CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

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Two weeks later...

It was a raining, when the young girl was on her way home, to see her husband. She had been working out of town.

"Thank God, I'm almost home." she whispered.

As she pulled into the driveway of her home, she noticed how dark it was.

"Hmm, that's strange..." Getting out of the car, she unlocked the door to her home and walked in.

"Well this is strange... I'm sure Mike knew I was coming back today."

Being really tired from the flight, the young girl decided to have a nap.

It must have been a few hours later, she felt the heat of a mans hand, across her cheek, and the cologne she loved so much.

"Mm, you're home Mike."

Opening her eyes, she was shocked, there stood a tall man with a knife to her throat.

"Move....and die."

Taking out his cuff's from behind his back, he placed them on her, while shoving a cloth in her mouth.

"Not a word....or I'll kill you right here."

Grabbing some electrical tape, he tied her feet together. Picked her up, and carried her to his van. Shovering her in the back, he got in the front and took off.


"Mom... can we go down the bridge? We promise to stay away from the water."

Claire was finally able to walk around her home, and do small tasks. Being in a happy mood, she yelled...

"Yeah... but take your watch, and back by four to get washed up for dinner."

"Okay mom, we love you."

"I love you too, boys."

When the boys got to the waters edge. They picked up stones and tossed them in.

"Hey James... what's that?"

Walking over the boys seen what looked like a body, bound and gagged.

"I"m calling Uncle Gary."

When Gary, Don, and Danny showed up, they had the boys sit in the squad car.

"Whoa... that was weird. Did you see her? She was all sliced."

James was feeling ill. He didn't want to talk about the body. Then he seen his dad. Running from the car, he wrapped himself in his arms, whispering...

"I want to go home daddy, take me home."

"We're going home son, that's why Uncle Gary called me. To bring you home. Where is your brother?"

"Trying to see the body again. He thinks it's neat."

Tony laughed. James was always the tender one. Jimmy was the tough one. Always looking for the unspected. Which today, he found.

"Let's go Jimmy."

"Aww... come on dad. That's not fair. I want to stay and watch."

Laughing Tony carried him over his shoulder to their car.
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"Sheldon... time of death, please."

"Not more then four hours ago Gary. She died of severe torture. Her killer, skinned her feet, her hands, and her face. She also has deep lacerations to her chest, back, and lower thighs. I won't know if she's been assaulted till I get her back to Sid."

"Christ... Claire is going to blow it. Her boys seen all this?"

"No. They didn't pull back the sheet, Gary. The most they seen were the lacerations to her arms, and legs."

"Okay Sheldon, take her. Danny, you and I will process the scene."


Back at the house, Claire wondered what was going on when Tony walked in with the boys.

"Tony? What are you doing home so early?"

"I had to pick up the boys from the bridge."

"What did you two do now?"

"Nothing mom, we found a body. All cut up and everything. It was so cool."

"You worry me Jimmy. James, you look sick, are you okay honey?"

"Uhuh... it was scary mom, really scary. Who would do that?"

"I'm not sure son. How about you get washed up, then you and your brother can play some Wii."

Once the boys were out of range, Claire said...

"Please tell me they didn't see the whole body?"

"No baby. They only seen the arms and legs, the rest of her was covered. But now that I'm home, how are you feeling?"

"Good... the babies and I are fine."

Walking back to the kitchen, Tony carefully wrapped his arms protectively around her waist.

"What are you up too, mister?"

"Nothing baby. I just want to hold you for a while. That's okay isn't it?"

Leaning herself against her husbands chest, she smiled... "yeah, it's okay. I love you, you know that, right?"

"Of course I do baby. I love you too. But what's wrong Claire?"

"You know... sometimes I wish you would stop reading me."

"Never baby. It's my job as your wonderful husband, to keep you forever happy."

Claire smiled. Damn sometimes Anthony was to perfect. "So what is it, baby?"

"I'm not sure. When I carried Jimmy and James, I had this amazing feeling throughout my pregnancy. Maternal instincts that everything was going to be alright. That they were both healthy. But with our girls it's different. Something just doesn't feel normal. I don't feel that comforting feeling."

Tony wasn't sure what to think. But he knew Claire was being honest. Since the begining she had said something wasn't right.

"Look at me baby. All we can do is pray each night, that God helps us bring into this world two healthy beautiful girls. But if he can't, then we need to understand that it just wasn't the right time for us. Do you understand Claire? Please tell me you understand."

With tears dancing on her lids, she whispered... I understand Tony, I do."

Softly kissing her tears, her cheeks, her sweet lips, he carried her to bed.

"I want you to rest baby. I'll finish supper."

Leaving the room, Tony collapsed in the hall. "Please God... I know we talk that often. But please keep our daughters healthy."

Walking back down he placed the steaks into the oven, along with the baked potatoes.

"Dad... are you okay? You seem sad, and you've been crying."

"Come here James, daddy needs a hug."

Snuggling James under his neck, was getting a little hard to do. For he had grown so much. "I love you son."

"I love you too dad. Alot. You want to come play Wii sports with us?"

"Sure bud. Let's go."

Heading into the den, Tony and the boys played. Which helped Tony alot, even if only for a little while.
Aww... I love that little moment between James and Tony. And then James asking if Tony wanted to play wii cause he knew he needed something to get his mind off of unpleasant thoughts.
thanks for the reviews:)

When Gary returned to the lab, he headed down to see Sheldon.

"Please tell me you found something?"

"Your victim was assaulted. She has tearing throughout her vaginal walls. No foreign object was used though. But... I found this. A very small piece of latex, could have been left behind by the attacker. I found no traces of seman, but I sent a rape kit up to Adam."

"Any distinctive wounds? Tattoos? Scars? That can help us ID the victim?"

"One heart shaped tattoo, with the initials, M/P on her right thigh."

"Gary... we got a hit. Michael Thompkins just reported his wife Pamela missing. He said she came home last night from a buisness trip. He found her luggage, purse, and coat. He also said the house looks disturbed. Including the bed sheets, that showed signs of a struggle."

"Alright... let's get over there. Thanks Sheldon."


Long Island Courthouse... 100 Federal Plaza Central Islip,NY

He was late for work. He knew he would be. Damn that little bitch for having such tough skin. One of the hardest out of the four, he had done so far. Shame really, that this one would be found. He had done well so far. Excellent as far as he was concerned. But with that damn interruption last night, he had no time to bury this one.

But that was okay. For he knew he was careful. He had left no evidence behind.

"Damn you Feebers, you're late again. What did I tell you? Do you know how hard it was for me to get you this security job, and what do you do? Make me look like an idiot, by being late all the time."

"I'm sorry Scott. I am. Please don't tell."

"Fine. But once more and I have no choice. Step brother or no step brother."

"I understand. Thank you," he said as he hooked his cuff's.

"Why do your cuff's have blood on them?"

"Hm... oh, I cut myself last night, I"ll go wash them off."

"God you are a slob sometimes, pull yourself together."

Rushing into the bathroom he washed his cuffs, dried them, and hooked them back on. Coming out of the washroom, he headed into Courtroom #3.


When they arrived at the Thompkins home, Michael was emotionally distraught.

"Please... tell me you found my wife."

"Sir, my name is Detective Gary Taylor. I regret to inform you, that your wife is dead."

"Nooooooo... nooooo... please, she can't be. How can you know it's her?"

Taking out the picture of the tattoo on her left thigh. Gary showed it to Michael as he collapsed on the ground.

"Oh God... why? Who would do this? Who?"

"That's what we are trying to figure out. We need to process your home. Do you have somewhere you can go?"

"Yeah... yeah, my mothers place. God this is my fault. I shouldn't have been late last night. I shouldn't have."

"Where do you work?"

"Long Island Courthouse. I had the evening shift. But the other guard,
Kennith Feebers was late. So I had to call in our boss, Scott Feebers. He showed up around one thirty this morning, so I could come home."

"So Kennith and Scott are brothers?"

"Step brothers. They had different fathers I think. Why all the questions?"

"Sorry, just trying to be thorough. You can go. We will call you when you can get back in."

After he left, Danny said...

"What are you thinking Gary?"

"Nothing yet. Let's start processing."

As they processed the room, Gary had a bad feeling, that this wasn't going to be the last victim they found.