CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As Mac walked by the Nursery door he closed it. Then looking into his daughters room he walked in, picked her up, and carried her to his room. Laying her under the comforter he climbed in beside her and coverd them up.

"Daddy? Is you still sad?"

"No sweetheart. Why don't you go back to sleep. Daddy is here with you."

Taking her tiny hands she wrapped them around her daddy's neck and snuggled right into his heart.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too Claire."

Crying into his pillow he listened to the silence that filled their home.


When Don and Danny arrived at the hospital they found the officer's away from Stella's door.

"Nurse...where are the officer's we had posted on the door? And where is nurse Cheryl?"

"I'm not sure Detective? I just got on duty."

Running into the room they found Stella sound asleep.

"I'm going to wake her Don. Just to be sure."

Shaking Stella's arm softly he called her name.

"Stel...Stel...wake up."

"Mmm...what is it Danny?"

"It's nothing Stel. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine Danny." she cried.

"Aww....come on Stel. I shouldn't have woke you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Danny. I just feel so hollow inside."

Taking her hand Danny whispered...."I understand Stel. But I promise we will get you through it."

Closing her eyes again from the sedation, she fell back into sleep.

"Let's go find those damn officer's."

As they searched the lounge they found them both watching the game.


"Oh....ummm...we were just catching the end of the game."

"Yeah. Well concider it suspension. Now get the hell out."

"Now what Don?"

"Now we watch her ourselves. Let's go Danny."

As they headed back to Stella's room he was watching from the shadows.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww, Claire's so sweet! Thank God for Danny and Don. Glad they gave those doofus officers hell for leaving the door. Thank Goodness Stella's okay. I love how Danny and Don decided to watch Stella themselves. You know the saying, if someone can't do what you ask correctly, you must do it yourself. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".


Lindsay was on her way back to the station when the guy knocked her clear off the road into the on coming lane. As several of the cars piled into hers the perp ran out of his vehicle and opened Lindsay's door snatching the bullet from her front seat while she was knocked out.

Hearing the phone ring jarred Mac out of sleep.


"Mac, it's Sheldon. There's been an accident. Lindsay's car was in a pile up tonight. She's fine but...."

"But what Sheldon?"

"She lost the bullet from your son."


"Mac...you still there?"

"Yeah...he said sadly. That was the only piece of evidence we had to catch the shooter."

"I know Mac. I'm so sorry, and Lindsay is really upset over it. She's at the Hospital now having a few stitches put in her head."

"Okay Sheldon, thanks."

Mac knew he needed to see Lindsay. But he had no sitter for Claire.

"Claire...sweetheart? Wake up."

"What's the matter daddy?"

"We need to go see mommy, Danny, and Flack."

Wiping the sleep from her eyes she said..."k daddy we go now?"

"yeah sweetheart. We go now."

When they arrived at the Hospital Mac dropped Claire off to Don and Danny.

"Hey Mac. I take it you are here to see Lindsay?"

"I am. But I need you to watch Claire for a bit. Is Stella awake yet?"

"No. She's still heavly sedated."

"Okay. But what are you two still doing here? And where is the officer's I posted on her door?"

"It's a long story Mac. One for later. Let's just say they are on suspension."

"Great. What else can go wrong? I'll be right back."

After Mac left to see Lindsay Danny said....

"God..he seems so lost. He didn't even lose it Don. I don't like this."

"Either do I Danny."

"Uncle Dons? Can I have some ice cream?"

"Of course you can sweetheart. Come on let's go."

Leaving the room with Claire. Danny stayed with Stella.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac found Lindsay he asked...

"Lindsay! What happened?"

"I'm not sure Mac. One minute I was driving. The next thing I'm being bumped into on coming traffic."

"Did you happen to see the vehicle? Make or model? Anything?"

"I'm sorry Mac. I didn't see, and I'm so sorry I lost the key piece of evidence to finding the shooter."

Not saying anything more Mac told Lindsay to get some rest. Heading back upstairs Mac wondered to himself where the hell they were going to start now.

Walking into his wife's room he seen Danny sleeping in the chair.

"Danny, why don't you go get Lindsay and head home."

"You sure Mac? I don't mind staying."

"No. You go ahead. I'll stay with my wife."

"Okay Mac. I'll see you in the morning."

"Daddy...I had ice cream with Uncle Dons."

"I see that sweetheart. Come here."

Taking his daughter in his arms he whispered....

"How would you like to stay at Uncle Don's?"

"Yeah...I love that daddy. You come too?"

"No love. I'm staying with mommy."

"Okay daddy. Kisses please?"

Kissing his daughter on the mouth he whispered....

"I love you Claire Bear."

"I love you too daddy bear." she giggled.

With the case at a stand still and the room quiet, Mac crawled in beside his wife.


"Shhh...it's okay love go back to sleep. I'm here."

Inhaling his wife's hair. He buried himself in her curls, whispered he loved her, and fell into sleep.

When Don got Claire home to his place she was wide awake and bouncing from all the ice cream.

"Wanna play hide a seek Uncle Dons?"

"Not tonight sweetheart. It's bedtime."

"No its not. I'm wide awake. Let's play."

Knowing it was his fault for giving her ice cream. Don gave in to her and began the game of hide and seek.

"You hide Claire. I'll count. One, two ,three, four, five. Ready or not here I come."

Don could hear her giggling behind his sofa. But instead of finding her, he pretended he didn't see her.

"Now where is that Claire? Hmmm....is she under the table? Nope...she's not there. How about under the curtains? Nope...she's not there either."

"Here I is Uncle Dons. Behind the couch."

Picking her up in his arms he said....

"And now little lady, it's time for bed."

"Awww...I's not tired."

"I know sweetheart. But try and close your eyes, okay?"

Covering her up under his comforter she feel into sleep.

"Hmm...not tired indeed." he whispered as he kissed her little cheek.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at "Daddy bear" and Claire saying she's not tired and then falling asleep. That's just like a little kid. Too cute!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As the weeks progressed it was time for Stella to be released. With the team no closer to closing the case Mac decided to have unmarked units at his home.

"Mommy....yelled Claire. We's here to get you."

"Hi my baby girl. Give mommy a hug."

Running to her mommy's arms she carefully embraced her.

"Is you still sore mommy?"

"Just a little love. But your hugs make me feel better."

"Mommy...where did your tummy go? And where is our new baby?"

Mac was floored. He never thought to think his daughter would remember.

"Listen Claire bear. Our little baby went to heaven early to be an angel."

"Why mommy? I nevers even met my new baby."

"I know sweetheart."

Seeing the tears in his wife's eyes. Mac knew it was time to change the subject.

"Okay my ladies. How about we pick up dinner on the way home?"

"Oh yay...cans we have chicken daddy?"

"We sure can. You ready mommy?"

Taking her by the hand the Taylor family headed home.

He was watching again. Standing with his haunting eyes. A cold blooded killers eyes. He knew it was only a matter of time before he had another chance to kill her.

She had never been told about him, that much he knew for sure. But he always kept tabs on her even in the orphanage. All he knew was he had this thirst to kill her, to rid her of her pain she had suffered over her years.

"Save the innocent," he whispered.

Getting into his car he followed the Taylor family to their next stop.


Danny and Lindsay were searching her vehicle to see if they could find the bullet.

"There's nothing here Danny. I don't understand? How could it just disappear?"

"I don't know Lindsay. But we need to figure this out. I think I'll grab Flack and we'll have a talk with some of our witness. Someone may have seen something."

"Okay Danny. I'll go see Adam. Hopefully he found something on those traffic photo camera's."

"See ya later Linds."

Heading in opposite directions. They both hoped that they'd find something soon.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they pulled into the driveway. The perp noticed the unmarked vehicles. Driving right by without stopping he headed home to figure out his next move.

"Daddy? Can we watch Sesame Street?"

"Of course sweetheart. Right after dinner."

"No daddy. Now please..."

"Daddy said after dinner Claire. Now come on up in your big girl chair and eat."

"No!!! I's not eat till I watch Sesame Street."

Mac knew she had been spoiled over the last few weeks. By himself and his team. But he never realized how much till now.

"Listen Claire. Either you eat, or you go to bed."

Putting on a little pout Stella had to laugh. For there was Mac when he used that pout on her.

"What's so funny my love?"

"Our daughter. That's what is funny. She has your mouth, look at her."

Looking at his daughter, as she ate her chicken. He had to agree.


Adam was working in the lab when he heard the sound behind him. Turning around his eyes went wide as he seen who was standing there with a knife in their hand.

Before he could block the jab of the knife it sliced into his chest upwards and down, as Adam collapsed on the ground.

A short time later Sheldon walked in and seen Adam near death. Picking up the phone he called 911, while aplying pressure.

Once they had Adam assesed and safe to move Sheldon called Mac.


"Mac it's Sheldon. Adam's on his way to the hospital. Someone stabbed him in the lab. It's not good Mac."

"Okay..start processing. I'll call Danny, Lindsay and Flack."

"What's the matter Mac?"

"Someone stabbed Adam in the lab tonight. He's been rushed to the Hospital."

"Is he going to make it?"

"I'm not sure love. I have to go. Will you and Claire be okay?"

"Of course. I'll keep the door locked. Plus we have the undercovers out there. You go ahead."

As Mac left he had the sinking feeling this was some kind of set up.
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