CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As the Undercover's watched Mac pull away. They watched the house carefully.

"Special Agent Donvan and Beacher. This is dispatch calling. We'd like to inform you that the suspect has been aprehended and you are to return to base."

"Dispatch this Agent Donvan. We have strict orders from Det.Taylor and Det.Flack that we are not leave the area unless it comes directly from them."

"I understand that. But we recieved the call, you are to return to base."

"10-4 dispatch, we are on our way."

Watching as the Undercover's left. Stella wondered what was going on.

At the phone booth he had the prostitute hang up the phone.

"Good job. Here's your money. Thanks for all your help."

"Hey anytime sweetheart. Thanks for the $500 bucks."

Getting into his car he drove to the Taylor house and sat in the car.


When the team arrived at the Hospital Adam was just out of surgery.

"Excuse me Det.Taylor?"

"Yes, how's Adam doing?"

"He came through the surgery fine. We had to remove his spleen, but he should recover nicely."

"May we see him?"

"Sure. I'll have the nurse come get you once he's out of recovery."


"Hey Mac? Who's with Stella and Claire?"

"The Undercover's are watching the house. Why?"

"Cause I just came from the NYPD and I seen them pull into the station."

"What? When Danny?"

"About twenty minutes ago."


Running from the Hospital Mac, Flack and Danny headed home.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

OMG this is a really good fic. MORE more please! It's really amazing. Poor Adam!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

They had to remove his spleen? Ouch! I hope Mac gets there before Stella gets hurt.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Knowing he had very limited time. He got out of the car and headed around the back. Sneaking up to the window he seen her, just as she seen him. Running from the kitchen she grabbed Claire and ran upstairs.

"I need you to listen to mommy sweetheart. Promise me you will stay in this closet and not come out."

"Oh mommy, are we playing hide and seek?"

"We are sweetheart. So you can't come out till mommy tells you."

"I promise mommy."

Closing the closet door, Stella heard the back door being busted in. Picking up the phone, she realized it was dead.

"Damn it...where the hell is my cell?"

Remembering she left it downstairs she checked her drawer for her gun. Hoping to hell Mac brought it home and left it in there.

As she opened it she seen it. Checking inside for bullets, she cocked it and waited for him to arrive.

"Stella....oh Stella....I'm coming for you Stella. I'm here to rid you of all the evil you've had to live with over the years. I'm hear to save you."

Stella was in alot of pain. She could feel some of her stitches had been pulled opened. She could feel the heat of her blood as it soaked her shirt.

Seeing the doorknob begin to turn. She aimed her gun and waited.

After a few minutes of silence, she heard nothing. Using extreme caution she opened the door.

*SMASH*....as he pushed the door into her sending the gun flying in the air.

Grabbing her wrists he pulled her towards him, as Stella did her best to struggle.

Hearing the noise and crashes Claire came out of the closet and seen the man attacking her mommy.

"Mommy....*she sobbed*.

"Go back to the closet Claire, NOW!!!!"

Turning around she tripped over her mommy's gun, firing a round.


Laying on the ground in a pool of blood Claire stared, just as her dad and uncle's came through the door.

Meanwhile Adam was waking up.

"Sheldon....he whispered. Where's Mac?"

"He had to rush home with Danny and Flack to save Stella. Why?"

"Cause it's the Judge Sheldon. He stabbed me. He whispered Stella was full of evil sins and he needed to kill her, to rid her of the evil."

"What...Christ. I'll call Mac."

Clicking on his cell. Sheldon hoped he could reach Mac in time.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As everyone stared at Judge Conners on the floor, Mac ran over and grabbed his daughter while yelling to Danny to check on Stella.

"Claire...you okay sweetheart? Claire?"

"I's fine daddy. But who's that man bleeding?"

"Don't you worry about that sweetheart okay."

"But daddy...mommy's hurt."

"She'll be fine sweetheart. Honest. How about you go with Lindsay and she'll get you some ice cream."

"Okay daddy."

Once Claire was out of the room. Mac checked on Stella.

"Oh sweetheart, stay still the Ambulance is on it's way."

"I'm fine Mac. Just help me up."

"You're bleeding love. You've opened some of your stitches. Just stay still."

When Sheldon arrived at Mac's he noticed he missed all the action.

"You're to late Sheldon. You missed it all." Teased Danny.

"Very funny. Mac who shot the judge?"

"Never mind that. Why would the judge want to kill your wife?"

"I can answer that. I talked with Adam. He informed me that it was the judge who stabbed him. He was ranting that Stella needed to be saved from all the evil she had suffered over the years. He just kept saying over and over..."Save the innocent".

When the EMT's arrived they lifted Stella onto the stretcher.

"You go ahead Mac. Danny and I will stay with Claire."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah..go ahead."

Once they had the body removed from the house. Flack closed the bedroom door so Claire wouldn't have to see the blood again.

"Uncle Danny...we's play hide a seek?"

"Umm..nope. How about we watch a movie?"

"Okay, Sesame Street."

"Noooo....no Sesame Street. How about "The Swan Prince? Or Sleeping Beauty?"

"Fines..."Sleeping Beauty," she sighed.

Three months later....

"Baaaaarf, Baaaarf....."

"Stella are you okay?"

"No Mac. I'm not okay. I'm pregnant."

Getting up from the toilet, she walked into the room and flopped down on the bed.

Walking over Mac sat on the edge and massaged her tummy.

"Is that better love?"

"Mmm...yeah. Where's Claire?"

"She's out with boys at the Park."

"So it's just you and me?"

"It's just us sweetheart. Why?"

*Whispering* Cause I have something for you."

Bending down Mac listened as Stella whispered her naughty idea into his ear, and as the lights went out you could hear the sighs and moans begin.

The End
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