CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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We are almost there guys :D Will she wake? or will she go the other way? :(. I love keeping you on the edge(LOL)

Three hours later Mac thanked Peyton for watching over stella. Once again Mac started reading to Stella. When he had read two more chapters he put down the book and got into bed beside Stella.
with gentle care Mac lifted her head and layed it on his shoulder being careful not to move the breathing tube. Before he fell asleep he whispered in Stellas ear. "Good night Stella" I love you. Mac awoke to morning light and found Stella had disappeared. In panic he screamed for the nurse. "What is it Det.Taylor"? "Stella" where is she? "She's fine", they took her to neurology this morning for more testing". A short time later Stella had returned without her breathing tube. "Good morning Mac replied the doctor. "A little good news for you". "Stella is now breathing on her own" and all her test are still normal". Mac thanked the doctor once again and called the team to give them the news. After giving the team the news he once again told Stella how much he loved her and needed her to wake up. As he bent down to kiss her he could have swore he seen her fingers twitch. Watching again he seen them move once more and as he gripped her hand it laid motionless in his. Later that evening after finishing the book he once again climbed in beside Stella and held her in his arms. "I love you Stella" and he fell asleep. Later in the night Mac felt the soft caress of a warm hand on his chest. As he woke he seen Stella looking into his eyes. "Stella" Mac replied, and a lonely tear slipped down her cheek. Sitting up Mac seen she was indeed awake but not talking. Ringing the call button the nurse entered the room. "Yes Mac"? "Stella" she's awake". As the nurse checked on Stella she could see no change. "I'm sorry Mac but she's not awake". "I'm telling you she was, look at her eye can't you see the tear"? "Mac sometimes the patient will appear as if they are awake but it's just involunteery movement". "No" I know what I seen". "I'll be back later Mac, please get some rest I'll have the doctor talk to you tomorrow". When the nurse left Mac spent the rest of the night massaging Stellas arms, legs, hands and feet as he talked to her. "This is very good for your circulation sweetheart", you'll be up and around in no time" and when Mac looked at stellas face he could have swore she was smiling.

End scene
Thank-you to all who read my FanFic story ;). I hope you all enjoy the ending. It was great to have the chance too try something new and fun :p. Who knows maybe in the future I'll write another. But alais, I'm but a poet :D.

"Stella" I'm just going to go down the hall for a minute I'll be right back". As Mac left he ran into Danny in the hall. "Mac" how is she"? "Better Danny" thanks for asking. "Sure" I'm just going to go see her. "Okay Danny" I'll see you there in a minute. Danny walked into Stellas room and leaned over her bed. "Hi Stella" It's Danny". "How are you feeling"? and as Danny watched, Stella moved her hand and smiled. Not sure as to what he had seen he watched her again. As he did they moved again. "Mac" "Mac", Danny yelled. "What is it Danny"? "Stella" she moved Mac". Mac walked over to Stellas bed and seen her hand twitching, "Stella" can you hear me? "squeeze my hand Stella if you hear me"? and with that Stella squeezed Macs hand. After Danny left to tell the team about Stellas improvement Mac laid down with Stella to rest. Later that evening Mac felt that someone was watching him, as he opened his eyes he seen Stella looking at him. "Stella" am I dreaming again or is this real"? are you really awake"? (whispering) "Mac" I'm hungry" mumbled Stella. Mac jumped out of the bed and made sure she was awake this time before calling for the nurse. "Mac" I'm hungry" whispered Stella again and this time Mac knew she was awake. As the doctor arrived he checked Stellas pupils and vital signs. "Stella" how are you feeling"? asked the doctor. In a whisper Stella replied, "very hungry". The doctor informed the nurse to get her some juice and clear broth for now. "Well Mac she seems fine, we'll do tests in the morning again and move her to a private room". "Thanks doctor" said Mac. "Mac"? "Yes Stella"? "what happened"? last thing I remember is being shot". " For a while Stella it was touch and go", I thought for sure we were going to lose you". "Mac" whispered Stella. "Yes"? "Did you read to me while I was sleeping"? I remember something about a Knight". "I did Stella", yes". "Mac" I also remember you telling me you loved me", is that true"? Mac looked at Stella with compassion and at the moment before he could tell her the answer the team walked in. "HI STELLA".

End Story.
Part 2

After everyone had left the hospital Mac helped Stella move to her private room.

"How are you feeling now Stella"? asked Mac with concern.

"Better", thanks to Lindseys home cooking. I was starving".

"I could see that", 3 pieces of breaded chicken stella"? I never seen you eat like that".

"I know", and those roasted potatoes were to die for". "Mac"?

"Yes Stella?"

"I think we need to finish a certain conversation".

"Stella" you should rest". "We can talk later". "You just came back to us". "You sleep now and I'll stay with you".

"Under one condition Mac", "you have to lay down with me again and tell me another story".

"Deal", "but you have to sleep".

After Mac had read Stella her story and she had fallen asleep he positioned her into his arms and watched her breathe until he himself dosed off.

A short time later Stella awoke embraced in Macs heat. With a sigh of longing she took her fingers and brushed back Macs hair as he moaned "Stella", "I love you". Stellas look was one of complete joy. She had longed to hear those words from him. With tears in her eyes she called his name.

"Mac", "Mac" wake up".

"What is it Stella"? Why are you crying"?

"It's nothing Mac", honest".

"Are you in pain"? "Answer me Stella", are you in pain"?

"Yes", "okay", "Yes in pain of you not being able to say you love me".

"Stella", "what are you talking about"?

"I love you Mac", "I've always loved you", "your Smile, your warmth, your kindness
but most of all the way you say you love me while you sleep". "Why can't you just say it Mac"?
"Just tell me you love me too".


"No Mac", no more. I want to hear the words. "All of them Mac", now, or I'll never let you leave this room".

Grabbing Stella tightly in his arms.

"I love you", "I love you Stella", You've always been there for me, for us. I was just to stupid to realize the feelings were there". "Never allowing myself to believe what I was feeling". "Not until I almost lost you Stella", the thought of you not being there anymore in my life, our life, almost destroyed my mind. "God Stella", do you understand"? "I love you.

Mac fell to his knees in tears and Stella bent down beside him and kissed him with all the passion and life God had given her.

The End
Mel :lol: you need to stop reading my mind. I've just started that one. :D.

2 Years Later

After a long 2 year relationship Mac and Stella are now married and pregnant.

"Stella" you shouldn't be going into work today".

"C'mon Mac", I'm fine, really". "We just found out we're going to be parents and
I want to tell everyone".

"I know that Love", but if anything happens to you and our baby I'd be lost". "I love
you Stella" and our unborn child should be your only concern".

"Mac", I'm on desk duty for you". "I'll be fine", stop being worried".

"Stella" I have alot to worry about". "Damn it, you know Danvale gets released from the Psychiatric Hospital today". "I still can't believe that bastard pleaded insanity and only got two years".

"Mac" I'll be fine, I have all of the NYPD to protect me".

"You're not helping Stella", "They weren't able to protect you back then, were they"?

"That was different Mac". "We didn't know Danvale was coming for me". "All of NYPD
know he's being released today, I'm well protected. "Please don't worry".

"I'll always worry Stella". "You're my wife, who's carrying our child". "Our child Stella" and I'll be damned if anything is going to happen to the two of you".

"Mac" "Do you trust me"?

"Of course I trust you Stella". "You're my wife".

"Then trust me when I say we'll be fine".

And with that said Stella got into the car and waited for Mac.

End Scene
Thanks for all the feedback. I'm actually having fun :D and I'm enjoying driving Mel insane :lol:

Once at the station Stella gave everyone the good news.

"Congrats" Daddy", said Danny with a huge smile.

"To hell with that Danny", said Flack. Yelling louder to get everyones attention.

"Everybody" Det.Mac and Stella Taylor are having a baby"

(NYPD officers scream through station) Congrats guys",

"Yeah" thanks". "Everyone back to work".

"Danny", "Flack" my office now".

"What's up Mac"?

"Listen up", I want you two protecting Stella and our baby". "One or the other stays with her at all times". 'Understand"?

"Sure Mac", "we heard Danvale was being released today".

"Mac" I think you need to know something", said Flack.

"What is it Flack"?

"Well", I heard from a couple of the guys that work in Psych ward that Peyton has been making regular visits there".

"What the hell would she be doing there"?

"Don't know Mac", "but what we do know is she has never gotten over you".

"So you think she's planning something with Danvale"?

"I'm not sure Mac", "but I'd watch her closely".

"You do that", I'm going to have a little talk with Peyton". "Oh" and remember don't leave Stella's side". "Got it"

"Got it Mac".

After Mac left to find Peyton she walked into NYPD CSI Dept.

"Welcome back Stella", "you look well rested" "Did you find what was making you so ill"?

"Yes", Mac and I are going to have a baby".

One look in Peyton's eyes and you could see the hatered. But Stella was to busy working to notice.

"Peyton", "Mac is looking for you". Replied Flack.

"OH", "well I shouldn't keep him waiting".

With that said Peyton went looking for Mac.

"Peyton", called Mac.

"Yes Mac"? "How are you"?

"I'm fine" I need to talk to you".

"Oh", what about"?

"I've been informed by the someone in the department that you've been spending time in the Psych Ward where Danvale is staying".

"Yes" I have Mac", I actually volunteer there twice a week".

"SO I should have no concerns that you've been talking to Danvale"?

"None at all Mac".

"Peyton", I know it was hard on you when I married Stella". "I never meant to hurt you.

"I know that Mac", "sometimes it takes a major tragedy to realize you love someone that you considered a friend".

"Peyton", "please". "Talk to me about your feelings". "For the last two years I feel you've
changed towards us". "I still consider you my close friend Peyton".

"Do me a favour Mac", "don't bother". "I can never go back to being friends". "You tore me apart inside when you ended it".

"Pey...... Before Mac could finish her name Danny came running down the hall.

"Mac", You need to see this".

"Calm down Danny", "see what"?

Danny turned on the tv in the breakroom and there was Danvale talking to the repoters.

"Danvale", "Danvale", "how do you feel after being locked away for two years"?

"I can honestly say I feel remorse for what I did to my family". I've had two years to think and talk about what I had done".

"How about the officer you shot in cold blood"?

Looking into the camera Mac could tell by Danvales eyes that he had not healed. Deep in Macs mind he knew Stella was in danger.

"I fully appoligize to Det. Stella". "What I did was wrong", and for that I'm truely sorry".

As Danvale was turning away he looked into the screen with a smirk of pure evil.

End Scene
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