CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

The main reason is he's confused, and messed up. Another reason is because of his converstation with his father before they took him away. His father told him that his mother was to blame for putting him away, cause she didn't care about him, like she did her other son . So he swore when he was released, he would get his revenge on them all. :) then when he found out about his father being murdered, he went fully insane.

So he couldn't get near teresa(his mom), so he went back to Judy instead. cause she was an easier target
Thanks for the reviews:)
When Don arrived at the Inn, he opened the door and found it quiet. Wondering if Teresa was in the bedroom, he walked in and found her in bed with Nevens.

"You have got to be kidd'n me? Nevens... get the hell out of that bed.

You're suppose to be on duty. Christ... just when I thought I seen it all. Teresa, pack up, Jerry is dead. So you can go home now."

"Home where? I don't have a home, here."

"Then you have till the end of the week, to find one. Cause that's how long the room is paid up for. Hey... maybe Nevens can take you home to his wife and kids. I'm sure his wife wouldn't mind. Would she Nevens?"

Nevens knew Don wouldn't say anything. But he also knew, how Don felt about affairs. Slamming the door behind him, Don walked out of the Inn without turning back.


Tony had left the Hospital to pick up the boys at school.

"Dad... how was mommy feeling today?"

"She's fine son. Still a little nauseated, but better."

"So our babies are okay?"

"They seem to be. So do you two have homework?"

"Just a little dad. We can do it at the Hospital. Can mom eat yet?"

"She can have things like Sherbert, jello, clear broths. Why son?"

"I just thought we could pick her something up."

"We can do that. I know she liked the orange sherbert at the Hospital, so we can pick her up that."

"Okay, and a special card. Cause she needs lots of cheering up right now."

Mussing up his sons hair, they pulled into the Grocery store.


Gary and Jessie had arrived at the Hospital to see her mommy, and new brother. Walking into the room, Gary found them both sound asleep.

"Shh... quiets daddy. Mommy sleep'n."

Walking up to the bed, Jessie kissed her brothers cheek, causing him to scrunch up his little face and yawn.

"Did you see that daddy? My broder yawned at me."

Waking her mommy from sleep, she smiled at her daughter.

"Hi mommy. I's miss you today. Wants to see the piture I made for you and my broder?"

"Of course I do honey. Let's have a look."

Showing her mommy the picture in the beautiful heart decorated frame, she teared up.

"That's beautiful baby. I love it. Why don't you and daddy hang it up for mommy. Gar... I smell your famous pepper steakes. Mm... pass that dinner over."

Laughing he lifted the carry all container to her little table. Picking up his son, he sat down with him in the chair while Donna ate her dinner.

"Daddy, can I help hold Gary?"

"Of course you can sweetheart. Come up on my other knee."

Climbing up her daddy's knee. She snuggled into her daddy's arm, as he placed her brother in her arms.

"Hold him tight, but not to tight. That's it sweetheart. Good girl, you are a wonderful big sister."

"Cause I delivered hims, right daddy?"

"That's right Jessie, and when Gary is older. You'll be able to tell him all about it."

Lowering her head, she whispered in her brothers ear...

"I's love you broder, and I will takes good cares of you."

Stretching himself wide, Gary let out a scream.

"Oooh... whats the matter wid him daddy?"

"I think he may be hungry. Is it feeding time for him Donna?"

"Mhm... actually I'm about ten minutes late with his feeding."

Getting up from the bed, Donna changed his diaper, carried him to the rocker, and fed him.

"Mommy? Why does Gary do dat."

"You mean curl his little fist open and shut, near mommy's heart?"

"Yeah.. why he do dat?"

"Cause babies love to be able to feel their mommies heartbeats."

"When are they releasing you sweetheart?"

"Tomorrow morning. Have you got everything ready?"

"Mhm... the nursery is done. We have an ample amount of diapers, wipes, everything is all set."

"Daddy... can we go home now? I getting tired."

"Sure we can sweetheart."

Giving her mommy and brother a kiss. They left for home.
Generation is updated
Why does Teresa keep going after married men? Can't she find a single one? :lol: Loved Don's reaction though. Can't imagine how Danny would have reacted if he'd been there.

Jessie is so adorable. Love those boys too!
One week later...

Claire was finally being released. She could hardly wait to get home and eat. Mind you the jello, sherbert, and chicken broth had its good points. She was dying for some delicious deep fried chicken. Problem was, she needed to work her way around Tony's heart. For once she stepped foot in that house, he'd have her confined to their bed.

Laughing at the thought of it all, she patted her little swollen tummy.

Being fourteen weeks now, she only had a another two weeks to go, before all the severe morning sickness was behind her. At least she hoped the doctors words held true. Plus knowing she was carrying twin girls. Her, Tony and the boys, could start on the Nursery.

Giving her tummy one last pat, she whispered to her girls...

"Okay Julia, Jillian, let's go home."

"Hi mom, we're here. You ready to come home, with our sisters?"

Claire smiled. Her boys were so excited that they were having sisters. As soon as they heard the news, they screamed through the halls, scaring the other patients.

"Yup... I'm ready boys, let's go."

Heading out the door, Claire seen the wheelchair.

"I can walk Tony. I don't need that, but thanks."

"Sit baby. Now."

"Fine... but don't think you're going to get away with this at home. For when you're at the University, I'll have time to do, what I want to do."

"You think so baby? I guess I forgot to mention... your mom will be staying with you on the days I work."

"Damn you Tony, this isn't right. I should be able to move about. You may as well have just left me here."

"Look at this way baby. You have two more weeks of being pampered and spoiled. So enjoy them. Once you are in your fourth month, I'll be a little more lenient with you."

"Yeah mom. Listen to dad. He's right," smiled James.

"Yeah mom, he is. Daddy also made deep fried chicken for dinner."

"He did, why?"

"Cause... he knew you would come home and make it. So he beat you to it. This way you can stay in bed and rest."

Giving her husband one of her fathers famous looks, he blew her a kiss.

"Forget it mister. It's going to take more then an air kiss, for me too forgive you."

Laughing he wheeled her to the car.


Don and Mac had the boys out for lunch. Sitting down at the table, Alan reached his hands towards the beef macaroni daddy had bought.

"Just a minute son." Picking some up on the spoon, Mac placed it to his mouth.

"Here you go Alan, open for daddy."

Tunring his head away, he reached for the macaroni again.

"I think he want to feed himself Mac."

"I know Don. But the last time he fed himself, he wore most of it."

Don laughed. he loved the terrible two stage. He could hardly wait till Donald got there.

"You know Mac. I kinda like the terrible two stage. It gives us the insight we need, to know what their personalities are going to be like."

"If he's anything like Gary. I already know."

Passing his son the bowl of macaroni with a spoon, Alan tossed the spoon to the ground, using his fingers to eat instead.

"What did I tell you, just like Gary was."

Watching in deja-vu. Don laughed as Alan threw some of his macaroni, across the table.

"Oh yeah... he's a regular little Gary alright."

"Keep laughing Don. Wait till yours starts eating on his own. I'll be sure to have Alan teach him what he needs to know."

Looking at Mac, the smile disappeared from Don's face.
When Mac got home he tried to put Alan down for his nap.

"Have a good nap son, sleep tight."

Seeing his daddy leave his room, Alan didn't want to sleep alone. He wanted to sleep with his daddy again. Standing up on his crib, he screamed at the top of his lungs, over and over... "daaaaaaaaaaddy, daaaaaaaaaaaaddy..." till his daddy came back in.

"Listen you little monkey, it's bed time."

"Daaaaddy...uppy. Daaaaaaaaaaaaddy."

Sighing deep, Mac picked up his teary eyed son, carrying him to his room.

"Mommy is going to give us both trouble when she gets home. You know that right son?"

Curling under his daddy's neck, he could care less. For he was with his daddy, and to him, that was worth all the trouble from mommy in the world."

When Claire walked in the door, she seen her mom.

"Mom... what are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure Tony and the boys had no problems getting you into bed."

"Ah come on... this is a little OTP."

Sweeping his wife up in his arms, before she could complain again, he carried her to their bed. Placing her down gently, he softly kissed her lips.

"You be a good girl, and I will reward you with soft tender kisses, and slow sensual love tonight." he whispered seductively.

Leaving her to the company of her mother, she helped her undress.

"What did you want to wear sweetheart? your pj's or a nightgown?"

"I'd rather have a pair of loose jeans and t-shirt please."

"Come on Claire bear. I know this is going to be hard on you. But it's very important you listen. Think of those beautiful girls you'll soon have."

"I"m trying mom. It's just I've missed so many seminars, so many classes with my students. I'll be lucky if I have a job to go back too."

"Would that be so bad for now Claire? Once you have the girls, your hands will be full. It's not going to hurt too let Tony carrying the weight for a while."

Claire teared up. She hated being idle. She needed to be on the move.

Once her mother had her in pj bottoms and tank top, Jimmy brought in her dinner.

"Mommy... we have dinner for you."

"Thank you Jimmy, it looks good."

"You're welcome mom. Nana... did you some too?"

"No thanks Jimmy bear. Nana has to get home to feed papa and Alan."

"Okay... we'll all be in soon mom to eat with you. So don't start without us."

"I'm going to get going love. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

Kissing her daughters cheek, she left.

"How is she mom?"

"A little depressed. She wants to go back to work. I'm going to be honest with Tony, you may not be able to keep her down. You are going to have to give her some kind of freedom, else she will get worse. Claire has always been a go getter. She doesn't know how to stay put."

Kissing Tony on the cheek, she said... "I'll see you in the morning."

When Stella arrived at home, she checked her sons room. Finding the crib empty, she shook her head. Walking into her room, she found them both curled in each others arms. Looking from one to other, she could see the uncanny likeness between them. Both slept with their mouths partially opened, Alan had head buried under his daddy's neck. While Mac had his arms wrapped protectively around him.

So close the two of them were. Closer then he had been to Claire or Gary. Laughing at the sight of them dressed in their black jeans, and black t-shirts. Covering them both up, she headed into the kitchen to start supper.