CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Now there is an idea ;). How would you want it love story, action, drama. Give me an idea and I'll work it out.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Danvale Case #2 - "Who said Evil doesn't come in two's?"

This takes place two years later. Mac, Stella and li'l Claire who is now two are at the park.

"Claire...come to daddy. Come here love."

Walking over to her daddy. He picked her up and kissed her rosebud lips.

"I love you daddy. We pay on the swing?"

"Of course we can. Let's go sweetheart. Stella, you coming love?"

"Mmhmm. Just give me a minute to get up."

Being seven months pregnant again. Stella had trouble getting up.

"Do you need some help love?"

Pulling up his lovely wife he held her tight.

"Come on daddy. I wants to play."

Walking over to the swings Mac heard the shots ring out.

"Get down NOW!!!!"

Too late. Mac realized Stella had been hit. Laying in a pool of blood Mac called 911.

When they arrived on scene they assesed Stella.

"I need the paddles NOW!!".

As the attendent grabbed the paddles. The other began shocking Stella.

"I've got a pulse. Let's move her NOW!!"

Once they were on their way. Mac informed Danny and the team to process the scene.

*Crying* "Daddy....I want mommy. I want to see mommy."

"Shh...okay love. We'll go see mommy now."

"Mac. What the hell went on here?"

"I'm not sure Flack. But I can tell you this much. My wife was the target. They aimed only at her. Lindsay..I want you to get back to the station and check the records on all the criminals Stella has arrested. I want to know how many are out on bail"

"Sure Mac. I'll get right on it."

Leaving the team to process. Mac and his daughter headed to the Hospital.

At the Hospital...

When Mac arrived he headed to the front desk.

"Excuse me. They brought in my wife Stella Taylor. Where can I find her?"

"She's still in the OR. If you have a seat the surgeon should be out shortly."

Sitting down Mac thought back to all the times he and Stella had had the perfect life, after the Danvale case.

"Excuse me. Det.Taylor?"

"Yes. How's my wife?"

"We've stabilized her. But we are sorry to inform you your child didn't make it. Your unborn child saved your wife's life. It's a sad situation to have happened like this. But the bullet was lodged inside your son."

Mac could feel the tears pooling in his eyes.

"I need that bullet."

"Of course. We will remove it from your son immediately."

When the doctor left Mac broke down.

"Daddy...please dont cry daddy." as she wiped her tears and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry Claire. Come on let's go see mommy."

As they walked into the room. Mac could see Stella hadn't awakened yet. Walking up to the bed he stared at his wife's tummy where his son was once nestled.

"Mac....Mac? How is she?"

Looking at Flack he broke. We lost our baby."

Falling on his knees. Flack grabbed Claire and passed her to Danny.

"Take her out of the room Danny."

"Come on Claire. Let's go get you some ice cream."

Knealing down Don grabbed Mac in his arms and just held him as he cried.

End Chapter.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww, that's so sad. Poor little baby boy. I love the whole brotherly type love between Mac and the guys though. It's so sweet.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once Mac had composed himself he knew he had no choice but to head down to the morgue.

"Mac...do you want me to come with you?"

"No thanks. You guys stay here incase Stella wakes up."

Walking from the room Mac took the elevator to the basement.

"Excuse me...you can't be down here. Can I help you with something?"

"I want to see my son."

"Oh..are you Det.Taylor?"

"I am. Now I want to see my son."

Taking him into the room Mac could feel how cold it was . How empty and lonely this place seemed to be.

Pulling out the slat the coroner left the room.

Taking his shaken hand Mac carefully lifted off the tiny white blanket revealing his sons tiny form.

"I'm so sorry son. So sorry I never got to meet you, to hold you, to sing to you, to love you. But I know you are in heaven being well taken care of."

Bending down Mac kissed his tiny crown while he held his little cold hand. Then saying a prayer he covered him back up.

"I promise you son. Daddy and your family will find your killer. I promise we will all bring him to justice."

Pushing the slat back in the freezer. Mac closed the door.


"What is it Danny?"

"Stella's starting to wake. She's still pretty groggy and doesn't know she has lost your son yet."

"Okay Danny. I'm coming."

Walking towards the door Danny looked at Mac and whispered...."don't worry Mac. We will find him and when we do he'll know what justice is all about. Family justice."

With tears in their eyes. They headed upstairs to give Stella the sad news."

Entering the room Mac seen Claire sound asleep on Flack's shoulder.

"Take her home for me Flack. I'll be there as soon as I can. Here's my keys."

"Sure Mac. You'll be okay?"

"I will Flack. You and Danny just take care of Claire for me."

After they left Stella began to wake again.

"Mmmm...Mac? I hurt so bad."

"I know love. Try not to move so much. You have several stitches in your abdomen."

Reaching her hand across her stomach she realized there was no longer a bump.

"Mac....she whispered. Where's my baby? WHERE'S MY BABY...."

Screaming over and over the nurse and doctor ran in to sedate her again.

"Christ...stop!!! Do not give her anything right now. She needs to know." cried Mac.

"Detective it is best to keep her calm."

"Don't tell me what's best. I know what is best for my wife. NOW GET THE HELL OUT."

After they left the room Mac lowered his tear stained face to his wife's. And as his teardrops fell on her he cried.... sweetheart...we lost our baby. I'm so, so, sorry. But our son is gone."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I love this thread! Please have some more! You've got me in tears! :(


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Holding his wife tighter they cried between their soft tender kisses.

"How Mac? Please tell me how?"

"Someone shot at you sweetheart. The bullet went through you and lodged in our son. The doctor informed me that if not for our son you would have died."

"It's so unfair Mac. Our child will never have the chance to grow up, to feel love and warmth. How am I supposed to understand? I can't Mac. This is all too much."

"I know love. But I promise you we will find the shooter. He will be brought to justice."

"Where is Claire?"

"She's with Don and Danny. I had them take her home."

"Is she okay though Mac? Does she know?"

"She's fine love. She's also young I doubt she'll remember anything. Even if she does. She'll soon forget."

"Excuse me Mac. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Lindsay come in."

"How you feeling Stella?"

"Tired. Very tired and very sore. I want my baby back."

As she started crying again Mac nestled her.

"I know Stella. I'm so sorry. I checked those records for you Mac. But it seems none of Stella's perp's have been released. Where do you want me to go from here?"

"Check my arrests. See if any of mine have been released. Also take this bullet and have it anaylized."

"Sure Mac. I'll get right on it. Take care Stella."

"I will Lindsay."

Back at the house Don and Danny placed Claire in her bed, snuggling her with her teady bear.

"Sleep sweet sweetheart."

Walking from the room they seen the Nursery door open. Looking inside they could see the beautiful set up they had for their child.

"Damn Danny. This isn't fair. Such innocence stolen."

"I know Don. Stella and Mac are going need alot of help getting through this."

"I know that. That's why they have us. We'll all help them survive."

"Christ Don. We need to find that shooter."

"We will Danny. I'm sure we'll find something on that bullet and when we do justice will be served. This is one shooter that won't know what hit him."

Heading downstairs they heard Mac come through the door.

"How is she Mac?"

"Not good Danny. I had them sedate her before I left. How's Claire?"

"She's sleeping. Are you sure it's safe to leave Stella alone? Who's to say he won't come back and finish the job?"

"He'd be stupid to try. I've posted officer's on her door. I've also told them no one enters that room except for her doctor and Nurse Cheryl."

"I think I'll stop by on my way home and make sure she's alright."

"Thanks Don. that would be great."

"Mac...have you decided what you are going to do with your son?"

"I have Danny. Stella and I are just going to have him buried. We've both decided that would be best."

"Okay Mac. Try and get some rest. We'll see you tomorrow."

Leaving out the door Danny whispered to Flack...."You know sometimes life can really suck?"

"I know Danny. Let's go check on Stella."
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