CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks for all your wonderful feedback guys. I'm glad you enjoyed the new story. I'm not sure if I'll be doing another one for this or not, as I still have two on going and three new one shots in the works.

So thanks again. Linda:)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

We continue the story where it left off. Stella is three months pregnant, and Claire is at the park with the boys.

He was watching the little girl with the dark brown curls, and pretty face. He always like to watch. He couldn't understand what it was with curls, he just loved the way they bounced, as he rubbed himself getting excited.

"Claire....are you ready to go home?" Yelled Danny.

"Clair"..so that was her name. Such a pretty name for a little girl. He thought to himself.

"In a minute Uncle Danny, I needs a drink."

"Okay squirt, wait up. Claire, get back here now."

Running from Danny to the fountain. She seen the man smile at her.

"Hello there. What's your name?"

"I'm not to talk to strangers."

"But I'm not a stranger. See, I have a badge."

"Oh so you work with my daddy and uncles?"

"I do, they are very funny your uncles. How would you like some ice cream?"

"No. I have to go back. Uncle Danny will find me soon."

"I know. I have a great place you can hide. Come with me and I will show you."

"Claire Marie, get over here." Yelled Danny.

"Who the hell are you talking too?"

"I don't know, he has a badge, but he's gone now. Why you yell at me Uncle Danny?"

"Cause you scared me. Don't ever run ahead of me again, okay?"

"Okay Uncle Danny. I loves you?"

"I love you to Claire. Now let's head home. Flack's picking up pizza."

As they walked away he was watching. He knew the little girl named Claire would be an easy target. But for now he would have to find a different little girl to play with.

Searching the park, he seen a small girl playing on a swing. Walking over he sat on the other swing.

"Hello. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I like to swing."

"I like to swing too. Where is your mommy?"

"She went to get me an ice cream."

"Ice cream, yummy. How about we go find her, and I'll get one too."

Hoping off the swing, the small girl took his hand, as they headed in the opposite direction.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As they walked along, the young girl was getting scared.

"I think we should back, my mommy isn't here."

"Oh that's okay. We'll go look for her."

"But we need to go this way. The park is this way."

Now he knew the girl was going to cry, or scream. But he was only a few minutes from the car. Picking her up, he carried her the rest of the way.

"Please, let me down," she cried. Pleeeeeeeease".

Taking what looked like a candy bar, he passed it to the young girl and told her to eat that till they found her mom.

As she began to chew a few bites, she got sleepy. And in a matter of mintutes she was out. Placing her in the car, he took her to a secluded area of trees.

Lifting her from the car, he sat with her till she woke. For he knew it wouldn't be as much fun without her awake.

Meanwhile, Danny dropped Claire off at Mac's.

"Daddy, we're home. Daddy."

"There's my little Claire bear, how was the park?"

"It was fun. Uncle Danny fell off the slide being silly."

"He did. Well mommy has lunch ready for you in the kitchen."

"Come on Uncle Danny, let's have lunch."

"I can't sweetheart, Uncle Danny has to get back to work."

"Can you stay Uncle Flack?"

"Well that depends what mommy is having."

Stella came out of the kitchen.

"Hey boys, staying for lunch?"

"No I have to go Stel. I've got some paper work to finish, before the boss has my butt."

Claire giggled.

"Funny Messer."

"How about you Flack, you staying? It's cold chicken, salad, and fresh fruit for dessert."

"Okay, you talked me into it."

After Danny left, he thought back to that guy in the park that was talking to Claire. Pulling up into the station he parked and headed inside.

Back in the secluded area, the little girl was waking up. Seeing she was still with the man, she tried to scream. But not before he gagged her with his hand.

"Shh...it's okay little one, I just want to play. Don't you want to play?"

"I want my mommy."

"I'll tell you what. You let me play with you, and than I'll take you home."

Noooooooooooooooo...I want my mommy," she cried.

Ignoring her pleas, he laid her on the grass and started his assault.

It must have been 3pm, when the mother reported her daughter missing from the park. As Danny and Flack headed over, they began questioning her.

"Could you tell us the last time you seen your daughter?"

"Sure. I left her on the swing, while I went to get her an ice cream."

"You left your five year old on a swing in Central park by herself?"

"Yes. I do it everyday. Nothing has ever happened, she always listens."

"Well, she didn't listen today did she?"

"I don't know, please help me find her."

"Do you have a photo of the child?"

"Yes, yes, right here."

"Danny put out an Amber Alert, and inform the Media."

"Okay Mrs.Brine. Can you think of anywhere she would go?"

"No. We just moved here a week ago, I hadn't even had the chance to enroll her in school yet."

"Okay. The best thing you can do right now, is head home, incase she calls, or someone calls with a randsom."

"My little girl is going to be alright, isn't she?"

"I can't answer that. Just go home, we will call you if anything changes."

Leaving the station, Flack had a sinking feeling the child would be found dead.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapter. Poor little girl. :( I hope they find the guy in time before he kills her.

I can't believe how nonchalant that mother was about leaving her five year old on the playground alone.... like it was no big deal... Eep! I wouldn't want to leave my kid alone for one single second ... not just cause of predators, but a small child will put anything in their mouths and she could have choked to death or something. I guess she'll know better next time... only it may be too late for her little girl. so sad...
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at home Mac was playing "hide and seek" with Claire.

"Where are you my little Claire Bear?"


"Are you under the couch? Nope, not there. How about under the chair? Not there either. Hmmm....It's to bad I can't find Claire sweetheart. I guess she'll miss out on your peanut butter cookies."

"Oh..mama has cookies", she whispered to herself behind the curtain, that Mac could see her little toes.

"Mmmm...yummy peanut butter cookies and mommy, thank you."

Now Claire wasn't dumb. She knew if daddy had cookies he wouldn't be eating them in the living room. For cookies were only allowed in the kitchen and den.

"Mac...what are you doing under that couch?"

"Looking for my Claire Bear, I know she's here somewhere."

*More giggling*

As Stella seen her daughter peek from the curtain, she told her to come. Picking her up, Stella left the room with Claire.

"How about we trick daddy, and get you some cookies and milk?" she whispered.

"Okay mama. But won't daddy get stuck?"

"Nah...he'll get out."

As Mac wiggled out of the couch, he noticed the curtain had stopped moving. Walking over he seen she was gone.

"Hey!!! Who stole my Claire Bear. I know she was behind this curtain."

Mac could hear her giggling loudly from the kitchen. Walking in he seen her eating her cookies and milk.

"You sneaky bear you. Give daddy bite."

Passing her cookie to daddy, he took a little bite. "And now daddy wants his kiss."

"No kisses daddy, you didn't find me remember."

*Pouts* "But I love my Claire bear kisses, pweeeeeease," he whinned.

Leaning over her big girl chair, she kissed her daddy on the lips.

"Better daddy?"

"Much better. Now Mama bear, where is my kiss?"

Laughing from the fun of it all, she walked over and planted one on her husband.

"Mmm...yay. Now I have all my cookie kisses, I need to go to work."

"Bye daddy, I love yous lots."

"I love you too Claire, you take good care of mommy and your baby okay?"

"Okay daddy. I make mommy rest, and rub her tummy."

"That's my big girl. Bye love, see you tonight."

Heading out the door, with another cookie Mac recieved the call.


"Mac it's Danny. We've found that missing five year old. Flack's on his way to pick up the mother."

"Okay danny, I'm on my way."

When they arrived at the secluded area Mac could hear the mother screaming.

"Noooooooooooooooo, not my baby. Oh God, please, this is a mistake."

"Flack, have one of your men take the mother downtown."

"Sure Mac."

As Mac, Danny and Sheldon looked over the tiny body, they were sickened.

"TOD Sheldon?"

"Not more then four hours ago Mac. She's still warm. Also if you notice around her mouth, the bluish color. She's been drugged. With what I don't know yet. I also found traces of chocolate on her dress. I've already bagged it, along with a swab from her mouth."

"Was she assaulted?"

"She was Mac, both orally, and internally. I can also tell you he wasn't gentle about it. As her jaw was cracked, most likely from forcing her mouth open with his hands."

"Sick bastard. I'm telling you Mac. This City is getting worse."

"I know Danny. Keep your cool. Here come the reporters. Get the child covered up now."

"Please step away from the crime scene. You know better. Five feet from the yellow tape."

"Detective Taylor. Is it true the City of New York has another pediphile running around?"

"Detective Taylor. What are your plans on catching this animal, before he strikes again."

"Listen everyone back up now. All your questions will be answered by Chief Sinclair at the NYPD. Now please leave, we have a crime scene to process."

"Fucking animals," whispered Danny to Mac.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Poor little girl. :( I hope they catch that sicko before he hurts another little girl.

The scene with Mac, Stella and Claire was adorable! :)
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac returned to NYPD, Danny already had the mother in interrogation.

"Good afternoon, I'm Det.Mac.Taylor. I have a few questions for you."

"What about. I just want to see my daughter."

"Could you please tell me why you left your daughter alone on a swing, while you went and got ice cream."

"I was only a few feet away from her. If anything was wrong she would have screamed."

"She would have screamed? What kind of answer is that. Children in NY are taken and assaulted everyday in NY, and you had no concern that it could happen to your daughter, why?"

"She was smart enough to know better, I told her to stay, as I had done several times before. She always listens."

"I don't care if she listened or not. Now I'll ask you again, why did you leave your daughter alone?"

"I told you detective....."

*Knock, knock*

"What is it Danny?"

"It seems the mother was dealing to a crackhead named Peter Long, we have him in booking."

"So you are telling me, she left her daughter to do a deal?"

"Afraid so Mac. I've got a female officer out here, the Chief wants a internal done on the mother, as Peter informed us where she hides them".

"Great. This just gets sicker by the minute. Bring her in. And make sure the mother has a lawyer. The last thing we need are her rights violated."

"Like that should matter, after what she did to her daughter."

"Easy Danny. Why don't you check on Sid, see if he found out what the substance was on her lips."

"Okay Mrs.Brine. We have a female officer coming in to an internal on you."

"Like hell you do. I know my rights, I demand a lawyer now."

"Of course you do. Mrs.Brine, meet Mrs.Terrance, she's your appointed lawyer by the city."

"Listen, if you are my lawyer get me out of this?"

"I'm sorry Mrs.Brine. You must co operate. This will help with your daughters case."

"Bullshit, you think I'm stupid. I know what you think. You think I'm some crack dealing mother, who left my little girl to do a deal."

"Did you"?

"I'm not answering anymore questions."

"You don't need to. This officer is going to take you downstairs and check you for drugs."

As the Officer went to put her in cuff's she tried to fight, leaving Danny and Mac no choice but to hold her down.

"I want the results ASAP."

"Of course Det.Taylor."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While they waited for the female officer to return. Mac was looking over some paperwork, when Danny walked in.

"Hey Mac."

"Danny. Did you need something?"

"No. But something has been bothering me."

"What is it Danny?"

"Today at the park, Claire ran a little bit ahead of me to get to the fountain. By the time I caught up, there was a man there, talking to her."

"About what Danny?"

"I'm not sure, she said he worked for us, and showed her his badge. I thought nothing of it at first. I just figured one of our Officer's were patroling the parks."

"Excuse me Det.Taylor?"


"We've done a full cavity search, but turned up nothing. There is also no sign of anything being in that area. Also the blood work came back showing Crack."

"Okay, thanks. Danny where is Peter?"

"He's in holding. The blood work came back on him too. he was higher then Mrs.Brine."

"What are you thinking Mac?"

"I'm thinking we had a couple who was cracking it, while a young girl was left to fend off a predator."

"Now what Mac?"

"I think I need to head home and talk to Claire. She may be our only hope."


"What is it Sinclair?"

"What are we doing about this case?"

Now there was no way in hell, Mac was telling Sinclair what his daughter had seen.

""The mother is being arrested for child endangerment, and Peter is being charged with drug possession."

"I don't care about that Taylor. I have the Media on my ass. They seem to think we have a Pediphile on the lose in NY."

"Look Sinclair, that's your department, you handle it. I've got to get back to that park with my team, and see if we missed anything."

"Christ Mac, he looks pissed."

"I don't really give a shit Danny. I have a five year old child laying in the morgue assaulted by a Psychotic Pediphile who could be looking for his next victim."

When Mac returned home. He found Claire watching "Cinderella" with her mom.

"Daddy, you home. I missed you daddy."

"I missed you to Claire bear. Listen Claire. Do you remember when Uncle Danny, and Uncle Flack took you to the park today?"

"Uhuh...Uncle Danny fell off the slide, it was funny."

"What happened after that love?"

"I got really thirsty daddy. So I ran ahead to the fountain, to get a drink."

"But you know, you are not to leave Uncle Danny, or Uncle Flack. At any time."

"I know daddy, I'm sorry."

"That's okay love. Just don't do it again okay?"

"Okay daddy."

"Now Claire, can you tell me about this Officer you seen?"

"What Officer daddy?"

"The one at the fountain."

"Oh...he asked me to come with him. He said he knew a good place I could hide from my Uncles. But I told him no. That I can't talk to strangers, ever."

"That's my big girl."

"Can you tell daddy what he looked like?"

"I not remember daddy. Cause Uncle Danny yelled at me to come to him. But he did have a badge."

"A badge like this sweetheart?"

"No daddy, his badge was different. Can I watch Cinderella now?"

"Of course love, you go ahead."

"What are you thinking Mac?"

"I want you to go back NYPD, get the book that shows all the badges from the past till now. We are going to see if our Claire can find the badge she seen."
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