CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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"Danny" where's Stella"?

"With Flack", going over one of her cases".

"Peyton", "we will talk more later".

"Sure Mac" , "you know where to find me". (smiling as she walks away)

"Flack", "find out who Danvales Parole officer is please".

"I'm on it Mac".

"Stella", "lets go love, we have that appointment with your doctor this afternoon".

"Okay Mac", "Calm down", why are we walking so
fast"? "MAC", Stella yelled.

"Sorry love", "get in".

At the doctors office Stella and Mac were informed that her doctor wasn't available due to an emergency and that Stella would be seeing the on call physcian. Mac wasn't
comfortable with the idea but Stella told him she'd be fine.

"I'll be right back Mac".

"I'm coming in with you Stella".

"Fine", "but you're being worried about nothing".

(Doctor enters the room.)

"Good afternoon", "you must be the proud new parents to be"?

"Yes we are", replied Stella with a huge smile.

"Okay" Stella if you could get up on the table for me I'll check your blood pressure, weight and an internal exam".

"Internal exam". "No" Dr. Cowell just gave me one the other week". "I shouldn't need another one yet"?

"Let me check". "I see" you are right". "Than let's get started on everything else".

"Excuse me Dr..... "What is your name"?

"Dr. P. Powell", and you must be the father"?

"I am" and that's my wife and our child she's carrying", "understand"?

"I do", "shall we begin".

(phone rings) "I'll be right back love" said Mac.

After the doctor completed the exam he informed Stella to go down to the lab for blood work.

"Oh and Stella"?

"Yes doctor"?

"I have some pre-natal vitamin's for you to take", "twice a day".

"Okay", thanks.

Stella and Mac headed down to the medical lab for her bloodwork. The doctor made an interesting phone call.


"Peyton is that you"?

"Yeah", "who else"? "Did you give her the pills"?

"Of course but I don't like this". "Det. Mac asked alot of questions".

"Don't worry about Mac", "I'll handle him", "your concern is Stella", "understand"?


"And the poison"?

"Yes", "you're playing a dangerous game Peyton".

And with that said the phone went dead. Stella was feeling tired and asked Mac to drop her off at home, not realizing she forgot to tell him about the vitamin's from the doctor.

"Are you going to be okay love"?

"I'm fine Mac", "you go back to work".

Mac gave Stella a kiss and left out the door. What Stella didn't know was that Mac had posted two uniformed officers outside their door.

"You are not to leave your post" "Is that understood"?

"Yes sir".

And with that Mac left to go back to NYPD.

Meanwhile...... Stella had opened the vitamin's and was about to take one when the phone rang.


"Hi Stella", how you feeling"?

"Oh" hey Lindsey good". "What's up"?

"I'm off today and thought I'd bring over some lunch", "you interested"?

"Of course", c'mon over".

Stella hung up the phone and went back to opening the vitamin's.

End Scene
Owww :eek:! as Mel hits LMH for hurting Stella again. :lol:

After taking the vitamin Stella heard the door bell ring.

"Hey Stella"

"Hi Lindsey come in".

"I hope you're hungry", I brought your favorite fried chicken, potatoes and gravy with apple pie".

"Oh Lindsey", sounds great.

Stella went to the kitchen to get the plates. Lindsey sat down and seen the vitamin's sitting on the table.

"Hey Stella"?


"Where did these come from"?

"Oh they're the vitamins the doctor gave me for the baby and I".

"But I thought your doctor wasn't there today". "That's what Mac told us".

"I know", the doctor told me twice a day". "They're just vitamin's Lindsey" "What's the problem"?

"Does Mac know the doctor gave you them"?

"Hmmm", "come to think of it, I don't think so". "He had left the room to take a call".

"Stella", "you should have told Mac right away".

"Stop being so concerned", I'm starving Lindsey", and besides I've only taken one". "God you guys are going to drive me insane", I'm safe". "Believe me", Danvale is the last thing on my mind".

After they had finished eating Stella complained of stomach pain and told Lindsey she was going to lay down.

"Lindsey" "thanks for coming over and bringing the food, but I'm very tired and I think I ate to much I feel a little nausiated".

"Stella", "why don't you lie down and I'll stay with you till Mac comes home". "Okay"?

"That would be nice". Stella than laid down for a nap.

A few minutes later Lindsey called Mac.


"HI Mac", "it's Lindsey".

"Lindsey"? How is my wife feeling"?

"She's laying down Mac", "Listen are you aware this doctor gave Stella some vitamin's"?

"Lindsey" "What vitamin's"?

"I'm not sure Mac", there is no label on them and when I got here Stella said she had taken one already".

"Have you checked on her"?

"Yes" she is beside me on the couch sleeping". "But earlier she told me her stomach hurt from eating to much".

"How much did she eat"?

"Well that's the thing", hardly nothing".

"Okay" keep your eye on her I'm on my way home to get those vitamin's".

Mac left the station and rushed home to check on Stella.

"Lindsey" how is she"?

"She's still sleeping", but moaning.

"Stella", "wake up love".

"Mac", owww!, "I'm going to be sick".

Stella threw up all over Macs shoe".

"Oh God", "Mac such cramps", help me, it hurts so bad".

Mac picked Stella up and rushed her to the hospital and ordered Lindsey to take the vitamin's back to the lab for anaylisis.

End Scene
Hehehe :lol: here is more.

Upon arrival to the hospital, Mac told the doctor that stella may have been poisoned.

"Listen", she's been poisoned", with what I'm not sure".

"Take her into Triage", "STAT". "Don't worry Mac she's in good hands".

Mac felt a little at ease knowing the doctor looking after Stella was the one who took care of her in ICU.

(Mac at front nurses desk)

"Where the hell is Dr. Powell"?

"Who"?, said the nurse.

"Dr. Powell, the OBGYN", he was here this afternoon looking after my wife".

"I'm sorry", but there is no Dr.Powell at this hospital".

"Mac", yelled Lindsey. "She was poisoned with Cyanide". "Very small amount Mac". "It's a good thing she only took one".

"She shouldn't have taken any". "I should have been told about the damn pills".

"Mac", you can't blame yourself".

"I can and I do Lindsey". "She's my wife", "It's my job to keep her safe". "I sware when she gets out of here, I'll never let out of my site".

"Were there any prints on the pill bottle"?

"None Mac". said Lindsey.

At that moment the doctor came walking down the hall.

"Det. Taylor", "she's asking for you". "She's fine and the baby is fine too". "She injested a very small amount of Cyanide". "We've given her charcol and started her and the baby on a fluid drip". "She should be able to go home by morning".

"Thank-you Doctor".

"No problem Mac", "I'll check on her later".

"Oh Doc", said Mac.


"Do you know a Dr. Powell by chance"?

"Powell", no but I can check around for you if you like".

"Thanks that would be great".

"Lindsey", go back to the pills and check each one for partial prints please".

"On my way Mac".

While Lindsey left, Mac headed down to Stella.


"Hi love", "Why didn't you tell me about the vitamin's?

"I'm sorry Mac", I forgot". (crying) "I'm so sorry Mac", "I could have killed our baby".

"Stella love", stop crying". "You're fine now". "I'm never leaving your side again until we find out who is attempting to kill you and our child".

"Mac", "what about Danvale"?

"We thought that Stella", but at the time we went to the doctor Danvale was just being released". "And besides this isn't Danvales kind of work". "He's more hands on Stella". "Criminals like him don't change their MO".

"Then who Mac", "Who hates us enough to harm our baby"?

"That", "Is what we need to figure out", soon".

End Scene
No! not yet :devil: . I have to go to work. This will be it till tonight. LMH laughs evily at Mel :devil:

(Lindsey comes down the hall.)

"Mac", we found a partial print on one of the pills". "They're running it through COTIS now".

"Good", "let me know what you find".

(Doctor returns)

"Det.Taylor", "I've checked our records and we had a Dr. Powell working here a few back". "He wasn't a Gynacolegist though", "he worked as an M.E. in our hospital around the time that Peyton left. "From what I was told they were very close friends".

"Mac", Peyton". said Lindsey.

"Thank-you doctor". "Lindsey", go back and look into Peyton's history for me and let me know what you find".

"Mac", "do really think she could do this to you and Stella"?

"It's possible Lindsey", she wasn't very forgiving when I told her about my feelings for Stella". "Though I never thought she'd go this far".

"Okay Mac", I'll call you the minute I find out anything". "Are you going to let stella know"?

"No", "she's been through enough today". "From this point on it is up to all of us as a family to protect her and the baby".

With that Lindsey left the hospital, while Mac went back to stella. When he arrived at her room she was sound asleep. Mac bent down to kiss her lips and then he removed her cover, lifted her nightgown and kissed her tummy where their baby was nestled safely and climbed into bed beside her.

Hidden inside the room Peyton was watching while twisting her latex gloves over and over.

"Excuse me", "Det. Taylor"?

"Yes", "what is it"?

"I need to check your wife's vital signs".

"Sure", Mac got up out of the bed while the nurse checked over Stella.

"Mac", (whispering), "Mac"?

"What is it Danny"?

"We can't find Peyton anywhere". "No one has seen her all day".

"Okay", "Danny you do not leave Stella's side until I return", "understand"?

"You got it Mac".

After the nurse had left the room Danny sat down in chair watching over Stella. With no word of warning Peyton came out from the washroom and jammed Danny with a needle. Danny was out within seconds. Peyton then drugged Stella through her I.V. and had Dr.Powell help her remove Stella from the room.

(Mac returns)

"Danny", "Danny" wake up"? after no response Mac pushed the call button and started yelling for the doctor.

"What is it Det.Taylor"?

"Help Danny", "God", "she has my wife", "She has taken Stella".

"Who"? replied the doctor.

"Peyton", "that's who". "She must have had the help of that Dr.Powell". "I swear to God in heaven when I find them, "I'll kill them both".

"They can't have gotten far Det.Taylor", the nurse just left the room not more than ten minutes ago". "The possibility is good that they are still here somewhere".

And with that said Mac flew out of the room calling for back-up.
Whoa, this is so cool. I love the story hun. Keep it up, I like it.....did I mention I like it. *hums to "Ever Dream" by Nightwish and goes to post this up*
Hiya Mel :D Okay, who's going to be dead? :devil: lol

(Almost every officer showed up on scene)

"Mac", where do you want us to start"? asked Flack.

"Have the officers search every patients room, every E.R, every stairwell". "No one leaves."

"Det. Taylor"? "I'm afraid you can't do that". said the doctor.

"Listen". "Wether you like it or not I'm in charge". "Flack are all the exits covered"?

"Yeah", "there is no way out". "We'll find them Mac".

"How is Danny doing"?

"He's a little dizzy, but other than that he's fine". "He feels really guilty right now".

"I'll go talk to him".

"Danny"? "How you feeling"?

"I'm okay Mac", "I'm really sorry".

"Danny it's not your fault", "stop blamming yourself".

"Mac", "if anything happens to her or the baby I'll never forgive myself"

"Stop that right now Danny", "we're going to find her".

"While the police were searching the room, Mac and Flack went to check the basement level of the hospital.

"Listen Mac" "you hear that"?

"Yeah", "sounds like two voices male and female".

"DO you think it's Peyton Mac"?

"Hard to say". "On three Flack"

"One", "two, "three". And with that they busted the door. Inside they found two doctors having sexual relations. They both looked stunned.

"Sorry", Listen have you seen a doctor carrying a patient"? "He would have had a nurse with him"?

"Yes", as a matter of fact they were in quite a hurry". "They headed into one of the old E.R. rooms".

"Do you know which one"? asked Flack. "It's very important that you remember".

"I'm not sure", "there are three of them down here".

After getting the information Flack called up and told twenty officers to come downstairs and help search.

"Mac ", "wait for back-up". said Flack.

Too late as Mac was running down the halls to find the other rooms. Just as he found the last room he heard a scream.

"Stella", "Stella"? As Mac entered the room he seen the doctor lying dead on the floor. Stella on an operating table bleeding from a small inscission that Peyton had started on her stomach.

"Come any closer Mac and I'll kill the baby". Said Peyton.

"Peyton", you don't want to do this". "I know your hurting Peyton", "but if you give up now we can work this out".

"There is nothing to work out Mac", "you've made your choice". "Now it's my turn", "do you understand Mac"? "My turn".

And with that Peyton turned towards Stella.

(Bang, Bang) went the sound of a gun

End Scene
This is it. I hope you enjoyed the Danvale story as much as I did writting it. All things concidered, not bad for my first attempt. Thanks Mel for all your support through this story. You made it fun. :D

Peyton laid dead on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

"Stella", "Stella", Oh my love I thought I lost you" Picking her up in his arms he carried back upstairs to her room.

"Doctor", yelled Mac, "Her stomach, the bleeding". Holding her wound Mac realized he hadn't put her down yet..

"Prep the E.R. , now" , Stat".

"Yes Doctor".

"Mac you have to let her go", Mac, Put her down". Danny couldn't help but see the tears in Mac's eyes.

Danny touched Mac"s shoulder and Mac laid Stella on the gurnie as they transfered her to the O.R.

"Mac she'll be fine". And with that Danny grabbed Mac and embraced him in his arms. Heartbreaking cries could be heard as Mac kept repeating

"I failed her Danny", "I failed as her protector. her husband and a father". "I couldn't save my first wife from 9/11 and now Stella".

Looking down at his blood drenched hands, Mac cried harder as his family, his team embraced him tightly in their arms.

"Det.Taylor", "Your wife is in stable condition and the baby is still alive". "Your wife is very strong Mac and has an incredible will to live".

Mac looked up at the Doctor and said", "Thank-you again for saving my wife".

The End

( 8 months later)

"Huff, huff, huff", hee, hee, hee,".

"Stella breathe love, breathe".

"Listen Taylor", this is your fault that I'm in this position", I hate for putting me through this", hee,hee,huff,huff".

"Awww" , sweetheart I can see the crown", Oh! I see dark brown hair", "push love", c'mon a little more, almost there".

With one last push Stella and Mac gave birth to a 7lb, 8oz baby girl with huge brown eyes and hair.

"Stella", great job love", she's beautiful".

"Det.Taylor", "what name are you giving to your child"? asked the nurse.

"I hadn't thought of that yet"

"I have", said Stella to the nurse. "Her name is Claire Marie Taylor".

Mac looked at Stella as tears pooled in his eyes.

"Thank-you my love".

Once everyone had left Mac picked up his daughter and got into bed with his family.

"I love you Stella", always and forever".

"I know Mac", "I know".

End Story.
Thank you so much :). I loved all your feedback and comments. It is you guys who gave me the support to keep the story going. I'm hoping to start a new one soon. Though I think I'll give Mac and stella a break :D
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