CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Back at the Staton's, Donna decided to bring Jessie and li'l Gary over for a visit. Knocking on the door, she hoped that Claire wasn't resting. Hearing the click of the lock, she seen her nephew.

"Hi aunt Donna. Come on in. Mom... auntie is here with Jessie and Gary."

Walking into the den, Jessie ran into her aunties arms.

"Hi auntie, I's come to see you with our new baby."

"You did. Well thank you for coming. Hi Donna."

"Hi Claire. We were kind of lonely at home, so I though it would be nice to visit."

"Sure, have a seat. Did you want coffee?"

"No, I'm fine. Are you going out? The boys have their coats on."

"Oh... Tony's taking them for ice cream."

"Ice cream? said Jessie. I loves ice cream."

"You do. Would you like to go with uncle Tony and the boys?"

"Yes pease. Can I mommy?"

"Of course you can Jessie. If uncle Tony says it's okay."

Running to the kitchen, she smacked right into Tony.

"Ouff.. oww uncles that hurt."

Picking Jessie up, he kissed her cheek. "Sorry little angel, you got in your uncles way."

"I knows. I go for ice cream with you?"

"Of course you can. You can have any flavour you like too."

Placing her down, she ran back into her mommy.

"I cans go mommy."

Once the kids and Tony left. Donna asked...

"Claire, are you okay? You seem upset."

"Hm... no, I'm fine Donna, just really tired alot. Comes from carrying twins," she tried to smile.

"It's more then that. Come on Claire, talk to me."

"Honestly Donna, I'm fine. Now let me see my beautiful nephew."

Taking Gary from Donna's arms, Claire held him against her, swallowing back her tears.


Jessie was giving her uncle fits. Everytime she would choose a flavour, she'd change her mind.

"Okay Jessie, what flavour?"

"I not know. What are dey."

Tony sighed. This was turning into an all day event. Were all little girls this difficult? Is this what he had to look forward too.

"There are hundreds of flavours Jessie. Just pick something."

"Hows bout the orange one?"

"One orange sherbert please."

Passing Jessie the ice cream, she licked it.

"Eww... I no like dis one. I trade?"

"No you can't trade honey. That's the one you picked. How about you try mine. It's vanilla, chocolate fudge."

Taking a taste of her uncles she liked it. "Mm...I take dat pease."

Sitting down to eat their ice cream. Jessie changed her mind again.

"Can I have dat one like Jimmy has?"

Tony sighed again. He had just about had it.

"I don't think Jimmy wants to switch sweetheart. Why don't you just finish that one?"

"But I no wants it now. I wants dat one, pease uncle."

Jimmy walked up to the counter and grabbed a little dixie bowl with a spoon. Placing some of his into the cup, he then took some of his brothers butterscotch.

"Here you go Jessie. Now you have some of everyones."

"Sank you Jimmy. I love you."

"I love you too Jessie."

After finishing their ice cream. Tony grabbed a container of tiger stripe for Claire, and headed home.

"Mommy, we's home." yelled Jessie.

Running into her mommy's arms, Donna noticed her daughter was covered in ice cream. More then one flavour too.

"Oh my... how much ice cream did you have?"

"I'll tell you. She had some orange sherbert, butterschotch, vanilla chocolate fudge, and chocolat chunk. She's allot like her father isn't she?"

"Why? laughed Donna.

"She has this need to taste one of everything."

"Yeah, she has a wonderful pallet... she does that at home too. I'll give her three different types of cookies, or fruits. She'll try little bites. Then when she finds the one she likes, she'll eat it and leave the other two."

Hearing a knock at the door, Jimmy answered it. "Hi uncle Gary, come in. Auntie, uncle is here."

Walking into the living room, Gary knew his sister was upset. He always knew, for he could feel her, just like she felt him.

"Hey sis, how you feeling?"

"I'm good bro, give me a hug."

Sitting down beside his sister, he took her into his arms. Leaning into his ear she whispered... "I'm scared Gary. Really scared." "I know sis, I can feel you shivering. You need to calm down." Looking up at Tony he asked... "What has the OBGYN said Tony?"

"She said that everything looked good so far. But that was during her first trimester. She's in her second now, and due for an ultrasound tomorrow."

"Then you know what I think sis? I think you shouldn't worry about it till tomorrow. For tonight, have Tony give you a wonderful bubble bath, followed by a warm loving massage."

"Oh thanks alot Gar. You've never offered me one of those." laughed his wife.

"All in good time Donna. Now let's go home, I think Gary is ready for his nap."

Giving his sister a kiss, he left for home with his family.
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When Claire and Anthony arrived for their appointment, Claire was taken right into x-ray. Laying on the table, she held her husbands hand.

"Tony... I'm really scared. I know I say that alot and I'm sorry. But I am."

"I know you are baby. But it's going to be alright, you'll see."

"Good morning Claire, how are you feeling?"

"Not good. I just know something is not right."

"Okay... on your first ultrasound at 10 weeks, everything was normal. The Amnio came back normal, showing female genes. Nurse Sue, if you could grab me Claire's untrasound pictures from 10 weeks please."

"Of course doctor."

When she came back with the pictures, she showed Claire.

"See these two tiny little sacs?"

"Yeah. Oh... they are so tiny."

"Mhm... those are you babies. So now you are in your second trimester, we can have another look at those healthy babies."

"Um... what if they changed sex? They can do that, can't they?"

"Very unlikely Claire, Amnio's are 100 percent spot on."

Placing the gel on Claire's tummy she started the exam. Moving the little ball around, Tony could only see one baby, as could Claire.

"Where's my other baby? Where is it?"

"Calm down baby. Just relax."

"Hmm... intersting." Continuing to roll the little ball, she couldn't find the other fetus anywhere.

"Give me a minute Claire, I want to bring in one of our specialists we have on staff. He's very caring, and understanding."

"Tony... I told you something was wrong. You wouldn't listen to me. You wouldn't."

"Shh... I'm sorry baby, really sorry."

"Okay Claire, this is Dr.Roberts. He specializes in fetus growth and development."

"Hello Claire. I know this must be very frustrating for you. But give me a minute and I'll have the answers you need, okay?"

After looking at the first ultrasound, he noticed there were indeed two
fetuses. Placing the ball back on her tummy, he rolled it around each and every area of her womb, uterus, and other internal organs.

"Well Dr.Roberts?" asked Tony.

"It seems your wife was carrying twins, but one vanished. We call this wombtwins. It's an embryo or fetus that dies in the womb. Also known as vanishing phenomenon.

Basically... two developing gestational sacs are seen at the first ultrasound scan, but only one is visible at the second scan."

"Are you telling us one of our babies has died?"

"Yes. Most wombtwins die because of a poorly implanted placenta, a developmental anomaly that may cause major organs to fail or be missing completely. Frequently the twin is a blighted ovum, that never developed beyond the very earliest stages of embryo development."

The doctor could see their confusion and disbelief.

"This can't be true? What happened to the other fetus?"

"I assure you it can Mrs.Staton. The other fetus was absorbed into your system. I can also assure you, that your second little girl is doing wonderfully, she's already a healthy size for your 17th week of pregnancy. Lay back and I"ll show you."

While Claire layed back down again, the doctor showed them their beautiful little girl.

"Here are her feet, as you can see her little hands are up above her, with the left one near her mouth."

"Whoa... that's amazing. Look at her Claire. It looks like she's sucking her thumb, she's beautiful.

"Juila. She's our little Julia. Juila Mae Staton."

Finishing up the ultrasound Dr.Roberts left the room.

"Are you feeling better now Claire?"

"A little. Did my other baby suffer. Would she have felt any pain?"

"No Claire. The other fetus never had a chance to develop properly. Also...if not for your severe morning sickness we would have never known about the other fetus, because ultrasounds are done in the second trimester. So we would have seen only one baby, with the other one being already absorbed in your system."

"So it's nothing we did wrong? It wasn't our fault in any way?"

"No Claire, it was no ones fault. It's just one more medical wonder."

"Um... could I get a picture of both ultrasounds? I don't think anyone is going to believe this without pictures. Especially our boys."

"Of course you can. It's going to make quite a topic for your family. I'll see you again in four weeks Claire, take care of yourself. Go out and have a little fun now."

"I will, I promise. Oh Tony... this is so amazing. But yet sad at the same time."

"I know baby. But at least we know our other daughter is doing wonderful. So how about we go pick up the boys at school, take them out for lunch, then baby shopping. After that we can all paint the nursery as a family."

"I'd like that Tony."

Walking out to the waiting area, the nurse passed Claire her pictures.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Mrs.Staton, here is your appointment for four weeks time."

Heading out the door, Tony picked his lovely up, and carried her to their car.

"Now let's go get our boys."

Laughing at her husbands silliness, they pulled out of the lot.
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He was finished his shift. As he helped clear the Courtroom he heard the Lawyer talking to her client.

"Listen to me Betty, I need that address you are staying at. It's very important I have the information."

"I understand that. But what if my husband finds me?"

"He won't. There is only you and I here, no one else is listening."

As the woman read of the address, Kennith memorized it in his head.

"Excuse me ladies. I need to clear the Courtroom."

"Of course. I'll call you tonight Betty. Don't worry you'll be fine."

As Betty left with her lawyer in tow, Kennith smiled with pure evil as he whispered...

"Skin their face, Skin their hands, Skin their feet, to make the corpse complete." he rhymed.

"Kennith? What the hell are you doing? You have patrols."

"Sorry Scott, the case ran late. Sorry, I'm on my way."

Leaving the room Scott said to himself... "there is seriously something wrong with that boy. Why the hell does he rhyme so much?"


Tony, the boys and Claire had sat down to lunch.

"Mom. How did your appointment go with the doctor?"

"It was good James. I'm glad you asked. Your dad and I have something to share with you."

"Our babies are okay? Aren't they mom?"

"Come closer boys, I'd like you to see pictures of your sister."

"Sister? I thought we had two?"

"We did. This is what dad and I need to explain. Here is my first ultrasound. See those two little sacs?"

"Those are our sisters?"

"Mhm... I did have two babies in there. But my body rejected one of the babies, cause it knew it was ill."

"You mean babies can get sick in your tummy?"

"They can. It's actually called a womb sac, they grow in for nine months."

"But I don't understand. What happened to the other baby?"

"It absorbed itself into my system. Disappeared, kind of like a magic trick. The doctors call these fetuses a wombtwin. "

"Whoa... that's really weird mom. I'm glad I'm not a girl."

Claire laughed at Jimmy, as did his dad.

"So can we see our one sister?"

"Mhm... here she is. Say hello to Julia Mae Staton."

"Whoaaa... this is awesome. Look at her tiny hands, she's sucking her thumb. That is so neat. Look at her James."

"Aww... you know what this means, don't you mom? We are going to have to take extra good care of Julia when she's born. She's going to need all our extra love, and understanding."

Snuggling her son in closer, she had to agree.

"You are right James, and we will. So let's finish up lunch, and get to shopping for your sister."

Once they had all the items they needed, the Staton family loaded everything into the van. They all knew it had been quite a day, as the boys had fallen asleep in the back seat. Not wanting to wake them, Tony turned down the radio, and reached for his wife's hand.

"You happy baby?"

"I am. I really understand about our other child. But as James said..." we will just have to take extra good care of Julia."

Squeezing her hand a little tighter, he kissed her knuckles. Letting her know without words, that everything would be perfect from here on out.
When Michael showed up for work, Scott informed him, how sorry he was to hear about his wife.

"I'm really sorry Michael. Do they have any idea what happened?"

"No. They haven't got any leads. All I know is they found her skinned."

"Christ... skinned?"

"Yeah. The killer skinned her hands, feet and face. According to the medical examiner it was very upsetting to see a victim butchered like that. They wouldn't even let me say good bye. I had to view a picture of her tattoo."

"I'm sorry Michael. Why don't you take some time off. I'll cover for you."

"No. I need to work. But thank you for the offer."

"Okay... if you change your mind, just give me a call at home."

"I will. Night Scott."


He was lurking around her home. Why she had chosen a home so far away from the city was beyond him. But it sure made his job easier.
Putting on the utility outfit, and belt, he walked up, knocking on her door.

"Who is it?"

"New York Untility maam. I need to check your meter, but it's located in the back."

"Oh... just a minute."

Opening the door, he looked at her standing there in her housecoat and slippers. Walking in, he moved towards the back room with her. Pulling out his knife, he slammed her against the wall, and held her there.

"Please... what do you want?"

"I want to skin you. I want to peel the skin from your feet, your hands, your beautful face. Aww... don't cry. I promise you will feel nothing. Not even when I assault you. You know why?"

Shaking her head with fear, she could barely breathe.

"You won't feel a thing because I will drug you first. You see, I hate watching women who pretend they like to be touched. They all lie you know. They say they like it, but they don't, they really hate it. So I drug them, that way I don't have to watch them lie to me with their facial expressions."

While holding the knife to her neck, he pulled out a syringe and drugged her. Once she was passed out cold. He slit the knife up her clothes, exposing her sunkissed flesh. Lowering himself upon her, he took all he could from her. Then when he had had enough, he placed his knife to her ankle, slicing around in a circle, before pulling her skin off her foot.

Repeating the process with her other foot, followed by her hands, and face, he stopped, admiring the piece of art he had created with his skills. Each woman he skinned had been unique. Each new design, represented how well adjusted he was becoming to his skill. Taking her skin, he sliced it into little pieces, and flushed it down the toilet several times.

Once he was sure all the skin was gone. He took two containers of bleach, and poured it down the toilet, followed by liquid draino. Cleaning the counter where he had cut, he pulled out his can of luminol,and sprayed the counter. Seeing no traces of blood, he sat down to a coke, and waited for the deepest hours of night to come.

Looking at the clock, he noticed it was 2am. Taking her body, he carried it to the back yard. Taking the shovel, he pulled the professionally laid grass back, and removed the earth from the surface. Once he had the hole deep enough, he buried her, placing the rolled grass back over top. Looking to make sure all was in order, he headed back into the home, and cleaned the floors. Respraying the luminol he made sure no visible trace was left, and headed home.
Woah, this guy is smart using the luminol. But how did he get his hands on luminol when he's just a security guard. Burying the victim in her own backyard... creepy. Yikes!