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac and Stella got home, Mac noticed how quiet she was.

"Sweetheart... you've been quiet all night. Are you sure you're okay?" "Mhmm... caressing her husbands warm cheek, she tried not to let her contractions show till the last possible moment. She knew if she got Mac excited to soon, it would raise his blood pressure.

Walking into the room she got her suitcase, walked out to the car, and placed it in the back. Then walking back in, she sat down and leaned herself into her husbands arms.

"Where'd you go love?" "Just to the car for a minute. So anything good on?" "Not really. Why, would you like to do something?" "Mhmm... I was thinking we could take a trip to the Hospital now." Looking at his wife, he felt his tears weld up. God could it be, was it time for their beautiful miracle to be born.

Helping her to the car he did up her seatbelt. Then getting into the other side, he started the engine, while reaching for her hand. "Don't cry Mac...she whispered. I'm going to be fine, we are going to deliver a beautiful healthy baby." Kissing his hand, she gave it a little squeeze.

When they pulled into the ER, they took Stella up to Labor and Delivery, while Mac filled out the nessesary paperwork. Taking the elevator to the third floor, he got off and was greeted by a nurse. "You must be Mr.Taylor. If you'll come with me, I'll take you to your wife." Mac smiled at the nurse, she seemed wondefully helpful.

"I know you're nervous Mr.Taylor. But just trust in the future. For I promise you, it will be filled with many more years of happiness." Once they arrived at the room, Mac walked in and as he turned to thank the nurse, she was gone. "Mac... you okay?" "Yeah... there was... did you... never mind love, how you feeling?"

"Okay... the contractions aren't to bad. I called the kids, they wished us luck, and to call them when he/she is born." Leaning down to kiss his wife, Mac thought back to the final ultrasound, to the doctor asking if they would like to know what they were having. Laughing he remembered at the same time they said no.

"What's so funny Mac?" "I keep thinking back to our last ultrasound. How we both yelled out no at the same time." "Aww... I know. I think we scared that nurse with our shouts. What made you remember that?"
Bending down he whispered...

" I remember everything about us Stlella. Our first day we got together, our wedding day. The day we had Claire, and the pain we went through with her. Then when we had our little Gary. There isn't one moment I've forgotten love, and I never will. I love you so much Stella, you have always given me more then I ever deserved."

As Stella teared up, she whispered back..."not as much as you've given Mac. Never did I think this many years of happiness was possible. I only wish we had come to our senses sooner." Laughing at her humor, the doctor walked in.

"Good evening mommy and daddy. Are we ready to bring that beautiful third Taylor baby into the world?" Stella smiled. She was so happy her OBGYN was still alive. Not only had she delivered her babies, but her daughter and sons as well.

"Yeah... yeah were ready." Bending Stella's knees up, she opened them. "Okay Stel... I see the crown, did you want to use the stir ups or are you fine like this?" "I'm fine like this." "Very good then, on my count I want you too inhale deep, and then push. Ready?" Squeezing Mac's hand again, she shook her head.

As she inhaled, she pushed and auuuughed. "Again Stel... come on, one more big push." Giving one final push the baby came out screaming. Hearing the cries, Mac looked over the blanket. As soon as she seen his tears pour, she knew they had a boy.

"It's a boy sweetheart. A beautiful, healthy boy." "Yes he is, very healthy if his cries have anything to say about it. Okay daddy, come cut the cord." Taking the scissors Mac snipped his sons cord, then wrapping him in a blanket, the doctor passed him to his father.

"We will give you three a few minutes to get aquainted. Then we'll take him down to be weighed and bathed." "Thank you, thank you for everything." Climbing into the bed beside his wife, they held their son together. "You did wonderfully love, look at him. I had forgotten how dainty and tiny they are."

Leaning in Mac kissed his little rosebud lips, as his mouth curved up into what looked like a smile. "Look Mac... he's smiling at his daddy. God he's so amazing. Oh... I'm so happy, but now we need a name." It was at that moment he opened his eyes, yawned, then screamed.

Hearing the cries the nurse came in. "I think your little Prince is hungry. I'm going to take him for a weigh and bath. Then I'll bring him back for his feeding. Now... have decided on breast feeding, or bottle?" "I'd like to try the breast please." "Good choice. We shall be right back."

With the baby out of the room, Mac helped his wife take a shower, and put on a clean gown with her housecoat and slippers. After helping her back to bed, he crawled in with her. "How you feeling love, tired?" "A little, but we still need a name for our son Mac." "I guess we do. Any ideas?" "Hmm... I kind of like Mason."

Mac rolled it around a few times. "Mason Alan Taylor... Alan Mason Taylor." "Oh I like that Mac. Alan Mason Taylor, it's perfect." "Okay then love, Alan Mason it is." Hearing the knock, the nurse brought in the baby.

"Here we go mom. Do you have a name yet?" "We do... we've decided on Alan. Alan Mason Taylor." "Gorgeous name for a boy. I'll be sure to add it on his little bed."

Once the nurse left, Stella bared her breast and watched as little Alan began suckling away. As he fed, Mac held his tiny little fingers, as they wrapped around his. When she was finished, they snuggled down with their son.

"Hey... there's the proud parents. We heard through the grapevine, another Taylor was born." "Hi Sid... aww... look at that." Mac smiled... Sid had found a giant bright green elephant. Sitting it on the bed, he walked towards their son.

"May I Stella?" "Of course. Here you go Sid." With the child wrapped in his arms, he sat down. "God Stella. I don't think I can remember when mine were this tiny. You both must be so proud. I can honestly tell you, he's going to bring you both alot of happiness."

Smiling, Mac and Stella couldn't agree more.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".


While Claire paced her floor waiting for news on her new brother or sister, Anthony made coffee.

"Come on Claire. Sit down, you're going to wear out the floor." Laughing Anthony wrapped her in his arms. "I can't believe this. I'm going to be a sister again. Oh God... my kids are going to have a new aunt or uncle who's six years younger then them. Why hasn't dad called yet? We should have heard something by now."

It was at that moment the phone rang.

"Hello... dad... what did we have?" "It's me sis." "Oh... I guess you haven't heard from mom or dad either." "Not yet, I thought you had." "Nope...it's been six hours, how much longer can it take?" Caressing her shoulders, Anthony continued to calm her.

"Alright sis... give me a call if you hear from them first, and I'll do the same." "I will... I love you Gary." "I love you too sis." Hanging up the phone, Anthony kissed her hair and passed her a coffee.


Sid had left for home after visiting with baby Taylor.

"I guess we should call the kids and give them the news. We've tortured them long enough." Picking up the phone, Mac called his daughter first. "Hello... daddy... is it you?" "It is Claire bear. You'll be happy to know we've added a new Alan bear to our family." "Oh... oh daddy. Another boy. Oh... how's mom?"

"She's fine love, she came through the delivery with no problems." "Aww... that's great. We will be there in the morning to see our new brother." "You'll let your brother know?" "I will dad. I'll call him now. Give mom my love." "I will Claire, see you all in the morning."

After calling her brother, Claire was finally able to fall into sleep. Laying her head on the pillow, Tony reached over and caressed her hair. "Mmm... not now Tony, I"m tired," she laughed. "Are you being naughty Claire? Are you telling me without words that you want me again?"

"Me? Never. Night Tony." Flipping onto her tummy, he traced his fingertips down her back, slowly seductively sliding her gown up. As he stopped at the inside of her thighs, whispering... telling him without words to touch her where she needed.

"Are you ready Claire? Are you ready for us to soar in our love?" "Yes Anthony... please..."

That was all he needed to hear, as they poured their souls deep into each others hearts. Not wanting to stop, not wanting the magic to end. With another passionate storm at its end, Anthony wrapped them back in each others arms.

Over at Gary's he had told his wife the news about mom and dad.

"They had another boy Donna. They named him Alan Mason Taylor." "Aww... your dad must be in heaven right now." "He is... Claire said he sounded very teary. So I thought we would all go see them tomorrow." "Sounds great. We'll have to pick up a gift for the baby."

Reaching over Gary took Donna into his arms, and kissed her nape. "Donna... he whispered. Why don't we start on another of our own?" "Mm... sounds good. Where should we start?" She purred. Placing her hands against the wall, he slid his down her waist to the front of her jeans. Unclipping them, he pulled them along with her pants down her legs.

Picking her up in his arms. He carried her to their room. Laid her upon the sheets and whispered... "I'm going to love you Donna, I'm going to love you deep into the night, until all that remains are our sighs and cries throughout our room."

Keeping true to his words, they did love into the night. Until all that could be heard was...

"I love you Donna." "I love you too Gary." Sharing one last kiss, the lovers fell into sleep.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The little song is one I made up:lol:

Two Days Later...

"Are you ready to go love?" "I am Mac. Just let me grab my bag." While Stella took one last look to make sure she hadn't missed anything, her , Mac and Alan headed home to start their wonderful life together. Opening the door, Mac took his wife by her hand, and helped her get comfortable in bed. Then pickin up his son, he placed him in her arms.

"I'm going to make you some lunch love. I'll be right back." Leaving the room Mac made a fresh salad, slices of meats, cheese, and fruits to keep up her energy and breast milk. Walking back into the room he found her sound asleep with Alan.

"Sweetheart... I hate to wake you love. But you need to eat something."

"I know Mac. I'm just really tired." "I guess you would be Stel, but you need to keep your energy up for Alan." Stella smiled. She loved that her husband was all concerned, and sweetly loving towards her.

Pushing herself up she leaned her head against the pillows. "You know Mac, I've forgotten how hard it can be to breast feed." "Well if you like love, you can switch to the bottle for Alan, the doctor told you it was perfectly alright. This way I can help with the feedings."

As much as Stella would love to do that, she knew health wise it wasn't good for Mac. He needed rest, whether he realized it or not... she did... and that was all that mattered. "No... it's fine Mac... I love feeding him from my breast." Picking up her fork, she ate her salad, followed by her fruit and milk.

"Have you had enough Stel?" "Yeah... thanks Mac, I guess I was hungrier then I thought." Kissing her sweetly, she fell back into sleep.

Placing the dishes aside, Mac picked up Alan and carried him to the rocker, sitting down, he placed his little head protectively under his neck, as he brought up his knees, Mac felt his little fist curl into his heart.

"I love you son. Daddy is going to protect you with a thousand billion angels everyday. Do you know why son? No? Well let me sing it to you...

"You came into our world like an angel with wings, we knew you were our special blessing, that would always remain. In our loving hearts, and sweet, sweet, souls. Forever to keep you loved, safe and warm. So never forget my little angel boy, that you are our perfect blessing, that's filled our world once more with joy."

When Mac finished his song, he looked over at his wife and found her awake with tears in her eyes. "That was beautiful Mac. You've always had such a poetic heart and soul. You know what else I noticed? Each one of our children, now have their own songs you've written and sang to them."

Getting up, he walked over to the bed and placed Alan between them.

"It's amazing love, he has those beautiful curls like you have atop his head. If you carfully put it straight and let it go, it curls back into place." Stella had to smile. Mac was right, everytime you tried to straighten Alan's hair, it would curl back up.

Snuggling his family in closer, they fell into sleep.


Jess was having a sundae fest. Grabbing down the marshmellow fluff, candy sprinkles, whip cream, ice cream, butterscotch syrup, chocolate syrup, and strawberries, she made herself a huge one.

"Jess... what the hell you doing?" Turning to face her husband she hid the sundae behind her back and smiled. "Nothing. What are you doing home from work honey?" "Don't honey me Jess, give it too me." "Give you what? I don't have anything." "Now Jess, give me the sundae."

"No... get away from it Don. It's mine." Trying to reach around her, which was impossible these days, she snatched it from behind her, and as Don's arm came up, he knocked it all over his suit. As Jess laughed... Don yelled.

"God damn it Jess... look at my suit." Still laughing Jess took her finger and dipped it into the sauce. "Mmm... you know what Donnie? You taste better."

While Jess attacked her husband he continued to try and get her to calm down. Christ she was in hyper overdrive. As he finally grabbed her hands the cramps started. "Oww... oh God..." "What is it Jess?" "My water just broke. Oh God Don, it's too soon. I'm only eight months." "Don seen the puddle of water on the floor.

"I'll call 911, just relax Jess."

Once EMT's showed up thay secured Jess, and rushed her to the Hospital with Don. When they arrived Jess was taken up to Maternity. Rushing up after signing the nessesary paper work, he found his wife screaming in pain.

"Why is she screaming like that? What's the matter with her. Give her something, someone help her." "Huff, hee, huuff... shut the hell up Don. I'm fine... quit acting like this is your first time. Now hold my hand." Taking her hand she squeezed as the contraction came on full force.

"God damn Jess... let up on your grip." "Shut your mouth. This was your idea. You had to want another one." "Me... I didn't see you saying no. In fact weren't you the one constantly attacking me?" "Oh don't make it sound like you're some poor helpless husband who was attacked endlessly by his wife. You're not impressing anybody. In fact... I can't even remember how good it felt."

The nurses were trying desperatly not to laugh. But oh my... this was one to talk about over lunch. Never had they had any couple talk about how the other was in bed.

"Well it seems obvious I did something right Jess, I got you pregnant didn't I?" "You got me... it was my damn egg that dropped." "It may be your egg Jess, but without my sperm, you'd have nothing for that tiny egg." "You son of a bitch."

As Jess went to swing at him., the contraction hit her full force.

"Alright Jess, I need you to push. Come on Jess, one good push." As she yelled during her push, they heard the baby's lusty screams. "Alrighty then.... you have a beautiful son. A beautiful healthy baby boy." Nothing but silence could be heard. A boy? Hadn't they hoped for a boy. This was truly a miracle.

Wrapping the child in a blanket she passed Don his boy. As Jess watched, she seen Don tear up. She knew that this was what they needed. Especially Donnie. For now he had a namesake to carry his on. Looking at his wife, he climbed in beside her and placed their child between them.

"Thank you Jess. Thank you for giving me a son. I love you, I love you so much," he cried. "You're welcome Donnie, and I didn't mean all those things I said about you." "I know that Jess, either did I." Looking down at the baby, Don said...

"Welcome to the family Donald Michael Flack the third."
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